Rating:  Summary: The Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson Review: I don't have this dvd but I will buy more dvd if I can be given one to buy, now. I have a believe that , if I look at several times ,it will motivate my healing. Please help me. Thanks in advance. Eugene.
Rating:  Summary: The Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson Review: I don't have this dvd but I will buy more dvd if I can be given one to buy, now. I have a believe that , if I look at several times ,it will motivate my healing. Please help me. Thanks in advance. Eugene.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Review: I thought this interview was interesting and thought provoking, and I like how it considered everyone's input. Oh by the way, just had to add that the review above mine is the dumbest one I've ever read in my life!
Rating:  Summary: Mel Gibson handles himself well. Review: I watched this interview when it came out on TV, and thank God I wasn't in Mel's shoes because I'd probably pull out Diane's hair. Is it just me, or did she have the look of constipation when she was asking those questions. The women was so bias, and unfair. Even though this interview is only an hour, apparently, Diane and the crew at ABC spent 4 hours with Gibson, drilling him with questions. Mel was so professional, and was cool, calm, and collective. Diane on the other hand...no comment. She really is clueless and ignorant to Religion in general. My favorite part was when Mel told her "Read the gospels Diane." I guess she didn't do her homework, because she has no clue what she is talking about. I have lost respect for that Diane. Also, I would like to say something else, why do they always have to pick people are always against something. It should be 50/50 if you want a debate. It was all of them against Mel. By the way that Foxman guy who dressed up as a priest, and sneaked into a screening doesn't not speak for all Jews, I repeat.
Rating:  Summary: Fairly exhaustive treatment of the controversies Review: If you have some kind of problem with Mel Gibson or his Passion movie, this interview might upset you. The reason is that Gibson comes off looking smart, coherent and convincing while his detractors appear paranoid and present weak, insubstantial arguments to support their issues with the movie.My favorite example of this is a scholar who remarks that if you show a crucifix to both Christians and Jews you get different responses. Really? We could show pictures of Ronald Reagan to Republicans and Democrats and get two separate responses as well, I'll bet. How about showing a picture of an atomic explosion to a WWII Veteran and a citizen of Hiroshima? Of course a person's point of view determines how they feel about certain images! Gibson is elegantly dismissive of the charges of anti-Semitism about him and his movie. He explains the removal of the quote from Matthew 27:25 ("His blood be upon us...") by explaining "a couple seconds isn't enough time to deal with the theological nuances" of the meaning of the verse. His detractors avoid labeling the movie as anti-Semitic and instead suggest that it's reckless and could cause some people to have a violent response toward Jews. Gibson points out that following this logic, no movies could be made about one group mistreating an individual from another group. There's a lot of great conversation of Gibson's personal struggles and his faith which are the high points of the interview. During these parts both Sawyer and Gibson lighten up and laugh about his "former life" as a wild Hollywood playboy. Gibson ties this all in with his conversion, his Christian faith and why he made the movie. The kind of things left out of the interview are the things that nobody would really expect, such as having Abraham Foxman give his opinions on why Jews like Maia Morgenstern and Gibson's publicist, both who have close relatives who were killed in the holocaust, don't have a problem with being part of the movie which Morgenstern refers to as "poetic". Also the illegalities perpetrated against Gibson such as the theft of scripts and illegitimate screenings are not even mentioned. Diane Sawyer does a pretty good job; she has this confused look on her face a lot of the time like she doesn't understand what Mel Gibson is saying. But Gibson is so plainspoken and easy to understand that the viewer gets a sense that this is postured to produce a certain effect.
Rating:  Summary: shows media's anti-Christian bias Review: If you're a fan of Gibson and "The Passion of the Christ" (like I am), buy this DVD. It's worth it to hear Gibson explain his reasons for making the film and to hear him discuss his personal beliefs. However, the interview is also a testament to the media's incredible anti-Christian bias. Diane Sawyer did not even bother to veil her bias. The scowl on her face throughout the interview is shocking, considering journalists are supposed to be unbiased. It was clear she was furious with Gibson for "daring" to make a religious film. (A true journalist, she is not. If one can decipher where a journalist falls on an issue, that journalist has failed his/her profession.) For that reason, I gave the DVD 4 stars instead of 5 stars. Diane Sawyer also manages to give screen time to a funny-looking renegade former priest who does nothing but make a fool of himself. Why is this man qualified to speak and what does he have to do with the movie??? I'm sure Sawyer thought the fact that he's a priest (never mind that he's a FORMER priest), the fact that he makes offensive comments about Jesus Christ, and his criticizing the movie was enough to include this man in the interview. How low will Diane Sawyer sink? It's absolutely hilarious. Moral of the story: claim that you're Christian, say some mean things about Jesus Christ, and you'll get screen time!! Notice the incredibly antagonistic questions she throws at Gibson as compared to the soft-ball questions she throws at the movie's critics. Overall, the interview will upset your fairness sensibilities but it's worth buying the DVD to listen to Gibson. I'm also looking forward to having this DVD around in future years when I want to recall what this controversy was about. What a hero Gibson is to have endured all this persecution, merely for making a movie about Jesus Christ that portrayed Him in (shock!) a positive light. Hats off to you, Mel! Diane Sawyer, go back to journalism school.
