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Rating:  Summary: Shakespeare- anti-semitic, or trying to prove a point? Review: After reading most of the other reviews here, I am fully aware that most of the reviewers didn't read carefully enough (or watch carefully enough if they saw the play.) Now, I'm not saying its not open for different interpretations, but there is one thing I would really like to get straight.I read MoV for a Bar Mitzvah project on Anti-Semitism. Naturally, my sympathies went to Shylock. However, even if i were Christian, i still would've favored Shylock. What many people believe is that Shylock is a cold hearted ruthless person and only wanted to get back at Antonio because Antonio was a Christian. Not true. Shylock specifically says something along the lines off, "Why should I lend money to you? You spit on me, and call me a Jewish dog!" I'm not saying that Shylock was a good guy, but I am saying that he is not the villain. In fact, the "Merchant of Venice," in this story is actually Shylock, not Antonio, contrary to popular belief. My thoughts on the story was that Shylock requested a pound of Antonio's flesh because he did not trust Antonio. Who would trust someone that spat on him? The fact is, Antonio doesn't pay him back in the end. Now, there's always something else we have to put into consideration. Would the judge had given the "spill one ounce of Christian blood" verdict at the end if Shylock were not a Jew? This is the mark of a great play. A play that really gets you thinking. But I encourage you, I beg of you, that when you read it or see it, please do not hold Shylock up to being a cold hearted villain. Hold Antonio up to that image. (joking, of course, Antonio's not a bad guy, he's just not a good guy.)
Rating:  Summary: Not Shakespeare's best work Review: As another reviewer mentioned it is a totally different experience to read a play (especially Shakespeare) when you haven't seen it performed. Yet I decided to do just that with Merchant of Venice, and though my opinion would undoubtedly be different if I had seen it performed, as it stands I can only offer my opinion on it as a written work. As I read the work itself I had a difficult time seeing past the blatant anti-Semitism to analyze the work itself. After reading the play however I went back and read the introduction [...] and the introduction pointed out several things that if they are to be believed would help alleviate my dislike of the treatment of the character of Shylock the Jew. First apparently Shakespeare's prime target in making Shylock a sort of villain was really moneylenders in general, people mostly disliked by those making up much of Shakespeare's audience. The fact that Shakespeare made his moneylender Jewish is more of an exotic touch having to do with the play's setting in Venice. Apparently Jews were incredibly rare in England in Shakespeare's time and though the audience would of course know of them the chance that any of the commoners in the general admission area of the Globe had ever seen a Jew themselves is about as likely as them having seen a Moorish prince like the one courting Portia. As to Shakespeare's cruel treatment (or rather the other characters' cruel treatment) of Shylock's faith, Kenneth Myrick explains that during Shakespeare's time Jews were known particularly for their love for the letter rather than spirit of the law, and were disliked for that attitude. Apparently the characters in Merchant of Venice showing animosity towards Shylock and his faith would be similar to characters in a modern day tv sitcom making fun of a fundamentalist right-wing Christian. Which is not to say that that makes the behavior of either group acceptable, but for myself it puts it into a different light than if people were saying the same thing to a Jew today. Anyway when I was able to look past the anti-Semitism of the play and look at its other qualities here is what I thought: Shakespeare is creating with this play a kind of fairy tale. The caskets that challenge the various suitors to Portia, so that only the noble Bassanio might marry her; the villain who in a jealous and vindictive rage plots to end the life of Bassanio's true friend; and the deus ex machina appearance of Portia in drag to save the day and make the villain pay. This last bit is what makes it more interesting than the classic fairy tale, as it is the fairy princess that swoops in to save the hopelessly trapped knights. And in that it has strong and liberating roles for the female characters, Merchant of Venice succeeds. However I must admit that even without the anti-Semitism holding me back a bit, I just didn't find this work as humorous or as well written in general as some of Shakespeare's other play. Certainly his tragedies surpass it in writing skill, and of his comedies that I have read, this is the least humorous. I must qualify that however by saying that this is Shakespeare nonetheless, and even if it can't compare with his other work, he still is one of the greatest playwrights in the English language.
