Rating:  Summary: Try Dr. Phil it works! Review: To all the naysayers I gave this book five stars because I think that any book that will help so many and is so well informed should be given the recognition that it is do. All those out there that gave it a "one star" rating probably have not even read the book or did not read it with an open mind. It is hard to accept anything, especially the truth, when your mind is closed. The information in this book is excellent. It gave me the information I needed to go to the doctor and finally get tested to see whether or not I might not have something wrong which may make it impossible for me to lose weight. I know now how to look at the results and how to ask all the right questions. I owe my new found confidence at my doctors to Dr. Phil. I have always been a bit timid because I usually just do not know what to ask- now I know and that makes all the difference. Many people are misinformed I believe about Dr. Phil's book because they seem to think that it is just like any other portion controlled diet out there- which, by the way, is not an unhealthy diet by any means. Dr. Phil advocates moderation in all things. Not a new concept and one that everyone from most of America's doctors, major fitness magazines and the American Heart Association agree with. My two favorite fitness gurus Jorge Cruise and Denise Austin also advocate such a diet with regular exercise. I do not see anything radical or unhealthy about this diet. The typical America diet is made up of highly processed foods, fast foods, junk food and lots of sugar products. Dr. Phil says that you will make a difference in your weight just by cutting one of these things- you may reach your goal but you will lose weight. I know that this works because I gave up soft drinks last year and dropped about 7 pounds. Dr. Phil just wants you to have a healthy, well-balanced diet with regular exercise- weight training if possible. I have read The Ultimate Weight Solution all the way through and my doctor also said that this diet was not at all harmful and that I would do myself a world of good getting on a diet that would not make me fix my own food instead of buying it packaged and one that was so well-balanced. He said that pre-packaged, highly processed foods were a big part of the reason that American are so overweight and I agree. I have eaten that way most of my life and except for my dad, who seems to have an extraordinary metabolism, all the women in my family are overweight. There is another thing that makes this not a just another fad diet. Dr. Phil is not asking you to go on it for one week, or three weeks, or even six months; he is telling you that you have to be on this eating plan for the rest of your life. That means that you will cheat and you will have depressed days and you will slack off at times on your exercising but you have to have the determination and the acceptance to understand that these things will happen but you have to get right back up on that horse and eating the way you know will benefit you. This is not a rollercoaster, this is more like a steady road that you are going to have to drive down for the rest of your life if you wish to ever see those blue mountains in the distance. I think that this makes the diet a little scary because so many people are so used to thinking that in time they will be able to go back to the way they have always lived. This is not what is going to happen if you follow Phil- this is forever. I wrote this e-mail hoping to allay fears about the Ultimate Weight Solution and hopefully to better inform people who are still on the fence about trying it (I am most likely preaching to the choir but anything that helps is well worth the effort). I think it would be in your best interest and the interest of your friends and family to read and try Dr. Phil's Ultimate Weight Solution. Dr. Phil is really a great doctor and he understands human behavior, which he will help you to understand and change. The Weight Solution works- try it!
Rating:  Summary: The Ultimate Weight Solution¿and its true! Review: The bad reviews seem to only be able to say a very few things: Phil is fat, Phil is not qualified or this diet plan does not work. People who have read this book and liked it though seem to have more down to earth commentary in comparison. They talk about the ways in which this book has changed their lives, not about how much they hate someone else. I have been working for a professional counseling service for the past 3 years and I have seen a lot of people in the office with real problems. The people who seem to actually get better and take steps in their life to improve it seem to be the ones that begin the counseling with a more positive attitude. They are the ones that no matter what their problem is they are not mean and seem to try to take an active part in their recovery. Meanness, and calling someone obese fat or whatever else is very mean when the person works so hard to keep their weight down, seems to produce more problems than it solves. We acquired a copy of Phil's new book for our office and I have read it cover to cover during my lunch breaks. I think that the Ultimate Weight Solution tries to get people into the positive, no holds barred attitude that gets results when you are counseling. Phil doesn't take no for an answer. Yes, you are going to change your life. Yes, you can change your habits. Yes, you are a good person. I believe that this approach works, maybe not for everyone but it will for the millions out there that read Dr. Phil and watch him or simply listen every once in a while to his advice. Meanness breeds meanness- hope breeds hope. I think that if you are someone who believes deeply in hope and the power of positive thought than you are the right person for this book.
Rating:  Summary: You have a decision to make! Review: With this line Dr. Phil begins his newest, ingenious work into the mind and behavior of humans. His last few books have dealt with people in relationships, people in general (and how they must focus on the person within to express and live the life they were meant to), but now he has focused on a group of people very close to his heart- people who are overweight. For anyone who doesn't know obesity, as Dr. Phil has explained a number of times, runs in his family and was the main cause of his father's death. I believe that the subject for these reasons is one that he takes very seriously. He is not doing it for money. It is so easy to look at the hard façade that he expresses and see that Dr. Phil truly does care about this subject. I found that the book better expressed his tenderness toward this subject- on the show I find that he is usually quite guarded when it comes to personal feelings. As someone who has fought my weight my entire life I understand what it is like to have people in your family that you watch struggle everyday as well. It begins to break down your will power and it breaks down your belief that you will ever be able to be any thinner or live any better than them. You lose confidence in yourself when you see what obesity does to others around you who seem to be fighting it. My mother was always on a diet- always gaining instead of losing in the end. I watched as fad after fad caught her and my attention as well as I watched us get bigger and bigger. This up and down and up and down begins to make you feel like a lesser person. When I picked up the Ultimate Weight Solution I will admit that I was just looking for another quick fix; it doesn't matter how many times he said it wasn't that is what I am always looking for really. But the first page struck me so hard that I put down the book and called my mother, because in that first page I felt as though he was talking to me. He was telling me about my life and he was about to help me change. I made the decision right then that this plan was the one for me and so far I have not been disappointed. It will take me time but day by day I am preparing myself and my home and I am trying to make the decisions that I believe will help rather than hinder me from having a better, thinner life. The Ultimate Weight Solution gave me hope and I a life to look forward to- I hope it does the same for you.
