Rating:  Summary: More self help illusions Review: As with many other self-help books, the information in Dr. Phils new book is right on. But so what? I am a therapist, and the reality is that generally speaking people can not change their psychological make up from reading a book. It more than likely will just reinforce their "failure" mentality. Shame on you Dr Phil...
Rating:  Summary: The New Me and The New Body... Review: Dr. Phil your book has made me realize things about me and I see a happier person and I know my life will change for the best and *Thank You* new partner. :)
Rating:  Summary: Sensible and Practical. Encouraging. Review: "The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution", is a sensible and practical guide to lasting weight management. Honest and straight forward advice on lasting weight loss. Not a quick weight loss scheme. A great book for anyone interested in lasting weight management through common sense and encouragement. Diana: Author of: "Inpirational Wisdom For Love, Beauty, And Richness"; "You Hold The Key To Riches And Happiness"; (and) Sure Fire Ways To Make More Money And Get A Better Job".
Rating:  Summary: Helpful? Probably. Original? No. Review: I'm a little surprised that Laurel Mellin, author of The Solution and The Pathway, isn't suing for plagiarism. Yes, overweight folks need more than a "quick fix" and if Dr. Phil helps people get to the root causes of their obesity, swell. However, Mellin's books and her program (developed out of years of study at UCSF, where she is a professor of family medicine) are a better choice for those really looking for a way to truly deal with their inability to nurture themselves and set reasonable limits. Strong nurturing and strong limit setting are the keys to changing any behavioral excess - do yourself a favor and pick up one of her books.
Rating:  Summary: Where's the Action Plan? Review: I just finished reading Dr. Phil's Ultimate Weight Solution and had mixed feelings regarding its worth. I try and keep up on all the weight loss books, especially the highly publicized ones so I decided to see what other readers had to say. I noticed that one individual was recommending the book Flip the Switch. I also read that book and loved it. I thought that Flip the Switch was not only much better written, it was significantly more informative because it gave readers an action plan. Dr. Phil's book doesn't do that. I also, don't understand why Dr. Phil's book is so short on exercise. The inclusion of an exercise program would greatly enhance his book. I started following the Flip plan three and a half months ago and so far have lost 22 pounds and actually dropped three dress sizes. I really feel that the strength and resistance exercise has been the major key to my success. I noticed that the Flip author actually works with Diane Sawyer, and that she, too, lost a lot of weight following this book and his earlier book, The Business Plan for the Body. I'm sure Dr. Phil meant well, but he is saying the same old thing and not giving his readers any strategy to use. I must admit that I was quite surprised given all the hype around his book. I've got to go with the earlier reviewer who liked Flip the Switch, it works and it's also not such a tedious read. ...P>Carrie
Rating:  Summary: emotional rescue Review: Has anyone watched the Dr. Phil show this week? He's selected 13 people to take through this program he's developed. I really feel he's hit the nail on the head. He's asking the question, 'why are you so fat?' I know many people out there will say 'cause your lazy, disgusting, you eat like a pig'...whatever. I don't think people are extremely overweight by accident. I watched the first show in which Dr. Phil show of this series today, and it made me cry. He invited an audience full of men and women who sent in tapes and letters as applications for inclusion in this program. He brought up 13 people, and played the tapes they sent in....when they panned through the audience, i could see the moments of recognition in another's story, the pain, the disgust, and lots of tears. If losing weight is JUST a matter of eating less, then why are we all so fat? Being fat is hard...if you've never been fat, you have no idea what it feels like to hate yourself, and be a walking target for ridicule..from family, friends, strangers, yourself. I've been overweight since my toddler years....and in all that time, no one has ever asked me 'why are you fat?' or 'what has happened to you that you've given up your health for a burritto?' What i do hear is 'just exercise and eat less'....for some, i think weight loss is much more complex than that. So, if you want to go on a diet, pick up a copy of the south beach diet or the zone. If you want to figure out what's holdling you back emotionally and why food is more important than your health and happiness...try this book. Remember though, in the end, it's up to you to change your life.
