Rating: Summary: The Shinig Cloth: Dress and Adornment That Glitters Review: A brilliant read! Traveling the world has afforded me an upclose look at textiles and adornment such as you will see and read about in this highly profesional book. As a textile artist, and merchant of marvels, this book has been invaluable to my collection. This book is great for gift giving too!
Rating: Summary: Still Amazed at Shining Cloth Review: A hobbyist's interest in textiles, sewing and garb drew me into the mysterious worlds presented in this fascinating and unique book. I am not a textiles professional, but I am able to appreciate it in many forms, whether tribal or ethnic, European, or the latest molecular likeness from DuPont. Dismissed by some as a "coffee table" book, The Shining Cloth actually is on my coffee table, where it has lain since its publication. Friends leaf through its wondrous pages, the unknown surfacing in unfathomable meaning from weave, creative decorations, the illustrious imagination that calls on a feather, a gold thread, some beads, and yes, a reflective dot, as a kind of speechless communication. I learned from The Shining Cloth of the metals used for reflection before the advent of the common mirror. Indigo and various dye from nature created signature fabric and design. Such explanations have parallels in my specialty -- food -- that is, people everywhere survive in ingenious ways. Tribal peoples continue even today an unshakeable superstitious dread of what their ancestors called the "evil eye." That their strategy for security could be the armour formed by the industrious and loving construction of a sparkling piece of clothing might have softened a terrifying life or added beauty to a bleak one. The entire subject begs inquiry and demands respect. Ms. Rivers' research certainly got my attention.
Rating: Summary: A MUST for any textile junkie's library. Review: For those of you, like me, who cannot afford to own everything you want... or who do not want to maintain the incredible textile collection you will find pictured here. This book is the wonderful alternative. Close-up details, gorgeous color, perfect eye candy.
Rating: Summary: False Pretense Review: I find this material to be more of a soapbox for the author to launch into tirades and attacks against Christianity and Christians using misinformation, skewed factoids and blatant lies and deceptions concerning Christianity and Christians, while promoting her own biased religious support for shamanism, Hinduism and various other religions under the false pretense of writing a book on "cloth".
Rating: Summary: The Shining Cloth Review: I loved this book! It immediately went to a prime spot in my textile library. I was thrilled when it came out, and as I am a textile collector and dealer, I find that it fills a niche that no other book yet has. The information is quite extensive and well researched. It has been very helpful in my quest for more knowledge about certain areas of world textiles. At the same time, it has introduced many new concepts and relationships that I have found not only useful, but very exciting and inspiring. I find the quality of the photographs and the layout to be very beautiful and visually stimulating, seeming to reflect the author's enthusiasm for her subject. I find this book an indispensible part of my library of textile books, and think anyone from beginner to professional will find an abundance of riches to enjoy in this book! Kudos Ms. Rivers!
Rating: Summary: "The Shining Cloth" sparkles! Review: I must take to task the two very mean-spirited reviews of Victoria Z. Rivers' book, "The Shining Cloth." I am not a European antique dealer, nor am I a textile historian ' perhaps those two reviewers will find enough fire within themselves to publish what they want, expect, or need . . . yet another book on European textiles? What I am is a lover of textiles. I love to look at them; I love to feel them; I love their beauty. And I love the fact that textiles have permeated cultures throughout time ' a timeless connection between then and now."The Shining Cloth" is not a stuffy textbook yawn that puts people to sleep. Even children would love the photographs and delight in discovering how the objects were used. The book is visually stunning, with careful examples of Ms. Rivers choosing. It is one author's viewpoint. It is not a book that attempts to tell everything that ever was about every fabric that ever had a reflective surface ' thankfully! Who needs a book that weighs a ton that costs a fortune? Hey, the whole family can enjoy this one ' and at Amazon's price point at..., it's a bargain!
Rating: Summary: Shining Slubs & Bugs! Review: It is understandable that an environmental designer's book would find a comfortable niche among fellow, like-minded academicians, and in circles that also proclaim "cultural and economic diversity." Just as one would naturally expect an author reviewing the fruit of their own labor to award themselves five stars! I was not not favorably amused. Nor did I bargin for the unsolicited author's world view or the anthropology lesson. None the less, that is precisely what the purchaser of The Shining Cloth will sustain. Right out of the blocks, we are told that embellishments on some garments "represent Male and Female Metaphors." Academe is obsessed with metaphors. Beads and shells, for instance, the author patiently explains, along with ivory, or metal; "Are classified as 'hard', or Male".....Who needs this??? We are educated about the "Evil Eye." Also, that "plants, animal eyes..." (animal eyes?) "...and eye-like beads will protect the wearer from the evil eye's malevolence." Andean burial mounds constructed of bird feathers, (remember the book's title is "Shining CLOTH" and those of us buying on-line rightfully expect the content to be about cloth), and the supernatural or spiritual meanings assigned to the feathers..." The book addresses, "the domain of the spirits," and the "supernatural forces in the forest." It speaks to karma, Haitian vodou ceremonies, and "magical diagrams called 'veves.'" Dealers, designers, and researchers seriously seeking useful, practical reference on Asian and Western European textiles or antique fabrics, and ONLY this genre of textile, will be sorely disappointed in this metaphor for a book on shining cloth.
