Rating:  Summary: Gripping account of National Security Review: Whether you support the president or hate him, this is a good read. Clarke isn't partisan in his allegations, and has spent most of his career working for republicans at high-level and sensitive positions. It seems strange that the current administration is trying to paint him as a disgruntled crackpot former employee. If this were so, why would Clarke have held so many important positions under so many administrations for so long? Clarke faults previous presidents, but clearly lays out several reasons for his allegations of laxness in the current administration towards terrorists. He gives concrete examples that the White House is now grudgingly admitting are true. Incidentally, Bob Woodward, in "Bush at War" reported that on September 12th, the Bush administration was trying to work the attacks into a reason for toppling the Iraqi regime, so I wonder why we are all surprised that the National Security apparatus was enlisted to find evidence linking the attacks to Saddam. In addition to being clearly organized, the book is very well written, and even gripping. I recommend it to anyone interested in US Policy. As for the claims that Clarke is profiting from the tragedy that he documents, as far as I'm concerned, he more than deserves whatever he earns for bravely bringing forward his allegations knowing the White House would be gunning for him. The million bucks are little compensation for the attacks and smear campaigns currently launched against him. We should thank Clarke for bringing this information to our attention.
Rating:  Summary: Let The Truth Be Told! Review: After reading many of these 1 star reviews it sickens me that people can attack a person like Richard Clarke. Several reveiwers feel that he's profiting from the 9/11 incident. Richard Clarke wrote this book to let people know that the terrorist threat was an urgent issue, but to some people it wasn't. Pres.Bush was obsessed with "getting" Saddam Hussein and thus invaded Iraq which took the focus away from capturing Bin Laden. I'm a Republican and I'm disgusted that other Republicans are treating Richard Clarke with no dignity whatsoever. This man has been critisized left and right obviously by The Republicans who feel this book may influence voters when election time comes around in November.
Rating:  Summary: Wake Up... Review: Not a liberal, registered Libertarian - but basically a-political, vote as an independent. Never paid attention to politics, truthfully, so I like to think I approach things objectively. -> imo this presidency has been an unmitigated disaster on nearly every level. If I was satisfied, I would happily vote for Bush in a heartbeat. <- However, over the last few years, I've learned that Republicans are amazing. How truly terrible does a president have to be for you to wake up? My take on the Republican mantra is small government, less government interference. Under Bush government has never been bigger, and have never interfered more! The strength of the Republican party is the loyalty of their base, and I'm sad to say it will have terrible consequences for this country if this president is re-elected. Regarding Clarke - I read some of it in the bookstore, but decided not to buy it just yet, since I have a queue of a few books. However, I went back to the bookstore twice to purchase it and it was sold out both times. But a couple points regarding the reviews: 1. Clarke did not lie under oath! Amazing! -> Note: "Senate leader SUGGESTS Clarke lied under oath" Carl Hulse And Philip Shenon, New York Times 3/28/2004 -> SUGGESTING <- something and doing it are two different things. NO ONE HAS EVEN STATED WHAT CLARKE LIED ABOUT! Frist, naturally, wants to find whatever he can to refute Clarke's allegations. Clarke says "bring it on". We'll see. Thus far Republican attempts have been laughable! Citing Clarke's RESIGNATION LETTER?!?! How pathetic and desperate! 2. Clarke had a 30 year tenure, under Republican and Democratic administrations in a highly critical role. You do not aspire in his role unless your performance and credentials are impeccable. 3. How many REPUBLICANS from the administration have to come out saying the same thing? First DiIuilo, then O'Neill, now Clarke. The Whitehouse is filled with ideologues with a pre-existing agenda they are following to the detrement of the nation. > ARE THEY ALL LIARS? 4. The defensive posturing of this administration is actually serving to add credibility - and sympathy, for Clarke. It's amazing and it's actually backfiring. The Whitehouse should have released a few statements refuting Clarke's allegations. Disagreed, and have been done with it. -> Their smear campaign is clearly backfiring! <- As evidenced by the fact that copies are flying out of the bookstore. -> 5 stars to counterbalance to neocon nimrods 1 star reviews <- I will edit this review once I get a copy and read it and provide a real review...