Rating:  Summary: Mixed emotions. Review: First off, one thing needs to be made clear: in rating this play a mere "2 stars", I'm rating it as opposed to other Shakespearean plays; if rated against the general run of books available, it would be at least three stars, maybe four. The problem is, there are some very good things to be said about this story, but also some very bad things. A modern reader almost certainly takes a very different message from the story than one in Shakespeare's time, when it was perfectly acceptable to stereotype Jews as venal moneylenders, and when forcing a Jew to convert to Christianity at the end of the play could be considered to be in keeping with the "happy ending for all" required of comedies at the time. Granted, Shylock is not a particularly attractive character, so it is difficult to feel much sympathy for him, but as difficult as it is to make him sympathetic, Shakespeare (apparently unintentionally) manages. The man is not only cheated out of his (contractually due) spiteful revenge, but is not even allowed to accept a lesser payment once it is made apparent that he dare not hold Antonio to his word. He loses his daughter; she not only runs away but steals from him in the process, and yet he is not even allowed to disinherit her. And, of course, he's forced to convert to the religion of the people who did all of this to him. He may have been unappealing, but not enough to deserve all of THAT. Further, although Antonio is shown as being generous and brave enough to accept his fate when he thought it was unavoidable, he is a fool for allowing himself to be in that position to start with, and is all too quick to allow Shylock to be cheated of ANY recompense once he's given leave to do so. A TRUE hero would have INSISTED on paying the man his principle and more once let off the hook for his life, even when the "judge" ruled that Shylock had refused any payment other than his bond. In spite of all of this, the play is not unenjoyable, and is as well-written as one expects from Shakespeare, with some interesting plot twists and some good lines (ironically, some of the best being given to Shylock, making it clear that Shakespeare wasn't COMPLETELY unaware of the humanity of the character). The language is also somewhat less obscure to the modern reader than in some of Shakespeare's work, especially his comedies. Definitely worth reading, but be forewarned that the attitude toward Shylock (and to a lesser extent, toward his daughter) will be downright offensive to most in the modern audience.
Rating:  Summary: This Version of Venice Review: For many people who enjoy classical literature, whether Greek tragedy or Shakespearean comedy, it comes down to which version of the work is the best. I have read the Merchant of Venice many times, and was looking to read it again. However, there are well over 50 versions to purchase on Amazon alone.
My review, then, focuses not so much on the play itself, but on this Signet edition. Whichever side of the "Shylock shows Shakespeare as a racist" issue you are on, the reality to me is that this is wonderful literature. That being said, I highly recommend this particular version for several reasons. The introduction to Shakespeare, his time, his language, the theater, and other areas is well written. While perhaps not new information to Shakespeare buffs, I think people reading Shakespeare for the first or second time would find it extremely enlightening. There is also an 18 page introduction to MoV that is like a Cliff's Notes version with some insight as readers prepare to absorb the beautiful language ahead.
With respect to the play, this edition does not bog the reader down in defining every other word, but rather only those words that are completely foreign to the modern speaker, or that had a completely different meaning 400 years ago. After the play are some excellent essays that may help enighten those readers who are wondering about Shylock and his portrayal. I also enjoyed the history of dramatic performances and who played whom in past productions.
Rating:  Summary: Katherine's book review ( MOV anti semitic? NO WAY!) Review: How can people say that The Merchant of Venice is an anti semitic book???? Have the people that said this ever actually read the book? How can people call this anti semitic when it contains one of the greatest anti- racist speeches of all time? 'To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; and what's his reason? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.' Think about it. That speech is a masterpiece. One of Shakespeare's best plays.
