Rating:  Summary: Season two could be better, can't wait for 3&4 though Review: I've not been watching on TV, just watching on DVD, and was disappointed by season 2. The first part of the season was very good. However it did not leave me rolling on the floor laughing or with my jaw hanging with the same power as Angel season 1 or some episodes of Buffy. In particular the last three episodes were way too corny. I hope seasons 3&4 have more of Kate and Darla and less time on the Conan world.
Rating:  Summary: I love Angel Review: If you love the show then you have to get the DVD!
Rating:  Summary: Season 2: The Dark Ride of a Champion Review: With the second season, "Angel" began to lose the episodic nature that effected the first season. Story arc's began to take over the show, letting all the charaters grow. The fundemental reason this show got better -and what genre shows like Voyager and Enterprise have forgotten - is by letting the characters grow from each situtaion to the next, makes the show more enjoyable and believeable. The Temporal Reset Button that currently exists in the Star Trek universe will be it's undoing. But this season, "Angel" also seemed to grow away from "Buffy" -despite the crossover episode "Darla"/"Fool For Love." Still, the whole Darla arc was well done and one can't say enough about the final arc of the season, and the wacky journey to The Host's universe. The Host, or Lorne, was one of the best characters introduced, and I have to admit, even to this day, I'm not a big Fred fan. But, Amy Acker does a good job. But its Andy Hallett's obvious joy of playing Lorne that makes him enjoyable to watch. And it's one of the funniest seasons, also. I've always thought this series balanced the horror and the humor better than Buffy. Still, the second season set up so much that would come in season three and four -which is perhaps the series most creative year. Note: Interesting blooper (?) in the episode "Are Youn Now or Have You Ever Been?". During one of those flashes between scenes, if you "step" through an early one, you can see two production people preparing the 50's style room for filming. There is a man at the out, working on the outside frame, and a women in a white shirt (her back to the camera) standing.
Rating:  Summary: Oh no, what happened Review: My how the mighty Angel has fallen. This season the evil law firm Wolfram and Hart declaired a psychological war against Angel, with Angel's ressurected sire helping them. He becomes moody and irritable and finally fires all his friends, Cordilia, Wesley, and Gunn. The three carry on Angel Investigation in name only as Angel himself goes on a private vendetta aginst the law firm, using methods much more brutal and morally questionable than before. Finnaly he comes back to his sences and goes to work FOR Wesley. Now that the four are back together, they go on a little feild trip to Lorne's, the Host, home world. There was a lot wrong with this season. First and for most, the story line was all over the place. The only thing missing was Angel in Space. And Angel himself, he quit caring about the little people. Just going through the motions, except when it came to humilating or stalking the lawyers. The Darla story line was left dangling; I guess they get to it next season. And Harmany coming to visit was too much. I hate her, I wish someone would stake her. Is there anything good? Yes, a few things. I liked the episode about the zombie cops, don't know why, I just did. Hopefully in season 3 Joss Wheddon has a tighter grip on the story line.
Rating:  Summary: Angel 2nd Season is fun! Review: I've become MORE of a fan of Angel and the fang gang as the DVDs come out. These are great collections of shows that really grab you, and make you forget this show was a spin-off. It's different than BUFFY in many ways. While BUFFY deals with the responsibility of being a hero and growing up, ANGEL deals with redeeming yourself and finding your place in a world where right and wrong is not clearly defined. ANGEL is more "out there" with its characters traveling to other dimensions, and fighting very fanciful demons. But at its core is a man struggling with his heart and soul in LA which seems to have its own demonic split personality. Season two sees the gang relocating to a wild art deco hotel, expanding their ranks with Gunn and the Host, and facing Angel's past with the return of Darla! The gang almost splits apart, and then find themselves in another dimension altogether! This set is different than previous ANGEL and BUFFY DVD collections because it is widescreen! Well...almost. 1.78:1 aspect means on normal tvs you will get a little bit of the "black bar" effect. You get two commentaries, a season overview which explains the "vision" of the show, featurettes on monsters stunts and the agency, and scripts for two episodes. Its a first class affair! Definitely a must-own for fans, and could be something to convert people who have no idea who Angel is. I have friends I have made fans just by showing them one or two episodes. It's addictive! Fantasy at its best because it's about being human.
