Rating:  Summary: utterly vile murdertainment Review: This is the most vile and hateful new "entertainment" To come out of the sespool of fox. If you lack moral values and love muderous violence then this is your cup of tea! How anybody can find this "drama" anything other than worthless is beyond me1
Rating:  Summary: ****/12 review. Not a bad season, but pure entertainment. Review: "24" is an intresting show with a great concept. Like many, I would assert that this season was good, but not great. I do apperciate the loaded amount of extra features, this is why I apperciate every penny spent on this dvd set. I often wonder why there was less extra features on the first season release, being it was possibly the best season of the three.
"24" season three borrows alot of the cliches that made the second season good. It's also truly amazing how the storylines never cease to disappoint me in anyway. I always find myself glued to the television awaiting the next breath breaking scene. The character developments aren't as strong in this season as they tried to be in the first year. THIS IS POSSIBLY THE MAJOR REASON WHY THAT SEASON WAS SO SUCCESSFUL. In someway however, I have to say, this show is alot more entertaining when the action is sped up. Still, it leads a little confusion to me when I see charactors that I can like on scene but never truly understand from the movement of the show.
If you like dvd sets, I have been curious why this set doesn't have a "play all" display on its menu. This show is a show that need one of those, if you know what I mean.
All and all, this is a perfect buy along with the other two great season. If you haven't already picked it up, "24" is pure entertainment that we will lead you on the edge of your seat for a full twenty four hour marathon.
Rating:  Summary: 24... hours of pure entertainment!!! Review: I must say that I am not a big fan of much of what has been produced lately on televsion. The reason being is that much of the shows today seem to insult the viwers intelligence, and as a result I just stopped watching and opened up a great book to read(which isn't a bad thing either). What a breath of fresh air it was to discover this gripping series, known as 24. I can honestly say that I actually think this show's acting, characters and writting are better than alot of movies that are out there today. Thank you to Joel Surnow(the creator) for putting something creative and interesting on the market.
As Season 3 begins, we find our Hero Jack Bauer facing another bad and most eventful day. This Day takes place 3 years after the events in Day 2 (Season2). It is difficult to write a review of 24, as much has to do with Spoilers, but I will try and be as vague as possible.Season 3 features some of the best character development. In this season I felt characters were really fleshed out very well and offered the viewer an ability to connect with them on a new level. I also must point out that I would highly reccomend viewing or buying the 1st 2 seasons of 24 before watching this season. You won't really understand Bauer as much and the resentment he has for things and people if you don't start there first.
I also would like to comment on people who negatively give this a one star rating. I am aware that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but please give this show a chance. With so much junk out there that is infiltrating our televsions, it is refreshing to know that their is a show known as 24, which actually acknowledges intelligent viewers and what they watch. I guarantee you this season is no exception, and once you put your first disc in, good luck trying to stop consciously.
-Just a side note, it is rumoured that the Season 4 DVD BoxSet should be out by 4th Quarter of 2005(before Christmas), and may actually include a "Play All" button feature, which will make watching the show more seamless.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Compelling Season yet! Review: I think about all that has happend and it's a lot. Jack races against time to stop a deadly virus from being spread. He has to make huge decisions to stop the virus from spreading and some are pretty contriversal. However you understand he's just doing what has to be done so millions don't die. President Palmer has to make huge choices as well in-order to save the careers of him and his brother. He also has to deal with a dangerous terrorist in-order to keep the virus from spreading. One is to have a CTU member killed. He has no choice to deal with the terrorist because he already knows what he's capable of after the virus is let loose in a motel building. 24 season 3 is the most unpredictible season yet. You never could predict who would live and who would die. When the seasons do end, none of them end with a happy ending. In season 1, Jack found his wife dead. In season 2 President Palmer passes out after getting some sort of flesh eating virus. So compared to those endings, seasons 3's ends a lot less shocking but still it's a fitting ending when you think about all Jack went through that one day.
