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Rating:  Summary: Feed off of Wayne Dyer's energy Review: First some context on myself: I'm a 24 year old male, employed as a software engineer.For me, listening to these CDs was enjoyable and productive. Much of what Wayne Dyer recommends, positive thinking, and an unselfish, ego-free outlook, were not a new idea to me. But it helps to hear these ideas again from such a dynamic individual who provides numerous examples of it working in his own life. He is a bit unorganized in instructing specific ways to help yourself live the right way. For instance, it isn't until the fourth disc that he specifically mentions meditation as an essential daily practice. If it is so essential, why not emphasize it earlier on? I find Deepak Chopra's "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" to be better focused in this regard. Overall though, if you view his lectures as inspirational, albeit rambling, advice from a wise, "high on life" man, you won't be dissapointed.
Rating:  Summary: Great Help As A Parent Review: The Power of Intention was of great help to me as a parent. Dr. Dyer's concepts and ideas brought a certain amount of clarity to my thinking that allowed me to see through some of my "baggage" as a parent. If you have ever seen Dr. Dyer on PBS or cable, you know that he challenges your beliefs about the simple things we do in life. When I came to Amazon.com to buy this book, another reviewer suggested I get Matt Pasquinilli''s book, The Child Whisperer at the same time. The two are not alike in many ways, but very complimentary in their seperate messages. I feel like I am a better parent because Dr. Dyer taught me specific ways to apply the co-creating principles of intention, and Pasquinilli taught me how to communicate directly and intentionally with my children.
Rating:  Summary: Feed off of Wayne Dyer's energy Review: The Power of Intention was of great help to me as a parent. Dr. Dyer's concepts and ideas brought a certain amount of clarity to my thinking that allowed me to see through some of my "baggage" as a parent. If you have ever seen Dr. Dyer on PBS or cable, you know that he challenges your beliefs about the simple things we do in life. When I came to Amazon.com to buy this book, another reviewer suggested I get Matt Pasquinilli''s book, The Child Whisperer at the same time. The two are not alike in many ways, but very complimentary in their seperate messages. I feel like I am a better parent because Dr. Dyer taught me specific ways to apply the co-creating principles of intention, and Pasquinilli taught me how to communicate directly and intentionally with my children.
Rating:  Summary: Dyer brings his teachings to the next level Review: This 6 CD set by Wayne Dyer is a nice supplement to his latest book, The Power of Intention. I've been reading Dyer's books and listening to his tapes and CDs since the middle 1970s. Each one continues to build on the previous one. For those who are long time students of Dyer's, you are going to recognize several familiar stories and quotations from his earlier works, although he intertwines them with his latest focus on the power on intention. Since I have read and listened to everything Dyer has published, I always wondered if I'm going to gain any new insights with each new release. Surprisingly, I'm never disappointed. There's always a few new gems that I learn from each work. This CD set (as well as the hardcover book) are opening my eyes to a new level in Dyer's teachings. Each person will discover their own insights. The light bulb moment (or satori, as Dyer calls it) is probably different for each reader/listener. I can guarantee that there's enough new material in the CD set and the book to make it worth your while to get one or the other (or both, as I have). From the back of the CD: CD 1: Dyer explains what the field of intention is and what it means to be connected to it. He speaks of the necessity of getting past ego dominance in the meaning of God-realization. CD 2: Dyer describes the feel of intention and offers a new mantra: "I want to feel good!" He also offers advice for bypassing obstacles so that intention can flow in your life. CD 3: Dyer suggests: "Contemplate yourself as surrounded by the conditions you intend to produce." You'll hear tips for overriding the ego in order to align with your Source. CD 4: Dyer discusses the active/inactive sides of infinity and offers action steps for moving to the active side. He relates the importance of getting past your fears to see yourself as an infinite being. CD 5: The seven faces of intention are explained: creativity, kindness, love, beauty, expansion, abundance and receptivity. You'll learn the value of practicing nonresistance thinking and saying yes to life. CD 6: Dyer notes your impact on others when connected to intention and then concludes with the key idea: "Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change." As has happened with each new release by Wayne Dyer, synchronicity begins to reappear in my life when I read a new Dyer book or listen to a new Dyer tape or CD. This time is no exception. In the few days since I've been reading the book and listened to the CD set, a series of related events have again started to appear in my life. As Dyer would explain in this latest set, it is the power of intention that is making these things happen.
Rating:  Summary: Unlock the Power of Intention in your everyday life Review: This 6-disk audio set is an important component of Wayne Dyer's successful program, The Power of Intention, which also includes the PBS special (available on DVD) and the bestselling book. It takes the teachings presented in the shorter 4-hour program to the next level, making them more accessible and actionable. It is also a wonderful complement to the book, helping you absorb its lessons into the daily fabric of your life.
The main idea behind Wayne Dyer's Power of Intention program is that we are all connected to Intention, which is an all-powerful, all-pervading force in the universe. If we allow ourselves to purify our conneciton to this field of energy, we can achieve fulfillment of all our desires, find happiness and peace, and finally be able to enjoy life with a true sense of inner purpose. Dr. Dyer helps you realize that happiness comes from within, and our patterns of thinking have a lot to do with what types of things we attract into our lives.
You do not need to have seen or listened to any of Dyer's other programs or read his book in order to get full benefit out of this CD set. Everything you need to fully connect with his message is here. He takes you step by step through his teachings, from explaining the concept of intention and what it means to be connected to it, to how you can overcome internal barriers and limitations, and finally to "the seven faces of intention" (i.e. the thought patterns that can help you connect to the Power of Intention). Unlike in his shorter program, Dyer spends a lot of time here going through specific actions that you can take in order to turn your limiting thought patterns around. Some examples include overcoming your ego, being aware of the importance of energy in your life (and what types of things increase or lower your energy), and thinking from the end that you wish to achieve.
Whether you are familiar with The Power of Intention program or not, I would strongly recommend this audio set to anyone who is interested in changing their life for the better. One of the most important reasons for listening to these CDs on a regular basis is that they allow you to absorb the teachings much more into the fabric of your daily life than a DVD or a book would. Wayne Dyer becomes your companion and mentor, and as you listen to these CDs, your thought patterns very soon will begin to change, reflecting his positive teachings. By listening to his message, you'll have an opportunity to change your life for the better in subtle yet immediate and meaningful ways.
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