Rating:  Summary: shows media's anti-Christian bias Review: If you're a fan of Gibson and "The Passion of the Christ" (like I am), buy this DVD. It's worth it to hear Gibson explain his reasons for making the film and to hear him discuss his personal beliefs. However, the interview is also a testament to the media's incredible anti-Christian bias. Diane Sawyer did not even bother to veil her bias. The scowl on her face throughout the interview is shocking, considering journalists are supposed to be unbiased. It was clear she was furious with Gibson for "daring" to make a religious film. (A true journalist, she is not. If one can decipher where a journalist falls on an issue, that journalist has failed his/her profession.) For that reason, I gave the DVD 4 stars instead of 5 stars. Diane Sawyer also manages to give screen time to a funny-looking renegade former priest who does nothing but make a fool of himself. Why is this man qualified to speak and what does he have to do with the movie??? I'm sure Sawyer thought the fact that he's a priest (never mind that he's a FORMER priest), the fact that he makes offensive comments about Jesus Christ, and his criticizing the movie was enough to include this man in the interview. How low will Diane Sawyer sink? It's absolutely hilarious. Moral of the story: claim that you're Christian, say some mean things about Jesus Christ, and you'll get screen time!! Notice the incredibly antagonistic questions she throws at Gibson as compared to the soft-ball questions she throws at the movie's critics. Overall, the interview will upset your fairness sensibilities but it's worth buying the DVD to listen to Gibson. I'm also looking forward to having this DVD around in future years when I want to recall what this controversy was about. What a hero Gibson is to have endured all this persecution, merely for making a movie about Jesus Christ that portrayed Him in (shock!) a positive light. Hats off to you, Mel! Diane Sawyer, go back to journalism school.
Rating:  Summary: Mel and Diane Review: The mainstream media, so eager to crucify Mel Gibson for being an outspoken Christian and, therefore, not a hostage to the atheistic liberalism embraced by most film stars, isn't about to pass up an opportunity to cash in on his popularity. Hence, the release to home video of this episode of ABC News "Primetime."
When your audience is deserting you in droves for cable and the internet, you've got to find a way to make extra cash, but the only selling point is Mel Gibson whose popularity is soaring as ABC and Gibson's interrogator, the obnoxious Diane Sawyer, slide into irrelevance.
Such hypocrisy is not surprising, nor is it a revelation that Diane Sawyer is an embarrassment to her profession. This aging fluff chick's anti-Christian bias is evident throughout, but she never comes close to ruffling Mel's feathers. Unlike Sawyer, the superstar actor/director has a solid belief system and is not likely to be intimidated into muzzling those beliefs to accomodate the infidels of modern Babylon.
Although Mel holds his ground and makes quite an impression, and Sawyer makes a bigger fool of herself than she usually does, I can't justify buying this. Anyone who wanted to add this interview to their video library could have taped it from TV. They weren't likely to miss it since it was hyped in the same hysterical fashion that is network TV's stock-in-trade. Besides, Gibson gave a more in-depth interview to ETWN, the Catholic cable network that let him speak his mind without trying to trip him up, as Sawyer does, with stupid, insulting questions. Buying this video only puts money in the pockets of Sawyer and ABC. I gave up on ABC and the other broadcast networks long ago. I'm not about to support them now.
Brian W. Fairbanks
Rating:  Summary: There have been only 2 Christians in this world. Review: There has been only two authentic Christians that have walked the Earth. The awesome and unconditionally compassionate JESUS and the equally awe inspiring MOTHER THERESA. The rest are all impostors,and quite frankly that's too much of an accolade. What motivated me to write this review was the contradicting and myopic review by A. DELGADO HARVARD LAW 2002. This interview by Diane Sawyer is an in depth look at the source that created the inaccurate,delusional,violent bordering on sadistic voyeurism 2 hour plus bloodfest The Passion Of the Christ. Diane Sawyer, (admittedly not one of my favorite jounalist) in the most compelling moment in the interview confronts MEL GIBSON with the material that he used to "research" the film which most of it was anti-semitic prose as is THE PASSION. Mel dodges and dances around the question about his research as well as inquiries about his anti semitic and racist father. I've always believed the apple does not fall from the tree. The material he used to make this film is also where HITLER got a lot of his satanic vitriol to persecute innocent people and make them into lampshades and soap. The evidence as far I'm concened is irrefutable.As far as A.DELGADO's HARVARD LAW 2002 claim of anti CHRISTIAN bias because DIANE SAWYER scowled at Mel is presumptious. Are you psychic? How do you know what she's thinking? In what I call
poser nouveau CHRISTIAN stance,you contadict yourself throughout your review by basically saying its biased and no good but still recomend people get it,huh? You should run for president. Remember Mel Gibson is only who he is because of his very conscious participation in the mostly decrepit amoral and dehumanizing machine called Hollywood. If you don't think so this month from the producer who brought you "THE PASSION" bring the life and faith affirming mysogynist testorone macho manifesto "PAPARAZZI". Maybe DELGADO what you sensed from DIANE SAWYER was not anti CHRISTIAN bias but a bias to blatant hypcrosy in the guise of faith. This is an illuminating interview of a,as much as I hate to admit of a skilled misguided film maker. He's is not a Christian he's a false idol. Disagree? Stack him up to JESUS or MOTHER THERESA,what were you doing the day she died. GOD BLESS ALL OF HUMANITY!
Rating:  Summary: Mel Gibson handles himself well. Review: This interview talks to heart of the believer in Christ. Secular or non-believing journalists see Christians as "weirdos" sometimes. Notice I didn't say "all the time". It is had for people, who believe that the only way to heaven is through Jesus, to make people who have rejected (or never searched for) that truth understand our passion, our committment, our love for Jesus and His Father. I suggest purchasing this video and showing it to your children, as a way to make them understand the difference between the two molds of TRUTH. The main goal of the Christian faith is not to drag others to Christ, but show them the light - that they may see for themselves the love, grace, and hope the Savior brings to all. I think Mel Gibson is bringing people to the light. Hopefully Diane Sawyer is a light-seeker. :-) www.therunninggirl.com