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American Outlaws

American Outlaws

List Price: $14.97
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A lot of FUN!!!!
Review: If your looking for a historically accurate film on Jesse James, this isn't it. This is a movie for the sake of fun and action. There's comedy, romance, and impossible stunts. It's the best comical Western I've seen in a long time.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Silverado Meets the Very Young Guns
Review: Despite the virtual absence of any historical accuracy and a very simplistic, Disney-esque plot, I have to say that this movie entertained and amused me. I had very low expectations for it and in many ways I was not disappointed; however, it was good escapist fun with a cast of attractive young actors and light-hearted dialogue. Colin Ferrell is definitely a comer with a nice easy (and sexy) screen presence and Scott Caan and the other actors playing the gang members were interesting new faces. In addition, Timothy Dalton was his usual competently menacing self, and Kathy Bates is always good, even though here she has a very minimal part. In sum, a light-weight movie with lots of horses and action and nice-looking young folks to watch.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome Movie!!
Review: I bought this DVD not ever seeing the movie before or even being a old west movie fan. I bought it because of all the hype about the action in it, so I was not expecting much, BOY WAS I WRONG!! This movie not only has great action in it but a good story line in it as well. I recommend this movie to both action and old western buffs out there.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Oh paleeeeeze, young guns was already done...
Review: I don't mean to side-saddle this one to the curb, and have to give it 3 stars 'cause I never made a better movie myself, but let it be said....In case you've forgotten, Young Guns has come and gone with great results! Tombstone rocked! Classic Eastwood spaghetti westerns (though old) kicked butt! and I could go on and on , but the point is ~ real cowboys were not cute wisecracking joking kiddies////// This is yet another "oh here's the hype- how much did it make on the first weekend- run of the mill - wow that's the chick from that other movie- oh, the teenieboppers think he's cute- disappointment" It is for this reason videostores now have "In stock guarantee or you get it free" , because it will remain on the shelf , except for suckers like me who have a compulsion to see almost every new release and most of the old ones. C'mon~ try that old previewed copy of Young Guns again and prove me wrong.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An entetaining Western/Adventure.
Review: When two Brothers Jesse (Colin Farrell) and Frank James (Gabriel Macht) are just finish the War from North and South. Now, they are back home, when an evil man (Harris Yulan) and his associates (Timothy Dalton & Terry O`Quinn) want to buy the land of Ma James (Oscar-Winner:Kathy Bates) and Other families to bulit thier Train Tracks. When she`s say No. Rollin (O`Quinn) killed Jesse and Frank`s Mother. Now Jesse, Frank, Bob Younger (Will Mc Cormack), Joe Younger (Gregory Smith), Loni Packwood (Joe Stevens), Ty O`Neal (Clell Miller) and Comande Tom (Nathaniel Arcand) team together to Steal Money from the Bank to Stop Them from Buliding the Train Tracks and Finding the man, who Killed-Jesse and Frank`s Mother.

Directed by Les Mayfield (Blue Streak 1 & 2, Encino Man, Miracle on 34th Street-Remake) made an Unbelievable but Entertaining Action-Packed Western. DVD`s has an Sharp anamorphic Widescreen (1.78:1) transfer and an Strong DTS 5.1 Surround Sound:Also in Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. An running commentary track by the Director, Co-Screenwriter:John Rogers and Editor of the Film:Micheal Tronick and also Two Deleted Scenes and More Extras. This syltish western adventure is Somewhat Changed for Action Packed Scenes and This is a Underrated Film and it was also an Box Office disappointment but this is Great Fun. Grade:A-.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good Movie
Review: Ive never read anything about jesse james or the younger brothers so I have nothing to compare it to historically. I thought it was a good movie. Its funny and doesnt try to hard. Ive heard people compare it to young guns. I dont know why however since this is the better movie. I personally dont like young guns because it tries to hard and because of the annoying old man voice of Billy the kid.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: THIS WAS A GREAT MOVIE! At first i laughed at the cute boy cowboys but then i watched it and ..
it was really fun and fast-paced and had alot of funny quotes, great action scenes, really likeable characters and a strong statement against the U.S. govt.'s forcibly taking land and killing communities and people in the name of progress. this is also a great family and friends movie. i too joked at first about its similarity to Young Guns but it is its own movie and is a lot more light-hearted and fun. Definitely check it out!@

Rating: 1 stars
Review: Ugh... I had such high hopes for AMERICAN OUTLAWS... but they were shot down within ten minutes. The instant that Jessee James rode through the middle of a civil war battle as if he were Walker Texas Ranger or Steven Seagal, I rolled my eyes and the movie never won me back.

I'll never understand how some movies go forward into the production process without first having a story to tell?? After watching AMERICAN OUTLAWS, it made me wonder if the producers even researched the James/Younger Gang? Did they visit their local library? Did they interview any of the existing family members to come up with some cool antidotes? Or did they just decide it was time for a western. Then they sat in their carpeted Hollywood offices, threw together a cliche' riddled script in a couple of weeks, gathered up a handful of young good-looking newcomers and went to work. I BET MY MONEY ON THE LATTER.

The script was horrible! No emotional build-up. No sub-plots. Absolutely zero realism. Test-audiences probably didn't like the first viewing, so they started chopping.

Oh, how HOLLYWOOD has changed.

The only good thing to come from this is that the performances weren't bad. They just had nothing to work with. They made the best of a lousy thing. I give high marks to Gabriel Macht. Low key, but out of all the talent involved, I think he'll be someone to watch in the future.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not even worth being called a Western
Review: This movie is without question one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I mean, it's on par with Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, it's that bad. I assume the plot was supposed to be somewhat the real life of Jesse James. Well let me tell you that it has nothing to do with Jesse James whatsoever, besides using their names! Jeez, and people said "Frank and Jesse" was bad! This movie was an insult to the James Gang. It portrays them as teenage pop stars playing cowboys. The acting was atrocious, the only good one was the guy who played Frank and even he kind of sucked. The shot-outs were riduculous, of course, the bad guys can't aim and the good guys never miss. And the plot sucked! Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to compare this to "Tombstone", this movie doesn't even derserve to be compared to "Tombstone". It just plain sucks. Every aspect of it. And for the love of anything that is holy, a movie does not deserve to be seen just because the main actor is hot!! I could care less what the actors look like, it's how they act which counts, you know that is their job. And if that one reviewer who said he's seen 60 westerns and considers this a masterpeice, then by God, he must of only seen cartoons or something, because this movie is a disasterpiece!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: John Wayne it is not, but still worth a look
Review: OK, So it is not another classic western but it is still worth a look. The classic film formula banking on the fact that good looking men in strong male roles trying to beat a system that screwed them will work. And it does to some extent.

The acting while not Oscar contention is still very good. This movies has some wonderful character acting by Kathy Bates (who was absolutely hilarious) and Timothy Dalton (good Scottish accent) two people you would not think to do a low budget film with mainly unknown actors. Colin Farrell while cute is not John Wayne still pulls off a good strong male lead.

And while it is not a documentary, and does not claim to be, of the old west it is still fairly accurate. The events depicted in this film did happen (just not to Jesse James). The attitude of the rail road and the Carte-blanch that it was given by the government when it came to running people off the land by any means possible (even murder) did exists. One note: The death scene played by Kathy Bates is a must see.

If you go in expecting a classic western you will be sorely disappointed. But if you go in with the expectation of an entertaining movie with some excellent action shots and good looking strong male characters then I think it will be an enjoyable movie for you.

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