Rating:  Summary: CNN said that Clarke lied under oath. Don't trust Clarke. Review: He is not an American hero. He ranks right up there with Clinton and Nixon and Martha Stewart and the gang from Enron and Adelphia etc.He is now a hero but a liar and a criminal that belongs behind bars.
Rating:  Summary: Clarke, A Real American Hero. Let the Truth Be Told. Review: Real simple, Clark spoke the truth. From the Pan AM bombing to 911, Clarke paints a picture of success's and failures on anti-terror that few would dare to tread. Knowing that none of the corporate, state sponsored media outlets would tell his story, his book was the only way to get the truth out. Even as the White house delayed it's release from Nov. 2003 to now, to blame bad timing as a means of further smear on his 30 year career, Clarke has not faltered. He has taken blame for his failures when others have only denied. He is donating proceeds from the book sales to the families of 911. But, as many fail to accept, he too is a victim of 911 as people most dear to him had died on that day. Never forget that!!!
Rating:  Summary: Republicans.....Lying again for their sake to save ass.... Review: Once again, the truth comes out about 9/11 and Republicans are up in arms calling Clarke a liberial, trying to ruin his reputation when clearly he was working for both adminstrations(Clinton and Bush). Why would he lie? Now you have these stooges now want to have his file open up that are classified from a hearing 2 years ago. Well if they do that, why all the files from that hearing and open up a fourm for all the people to see....see all the lies that this current adminstration is doing now. WMD's my ass....This was the lies that Bush needed to go to war to finish was his father couldn't do. Clarke will go down in history as a martyr for this, but a hero for stading up to this adminstration. Bush will be out of office soon enough...Americans are not going to put up for another 4 years of lies and misleading this country to financal ruin. If anything, send Bush to jail for lying to the american people and sending are finest, The Marines in harms way.
Rating:  Summary: CNN- ***"Clarke.. lied under oath"**** Jail time???? Review: The guy lies under oath yet look at all of the five star reviews (same person no doubt) and helpful votes (again..same person..paid shill) So we can assume that either the five star reviewer has lost contact witht he real world or does not care that the man behind this book is a LIAR! Just wanted to let you know who supports this book. Think about it.
Rating:  Summary: "Cockroach" -- a useful label? Review: One reviewer has essentially called Clark a "cockroach", and that's about all he says. While I was chuckling to myself over this "insightful" review, discovered that 5-6 of the readers even found that review useful!!! People! Let's be more realistic here. Many of the reviews reflect either a passionate approval of the book or an equally passionate criticism of the same. And none of the reviewers really have any more information that the others. And almost everyone of them probably made up their minds BEFORE they read the book, and were essentially looking for things they wanted to find in the book. Sure - Clark might have an axe to grind. But he has served 30+ years under Republican and Democrat administrations. He is an expert on the subject. At least some of what he has written must be true! There has been enough "proof" (for want of a better word) from multiple sources that there was at least some fixation on IRAQ on the part of the current administration even before there was any data to support it. I am not immediately convinced either way. All I have to say is, if you are interested in American politics and current affairs, this book is worth reading. Nobody is asking you believe everything you read. But read it. And form your own opinion. I find most of the reviews of the book completely useless. A couple of them, on the other hands, are truly useful. I wish I had noted down their names so that I could mention them by name. Bottom line: The book is worth reading. But PLEASE, let us behave more like level-headed, educated folks and stay away from the "cockroach" stuff.
Rating:  Summary: WOW! L@@k @ all of the 5 star reviews and votes! WOW! Review: Too bad that one person can't and won't be able to split votes up that way come election time in November. Now I know the Democrats tried to divide votes back in 2000, threw out military votes, called an early win on TV for Gore and did evrything possible to steal the election and still lost, but that will not happen this time around. Come November, the majority of voters is what matters, no one person with no social life, a paid shill hitting five star reviews with helpful votes and 1 star reviews with unhelpful. Won't work. Besides, CNN already has the lowdown on this guy. So does FOX NEWS. Americans aren't buying it nor are they buying into this Amazon board. Nice try. Just not good enough (as usual)
Rating:  Summary: lies? how come? Review: ... oh well...I only hope that objectivity and prudent judgement one day can make it through...For the time being we only have emotions running high... I think that the book is couragious, very well written and give an idea of the atmosphere inside the White House. It gave me the impression that the Bush administration was (and apparently is) behaving more like a third-world dictatorship rather than the government of one of the leading democracies in the world. And many facts that came to light during the last several months only makes me think that Clarke might just be revealing the tip of the iceberg. In any event, it is important to read this without emotions because what is going on within the Bush team is scaring. No matter how emotional you might feel about Clarke's statements, read this book and keep perspective of the facts described.
Rating:  Summary: A good read to learn more about our Terrorism efforts Review: I just finished the Clarke book. Excellent read. His writing is pretty good and the story he tells is very disturbing. The bottom line is that our country is not doing enough to reduce the risk and ultimately prevent terrorists' acts. The only fault I see in the book is that his main focus is on the terrorists rather than preventing them from getting WMD. He makes a very good argument that Bush is the wrong president for the War on terrorism.
Rating:  Summary: Unlike many of the 1-star posters, I actually READ the book! Review: Richard Clarke is a true patriot because he puts his country before his party. This meticulously-documented book lays the blame on Clinton AND Bush. However, he points out some of the failed attempts to fight al Qaeda due to the political firestorms in the '90s. When Clinton wanted to bomb the terrorist camps in Afghanistan, the Republicans attacked him, saying that it was a "Wag the Dog" scenario to deflect attention from the Monica scandal. Clinton's efforts to fund anti-terrorism initiatives in July, 1996 were dismissed by Orrin Hatch as a "phony issue". Please be aware, webmaster, that many of the one-star reviews are an effort by a right-wing website called Free Republic to alter the rating of this book.
Rating:  Summary: It's more than Bush-bashing Review: --------------------------------------------------------- Read this book. The media is focusing on Clarke's criticism of President Bush and missing the rest of the story. Clarke has done a great job of answering many questions about how we arrived at this place in history, drawing on his ringside seat in the Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II administrations. He outlines the thinking that led to policies that no doubt seemed like a good idea at the time and have in retrospect gone badly awry. He goes back to the Cold War issues that drew U.S. attention to the Middle East and South Asia in the first place (particularly the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979). He takes us through the Reagan policies that gave us a foothold in the region, crippled the Soviet Union, and led to its fall; to Gulf War decisions in the U.S. and Saudi Arabia that angered Osama bin Laden; the Clinton administration's actions and failures to act... And finally the Bush II administration's pre-9/11 shortcomings (for example, after a January 2001 meeting with National Security Adviser Condi Rice at which he enumerated the danger al-Qaida posed to the U.S., he couldn't get a meeting with the "Deputies Committee" to discuss terrorism until APRIL). This was on the heels of the al-Qaida bombing of the World Trade Center (1993), horrific bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the attack on the USS Cole. Clarke also writes at length about al-Qaida and bin Laden's stated (and chilling) plans, examines the Bush administration's drive toward war in Iraq, and what it all means for us. Clarke's writing is straightforward and credible. He uses specifics (no fudging and no personal attacks) to make his case. If you're interested in what happened in the two decades leading up to Sept. 11, 2001, add "Against All Enemies" to your "must read" list. It's a great source.