Rating:  Summary: Groundbreaking, intelligent science fiction Review: At last: intelligent science fiction that marries the integrity of 2001: A Space Odyssey with honest human interactions. The creative team of Ronald D. Moore, David Eick and Michael Rymer clearly understand that bombastic music, overblown dialogue and cliched effects are no substitute for good storytelling. As such, this Galactica is free of the John Williams-style brass march; devoid of overly dramatic pronouncements describing what we've just seen; bereft of bright lasers and twinkling explosions.It's what's in the place of these cliches that makes the 2003 incarnation of Battlestar Galactica interesting. Understatement is the call of the day, and it couldn't work better. Perhaps taking a cue from the physical properties of space--it is, after all, a vacuum--the music is simple drum beats augmented with simple woodwind and vocal flourishes; the dialogue is clear and direct; the battle sequences are powerfully muted. The net result is that the story, which has not changed, takes center stage. During a time of peace, the 12 human colonies are ambushed by their Cylon enemies and pummeled to near-extinction. Moore is aware that we're not going to swallow that without a bit of exposition and he rewards our expectation with new, smarter Cylons who have infiltrated human defenses, developed counter technology and instigated a systemic plan of attack to assure that virtually every outpost of human resistance is covered. Toward this end the Cylons have evolved into three forms: a synthetic human model, an updated centurion model, and the "chrome toaster" model we recall from the original. Infamous human traitor Baltar has also evolved. The 2003 Baltar is an apparently unwitting accomplice who can't even convince his associates that he feels guilty for his role in the human holocaust. The amoral, narcissistic Baltar makes whole the transformation of the Cylon enemy from one-note caricature (circa 1978) to an intelligent, complex and ulitmately superior foe. All the heroes from the original are here, powered by performances of the highest caliber. Edward James Olmos and Jamie Bamber take the roles of Adama and Apollo into a dimension informed by family history, shared tragedy and profound love. Katee Sackhoff's Starbuck is the superior pilot whose personal demons, while entertaining, carry consequences when acted upon. Michael Hogan's Colonel Tigh is an executive officer (or XO) whose sense of duty to commander and ship prevails over his sense of nearly debilitating inadequacy. Lorne Greene, Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict and Terry Carter could have only dreamed for such depth of character. As the miniseries is the set up for a series, it ends in cliffhanger rather than neatly tying up loose ends. This benefits the whole rather than detracting: this is a movie in which the good guys lose and lose big--every open door leaves hope for their future. If Sci-Fi (or another network) picks up this series it could well be evolutionary in science fiction. If this is all we get, there is much here to enjoy. Those with fond memories of the seventies space opera have grown up and thankfully, so has Galactica.
Rating:  Summary: A sequel that's BETTER than the original! Review: My god, I grew up with Bg and was skeptical about the re-make. Thank god I did not believe the critics or irate fans. This mini-series was EXCEPTIONAL. Best special effects I have seen in any Sci-Fi andgreat casting made the story so much more realistic than the original. On a 1-10 scale this gets a 20! I am hopeful this will become a new series!
Rating:  Summary: Almost... Review: I am an avid fan of Battlestar Galactica, and awaited this mini-series with much anticipation. I will NOT put down or speak overly negative of this mini-series, because I believe the creators accomplished what they wanted to do - remake, and update, this legend for a new generation. It's just that the old generation of fans thought there wasn't anything wrong with the original. Having said that, I did think this mini-series would have been better if it was a continuation of the old series. The premise that no one has heard from the Cylons in forty years was interesting, and that the Cylons evolved in that time is briliant writting, regardless of how you feel. But, the creators could have easily made a nod to the old series - case in point, the uneasy alliance the Colonials made with the Cylons could have taken place at the end of the old series. The Cylons disappear, and the Galactica is the only Battlestar left, since humanity is convinced the Cylon threat is finished forever. The original Commander Adama has passed, and his son Apollo has taken over (this would be a nod to Richard Hatch's novels). His old/best friend, Starbuck, could have been his XO (taking the place of Boomer, whom I believe to be a wasted character in this mini-series). The NEW Apollo, Capt. Lee Adama, would naturally be his child. The female Starbuck could be the daughter of the original - the reason these offspring carry the nicknames of their parents is obvious. THEN, with this background firmly in place, carry on with the new mini-series. There wouldn't have to have been much change, just a little tweak of the plot here and there, but nothing major. I believe this would have 'updated' the series for the new generation, while giving some closure, and new anticipation, to the old generation of fans who have been clamoring for decades for more Battlestar Galactica. As it is, the old generation of fans are determined to hate this mini-series, and the new generation of fans aren't sold on it - why? Because the mini-series is quite devoid of action. Oh, there's plenty of talk and mystery, but I can count on one hand they number of times I saw a Viper in action. C'mon, this is Battlestar Galactica for pete's sake - while were glad this mini-series didn't bring back the stock footage of a Raider blowing up, we'd have liked to seen SOME action. The power struggle between the new President and Commander Adama is interesting, and the fear brought about by the knowledge that Cylons can look like humans is priceless, but other than that, I cannot honestly say that this new mini-series added to the mytholoy of Battlestar Galactica in any way.
