Rating:  Summary: To the German from old Europe Review: Isn't it great to hear from Old Europe? After all, it was Germany that started it all when they bungled the 1972 rescue of the Israeli Olympic team in Munich. And you know what the best part was? After capturing the terrorists, those lovely Germans decided to appease those nasty terrorists and chartered an airline to fly them back home. Fortunately, Israel hunted down most of them in Operation Gideon Sword.Richard Clarke belongs in Germany. He can share some dramatic counter-terrorism failure stories with them.
Rating:  Summary: Not a fan of conspiracy theories, but... Review: Clarke is a Bush/Rove plant. Think about it. If they nail Clarke with perjury (which is very likely to happen), the Bush team will be able to discredit every single criticism of its Anti-terror policy from pre-9/11 intellegence to the Iraq war as a distraction from the war on terror to conspiracy claims about Al-Quada/Oklahoma City connections. This will be the ultimate victory for the Bush administration and will return the country to the national climate immediately following the 9/11 attacks, where any attempt to criticize the government would be viewed as highly intolerable. All opportunities to stand up against the Bush Machine will be effectively silenced! And you better believe that the proceeds from the book are going right back into the Bush campaign coffers. Think about it. Clarke swore under oath that he will never work for the Kerry Administration. That's absolutely true, because he's working for the Bush/Rove team.
Rating:  Summary: Get the facts straight, reader from Kiawah Island, SC Review: A reader from Kiawah Island, SC wrote: "It's also hard to fault Bush for paying attention to Iraq when he first got into office...they were shooting at our airplanes, they gassed and invaded assorted neighbors, and they tried to assassinate a sitting president, didn't they?" While all of these are true or may be true (there are still doubts about the failed assasination attempt), this isn't a very accurate depiction of reality: 1. They were shooting at airplanes flying over Iraqi airspace, and this didn't happen all that often. Those no-fly zones? Contrary to what many people might believe, these were established by the UK, France and the US, not the UN. Last time I checked, those three countries didn't run the planet. It's perfectly acceptable for a country to engage foreign warplanes flying over its airspace. 2. Here we go with the gassings and invading neighbors. Yes, Iraq did it all....and most of them time, we supported them. Heck, we even gave 'em intelligence to help them in their war against Iran (during which time the gassing of the Kurds occurred). Why didn't we disown Saddam and Iraq then? Because they weren't "evil Islamists" like Iran. The US has to quit getting in bed with whatever evil dictator suits their needs at any given time. 3. GHWB was NOT a sitting President when he visited Kuwait in April of 1993. And after evidence of the assassination attempt surface, Bill Clinton - the sitting President - ordered 23 Tomahawk missiles fired at the HQ of the Iraqi Intelligence Services. An apt response, I believe, to an (failed) assassination plot that was not and still has not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. How easily we forget the past or twist the truth. Anyway, just started reading Dick's book...pretty good so far. I'll give it 3 stars for now and reserve further judgement.
Rating:  Summary: Bush is scared Review: I find it very interesting how this administration is trying to destroy Richard Clarke. Just this afternoon, the head of the "intelligence" committee has said that the justice department is now going to go after him for "perjury." The United States of America is becoming a joke. Freedom of speech? Only if you can afford a good lawyer. My entire family are now becoming former Republicans. I am an Independent. And I am NOT voting for Bush! Let the truth come out!