Rating:  Summary: Bring on Dr. Phil! Review: I just know this book is going to change my life! I can't wait for the 7 steps workbook to come out, the 7 steps audiotapes, the 7 step dance-exercise video ( I hope Phil does the routines in little shorts just like Richard Simmons does!!!), 7 steps workout wear, 7 steps meal replacement shakes and 7 steps snack bars! I will buy them all! Thank you so much Dr. Phil for showing us "out of control" fat people that all we have to do is buy your products, watch your show and you will show us the way! You are indeed the leader of the pack and we are your followers! I wrote a bad review when the book first came out, it was never posted, and I am glad, as I am truly sorry for it. It was out of ignorance. I have seen the light and it is on channel 5 at 10 AM! Thank you Phil!!!!!!!! I just love you! If Robin ever leaves you and you want to take a try at 'chubby chasing', I am your girl!
Rating:  Summary: Give it a chance! Review: I am currently reading Dr. Phil's book. I know from my experience that going on diets works, for a while, but ultimately I end up gaining back what I have lost and then some. For a lot of people it's not about food. Yes, that is what causes overweight, but it's not about food, it's about helping people realize why food is a problem and to change behavior and thinking. That is what he is trying to get at where the diet industry fails. Yes, a lot of it is common sense, but let's face it, for those who feel that it's all common sense then why is obesity such a huge problem in this country? I think people are expecting this to be a magical solution, but it's not. It's not a structured diet plan, it's a behaviorial life plan. It takes time and it takes work. If you think your health and life is worth the effort, and I hope that everyone feels that they are worth the effort, then give his book a chance! I know I am.
Rating:  Summary: Hello, this book is about reality (self help not diet) Review: I can not believe the negativity of some of these reviews. Dr. Phil may not be super thin but the book is about a get real weight not a doctor's chart weight. It is the pursuit of the model thin body that has contributed to both obesity and eating disorders in this country. I do not think that Dr Phil is fat. I think that he is about average for a man of his age (remember televison adds weight). Anyone picking on Dr. Phil's weight is part of the problem ( it really is OK not to look like a super model in this country, it doesn't make you worth less) Also, so what if he is a psychologist and not a psychiatrist. That just means in private practice he would not prescribe meds. It does not mean he is not qualified to talk about the psychological issues surrounding permanent weight loss. Anyone questioning the qualifications of Dr. Phil are just jealous of the impact he has on people. So it is not brain surgery. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist? They always shift the focus back on you. You ask why do I do that, they say, I don't know why do you?. Because for permanent change the self control and motivation must come from you. This book tackles the fact that we are eating emotionally not just for sustenance as we should be. It tries to resolve some of these issues if not at least bring them out into the open. It has several excercises for this. We all know that to lose weight we must eat less than we need for energy. The real question is why don't we? What is the emotional reason that you as an individual keep overeating? This is the first diet book that tackles overeating from a psychological perspective. Perhaps people would feel like they got their money's worth if the book said to stand on your head 10 minutes after eating and eat as much as you want. That would be new wouldn't it? Dr. Phil talks in a plain and simple language that really appeals to his fans. IN both self matters and this book he puts things in such a way that it cuts through the bull. If you don't like Dr Phil's style, you won't like the book. Since the book has sold 7 million copies so far he has an opportunity to make a real impact on the weight loss problem in this country. Imagine that !! Millions of overweight americans finally looking inside themselves and saying, "I am the one making the decision to be fat. I do it for the following reasons. I can change my mind and live a healthier lifestyle". "It is not because I ate a bread product with a piece of fruit and messed up a combination or magical formula, It is because I eat more than I need to, to survive. This is not normal and thanks to Dr. Phil I have an action plan to change my behavior." It puts control back in the hands of the individual. Simple or not, if he can get that message across and through his star power effect change, all the more power to him.
Rating:  Summary: You Want A Book Written By A Thin Man? Review: Some have you complained about taking advice from a fat guy. Well would you rather get advice from someone who has never struggled with weight loss in his life? Or someone who has been there and figured out what works? Not a hard decision. Love the book