Rating:  Summary: How to be your best and make the most of what you have. Review: This book encourages you how to go within and get in touch with who you are. The Power of Now also embraces the present moment as all there is and all there will ever be. I enjoyed the gentle message. I also believe Optimal Thinking: How to Be your Best Self and The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People are the perfect companions for this book. Optimal Thinking is the language of your best self and a realistic book that empowers you to make the most of the present moment and life. The Seven Habits is also a realistic book that takes you from dependent living, to independence and interdependence. If you read these three books, you will have the mental, emotional and spiritual fortitude to make the most of life.
Rating:  Summary: The Power of the Present Moment Review: I really loved this book. It was profound and far reaching in its impact. I could feel Eckharts words resonating within me as I read. The only issue I had, was that while these are all really nice thoughts and concepts, finding a way to apply them in my real, everyday life was very challenging. Then I found the book PRESENT MOMENT AWARENESS by Shannon Duncan, which is published by the same publisher as The Power of Now. Present Moment Awareness was full of very practical and real world exercises and examples that have made it much easier for me to apply what Eckhart is describing. My humble opinion is that these two books really belong together.
Rating:  Summary: Death Bed Conversions Review: The power of death bed conversions recognizes the fact of the now, and the importance of the soul of each human being that supercedes the convention of society and how expectations guide the things that stir our souls, the moral spirituality that honors the life within, the the heart that beats with less time than it had yesterday. Death bed conversions honors the total person that forsees a time when the body no longer serves the soul, but is frail and helpless in its humanity. The inspiration that allows a person to be, and feel alive, is one that is intensely personal, and one that has a uniquely subjective outlook designed to maximize the moment, as the dying swans's extended overture of an end game of enormous proportions, the experience of many before us. The inspiration to extend the earthly time to accomplish both bodily and mindfully important tasks meant to appease the soul of any individual in his or her capacity to influence the vision of his or her surroundings before life drifts into the oblivion of being erased. It relies not upon the acceptance of others but the recognition that what good or help might be completed is far superior to the desires or expectations of others who might limit, curtail, or prevent that instinctively agressive human impetus - to full personal objectives, according to one's own internal clock as seen from the perception of life in its full contemplation of limits, and consistent with one's own priorities. This exercise of the free will is incredibly important and a part of the human experience that reveals the instinctive man or women struggling to fulfill its total mission on earth, to achieve the serenity that will allow it to disappear in honor, respect, and dignity, the ideal of every human being destined to disappear in his or her own good time. This soul clock is untamed by man or religion since it conceives its intent from one's own self perception of possibilities and potential, played out upon the abbreviated passing of time that is allocated to each of us. Hence, the inspired rushes through to accomplish everything possible since haste forecloses both complacency and the untimeliness of those before us, built into our instinctive sense of time. So, we challenge the propriety of inconsistency or incongruency of spiritual risk to develop fully the human potential of our destiny or what we feel is our destiny by the vibrations which flow through us. Life being somewhat uncertain, the body and the soul clock each attune themselves to each other to accomplish this human mission, hopefully with time to spare. It is God's gift, this instinct for survival, for mission and for directive, a self help unique to each individual, aware of his own frailty and of his own potential, at once, his personal collage of significance, all too aware of his or her personal contract with his maker, and in harmony.
Rating:  Summary: The best book on spirituality I've ever read. Review: I've been reading books about enlightenment and spirituality for 15+ years and this is the one that I can honestly say changed my life. The wisdom is simple, yet profound. It seems simple because the author is telling us what we already know on some level. There is no filler in this book. Every sentence rings true. Eckhart Tolle obviously practices what he talks about because this book is so obviously written from his BEING, rather than simply his head. I also listened to the unabridged audio version of this book and recommend it as highly, if not more so than the book. Tolle reads the book himself in the audio version and the combination of his voice and his words double the impact. The bad news for other authors and for Amazon is that there really is no need for any other book on spirituality or "self-help" because this one contains every bit of wisdom that is necessary, at least this is true in my case.
Rating:  Summary: Now is a fundamental truth Review: This book really helped me find the fundamental truth of now. You cannot deny the now, because it is always true, and life is always right now. Living in this world with so many conflicting ideas, such as religion, sex, drugs, violence, war, politics, philantropy money, career, etc.. It can be very easy for someone to be confused! I've spent so much time questioning what is true and what is right, and I've never really come up with any real answers, all I get is more questions. This can only lead to more confusion and possibly insanity.This book gave me one truth: the present, a truth that I have denied for so long. And this truth is not found by thinking what is true and right, but truth can be found by *not* thinking and just experiencing the now. This book is a great motivator for begining the practice of meditation.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best and most articulate books on the subject Review: For those that are looking for something new and original in this book or indeed from life itself, WHY? WHY? Because the NOW is NEVER good enough. There's still something out there that can make you make happy, or more happy; some future insight, event, book, course, seminar, experience, person, whatever. This is our suffering. Everything we want belongs to the FUTURE; everything we have is in the NOW. The two are unbridgeable. Between the two is the gap where we suffer. Can you honestly say you do not suffer, that you are not grasping, hoping, expecting, clinging, wanting or needing something to change your life for the better? Even if we feel happy, we still need to tweak our lives until it's better still. Mr Tolle shows us that these are all mind games, that once we go someway toward understanding the nature of mind, we understand not only ourselves and our problems a little better, but the whole world and all its problems, because the whole world is simply a mirror of you and me. I am the world multiplied six billion times. It is nothing but a huge projection of myself. The world does not exist outside of our minds. All the masters and mystics say the same thing for sure, but Mr Tolle, for me anyway, is one of the most articulate. Although having spent a little while on the journey to freedom, this book opened up new levels of understanding which I hand't grasped before from other sources. Do not be fooled by its simplicity. You don't know anything until you "know" existentially. As I read this book more and more, I am realizing I know less and less. This is what this book can do for you - empy your mind of past conditionings. It's that good! Other excellent books you might want to check out that perhaps for me layed the grounding in understanding this book are: "Loving What Is" by Byron Katie, and "Nothing" by Jim Sloman, found on Mayyoubehappy.com. Check out Osho too for his immense clarity on every subject under the sun. Ignore the controversy, focus on his wisdom.