Rating:  Summary: Message from "Old Europe" (Germany)! Review: Thanks Mr. Clarke, thank you for the truth. I just have one question to all of you who criticize this book: Why is the White House so aggressive when it's asked about Richard Clarke? What do you think? Because they were lying in everything they ever said (during the last 5 years) about terrorism. Bush was the worst thing that could happen to the US in times of globalisation. I hope that you'll understand how to vote this year....Please vote for Kerry, so that the the good relationship between "Old Europe" and the USA can be renewed....and fight against terrorism the better way...the diplomatical way. Greets from Germay
Rating:  Summary: One of the most important books in US history Review: "Against All Enemies," is one of the most important books in the history of the United States. Richard Clarke writes a detailed account of how President George W. Bush reacted to 9/11. He also provides a glaring account of the mad White House rush to war in Iraq. To say the least...the information in this well-written book is stunning. As a two-tour Vietnam veteran, trained journalist, author and proud American I am saddened by Richard Clarke's revelations. I desperately wanted to believe in President Bush. However, the author is one of our nation's best and brightest terrorism professionals. To this end, Clarke's book offers highly credible insights to a terrible period in American history. Ultimately, one must decide who has the most credibility. The author...or the President of the United States. The nation now has the opportunity to voice its opinion in the upcoming elections. Consequently, Richard Clarke has done the nation a great service...he has confirmed what others who left this government have said...that the Bush White House has its own secret agenda and will viciously attack anyone who disagrees. Highly recommended. Bert Ruiz
Rating:  Summary: Hindsight is Always 20/20! Review: As a Middle East Specialist, I must accept only a portion of the assertions that Mr. Clarke makes concerning our ability to deter terrorism over at least a decade. The fall of the Soviet Union set the state for Mujahadeen activity in Afghanistan- which, by the way, goes back a decade. The terrorists, then as now, seized upon Radical Islam as a weapon of choice in their war against the West. Hence, Jihadist activity is nothing new! President Bush inherited a whirlwind when he became President. The attack on the Twin Towers on 9/11 was an event based on the element of "Total Surprise." It is relatively easy for any "armchair general" to quarterback this horrific event. Now is not the time for finger-pointing. Rather it is the time for America to come to terms with its' destiny. Is America to become a Global Dominator or the symbol of a Great Global Benefactor. In the new era of globalization we cannot afford to have the world paint us as an Imperialist Super-Power. The War on Terror can only be won when the world once again views America as a beacon of fairness as well as opportunity. Furthermore, we cannot let the current Middle East Crisis degenerate into a clash with Islam. If history has taught us anything, it has provided us with clues to the future. In my book, JIHAD: The Mahdi Rebellion in the Sudan, I point to the British in the late 19th century as following the same path that we are following today in the Middle East -namely military occupation of Islamic lands which ultimately led to JIHAD. The British were thrown out of the Sudan for more than thirteen years following the Mahdi Wars. The U.S. today is on the same precarious path. This, of course, feeds directly into the hands of the terrorists aka extremists who continue to employ religion as a weapon. I found Richard Clarke's book a revelation and an excellent read! Murray S. Fradin, author of JIHAD: The Mahdi Rebellion in the Sudan.
Rating:  Summary: A National Hero Review: Richard Clarke will go down in history as a national hero. Unlike John Dean, who stepped forward to expose the horrific excesses of the corrupt Nixon administration only while under pressure from the law and an indictment for his complicity, Clarke has put his entire professional life on the line--all the while knowing he will be personally attacked and possibly destroyed by the Karl Rove machine. Now we can expect to see a hundred negative posts from right-wingers who have not purchased or read the book, claiming to offer "objective" opinions. The man said everything under oath. If the Bush folks think he is lying, they should immediatly prosecute him for perjury...After all, they went after Clinton for lying about sexual encounters, why not Clarke for perjury? But they won't, and the reason is clear. This book is devastating to their OZ-like illusions, and although they are already moving to assasinate his character, they dare not challange his testimony in a court of law, or risk putting Condi Rice or anyone else on the stand against him. Regardless of your political persuasion, this registered Republican, who was originally appointed by Ronald Reagan and served under Bush, Sr. as well as Clinton and Bush, Jr., deserves to be taken seriously. Don't allow the talk-radio spin machine to keep you from buying, borrowing or otherwise obtaining and reading this amazing account of our sad terrorism follies. (Believe me, Clarke is not kind to Clinton either, although he saves his most penetrating and disturbing allegations for Rumsfeldt, Rice and George W. Bush himself). This is the most explosive stuff I have seen since the Pentagon Papers. The Gulf of Tonkin happened again in Iraq, and most of us didn't even notice.
Rating:  Summary: The frightening truth from an honest man Review: What is it going to take before the "march-in-lockstep" Republicans in this country wake up and look at the facts? Here again, as with the O'Neill book and the comments of D'Ullio (former head of the failed "Faith-based" programs), we see the inner workings of a secretive, dangerous and inept administration. This is not how America is supposed to work. Any government that refuses to hold itself up to the light of scrutiny must be doing something wrong, and must be removed. If Bush had gone after terrorists prior to 9/11 as he is now going after Clarke - for merely telling the truth - maybe we would still have 3,000 of our citizens still alive.
Rating:  Summary: Crying Republicans Review: This book clearly points out how manipulating and truth bending the Bush administration is. While this book deals only on the issues of Iraq and 9/11, it just goes to show that if they can deceive on one issue, they can deceive on all issues. Clarke's book and experience is valuable in today's argument over the justification of the mess in Iraq. Read this book and allow your eyes' to be opened to the Bush Administration behind closed doors.