Rating:  Summary: All Special Effects No Heart! Review: This version was all special effects no heart. The real battlestar galactica might have been flawed but at least you did care for the characters and what happened to the colonist.Here you really got no sense of what the dstruction of the colonies really meant to these people at all. A totally flawed miss-fire!
Rating:  Summary: A New and Improved Galactica Review: As a teenager I would sit down to watch the original series, and loved every episode. As an adult a few years ago I would just glance for a few seconds at any of the shows that I would find from time to time. Why? Because I had outgrown everything about the series. Sure I still knew all the stories, and had fond memories of each one. Now this new mini-series has me interested again in the "rag tag fleet". It shows real people, with reel problems. It is humans as we really are. Some people might want sci-fi to be just fantasy. But lets face it what keeps people interested in a series is what they can relate too. It is about watching people struggle with relationships, and real hard choices. This Battlestar Galactica, shows what is more likly to happen in real life. babies will be killed, some people will be left behind, so others can live. All that survive, will not be survivors. Yes I really enjoyed this new Battlestar Galactica. I can't wait to see what happends in the new series. I do have one problem with one character. Starbuck. A lady can be tough, and still be a lady. I hope they realize that and do somthing about it. Other than that, I believe this new Battlestar Galactica will be around for a long time.
Rating:  Summary: A Babylon 5, want-to-be with lifted names from the old BG Review: I would have accepted it as an oversexed over"realistic" modern U.S. military "shaky camera" docudrama "Space: Above and Beyond" + "ID4" rehash if it also didn't happen to have ripped off the name of the original series and names of its characters. Why bother naming any of the characters the same without the old series' mythological basis and sense of wonder. Maybe it had to do with the fact if Universal hadn't dumped Hatch's or Larson's efforts to redo the series back in the mid-90's Stargate and now the SG-series wouldn't have been so successful in ripping off the mythological aspects.The battlestar looks way too much like a modern day carrier. The show was a space fantasy, also depicting an alternate human space civilization. This new show looks like U.S. military in space with all the sordid fraternatizations and controversy of women in space attributed to the U.S. military. Even the president character(taken from ID4) just reminds us of U.S. president in space..ohno what would he/do if the whole country..er colonies were wiped out and only a naval carrier remained? The new show even lacks B5's sense of wonder in space and basically tries to emulate it's "grittiness" much like DS9 was a lifted premise of JMS. I liked B5 and Moore hadn't convinced me in ST:TNG, the awful Generations, Borg-queen ST8, and he's still not convincing me he's come up with an original quality show now.
Rating:  Summary: Needs Better Music,Sound Effects,& Story!!! Review: Universal is producing this DVD in the UK only.I have a copy. Widescreen format,5.1 Dolby Digital Sound, SCIFI The LOWDOWN on BSG, English Subtitles,and NO TRAILER or Commentary. This BSG suffers in its weak Music, Sound Effects, and Story. The actors suffer without good music to set the mood. This is low budget. Even Babylon 5 & the original BSG did better in their 1st episodes.I'll be saddened if these 3 things aren't improved. I have no complaints on the DVD itself. I hope Universal makes money on the UK DVD's, to improve this series. I understand that the SCIFI Channel executives have a go for 13 New Episodes.Let us hope that improvements are made quickly. Or this series will not survive its 1st season.The special effects are great. But Guys, the video game surpasses this 1st episode. I hope they wake up. Or this series will fall back into the slumber. This series has potential,But It'll need a good creative director. Best of luck guys on this series. Hey if this doesn't work out, there's always the old BSG. I think I'd like the old one back. That just sounds so much better. Doesn't it?
Rating:  Summary: like a child with a camera Review: This is good if it weren't ruined by the special effects. Every time there is a dog fight in space you switch to a hand held camera which wobbles around and just keeps zooming in and out - a child could do better. The "making of" says this was deliberate - WHY? It is so off putting. It is that bad - so bad you won't want to watch it again. Also the music in the dog fights are drums!!! no rousing music.