Rating:  Summary: SOULFOOD Review: There are only a few books I've read in my life that I classify as soul food. Those books that reach down deep inside of you, and, if you let it, alter your life for the better. This book reminds me of the book, The Little Guide To Happiness. It has the same kind of warm tones to it. Lovely book.
Rating:  Summary: silence is good Review: At one time I was a Jehovahs witness, and they see salvation in the future. They are waiting for god to put things right, they are waiting for a future event to save them. As a JW I attended many of there annual assemblies, and listened to talks given by gifted speakers. When a good speaker speaks you become aware of a silent energy which surounds the event. What is of more importance? the meaning of the words being said, or the silent energy that surounds and holds the people there. when i go to a resteraunt I do not eat the menu I eat the food ( some places I might prefer to eat the menu though,more tasty). The words point to the food. The food is seperate from menu, the word are just the tools. Perhaps this is the greatest error in religeis understanding. We focus to much on the words. The real food is silence. Thank you Mr Tolle for helping me see things the right way up.
Rating:  Summary: A Simple Guide Towards A More Peaceful Life Review: This is the first book which successfully guided me towards actually "getting it" on a profound level. The "be here now" message is not new -- as Tolle himself says -- but is re-stated for our time. You may disagree with this or that, but the main thrust of the message is profoundly life-altering in the most beautiful sense of the word. I've read lots of "spiritual" books, and been to lots of "spiritual" seminars, churches, etc in my 50+ years. THIS BOOK has shown me something deep and powerful and true that was always there hidden under a veil of constant mental activity, virtually all of it false and misleading and fearful. Let go of guilt and anxiety. Live NOW. Peaceful joy is the natural state of being. THANK YOU Eckhart Tolle!
Rating:  Summary: Read this NOW Review: I think this book does a good job of explaining that which is in essence indescribable; words themselves can limit our understanding and so to some this may sound new age. Actually the concepts are not really new. If you're familiar with Jungian concepts, you'll note similarities herein as well as with the teachings of Jesus Christ and Buddha and a number of the world's great psychologists, philosophers and spiritualists. Personally I believe all these teachings to be true and to be saying basically the same things. I also appreciate the author's sense of urgency and I believe that we must awaken and respond to the urgency of the messages summarized within this book or like books if you cannot let yourself be enlightened by this book. Enough of why to read this, let me tell you what I heard while reading. First, we are all connected by the great life force, call it spirit if you like, the author refers to it as the now, that exists within each one of us and every living thing. Result of this recognition will be respect and compassion for others and all living things as well as your own internal peace which is in the end that which we are really seeking. We must constantly observe and challenge our thoughts and the inherent patterns of response that we share with all humans, (Yung called this the collective unconscious.) That means asking yourself, why do I feel this way, why can't I stop thinking about this, why did I do that etc.. Another essential message is forgiveness; specifically the author cites that we need to forgive the past. We hang onto anger and bitterness and perpetuate pain; to forgive frees us from this. For many, not allowing forgiveness of another or the past, that which has already happened, causes them to be physically ill today. It is hard to forgive but harder to hold onto these grudges. The other half of staying in the now is of course living in the future, or living for the goal instead of living along the way to the goal. Isn't that what Carpe Diem means? God is love; in a state of true Spirit, in the now as the author cites it, there is only love and joy. If you've never felt this comfort, seek it now. It is a hard truth to realize that we are perpetuating our own suffering because it means we are responsible not only for the cause but for the solution as well. If we each sought, found and acted on our own storehouse of inner peace, suffering would end. While this is an ideal, it can happen, as change does happen, one person at a time starting with the person in the mirror. This book also has an interesting chapter on relationships further citing to the discomfort of some readers that women have more power because they are more in tune with their whole beings that includes their Spirit; if you want this power, read this book, or some of the other recommendations but respond to these common messages while we still have time. While I think human beings may be able to survive for a good while, I am very concerned that our planet cannot. My only other comment on this book and that those of us who are already awake must do more than just be conscious in whatever way we can; much is expected to those who have been given much.