Rating:  Summary: I guess this was an experimental year for Angel Review: Season two of Angel is not that great. It has one or two episodes that are really good but it is pretty cheesy on the whole. The first and third seasons were great but season two seemed like an experimental year. I don't think the writers knew where Angel was going at the time. I bought this DVD because I want to have every season of Angel on DVD. I didn't buy it because I love it and think it's a landmark season. The episodes are pretty weak and the extras are even more sad. There are a couple of extras but they are only seven or eight minutes long. You would think that Fox would have good extras to make up for the bad episodes of Angel. Season four of Buffy was not very good but it was full of extras. Why couldn't this set be full of good extras? I would just save my money for Season three if I were you and skip this volume. The writers knew where Angel was going in season three.
Rating:  Summary: ANGEL soars on its own in a wonderful season 2 Review: When the evil lawyers of Wolfram & Hart bring back Angel's old lover/enemy, Darla, back from the dead, the soulful vampire finds himself pushed to the limit. Even staunch allies Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter), Wesley (Alexis Denisof) and Gunn (J. August Richards) find themselves adversely affected by their friend's situation in this solid second season of the BUFFY spin-off. As always, David Boreanez is on top of his game as the heroic Angel, being able to handle both the demands of the show's drama and comedy. Charisma Carpenter continues to shine as the sometimes sarcastic Cordelia, while Alexis Denisof continues to make the formally foppish Wesley into one of the more multi-faceted characters in TV today. Upgraded from recurring status, J. August Richards makes Gunn a valuable addition to the team with wry humor and solid timing. As the resurrected Darla, Julie Benz is equal parts sexy and sinister. Special mention must go to Andy Hallet, who makes the recurring role of Lorne (aka the Host, a singing demon with a Las Vegas attitude), a wonderfully fun creation. In a special cameo towards season's end, co-creator Joss Whedon manages to steal the show as a dancing green-skinned demon. The DVD once again has solid picture and sound. Like the previous set, the special features are again somewhat limited with a small variety of featurettes, audio commentaries and picture galleries. Still for fans of the show, and its parent series, it's all about the characters, stories, and that rare mix of drama and humor that few shows ever do well. This makes it one to definitely recommend.
Rating:  Summary: Season 2...Very Glad To Have Review: Being the huge fan that I am, I was very glad to finally get S2 on DVD. All the eps are great. I'll be watching over and over again. Next...S3.
Rating:  Summary: Out Of A Slayer's Shadow Review: For its second season, the television show Angel, began to step ever so slowly away from Buffy The Vampire slayer. With their original base of operations no more, Angel (David Boreanaz) and his team decide to use an old hotel, to work out of. Aside from Cordelia (Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter), and Wesley (Alexis Denisof), the team continues to grow. Former vampire hunter Charles Gunn (J. August Richards) decides to help out full time. Angel continues to go up against the partners at the law firm, Wolfram and Hart. They are using an old vampire flame (the great Julie Benz) as a ploy to defeat Angel. This plan forces final story arcs for cop friend Kate (Elizabeth Rhom) and Lindsey (Christian Kane). The gang also befriends the owner of a demon nightclub. Lorne, (Andy Hallet) a green skined being with horns, who loves Karaoke. He comes from a place called Pylea, located in an alternate demension, that the team gets visit first hand. The "Buffy" crossovers continue with visits to Faith (Eliza Dushku) in jail, while Spike (James Marsters) and Dru (Julliet Landau), pop by in unique ways as well. Lastly, by season's end, the group will get another member that will change everything in season 3... The team behind the series stayed true to the rules, first establshed on "Buffy", while taking its own risks in year two. The additions work very well, but I must say, that I wish Kane's character would have stuck around a bit longer. The show has really come into its own by now. Season 2 surpasses the first year in spades--Thanks to the influence of creators Joss Whedon (who stepped back a bit to start Firefly) and David Greenwalt. The six disc DVD set has some great extras. There are two episodes that have audio commentaries, the first features Tim Minear on 'Are You Now or Have You Ever Been'. The second is by Fred Keller on 'Over the Rainbow'. Both tracks offer an informative look behind the scenes of these particular episodes. Next up, are 4 featurettes that look at these topics: how the series handled complex make up effects back then, stunts, a season overview, and a look inside Angel Investigations itself. You can also read the scripts for "Darla" and "Disharmony", see the usual still gallery,and look at series bluepints to round it out. The box set makes for fine recommended viewing.
Rating:  Summary: Flirting with the Dark Side... Review: This is the season that Angel comes into its own as a series. I also think that this season is where the various characters' (Cordy, Angel, Gunn, and Wes) personalities are really shaped. Angel goes off the deep end & it's a wild ride!! Buy this DVD today.