Rating:  Summary: E.J. Olmos elevates this bomb to 2 stars!!! Review: If you're a dedicated or rabid fan of the original, this mini-series will almost certainly be an abomination to you.I love the sci-fi genre and the Sci-Fi channel has done many excellent series and specials, but this isn't one of them. As a fan of the original, I had read many of the ravings on the net about the change of characters for this mini-series. I anticipated the re-write would be a logical update of the campy original, and in many ways, it was. The new show had better SFX, better real-world physics/science, and I even liked the premise that the Galactica was an ancient ship about to be retired and not the mainstream ship of the line that the original series portrayed. The evolution of the cylons and their development reflected more modern science and expectations. Bottom line- Sets, Science, and SFX were all vastly improved over the original. However, the characters with two notable exceptions were abysmal. Edward James Olmos' portrayal of Adama was the only thing in my mind that raised the rating from 0 stars to 2 stars. Mary McDonell's portrayal of the President of the Colonies was also exemplary. The other actors were not hideous in their portrayals, the writing was so genuinely sewage-like that I erased the movie after I had already taped both parts. I kept hoping it would get better and it never did. My objections are as follows. Changing Starbuck's character to a woman was amusing to me. Hollywood's obsession with making tough female characters is so far out of touch with reality, I can't help but laugh. I'm not saying there aren't any tough women, I'm saying Hollywood's obsession with making the key 'macho' character female in every show or mini-series is hysterical. Anyway, I thought she was pretty good until 2 scenes transformed her character from rogue to *itch!! The first scene involved Col. Tigh's apology and her seething rejection of that apology followed by a scene later with Apollo where she confesses one of her own sins. She expects absolution from Apollo and lambasts Col. Tigh. Her character is no longer the likable rogue, just an unforgiving ***hole! The portrayal of Col. Tigh as a falling down drunk who's being carried along by Cdr. Adama was also pathetic. Also, I didn't understand changing Boomer's character from a Black man to an Asian woman. Why, other than a race thing involving the cylon twist?? But my biggest objection was Baltar. I liked making him a brilliant scientist, that was cool. But noone as narcissistic as they made him would ever be a successful scientist. Changing him from a truly evil powermonger to a narcissistic, sexually-deceived imbecile was pathetic and unforgivable. Portraying Baltar as a victim, even a semi-willing one is just reprehensible. The moral statement that makes only deserves derision! It wasn't just a matter of making more colorful, REAL characters. The characters became SO flawed that I'm asking myself who am I supposed to root for and why does humanity deserve a second chance if these are the types of people we're supposed to be rooting for? Despite Hollywood perceptions, many people rise to the level of hero w/o being a drunk or an ***hole and evil DOES exist, get over it!!! With more competent writing and modification of some of the characters from the mini-series, it could be a successful series, but not in it's current state - the one in this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Sci-Fi for Adults! Review: Galactica traditionalism aside. I have to say this is one of the most well made and intelligent science fiction films I have seen. It's nice to see a film in this genre without the campiness of so many sci-fi stories including the original Galactica. Excellent screenplay by Ronald D. Moore. Well Done! Looking forward to purchasing the DVD when it's released.
Rating:  Summary: not bad Review: I loved this mini series. I am old enough to remember the original, which I loved, but I am just as glad to see a smart re-make (even if many elements have changed). For those of you who didn't like it because it was so "different"---how can you call yourselves true sci fi fans? This was sci fi to the core, and the basic plot was the same---and cool I might add. Frankly, I'm glad the idea got a makeover. We'll always have the originals---and hopefully we'll always have re-makes full of new technology and fresh faces as well. One other thing---as far as Sci Fi channel pictures go's, this is one of the best. My other favorites are the Dune series...another remake worth watching.
Rating:  Summary: This was a spectacular mini-series Review: All I can say is that this mini-series was spectacular, and no matter what the "average" rating posted above, the bottom line is, at the time of this writing, 104 people bothered to come here, seek out the DVD, discover that it isn't yet available, and nonetheless bothered to rate the series and write reviews. 104 people for a DVD that doesn't exist says a whole heck of a lot about the quality of Battlestar Galactica! If this DVD comes out, BUY IT!