Rating:  Summary: Lie Lie and More Lies Review: I am at a lost on how Clarke sleeps at night. When is he telling the truth even if he knows what the truth is. Shame on you Richard for exploiting America and giving our enemies confort!
Rating:  Summary: A Great Book Review: What a great book written by a honest man. Never saw the white house backtrack so much as i see today. No wonder Sean Insani--hannity was bashing Mr. Clarke so much last week. Guess who's going to be #1 on all the best seller lists esp. NY times list starting this week. You got to love it. The only thing we will hear today on radio is more jealous behavior from all the conservative clowns such as Ingra-HAM, Hannity, and ah--e Savage. Oh and of course that drug addict behind the Golden mike.
Rating:  Summary: Ladies and gentlemen, this is not Slate magazine Review: Please restrict your posts to REVIEWS of the books. I'm trying to figure out whether I should buy the book but I'm left to cut through all the polemics, agitprop, and bile. Please take your political views to the appropriate website or chat room and leave this site relatively uncluttered.
Rating:  Summary: A truth telling book by a smart patriot Review: I love it that the right wing reviewers below can only engage in sputttering denuniciations rather acutally engage the substnace of Clarke's truth tellingbook. It's clear that Clarke has sent a major torpedo into the Dubya re-election warship, which looks like it is sinking fast. We will have a new, Democrat President come January 05. Thank God! No, thank Clarke!
Rating:  Summary: My opinion; preview the book first, then buy it Review: Before buying into the hysteria of the 1 star reviews or the exuberance of the paid five star reviews, why not review (preview) the book yourself at a local BAMM or BORDERS or wherever. Then you decide if you think it's a book worth shelling out $$$ for. I elected not to, my choice. You may feel differently. Just my opinion. Please understand that many of the reviews here, especially the five stars are from the same person. I do not recommend your buying the book based on reviews here at Amazon.
Rating:  Summary: Weird and Weirder Review: Much as I like Americans I think many of them are weird. I have watched the Commission questionning witnesses on CNN and find it interesting, but noone needs to go on TV shows and sell a book to raise $1 million in a normal country dealing with terrorism. Terrorism is weak but sneaky; it looks at our vulnerabilities and finds where we have grown lazy on the basics. They are not clever or scheming, just watching for our mixtakes and laziness. Clarke wants to blame George Bush for not keeping every switchman on the line awake as the train derailed, but wasn't it Al Gore who had a committee propose (sensibly) tighter airline security checks ? wasn't it the industry which opposed delays and costs and passengers who don't like 'bureaucracy' ? In Northern Europe airline security is tight - try Terminal 1 at Heathrow to see for yourself. In the US it is sloppy. If it had been tigher there would have been no 9/11. It is that simple, going back to the basics and focusing on detail......but the US always wants a $64 billion solution with software and flashing lights....then it wants someone to blame. George Bush was an isolationist in January 2001 forced to become an international bounty hunter 230 days later......blaming him because the Us has not licked the opposition before the popcorn gets served is farcical. He told you it is a new world and a long haul, you might even get used to it like you have with street crime and murder......but fighting it is beyond the scope of one President....it requires coordination at every level and basic checks on who is taking flying lessons or getting easy US visas from Saudi Arabia. The terrorists used US laxity and they will again. 38 million Europeans were killed in the Second World War.....that is why a "War" on terrorism sounds silly, far better to wage a campaign and stick with it because it will make the country stronger. Did Bush make a mistake ? Sure ! He should have imposed a gasoline tax to pay for Homeland Security and reduced it just before the election. Do I believe Clarke on Condoleza Rice ? No. She is a smart woman and I don't think she is quite as dumb as he wants to make her appear.......certainly superior to that awful Madeleine Albright. So America, you have some big holes in your security fence....but the man in the White House could also have been killed on 9/11 if the plane had not hit The Pentagon....... It would be nice if these characters did not pop out from behind the White House curtain during elections to sell books telling us about presidential underwear........time to be grown up....testify to the Commission but not to 60 Minutes !
Rating:  Summary: Ka CHING! Review: Richard Clarke is raking in that dough! $1 million!