Rating:  Summary: very interesting!!! Review: I found the reviews on this book more interesting than the than the book. Many of the 5 star readers were obviously biased but at least most of them apeared to have actually read the book. The 1 star reviewers seem to be non readers like our president.This confirms something my father told me many years ago. " There is nothing on this earth more pitiful than a poor Replublican".
Rating:  Summary: Ignore the crybabies Review: Some of the reviews here are from those who refuse to face the fact that our government dropped the ball. This book is written by a lifelong public servant to this country, and the content is solid. Finally someone has the courage to stand up and apologize for the mistakes that caused 9/11. Good thing he has a paper trail to back it up given the attacks from the powers that be. If the republicans who wrote reviews here have a problem, let them take it up with our administration and stay off this sight. It just shows the difference between honesty and dishonesty. This isn't an opinion chat room; it's a book review site. Take it outside geniuses.
Rating:  Summary: Eye opening read Review: This is a terrific book and an eye opening read. Many people are questioning this man's motive for writing this book, but I don't think anyone can question the honest and sincerity of this book. I just hope that America opens their eyes and realizes what the current Bush administration has done to jeopardize the safety of its citizens. And to think, this guy is a republican and wanted Bush to be elected president. It says something about the integrity of a man to speak against his own party. It tells me he CARES and is willing to speak up for a country he loves. Very, very good book!
Rating:  Summary: Book of the Year 2004 - Read it and Weep Review: As almost all Americans did in the aftermath of September 11, I wanted very much to believe the administration of George W. Bush was doing the right things to combat terrorism, and it certainly seemed so as we took the fight to Afghanistan soon thereafter. A year later as justifications for war with Iraq were piling up, I still believed. I was even partially, gulp - "Hannitized" for a period. Secretary of State Powell's presentation before the U.N. was for me the last straw. At the time I saw it as a powerful expose of Saddam Hussein's evil intentions, and convinced me that "disarming Saddam" was unquestionably the right thing to do. I got funny looks from my wife when I taped a National Geographic map of Iraq to the family room wall for easy reference when the war began.Fast-forward one year. One by one the administration's primary justifications for invading and occupying Iraq have fallen by the wayside and it is now obvious we were treated to selective use of intelligence and outright lies, all packaged and distributed by a mostly compliant press. Republican or Democrat, if this doesn't piss you off what will? Watching and reading about the events of the past week, including Clarke's testimony before the September 11th Commission, numerous interviews and the predictable onslaught of attacks from the right-wing slime machine, I already knew when I received the book from Amazon that I was holding THE blockbuster book of 2004. Finishing the book over the weekend, I watched a totally unflappable Richard Clarke not only answer his critics but throw the slime right back in their faces. This man has nothing to hide, and it is almost comical watching attack after attack swatted away with ease. The book - The rip-roaring Chapter 1 alone is worth the price of admission. It is one of the most riveting chapters of any book I have ever read. What comes through in this book is that no matter which president he served, Clarke was a no-holds-barred true believer in identifying and destroying terrorist threats, particularly al Qaeda. The Clinton Administration, while far from perfect in the war on terror, at least took it seriously, which is illustrated by Clarke's seat at the Cabinet table and his belief that the Clinton Team was better at execution. Read about the apprehension of Ahmed Ressam - caught with a map of LAX and a trunkful of nitroglycerine at Port Angeles, Washington in late December 1999 - this was no accident. It was a result of Clarke's authority to call other key agency heads and security officials to "battle stations." The Millennium Plot was foiled. Nobody wanted to listen in the new Bush Administration. No more "battle stations." Had they listened and supported Clarke like the previous administration, could September 11th have been foiled? I think Bush43's mistakes prior to September 11th are somewhat understandable - their focus was simply elsewhere - missile defense, Iraq and a multitude of other crises and issues all presidents have to deal with on a daily basis. Also understandable to a degree is that the incoming Bush Administration wanted to differentiate their approaches to national security from Clinton's in as many policy areas as possible ("the adults have arrived"). I think many Americans may even have been forgiving had they admitted that they possibly may have just a teensy bit, taken their eyes off the al Qaeda ball. Unfortunately from the moment the planes hit, Bush has been portrayed as "strong on terror" to the detriment of the truth and more so, to the detriment of our national security. With 20/20 hindsight it is now obvious that Clarke is 100% correct that the invasion of Iraq has made us less secure and played right into al Qaeda's hands. The lesson here is unchecked executive power inevitably ends in disaster. Finally, I wish Amazon would do a better job of screening some of these "reviews," many of which are obviously written by people who have not read the book, and have no intention of doing so. I guess their blind outrage and ideological support for Bush won't allow the truth to contaminate their small minds.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding and alarming Review: This is a great book and one that every deliberate, thoughtful American should read and ponder. It is nothing less than a call to arms about how our country is being seriously and tragically misled. It is not enough for his critics to call names and issue ad hominem attacks. Some just cannot bear the truth--it hurts their little preconceptions too much. Read and study this book with an open mind and you shall be enlightened. This man is a patriot of the highest order.
