Rating:  Summary: The worst case is that it might be as bad as the original Review: I'm amazed at all of the people who have decided to pan a DVD not even released yet, so they can "show support" for a show involving inane plots, a robot dog, and a confused mishmash of Mormon and Egyptian motifs. The best decision they made was when they decided to blow off continuation of the original tired storyline, and while the most recent entries on the website don't inspire a whole lot of confidence that they are goinbg to get it right, they couldn't do much worse than ABC did originally.
Rating:  Summary: no imagination Review: What a surprise! "A new version of an old classic." In my opinion, this deplorable trend in music, TV, and movies is destroying the entertainment industry. What's next? The New Dukes of Hazzard or The New Adventures of Buck Rogers? Come on! There are plenty of writers out there struggling to get their fresh ideas and original stories into the mainstream. You'll never get the chance to see them though because the people with the money can't see past their Neilsen reports. "Let's see here, people liked this show 20 years ago, I'll bet we can get their kids to like a new version of it. Of course it will have to be 75% special effects and 25% story. Kids these days won't buy the toys unless it's got a lot of special effects." I saw the previews for the new BSG miniseries on one of my BSG dvd's. Producers think that adding neat special effects to a movie or TV show makes it good. It obviously doesn't.(Look at Star Wars episodes 1 and 2.) Of course, if their intent is to make a big expensive commercial in order to sell toys to the 6-12 year old market, they've hit the spot. I can't believe they made the Cylons look like people. I'm not sure if this was a creative decision or that they just don't have a budget large enough after they blew it all on CGI. Either way, it was stupid. Basically, the only good thing that can come out of this new mini-series is that it has renewed interest in the old series. For that I'm grateful. I've been waiting on the boxed set for years. Other than that, I have no doubts that it will be forgotten about quickly. There's nothing on television today that I'll care to watch in 25 years. But, I'll bet the original series of BSG will still be entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: umm... No one has even seen it yet... Review: Personaly I have the origanal series on DVD, and I love it. However, it is a show based on censorship in the late 70's. For some reason good and evil had to be black and white... a clear deviding line. Why do we still need this type of distinction? I would like see a true dramatic sci-fi series. Come on folks... hold judgement until you see it. You may be surprised.
Rating:  Summary: Warning!Stay away at all cost!!!! Review: Some people thinking this might kinda be like the old Battlestar Galactica and gonna still watch it.Dont because it aint nothin like it.For one thing they stole the name Battlestar Galactica because it has value and changed everything you remember about are old favorite show and mr ronald moore is acting like he created it!That man is so stubborn he wouldnt even listen to us fans and did it his own way like changing starbuck,boomer and i think apollo too into women!Thats just the begining no lightspeed human looking cylons,horrible unimaginative uniforms,more real drama like scripts{90210 in space}!Need more proof even edward olmos star of the new show says dont watch if your expecting to see some old galactica and every time this airs put the old Battlestar dvds in and watch that!!!Take his advice i am! +*6-5
Rating:  Summary: Ignorance and Denial Review: Those of you that are panning this new mini-series are only showing your total ignorance and immature nature. Why not be glad that the attempt is being made to bring back BSG? How can any of you be so foolish as to judge something before you have seen it? You all sound like the type of fan that was a made fun of on Saturday Night Live's infamous "Get a Life" sketch. You all give sci fi fans a bad name.
Rating:  Summary: Battlestar in Name Only Review: Unfortunately, the writers/directors/producers really dropped the ball on this new "demolishing" of the old series. Gone are the things that endeared a younger generation to this show. The Egyptian connection and a strong spiritual link have been replaced with gratuitous sex (ewwwww, that's original), and didn't a little show called Star Trek remain successful by sticking to the original story. Ummmm, Yes, yes it did. This show is a travesty to all those who have waited for the last 25+ years for someone to pick up the ball on the revival of this series. Hopefully, NBC will decide a continuation is worth pursuing (They will have the rights at the beginning of the year). Go to Battlestar Galactica.com for the write-in campaign details. Don't watch it, don't buy it, don't contribute to corporate stupidity. Besides who the hell uses machine guns in space. Answer: Uh this show...I think that about says it all...
Rating:  Summary: Not BSG Review: Other reviewers will tell you, the details of why this is not Battlestar Galactica... The bottom line is this, Remake or not You don't jettison, everything that made the original series special.. for any reason, especially not gratuitious Sex & Violence or budgetary reasons. This movie is like Peanut butter without jelly... Dry... and it leave's a bad taste in your mouth.
Rating:  Summary: Avoid this like the Plague Review: This re-imainging is not BattleStar Galactica. The writter, R.D. Moore of Star Trek Fame only watched the pilot, then did the following for your viewing consumption: 1. Starbuck now wears a skirt 2. Boomer wears a Skirt, and is a Clyon Spy. 3. No Mythos of Egypt. 4. Seven of Nine's sister Six is now a main Cylon Character 5. Cylons were made by man now, and look like us too. 6. Starbuck, Apollo and the rest are not names, but call signs, they have Earth names now. 7. the Galactica is no longer a ship of the line, but a floating muesem. If you want Galactica, go get the Box set cause you wont find it here.
Rating:  Summary: There is NO ZERO stars available Review: I've done the research on this project, and I'm shocked with what I found. The reviews are pretty much dead on, as far as it not being BSG. It seems the people who "like" it are those who in the same review TRASH the "real" BSG, or say they "never got into it". Imagine if Paramount completely changed the premise of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and did away with the Federation, and changed everything else around? I guarantee it would have been the ONLY ST movie ever made, not to mention the 4 TV series it spawned. BSG had a chance at such a revival with this project, as I would like to see some BSG feature films, or TV movies, even with updated actors, but only set in the context of what we know about the Cylons and the Colonies.... Don't watch/don't buy/don't encourage. I'm sorry, the only Cylons I recognize are those that are in silver (or golden Centurions) and speak with that tinny voice "By your command". Not "human-like" cyborgs.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible, buy the original instead Review: I can not believe the damage they have done with this remake, and it hasnt even aired yet. All of the good things are gone, now it is the humans who created the cylons, and they look just like other humans (hasnt this been done to death?). The whole Egyptian historical tie thing is gone, the main two characters have been castrated (one literaly), there are no more elders, now it is a president (yeah, that is working soooooo well for us). Is there anything good about this show? Sure! You dont have to watch it!