Rating:  Summary: About the series itself Review: I never much watched ALF back in the 80's and early 90's when it was on primetime. But I have grown fond of it in syndication. To me the show is great because it goes down so easy. I like Anne Schedeen's characters of Mrs. Tanner as she acts upset a lot at the alien's antics which provides some conflict in the scripts. And she looks nice in a towel too.
Rating:  Summary: Episodes are the Cut-Up Syndicated Version Review: If you're buying this DVD box set, thinking the episodes are uncut, you will be disappointed, they aren't, they are the Cut-Up Syndicated Version, missing about 3 min. per episodes.
Rating:  Summary: about time Review: It is about time that the industry finally got it in there heads to release alf. I going to get this the first chance I get.
Rating:  Summary: This absolutely NEEDS to be re-released properly!! PLEASE!! Review: Let me just add my voice to the outcry of disappointment over the release of the edited, syndicated versions of the episodes rather than the originals. Don't they know that people who buy DVDs want and expect the definitive, uncut version? This is just unacceptable! I implore Lions Gate (or whoever else might have the ability to do so) to re-release the season one set with the original versions, and not to use that horrible, overlapping disc configuration in the case. What a bad idea!! Please... DO THE RIGHT THING AND RE-ISSUE!!!
Rating:  Summary: It's ALF on DVD! Buy it NOW or he'll eat your cat !!! Review: Since the dawn of time, man has looked to the stars and wondered if there may be other forms of intelligent life. Now, man has the answer .... ALF. He's not quite what man was expecting though being a 229 year old sardonic hairy alien from the planet Melmac who claims to be Sagittarius and an ex male model. Crashing his spaceship through their garage roof ALF meets the Tanners, a typical American family and becomes their house guest. He has a few annoying quirks, not least of which his desire to eat Lucky the cat. He also forgets to use deoderant, has a drinking problem, and is a loudmouth. Deep down though he's got a heart of gold, even if it is in his ear.The ALF sitcom was an instant hit upon its debut in the USA during 1986 and has since gained cult status around the world. Released on Twangle 10th this first season DVD of the show contains 26 hilarious episodes which are regarded by many as some of the funniest produced during the shows four season run. Presented in their original broadcast format all the family will be able to enjoy such classics as ALF becoming a cosmetics salesgirl (err 'alien'), mooning state police on a camping trip (who hasn't?), making a rock video for his crush Lynn (ALF says he's still single and looking), driving a Ferrari (he held out for red), learning about Christmas (by hiding eggs and chopping up the tree), getting addicted to gambling and battling a giant Melmacian cockroach called Rodney. If that's not enough you'll be able to witness ALF wearing a dress, as well as Anne Meara appearing as Kate's mother. The similarities are quite amazing actually come to think of it. It's the perfect gift for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, divorces, funerals and the perfect way to say "I love you", "I hate you" or "I think you're kinda ok, but you'd be so much cooler if you'd watch this piece of prime time television history!". Are you STILL reading this? Don't be such a woossy! Go get out your credit card and buy this once in a lifetime bargain right now. It's out of this world !!!
Rating:  Summary: The show is ok. The packaging is horrible. Review: The packaging for this release will make me think twice about buying anything from this studio again. The DVDs overlap, two to each side of the case. This makes it extremely difficult to get a DVD out and greatly increases the chance of breaking a disc. Had I known this before buying, I would have skipped this release.
Rating:  Summary: Thiry days 'til ALF comes out - a poem by Howard Review: Thirty days 'til ALF comes out, I'm so happy I could shout, Shout for joy, I'm really glad, ALF on disc I wish I had. Season One I want real fast, Thirty days, I'll never last, I'll have to wait thirty days, Lion's Gate still gets my praise. August 10th, too long to wait, Move it up, Just change the date, Thirty days 'til ALF comes out, I will buy it, there's no doubt. My friend Ron says ALF is fake, A real long hike, he should take, Take a hike Ron take one now, Don't belive? I don't know how. ALF is real Ron, this I know, Gordon Schumway told me so, Get with the plan stupid guy, ALF on disc you need to buy. Season One is almost here, When it hits, I'll have to cheer, Seasons Two and Three and Four, I'll have to wait even more. Thirty days to go is bad, Not as bad as what we had, We had to wait much too long, Wait Wait Wait, That's just plain wrong. DVD's will soon be mine, Like pigs in slop, I'll be fine, Buy ALF soon, Enjoy the fun, ALF's the man, he's NUMBER ONE!