Rating:  Summary: Oh, how I was deceived... Review: Priot to reading this I still supported President Bush and his administration: even after reading Paul O'Neil's work and the never found WMD. But do have to admit that I have not trusted Rumsfeld for some time! Now, I will do all possible to make sure BUSH could never do to us again what we has these past three years. A check was sent to the Kerry campaign!! You will justly burn in hell,BUSH! Thank you Richard Clarke!!! My prayers are with you! Tom Braden
Rating:  Summary: Terrific Read Review: First, any thoughtful reader will recognize the ad hominem attacks on Richard Clarke and quickly dismiss them. These kinds of attacks are indicative of one who has clearly either lost the argument or can't make one. The book is a chilling account of actions taken (or not taken) during the Clinton and Bush 2 administrations with regard to terror. An interesting myth that has been exposed (and no doubt leads to the personal attacks we are witnessing) is that it was the Clinton administration who took terrorism more seriously than the current Bush admninistration, and Clarke offers proof of that, but he doesn't have to. In Bob Woodwards Book, Bush at War, it's Bush himself quoted as saying terrorism was not an urgent priority before 9/11. With the publication of the book, Richard Clarke is smart enough to know that the attacks on his character would be forthcoming. For that and for telling the truth the book gets 5 stars. Really a great read.
Rating:  Summary: Unfortunate partisan money-grubbing. Review: With the help of the Democratic party the author is using a tragedy to sell books and help defeat President Bush.
Rating:  Summary: The first chapter is must reading Review: There are 3 things I want to express about this book: 1) The first chapter relating to immediate responses to 9/11--what was going on, who was sent where for what purposes, what the perceptions of those people were--is must reading. It grabs you and you cant help but read further. As one of the few insiders there that day, Clarke may be the first and only person to give a solid glimpse of the response. It seems fairly honest, at times self-deprecating and frankly objective. 2) None of the people that are now engaged in character assassination against Clarke come off as being that bad in the book. Wolfowitz does a little, but everyone else spouting off that this is a "j'accuse" against the WH hasnt read the book. Instead, it takes the events of the past 15 or so years and takes a view of terrorism today and applies it to those events. In some cases there is a macabre foreshadowing (such as when Clarke mentions a plane runninginto the stadium during the 1996 Olympics) and others are noteworthy for their restraint (why we didnt go all the way into Baghdad or retaliate after certain events). The current WH doesnt look poisitive from the books standpoint, not because of partisanship as asserted, but because the author and the WH disagree in principle as to how to combat terror. I would say its a pretty fair account. 3)What I genuinely liked most about it, is the contrast in personal styles Clarke outlines in the presidents and their staffs. Looking at Reagan, Bush Sr. and the 1st Persian Gulf War, Clinton, and Bush Jr. and how they were at certain times is an impressive comparison study. I think Clarke does them all justice in thsi book.
Rating:  Summary: At last! Review: The point of view on the 9/11 events and on the "war on terrorism" from the most legitimate source on the subject, inside and out. Far overdue... I wish we had it before the invasion in Iraq. Beyond the eye opening testimony, this book makes a great, captivating, story, also of good literary work. Thank you Dick Clarke.