Rating:  Summary: Exciting epic stutters--Characters still fresh and dynamic Review: Clash of Kings takes a back seat to Martin's first book in the series, Game of Thrones. The series is epic, to be sure. The world is masterfully created; the political and cultural backgrounds are well flushed out; the characters are individual masterpieces. I love to love them and I love to hate them. Martin's best work is his attention to detail and character. Clash, however, finds itself mired in where many second books of a series end up, a quasi-quagmire of plot circumvention. All the main characters and plot intrigues were already introduced in the first book. Clash picks up from the previous book's ending, only to take a 700 page plot circle where nothing much new happens save for a few armies march around yelling and screaming and ending up almost where they began. Meanwhile, a lot more sexual and violent discourse (or should I say intercourse?) filled the in-between chapters of plot progression. Not to be too harsh, of course. Nothing can take away from a writer's ability to emote raw feeling and passion through his writing; and Martin scores highly in this attribute. Every character Martin introduces, even the minor ones, have enough physical, mental and emotional detail written about them to make them interesting and fresh. As stated, even the minor characters mix and weave to create a fascinating fabric to hang any story on; and of course Martin's main story provides all the character epic of a masterpiece. I eargerly look forward to the next book; cautiously hoping for more plot and hoping the series doesn't continue with books four, five and six like others have.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent - very difficult to put down Review: George R. R. Martin does an excellent job with this installment of his SIF saga. Its a simply must own novel.
Rating:  Summary: a great book. full of many twists and turns. Review: i loved the way this book lead you along then suddenly changed a new direction. i can not what for the next book of this series.
Rating:  Summary: George, please keep the books coming once a year! Review: This is the best fantasy series I have ever read. I like that magic is not the dominant force that any character can use to overwhelm the plot. It's on the periphery with Stanis, Bran, Dany and Jon. The other main characters only see the omen of the comet. I hope Martin uses magic carefully in the coming books. I also like the way he handles the political intrigue and the battle elements. Moreover, I love the way he draws the characters. Most of the other readers have lauded his writing for Tyrion. I agree. You can't help admiring the little guy's tenacity, jocularity, and sense of righteosness with a don't screw with me attitude. Even most of the secondary character have full personalities. For example, Theon is a typical 20 year old full of hubris and insecurity with some sense of wanting to do the right thing. Time and a gain he battles between pleasing his father, outdoing his sister, and trying to be a good, likable guy. I think one of the best scenes in the book is Theon's first meeting with his sister. All of the elements of his personality are delivered in a very funny way. I can just picture his face as he thinks about her pulling his joint. George, keep the books coming. I'm recommending the series to everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Martin outshines competition?? Review: With the second installment of Fire and Ice, readers can really seen the wonder of Martin's fantasy. I really liked Game of Thrones, but love Clash of Kings. The book is so fast paced and has a depth and potency of intrigue and developement that you just dont get elsewhere. I genuinely enjoy Robert Jordan as well, but his focus on human relation and emotion are murky at times. Moreover, in the later Wheel of Time books, I found myself craving the pace of intrigue , action and developement in the first books. Nonetheless, Jordan is still a fantasy Master. Goodkind suffers much like Jordan. His series works also suffer from thier emotional content. At times it is moving, but at others, simply droll and predictable. Also, I have found Jordan and especially Martin much more innovative and novel in creating setting and circumstance. Yet, Martin will need a few more shining performances to truly outshine the more seasoned fantasy masters. Still, throughout Clash of Kings, i was salivating for the next chapter to find out what would happen to who?? I havent felt so sucked in since the time between reading Jordan's Eye of World and Great Hunt.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome, amazing, astounding Review: This is the best sword and sorcery I have EVER read. Wonderful characters, compelling world. My only quibble is this book is NOT for kids. It has graphic, sadistic sex and children in very dangerous situations. But as an adult read.... fantastic.
Rating:  Summary: A thick plot thickens .... Review: The hottest new series in fantasy today .. The 2nd book continues in the same dry, sparse writing style which characterised the first. This rapid movement is a pleasant change from the predictable verboseness of inferior fantasy such as Eddings and Jordan. The plot rolls along with speed and precision, and the characters continue to grow and interact with the world in a way which is intriguing and startlingly unpredictable. However I felt this book allowed some of the integral plot threads .. Arya, the trip over the wall .. to dwindle and drag out without fulfilling the promise of the first book. Also this book was so outrageously behind schedule that Martin runs the risk of losing the interest of readers in the waiting time. The series is now expected to be 6 books long incidentally .. its official :o) An engossing story though .. 800 odd pages but not one wasted ..
Rating:  Summary: Give me more! Review: This is the first epic fantasy novel since Terry Brooks' Shannara series that made me angry to reach the end of a book. I do not want to know what happens to Arya, Bran, Sansa, Robb, and all the rest, I NEED to know and soon. George, feed me. Pleases do not wait another year to release the next one...I will not make it. To those of you considering this novel, stop it and get it! Misery loves company. But how sweet it is. Five stars is not enough.
Rating:  Summary: Every bit as good as the first Review: Martin delivers the goods with this book as he continues the amazing story of the Stark family and the Seven Kingdoms. This book is darker than the first, though Martin's excellent writing enables him to pull it off without it becoming repulsive. I have two points of complaint, however. One is that he needs to add a summary of the characters and who they are in the back, because it seems like we are going to be introduced to many more characters in the next book, and that goes on top of the hundreds that we have already met and it will get very confusing after every long wait. Which brings me to my next complaint. Please do not pull a Robert Jordan and extend these books past six. I would like to still be in my twenties when I finish this series.
Rating:  Summary: One of the Greatest works of all time Review: Incredible, both in detail and scope. I have never read a series that has so drawn me in. I recently loaned my OAC (Grade 13) English my copy of a Game of Thrones, and we spend five to ten minutes after class everyday discussing it. Martin's work stays with you, I haven't read AGOT in over a year, but I still remember what happened. Now she's looking forward to reading A Clash of Kings with mixed feelings. She's rather upset that I got her hooked on a series that won't be finished for at least another 5 years. I just wanted someone to suffer with me, and looks like by all the reviews I'm not alone anyways. READ THIS BOOK, allow yourself to be drawn into it, and enjoy it. This is not a skimmer or speed read book, this is a, call in sick for the next week, I gotta know what happens book.