Rating:  Summary: The best show on TV Review: I'm a huge fan of the show and this eason was another great addition to the 24 collection. My only problem with the DVD is that disc 4 ( at least mine) was corrupted in some way. Some scenes would play on a loop until you skipped to the next one manually. also one of the submenu's on disc 4 came up as black on the screen. but you are still able to play the episode. aside from that weirdness it is a must have for any 24 fan.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Season for the Best Show Review: Ironically, the only thing that goes wrong for the show, besides terroist attacks and their schemes, president assassination plots, etc...is that it has to end sometime. What could be more exiting than 24 hours of nonstop, adrenaline rushing, and mind blowing action that revolves around the lives of some of the strongest characters ever to appear on television. Season three is no exception to the 24 rule: shoot or be shot...and finally Sherry Palmer %@*&!!!
Rating:  Summary: By Far The Most Intense Season By Far Review: Season 3 starts the way season 2 ended. We are stuck in a plot that is completely unknown, and pointless. Half-way through the day, the action starts to really pump up and explode, and who cares that it has cornball plotting? Even before the day ends, 24 delivers more of it's unexpected formula, including a outbreak of a deadly virus killing nearly 1,000 people, which is shown very graphicly, and the final episode will leave your heart pounding. This season alone makes up for what season 2 failed in. This season finished with all barrels blazing. 24 is spectacular.
Rating:  Summary: Well worth watching, but more uneven than Seasons One or Two Review: Season three begins 3 years after season two. Jack Bauer has returned from a deep undercover assignment, where he infiltrated and won the trust of the Salazar brothers, two drug dealers with ties to terrorist cells. Jack's assignment ended successfully with the capture of Ramone Salazar, and the season begins with Jack paying a visit to Salazar in jail. At the same time, a mysterious van drops off a dead body at a National Health Services facility in Los Angeles. The body had been infected with a weaponized virus, and the delivery is clearly a signal that terrorists are threatening to unleash havoc in L.A. Are these two events connected? Jack has to find out, but he is struggling with an incredible burden that may affect his job performance. As in the previous seasons, Kiefer Sutherland again is exceptional, and easily worthy of the awards he's earned for his performance in 24. The third season brings back a few characters from Season Two, and introduces many new ones. Tony Almeida is back, and is running CTU side by side with Jack. Michelle Dessler, another CTU worker that was Tony's love interest in Season Two, is also back, and by the second half of Season Three, Michelle becomes a very important character. Reiko Aylesworth, who plays Michelle, really shines as her character takes on new importance and new responsibilities. And finally, Dave Chappelle, a by-the-book guy from "Division", returns from Season Two. Chappelle has the authority to oversee CTU, and usually disapproves of Jack's unorthodox methods. Chappelle played a minor role in Season Two, and does again in Season Three, except that he becomes the center of a particularly thrilling episode late in the Season. Season Three also sees the return of Nina Myers and Sherry Palmer, the two villians we love to hate. Nina's entrance into the storyline is too coincidental to be plausible, but you quickly forgive the writers for this, because her storyline is very good. If you are familiar with Jack and Nina's history, you will find the climax of Nina's storyline in Season Three to be thrilling. Both of these women are complex characters, and their relationships with their "men" (Nina to Jack and Sherry to the President) are complex and interesting. Jack's daughter Kim is back, and is now working at CTU as a computer geek. It seems that Jack got her the job so that he could keep an eye on her and insure that she wouldn't get stuck in any mountain lion traps. The writers mostly avoid the mistakes they made with Kim's character in Season Two. There are new characters, I will only mention two. Jack has a new, young partner named Chase Edmunds. Chase is a young version of Jack, highly competent and willing to step over the line to get results. Chase also idolizes Jack, though events during Season Three will put their relationship to the test. The other new character is a young computer expert named Chloe. She has no social skills (she is frequently and unintentionally rude to her co-workers, and after a while this behavior gets to be a running joke), but Chloe makes up for it with exceptional skill at her job. There are many times when Jack, Tony, or Chappelle give her a near impossible task that would ordinarily take hours, but they need it done in minutes. Chloe always rises to the occasion. That's as much as I can tell you without giving anything away. Now, as to the quality of Season Three: There are some truly great episodes, and the plot has some really neat twists and turns. However, like most critics, I believe that Season Three is more uneven than Seasons One or Two, and has more episodes that are just "okay" rather than truly great. Still, Season Three is well worth watching, and I really respect the writers for reinventing "24" every season - they don't repeat the same formula every year, they work hard to come up with something new and different and exciting, and for the most part, they succeed. Another reviewer here said the season finale was lackluster. I respectfully disagree, I thought it was as good as the finale to Season Two. In order to appreciate the very last scene, you need to remember all the trauma that Jack has been through in this long day; viewers who didn't see every episode, or didn't remember everything, probably cannot feel the impact of the final scene. But if you watch Season 3 on DVD, you can see all the episodes without waiting a week or more between episodes, so you will remember everything and really enjoy the final scene. However, I agree with that reviewer's disappointment over the fact that Season Three brushes off major plot points from Season Two without satisfactorily explaining them - namely, the assassination attempt on President Palmer, and Jack's relationship with Kate. Clearly, the writers decided to abandon these storylines and wanted to wrap them up with minimal effort on their part.