Rating:  Summary: NOT YOUR FATHER'S BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Review: I have always been a fan of science fiction, but not a blind fan; even I know good sci-fi from bad. For me Babylon 5 set the standard on what well-written science fiction should be, so it surprised me that a remake of a show I considered the standard in sci-fi cheesiness ranks right up there with Bab 5. The schlock dialogue and stock footage of Vipers shooting down Cylon Raiders has been replaced by excellent special effects and strong acting. Edward James Olmos gives an excellent performance that, with respect to Lorne Greene, was even better than the original Adama. The special effects used the "less is more" approach (no sound of weapons or explosions in space) which made for a frightenly realistic experience. Remember, in space no one can hear you scream!! Katee Sachoff as Starbuck was my biggest surprise. If Starbuck looked like that in the original series, I would have never turned off the TV. If that wasn't enough, she can actually act and made Starbuck the most intriging character in the mini-series after Olmos. The only problem is the portrayal of Apollo. He seemed to much of a pretty boy than a grizzled flight captain, and his performance was somewhat stiff; add a little personality please!! All in all, a well done mini-series with the potential to become a strong sci-fi series. But be careful, we don't want another "Galactica 1980".
Rating:  Summary: A pilot nearly brought down in flames... Review: Battlestar Galactica: loved those ships. It was nice seeing the battle sequences without the repeat scenes over and over again (as in the old series)! Very nicely done. The special effects made this series interesting to watch, but only once. The problem is that the characters are so mind-bogglingly shallow and stereotypical that it is difficult to get into this series in any real depth. Let's face it, this is just sloppy scripting. I could care less about any of the characters in this story; these are just events taking place, leading me on to some nice special effects that I really like watching. When it comes to current Sci Fi, I really like Stargate SG-1, simply because these are some truly well-conceived character-driven scripts. I try not to judge a series on the first pilot, as these are typically weak (even SG-1's first several stories were notoriously weak), so I still look forward to a new series, but someone better start re-thinking this re-think and come up with some characters that you genuinely want to watch. This has the potential to be a good series, but they sure missed the boat with this one.
Rating:  Summary: By Your Command, The Series Will Be Born Review: This was something I had looked forward to with some sense of trepidation and anticipation. I liked the original Galactica, but not everything about the original is great, only a few episodes were really worth anything. when i finally saw two part pilot, I was blown away. Everything came together in the fact that this was a brand-new Galactica for a brand new era of science fiction. it would be space opera with a humanistic touch while still balancing out the epic feel of things that come with space opera. Edward James Olmos is excellent as the new Adama, he makes the character his own in outstanding fashion. the decision to make Starbuck a woman is really cool, because Katee Sackhoff plays this new Starbuck exceptionally well. everyone does a great job at displaying these flawed characters that have the potential to rise to the challenge and become stronger while still maintaining what it is to be human. the new Cylons are great, and let's hope we see more of them, at least on a semi-periodic basis. I see great things in store for this new series, the greatest potential of all has to be when they bring Commander Cain and the Pegasus into the picture. Not to mention Count Iblis the the Ship of Lights. I also think that there is a part that Dirk Benedict can play in this new Galactica. he could play, Chameleon the role originated by Fred Astaire, the part of Starbuck's father. What better way to establish a connection between the original and the new Galactica than to cast the original Starbuck as the new Starbuck's father. seeing the two of them interact in that Galactica special makes the possibility even more desirable, cuz the two of them obviously have great chemistry together. there are many possibilities to update and remake certain key Galactica episodes as well as create new stories, I'll definitely be tuned in when the new Battlestar Galactica premieres on Sci-Fi.
Rating:  Summary: Somebody finally made a spacecraft carrier Review: My number one praise of this movie are all the little things they did that made me belive this was how an actual spacecraft carrier would function. They spent time on aircraft carriers to get it right. Things like all the people in the halls, the PA announcing random, ops-related things, some enlisted main characters, and an officer doesn't actually have his hands on the wheel. The manuvering in space is also much closer to the way it actually would be. Way better than the original. The characters are more real and obviously the efx are too. Baltar's definitly a more conflicted and believable character. And they didin't do any of that, "we must risk the entire ship to save one man" crap that wouldn't happen in a real war. More complex and conflicted characters, awesome graphics, and attention to detail make this one of my new favorites. Looking forward to the series.
Rating:  Summary: Good scifi. hard to come by Review: I was in college when the original came out. It was good but on a kid level. The new Battle Star Galactica, is true scifi. geared more to an adult level. Stop trying to compare the old to the new, the new is much better. I am an avid scifi. fan, have been my whole live. It is hard enough to find a good scifi. show as it is, stop complaining, and just enjoy it.