Rating:  Summary: So say we all. Review: Although hoaky in retrospect, the original BATTLESTAR GALACTICA television show was definitely entertaining for generation Xers like myself who were young and bewildered at the time the show aired. Therefore there is a nostalgic bar to be met when word got out about a 'revamped' new version of the T.V. classic. Well, it has been met and then some. SCI-FI CHANNEL original movies usually blow, but with the advent of some savy programming gambles (the mini-series TAKEN paid off), things are looking brighter for a cable network that should be 24 hour sure-fire entertainment. BATTLESTAR is no exception. Having spent some dough on talented scriptwriters and sharp FX, this mini-series is engaging and cool. Great characterization is complemented by confident performances by a great cast. The story moves quickly and with purpose as the intelligent plot unfolds. There are moments that don't shine as bright as others, but are forgiven by some great visuals and exciting pacing. I find the 'sexual' parts to be lulls and don't see the purpose for them, and I would've loved to see more of the new CYLON CENTURIONS (really cool, as is the CYLON star fighters). Otherwise BATTLESTAR is some solid entertainment. Sound and picture on the DVD should make viewing even better due to the inventive sound editing (great score, too) and stellar GC space battles. Looking forward to the series based on this excellent introduction to a new and much improved BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.
Rating:  Summary: Compared to Sci-Fi's Other Miniseries.... Review: Compared to Sci-Fi's other miniseries, Battlestar Galactica was a disappointment. i have seen Firestarter Rekindled, Dune, Children of Dune, and my favorite, Taken, and i have come to expect high quality from the Sci-Fi Channel original miniseries. However, Battlestar Galactica wasn't. Perhaps it was better than the older show, but i wouldn't know, as i haven't seen it. However, the plot wasn't well done. It seemed like something just thrown together. The characters were decent, but none really stood out as being great, unlike Muad'Dib in Dune, Leto in Children of Dune, or Allie or any other character in Taken. It just seems that this miniseries would be better as a TV series, but still, i don't think i would want to watch it. It would probably be even more boring than Star Trek Enterprise!
Rating:  Summary: The comparison between old and new. Review: As a teenager growing up with Battlestar, I have very fond memorys of the original show. I actually went to a convention to meet Richard Hatch!(Apollo). I viewed the 2003 mini series with some caution, I'd heard it all before - remember the Lost In Space movie! It should be retitled "Marooned in Space" and any connection with The Lost In Space Series dropped. So I sat down and watched the show. What is my opinion? I think it was better than the original series. Yes, blasphemy! I hear you. But really consider the facts here guys, all the original actors are in their 50's or 60's John Colocos (Baltar) has sadly passed away as has Jonathon Harris (Lucifers voice). Richard Hatch's character Apollo would be better suited to a bridge position or we would have geriatrics flying vipers in space well you see my point. So basically going back with the original actors is not really an option no matter how much you and I may have wanted to see them again. The new series has great effects the new Cylon baseships are awesome and the Cylon fighters are now just flying machines.
The basic good storyline is intact, the original one before ABC F#$@ed it up. Glen A Larson was onboard as a consulting producer for the new series - I did miss the chrome Cylons though - hopefully they will be brought back should production continue. The new series paid tribute to the original series, and then moved forward. Set some 40 years after the original series, the Cylons are now a creation of machines made by man and given intelligence not an Alien race. The machines turn on their creators and an all out war follows. An armistice was finally declared with the Cylons and 40 years of peace has followed, the peace is broken by the Cylons who launched a sneak attack and now look human. The Galactia is scheduled to be decommissioned and turned into a museum. (On display are the original series Cylons, Baseships and Vipers) Her last mission is a decommissioning ceremony. Her last commander "Adama" is also retiring just prior to the Cylons attack. The Zac character is already dead and there is tension between Apollo and Adama as to who is to blame for Zac's death. During the decommissioning ceremony the Cylons launch their attack and defeat the humans who fail to fire a single shot due to the Cylons reprogramming of the defence computers with the "unknowing" help of a computer genius named "Boltar". All the other Battle Stars are destroyed - some 120 in total during in the conflict - I don't recall you actually seeing any other Battle Stars. The survivors of the 12 Colonies flee in ships - only 50,000 people are left from all the colonies. The humans have lost the war to the Cylons, the remaining humans flee on ships however only Faster than light (FTL) ships are able to keep up with the fleet. This means leaving all non FTL ships behind to be destroyed and thus begins their search for a new home "Earth" the lost 13th Colony (Although Adama has set a course he doesn't believe it exists he has given the fleet hope with at least a destination to aim for).