Rating:  Summary: Far from his best, but still a worthy read Review: Shakespeare borders on anti-Semitism in this play. In nearly every scene, the Jewish Character is either reminded he is a dog, or that he is evil because of being a Jew and this extends to his daughter; Jessica, whom the stupid clown Lancelot considers to be cursed because of the fact that she is a Jewess. I think the racism in the play spoiled what would have been a funny and enjoyable read. I was trying to convince myself that Shakespeare was not trying to group all Jews together and that Shylock was just a greedy and unfeeling person who just happened to be Jewish. This is all very hard to do looking back from our time at all the atrocities committed against the Jews because of such racist propaganda (even the unknowingly racist). Another thing I have issue with is Portia's testing of her husband to see whether he is faithful, and the fact that she forged a document, plus she impersonated another person , lied about devoting her time to God etc... It lessens her status as a heroine and makes her out to be worse than Shylock in that she employed questionable techniques to free the Merchant of Venice; Antonio. The end never justifies the means. The only real hero in this play, to me was Antonio, although I think Shakespeare made his character to be less realistic with his lack of conflict and complete goodness, a trait that is hard to find in human beings. All these are my opinions and I think you have to read the play itself to determine whether it is racist. On the upside, the story is interesting and full of suspense (for something of its length) and very funny in parts. Check out Portia's description of her suitors for example. All in all, a good play but definitely not his best because of the racism and the lifeless Merchant of Venice.
Rating:  Summary: Very Potent for a "Comedy" Review: The New Folger Library delivers again. I will not buy any Shakespeare from any other publisher - Signet Classics or anyone else. Folger has the best version hands down with its useful words and phrases on the left-hand page to help you out if necessary and give you a deeper understanding of the many references to outdated historical religious figures Shakespeare includes in The Merchant of Venice. A "Comedy"? I know technically its a comedy, but nonetheless with the less than comical themes of greed, morality, and anti-semitism, its hardly a laugh riot. Au contraire, it is Shakespeare's tour de force amongst his many enchanting comedies - much more potent and provocative than Midsummer Night's Dream. It's a shame it is banned in many high schools and colleges throughout the U.S. due to its supposed anti-semitism. A must read for any Shakespeare enthusiast. "A pound of flesh is the bond."
Rating:  Summary: Ouch! Review: This play can be read as anti-semitic. In fact, it's pretty hard to defend it from such charges. Shylock is a pretty rotten character and the fact that he is jewish is difficult to overlook (particularly since the other characters mention it on pretty much EVERY page). However, I think it is important to mention that the "heroes" of this play do not necessarily have to be interpreted as heroes. They are by no means perfect and there are many subtle (and some not-so-subtle) instances within the text in which their biases against ANYONE unlike them is illustrated. If one reads the play this way, then Shylock becomes more of a tragic figure rather than an absolutely heartless villain. I don't know. My feelings about this are mixed. There are a few funny parts of this play and the language is, as always, beautiful. The theme of putting a price on human beings is one which has been explored numerous times since. Overall, it is enjoyable, but perhaps not so much so as some of the other comedies. Do not read this play without having read a few others by Shakespeare first. It is an excellent play, but not his best and not his most enjoyable either.
Rating:  Summary: Katherine's book review ( MOV anti semitic? NO WAY!) Review: This play was actually intersting and had superb characterization. I actually found this work riveting - it had a great plot. I highly recommend this play because it is one of Sharkespeare's best. It is a great play to start with because it is easy to understand.
Rating:  Summary: a problem play Review: Till today, every pen-stroke William Shakespeare made draws respect. This "Merchant Of Venice" is no exception. The story remains tasty despite its age. However, since this particular edition harbours all the ingredients of Sixteenth Century English, many readers (particularly the young) who are only at-home with the contemporary English may find it hard to digest. In this case, reading the simpler 'Merchant Of Venice' part of "Lamb's Tales From Shakespeare" (adapted by Charles and Mary Lamb) would be nice, before journeying into this one. Also, it may make more economic sense (for Shakespeare lovers) to add a couple of dollars atop the price of this book and instead, purchase "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare". There are many cheap, lightweight editions of this 'Complete Works'. And with it, you have access to all the Shakespearean works: those Comedies, Tragedies, and Poetries.
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