Rating:  Summary: Re-packaged Hype! Review: This book is a complete waste of time and effort, it's all been documented many times before "Dr." Phil decided to jump on the diet bandwagon. This is a "whats eating you, not what are you eating" book and too have Phil say he has been working with Obese people for over 30 years??? P.S 7 Keys sure sounds familiar, maybe Stephen Covey's 7 Habits?? If Phil has been working with obese people for so long, why did he have 3 other unknown doctors actually write the book for him, and about 2 months ago come out with diet knock off products? All diet books are a life style change and you must change what you put in your mouth to help make the difference in your body, Phil seems to think if you change your emotions around and get new friends and family members because they don't follow your diet needs then you will succeed with losing weight. And heres a NewsFlash (Phil is overweight) After reading all 320+ pages I have come to realize that this book is just re-packaged hype, I have lost 93lbs just by changing food intake and food variety, and not once did I glare at what was eating me! Pure Drivel
Rating:  Summary: Bull's-eye!!! ¿ This one hits the target dead center!! Review: This is the real deal folks! I probably have read just about every major diet book that was ever written but very few, if any, have been able to address the root causes as to why we are overweight much less how to overcome the obstacles that cause failure. This book has it all; however, one caveat to consider is that it should be read several times to gain the full benefit from its content. I recommend that you do all the exercises outlined in the book and keep a journal. I did and I learned a great deal about myself and what it is that keeps me from fully reaching my weight loss potential. It's inspirational, motivating and packed with information. I truly believe that if you follow Dr. Phil's approach you can't possibly fail! I also liked the diet plan outlined in his book - it's very simple to follow. There's no weighing or measuring and very healthy. I've finally found a practical, meaningful, no nonsense approach that makes sense. Thanks Dr. Phil!
Rating:  Summary: This book gave me indigestion Review: I got bored halfway through the 1st chapter. I found Dr. Phil more compelling on the "Today" show with Katie Couric, much easier to digest than the long book form. There is some sound advice in the tome, but it is buried beneath a lot of sentences that start with "You can." If I had time to edit on this book, not only would it be a best seller but also easier to read and understand. There are some tables and charts that are choppy and a "Dr Phil's body weight table" that he has concocted from different sources and labeled as his own. As a PhD, he should know to cite his sources and references!!! There is one good tidbit in here and that is that people create/ stay in/ live a lifestyle that supports their current weight and to change that you have to "do a makeover." Final advice: its not the ultimate
Rating:  Summary: This books rocks! Review: This books rocks! I have read almost all of Dr. Phil's books and this new book falls right in suit with the others. Good advice,no excuses,and a clear plan everyone sound be able to follow. I purchased this book knowing that it would be good and it is. If you really want to lose weight buy this book. You won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Get Real about your weight! Review: Getting Real means that you have to READ the book. I am one of the many people who have gone on and off the Atkin's Diet. I still believe that Atkin's works- i have lost a lot of weight but i don't seem to be able to stay on the diet for longer than six months. i have not been able to figure out why i cannot stay on a diet. Dr. Phil has helped me to realize that i have the will-power but not the staying-power because of something that is stopping me, something sub-conscious that i have to deal with before i can go on with my life. The eating program in THE Ultimate Weight Solution is also very fair- i say fair because so many of the diets seem to make you deprive yourself of something essential. Dr. Phil doesn't leave anything out really for me, but i cannot wait for his pocket food guide to come out so that i will have that as well. so, like Dr. Phil says, "Get Real" to get fit.
Rating:  Summary: A clear plan to follow¿ Review: It seems to me the more I read reviews the more I see people who seem to think that there is no clear plan in this book and there is. I have included a very simplified version, but it is clear from page one that this book is going somewhere and you can either sit back and do the same things you have been doing (which are not working) or you can try Dr. Phil's way and improve your life. Dr. Phil's program will work because it is so simple and knowledgeable. All you really have to do is follow these three easy steps: The Process: Ready: Get your mind prepared to take on the next big step in your life. Read and begin to prepare your environment, your thoughts and yourself. If you are not prepared then you will not be able to succeed- it takes an open mind to try and an open heart to succeed. Accept: Understand why it is you are overweight and accept that the shield that you have created will be gone once you shed the weight. You need to decide whether you are worth it or not. Go: Get started. Start substituting activity, giving yourself smaller portions, and make the right choices that will help you to weight loss freedom.
Rating:  Summary: I got a lot out of this book. Review: I got a lot out of this book. I am in college therefore I have the opportunity to watch Dr. Phil's show everyday. I have been overweight my whole life and with this book I see hope that maybe I can change my lifestyle choices and lose weightI am 21 years old and I have never had a boyfriend. I am miserable and I am desperate to change my life.I feel like with this book Dr. Phil is in a way there for to me giving me the support I need to to accomplish my goals. Yes,I have heard the things in this book before ,but never in this way. I recommend this book to anyone that needs support and clear advice to help them get there weight and life in order. This book is very clear and to the point which in consistent with Dr. Phil's nonsense style.