Rating:  Summary: Good,but... Review: I just finished watching this show for the first time.I enjoyed it,however I found that I didn't like the charters of Boomer and Starbuck.First off,I didn't like the fight scene between Starbuck and Col.Tighe.I found it disturbing that a man would get into a fist fight with a woman.I may be old fashoned but I believe that a man should never strike a woman-no matter what the provocation may be.Another thing about Starbuck that I didn't like was that she smokes cigars-that is soo hot!!!Not!!They should have given Starbuck a more feminine personality instead of cloning the original male charater from the classic series into female form. I feel that the character of Boomer was a waste of time and should have been left out of this show.She's not even a Viper pilot!! Overall,I think that this show stands alone,on its' own merit.I hope that the Sci-Fi channel produces more installments of this new show-either a new,weekly series,or a series of movies.Either way,I know I'll watch!!
Rating:  Summary: Far Far Better than the original. Review: This is not a remake and you should not expect to see one. This is a sci-fi classic in it's own right. This is a very sophisticated, although brief, portrayal of a very dark story. This is a great movie. I have a BS in Physics and am a US Navy submarine veteran who served during the '70's and '80's. I was a 'nuke' who rode both boomers and attack boats during the Cold War. It was chilling to watch this story unfold. The detail of the Galactica, the portrayal of the crew, and the little things that are usually missing were all superbly done here. I remember the 1970's version, that TV show was very campy and totally unrealistic. The 2003 story is everything the original wasn't and couldn't be. The almost complete genocide, the loss of billions of lives, and the origin of the Cylons were all very taboo subjects in the '70's. The 1970's were the days of the A-Team, Disco, and many other low points of American culture and entertainment. I would hope that the next installment in the series is at least in the planning stage.
Rating:  Summary: The NEW BSG was great and some of the best SF in years. Review: I had a work colleague of mine tape this for me from Missouri and post it to me in Australia so i could get a good SF fix. In the week prior to recieving this tape I watched the 7 DVD set of the original BSG series which I thoroughly enjoyed. I rate this new BSG at 4.5 stars and really enjoyed it. This is different, but it is really good quality. I have watched this tape 2-3 times. This is good enjoyable and insightful SF. I think this mini-series is much better than the special effects OVERLOAD movie the Matirx reloaded and many other science fiction mob=vies relased in the last 5-10 years as it had a good plot. I REALLY HOPE THIS IS MADE INTO A SERIES AS WE NEED SOME GOOD QUALITY SF (ESPECIALLY IN AUSTRALIA, AS WE DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING AS GOOD AS SCI-FI.COM AND 2003 HERE ON TV HAS BEEN A SF DESERT). This new version of BSG has a good plot and made you really think about an alien culture that really has no respect as sentient entities. The special effects were good and the human element and tragedy of the situation were well portrayed. I think the scene with the baby and number six in the Caprica market place brought home the total abhorence the Cylons have for humanity especially when it concerns what we would place as the most special in our lives. I think they could have shown this bleakness ans shock of seeing billions of your fellow colleagues exterminated a bit further. I HOPE WHEN THE DVD COMES OUT like the Lord of the rings Two towers DVD we see a very EXTENDED version WITH LOTS OF EXTRA. I was not concerned Starbuck had a gender change or Colonel Tighe was now an alcoholic. I liked that Adama like in the original BSG series was a strong character and the actor who portrayed him lived up to this role and was well chosen in the mini-series. WE JUST NEED MORE QUALITY SF LIKE THIS. I think the second series of the BSG after they found earth should also be put ona DVD set. Look I like watching Doctor Who and it had next to no budgets but had good stories. Yes the effects are nice, but what we need in SF TV and movies is more good stories like the new BSG. TOPS MARKS ON THE NEW 'BSG' please do not disappoint and not make this into a series.