Rating: Summary: Beetles, Beads, Buttons, and Seeds! Review: Shining Cloth, both the cover photo and title beckon the buyer. Either the author does not share my preference for European, and Asian "shining cloth," or, I seem to have an aversion for the author's predilection for: shaman's porcupine hats, Alaskan fur trimmed leather, Nigerian beaded regalia, Cheyenne tobacco pouches, Haitian hats, polished bronze and silver on shaman's vests, coin laden purses from Marrakech "to ward off evil," Peruvian ceremonial boots, and "magical meteors." What I might have expected were 17th Century Imberline damasks from Italy, silks from France, brocaded cloths, whispy-ethereal scarves, and woven treasures from distant shores. Also anticipated were mirrored Gujarat embroideries, perhaps some Mandarin embroidered lotus slippers, Vanarisi saris, and silks from every continent with embellishments to enchant the eye and invigorate the creative juices. Ahhh, Shining Cloth. My wandering imagination's expectation ended abruptly upon opening Shining Cloth. Leafing through the new arrival, my flights of fancy found themselves being unceremoniously dumped in the middle of some dusty African village. Another book with an anomalous cover photo! To be fair, there are some of the above mentioned delights in Shining Cloth. The author's true interest, however, seems to weigh heavily in the area of ethnic and tribal offerings. "Shining" as applied to the title, references; seeds, shells, bangles, bones, buttons, coins, less than attractive feathers, meteors, and porcupine quills. The book was clearly not my cup of beetle nut juice. Did someone say "beetles"? There is a full chapter on beetles. The lay-out is to this artist's eye awkward and unsympathetic to the format. It also appears to str-etch the text to look like more book for the buck. Haitian voodoo dolls, or African fertility effigies on the cover would have been more befitting the content. Unfortunately, that genre of photo is on the BACK!
Rating: Summary: Unfortunate Title - Another Vanity Coffee Table Book Review: So disenchanted and disgruntled! The content and format are basically that of a vanity coffee table book. (Sigh!) Which is fine for those wishing another coffee table book. In difference to the author's claim once posted above and subsequently deleted; I would expect that collectors/researchers will find the briefest of internet searches to yield more for their "scholarly" demands. With all due respect, the book simply is not helpful in fieldwork, due to it's unwieldy layout, poor arrangement, and complete lack of pertinent, useful information. In keeping with the format of symbolism over substance, there are seven inchs of wasted margin space on many text pages, as a review of the page "examples" above will establish. The author, is no doubt sincere and passionate about "economic diversity." Much of the book, in fact, is more about anthropology, religions, and various ethnic crafts, along with the author's personal bias, than it was about what is generally considered to be "cloth" thus my rejection of the book. One has to ask; "What ever happened to plain old excellence without deference to 'diversity'"? Be it: economic, or cultural, or religious "diversity." What is wrong today with non hyphenated excellence? An author, was once asked what he thought about his critics. The author thought about it, and remarked that it was like asking a lamp post what it thought of a dog. Question: When we exalt our own effort by reviewing our own work, would we then become the lamp post, or the dog? When I notice people reviewing their own work and awarding themselves five stars, it unfortunately, tends to diminish all reviews in my eyes. It especially makes the other effusive ones rather dubious. I only wish I had the opportunity to read and take in all the reviews before paying full price for the book. I don't need more cultural diversity, and I don't need coffee table books that don't fit on the library shelf comfortably.
Rating: Summary: Shining Cloth Awarded Outstanding Academic Title Review: The Shining Cloth is selling extremely well around the world. The book has received numerous positive reviews in prestigious publications such as Hali (London); Textile Fiber Forum (Australia); The Textile Society of Hong Kong; Fibre (UK;) American Craft (New York); Fiberarts (USA); Surface Design Journal (USA); and others. It was recently awarded Outstanding Academic Title by Choice Publications. The purpose of the book is to allow the reader to think deeply and widely about the diverse forms, uses and meanings of light-reflecting substances. The subject matter is inclusive of culturally and economically diverse creative expressions while celebrating innovation, ingenuity and skill. Lastly, the book focuses on areas of textiles and dress that have received less exposure, in order to broaden knowledge in the field. The Shining Cloth is the first book to explore the wider subject of shimmering materials in textiles, so it functions as an excellent scholarly reference, bibliography,and beautiful book to savor for years. I hope you will enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed researching and writing it over the past 14 years. Best regards, the author