Rating:  Summary: Loved the new BG Review: Just a short description of the new version. This new version of Battlestar Galactica is based on a more "Post Modern American civilization" than a advance Egyptian based society as in the first. The story is based on Humans against their Machine enemy...and it is a fight for survival of Mankind , ala the Matrix. Why I like this version: Peronally this BG version reminds me of the Anime type future....where modern bits of our times are transported to a futuristic era.....suits and ties, with fashions from our times are used instead of campy cartoon Star Trek looks... The 2001 a space odyssey influence is quite striking. The brilliant use of modern Naval uniforms and tactics give this mini series more realism and grit that the original did not have. This Miniseries seemed more like a film than a TV epic.... Ed Olmos as Adama is great...but is a more jaded and battle hardened Commander Adama...The cast is equally great...with special mention to Grace Park (Boomer)...who is absolutely gorgeous in this film.... And to Aaron Douglas (Tyrol) who has a lot of chemisty with Grace. These two are the ones to watch in this series. They have a emotional impact that is excellent and touching. Another great scene is on the nuked planet of Carprica....Boomer and her fellow pilot find themselves choosing in a crowed of human surviors, who should live and who should stay...as mushroom clouds fill the sky.....It is the most gripping scene in the whole movie....and gut wrenching... Those who apprieciate the grittiness of Anime will really love this version of BG..... You will see a lot of similarities to Macross, Macross Plus..and even Cowboy Bebop, in this flick..... I loved the original pilot of BG....but the series strayed from the original premise and got cancelled.. This Miniseries on the other hand is excellent and has the potential to be a classic series.... I plan on getting this DVD for sure. Five stars baby!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Hey, I can't help it. . . Review: After seeing this show blasted by what seemed like 99% of all reviewers, I almost didn't bother watching. Almost. On an encore, back to back episode 1 and 2 showing I watched it. I am not really sure the reviewers watched the same show I watched. True, not much, if any of the original BSG was there, but if you viewed it as an independent show, it was pretty good. The special effects were terrific and the space fight scenes were light years ahead of the original, overly reused stock footage. As I recall, I didn't run into a single soul who liked Star Trek: The Next Generation at first (including me), but it took off like a rocket and 3 more sequels later here we are. As for the new BSG, I hope it does serve as a springboard for a new series, that I would heartily look forward to each week. I will buy the DVD when it is released. As for the original, I have it on DVD and it is great to kick back, watch, and remember.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Darned Cool Remake Review: I was ten years old and a big fan at the time the original series aired, so I had low expectations for any remake. But the SciFi Channel remake is very well done and has enough plot/character "adjustments" to keep things very interesting. Also, the new soundtrack is different with a more primitive percussion and dark celtic(?) tone. Anyway, I came here looking for the soundtrack, but I'm more than happy to sign up on the waiting list for the DVD. And I'll eagerly be waiting for the SciFi channel to develop this one into a series. Judging from the other reviews, you'll either really like this movie, or really resent it. I considered it to be fun, immersible (I stayed glued to the t.v.), refreshing and tasty (for lack of a better word).
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic! Review: I just happened upon the first showing of the new BSG while I was channel surfing, and now I'm hooked. Thanks, SciFi channel, now I'm obsessed with BSG. For some reason, the purists from the original series keep whining about how this new BSG sucks because it's "different", but don't listen to them. Watch this for yourself, and you'll see just how awesome it is. A must for anyone into SciFi, or just plain drama, at all.