Rating:  Summary: Great show, but realize that.... Review: The republican from Dallas doesn't realize that this is a Republican show. It's pro-Bush and propaganda. He should be FOR this show!
Like I said, it's a great show but it is on Republican TV (Fox) and it depicts terrorists as if they really were sophisticated with CIA type technology and resources. Why? Because as long at American's really believe terrorism is that much of a threat (it's not) then they will continue to be afraid and that is how fascist governments rule their citizens -- with terror. Bush and his cronies will continue to get away with their attack on our freedoms and their imperialistic wars for oil as long as Ameicans believe their terror propaganda.
Enjoy the show, but don't believe ANY of it. The so-called terrorists don't have all those 007 toys and technology. They got lucky once. That's all. If you want something to fear, fear the USA's current administration's war on your rights and their goal of world domination.
Rating:  Summary: "The man has more lives than a cat" Review: The second season of this series ended with Jack Bauer (Sutherland) saving the country, but also with President David Palmer (Haysbert) being victim of vicious chemical attack that left him at the edge of death. This season starts three years later with Jack being in the process of obtaining important information about several terrorist groups from one of his prisoners, Rafael Salazar. Jack infiltrated the Salazar cartel, captured Rafael and now is making every effort to get the information he is looking for. But when Salazar is ready to close the deal of giving the information in exchange for a reduced sentence, he decides to kill his lawyer, and all hell breaks lose.
Rafael's brother is in possession of a deadly virus and is threatening to release it across different cities in the US. The virus is supposed to kill at a rapid pace, but it has been altered to kill in...want to guess? 24 Hours! So now, Jack has to find the terrorists before it is too late, because the policy of the US is not to negotiate in this situations and Palmer is not willing to yield. The president is still alive and going through the turmoil of another political campaign. He now has his brother as his right hand but is getting pressure from an important financial supporter to fire him.
The series is still very good and maintains the viewer on the edge of his seat almost at all times. Some aspects of the series however are starting to get old; for example the creators overuse the technique of keeping the suspense level high by interrupting a character that is going to reveal crucial information. Also, some characters keep coming back and getting second and third chances; they also keep going back to similar ploys to the ones they have attempted in the past and that are starting to get repetitive. On top of this, for a series that tries to make the events as believable as possible, they go over the top sometimes. I am not going to mention what some of these things are because I do not want to give away crucial plot elements, but anyone that watches this season will figure these out easily.
There are several things about the series, and this season in particular that I do like though. For example, I love the fact that the series is in real time; this was a novel concept when it started in its first season, but it still provides a special feeling in the third year. I have found though that I cannot watch this series on TV, because the suspense between episodes is too much to wait a whole week to see what happens next. I prefer to wait for the DVD release and watch it in longer batches. The other aspect I really enjoy is that Jack usually has to deal with personal problems that have an effect on the end result. In this case, he has problems with his addiction, which is a result of his undercover operation with the Salazar group. He also has to deal with the fact that his daughter is working in CTU and she is involved with one of the agents there. I think that the way in which the creators present Kim Bauer in this season solved one of the main flaws in the series in the past. In previous seasons she was always getting in trouble, and even after surviving a dangerous situation she would immediately get involved in a tighter one. I found that now she is a more believable character.
In conclusion, even though there are some aspects of the series that some people will probably see as flaws, like the ones I pointed out, I find this a highly enjoyable series. It would be great if they could improve on the aforementioned points for the next season. I am looking forward to it!