Rating:  Summary: Lets just set the original series aside. Review: This is a new vision and should be judged on its own merit, and not some 20-year-old memory. I watched the series, three time, and actually managed to stay awake the third time. I wanted to like it that much. Coma patients get more respect than the producers of this updated Galactica gave the audience. Why do I want to watch a show about a simpering brat who's mad at daddy, a drunk, a politician who has to be told over and over that there is a war on, a mechanic who complains when ever a fighter comes in with damage and that bad things can happen during an attack? These are the characters who stood out, the rest aren't even worth mentioning. I'm rooting for the Cylons; humanity deserves to be wiped out. Machines turning on humans has been done so many times. Frankenstein (I know, not a robot) turned on his creator when he was rejected. The Terminator was part of a network that turned on its creator. The Twilight Zones and Outer Limits used this plot more than once. Wasn't there a killer robot in Alien? I'm not sure if the HAL 9000 counts or not. Did they have to choose such a tired concept for the bad guys? I'm not upset that Starbuck was cast as a woman; I'm upset that Starbuck is portrayed as a hypocritical boor. I think they take insubordination and striking a superior officer rather seriously in the military. Such behavior is not tough it's just stupid. Somehow, having a woman behave this way is supposed to make it all right. If they wanted tough, she should have picked a fight with someone who could hit back. Oh wait, apparently she is the only pilot who can even hit an enemy fighter. Again... Yeeeh Cylons! While the theme of keeping the Battlestar free of network computers was interesting, and has a lot of story possibilities, BSG2003 suffers from uninteresting characters, mindless personal conflicts, and a constant exploration of the weakness of the human character. I've seen this before, in fact in movies and evening news it's just about all I see. Show me something new for crying out loud. So what did we learn TV Producers? 1. If the pitch for a show begins with "If the audience can just get past..." something is probably wrong, file the script in the trash and move on. 2. Some Sci Fi Fans are older than 14, and are not as impressed with Tricia Helfer bouncing on James Callis as you might think. We can just buy the Maxim issue or order our own copy of "Robots Gone Wild"! Mindless skin shots will not hide a crappy plot. 3. Finally, no matter how silly a cult classic might seem, fans watch the reruns again and again for a reason! If you're going to do a remake, have a little regard for it. If you want to make a brand new vision, then make it, but don't just cannibalize another show hoping to rope in the fans of TOS. Two stars for developing Adama as the only compelling character in the cast and for some truly excellent special effects. Minus one for threatening to make this in to a new series. I can't stand the thought of being subjected to weekly commercials for this drivel.
Rating:  Summary: Lack of Imagination and diversity Review: Ho Hum as it goes with today's sci-fi. The only thing this show has going for it is the name! I am not sure which is a bigger tragedy the total annihilation of mankind on Caprica or the making of this show. If you are going to remake the original series so much then why not rename it? The answer of course is nobody would watch or buy this mini-series with a different name. Why would you take out the worst enemy known to humans.......those shiny machines with haunting mechanical voices? The answer of course is it's a lot cheaper to use a human without special effects and say hey she is a Cylon. Just think about it. So if you like a show with no plot, cheap special effects and strange sex scenes then this is the show for you.
Rating:  Summary: Saw it on SciFi and can't wait for DVD Review: Let me preface this by saying I only watched the showing on the SciFi channel and have no idea about any DVD things... This is just a review of the content. I grew up watching the old Battlestar Gallactica and enjoyed watching the tin can robots with the one red eye get their butts blown up by Starbuck and the gang. This new mini-series (sure to be a series) is a similar storyline with many of the same names used. The show differs in it's 'feel', however. The wiping out of humanity is handled very seriously and made my wife choke up a couple of times. Let's face it: nobody would be indifferent to the wiping out of billions of people (unless you are a psychotic). And the Cylons 'feel' different too. They are no longer machines that are being sent on errands by the vindictive Baltar. These Cylons are clever, methodical, patient, relentless, and have a scary unemotional quality. The quiet space battles are quite a change, and take some getting used to. This isn't the laser blasting, ship-moves-so-fast-it-makes-sound-in-space sort of stuff you get everywhere else. This is Arthur C. Clarke meets CNN, and a relief for scifi fans who get tired of 'hearing' ships in outer space (for anyone who doesn't know, there is NO SOUND IN SPACE). Rating the show 4 of 5. Dropped a star because the dogs left us hanging, not knowing if the series is going to make it out or not. Also because I don't know if the DVD will have any extras.