Rating:  Summary: My favorite series! Review: I first came across this fantastic series while living overseas. Luckily when I came home, it was playing on the "Comedy Channel". Who couldn't love the irreverant twosome of Edwina and Patsy? Their antics are so brazen and politically uncorrect-like addictions to alcohol and drugs, slutty clothes, maipulation of others, to name a few. Saffron, Edwina's daughter, is the bookworm, uptight antithesis to these two. Friction always arises betwwen mom and daughter and Patsy herself often picks a catfight with the young girl. The humor is totally British and fabulously funny! I could watch each episode over and over again and still laugh. I heard that more episodes will be made due to a large cult following and I can't wait!
Rating:  Summary: Packed With Ab Fab Extras! Review: To say that I was already a huge fan of this fantab Brit hit before I purchased this DVD is an understatement. My only qualm with Ab Fab is that I can never seem to get enough of the program. Perhaps this is what has spurred my love affair with this DVD. Aside from including the complete three series/seasons of Ab Fab, the producers of the discs have packed them with a multitude of hip and hoppin' "Special Features" that could satiate the desires of any Saunders & Lumley fan. The special features include the "How to be Ab Fab" one hour special, the original full-length skit from Saunders & French that launched Ab Fab (Modern Mother and Daughter), a brief history of all the Ab Fab stars and famous guest stars, hilarious outtakes, never before seen footage that was cut from the original episodes, and much more. In fact, the fourth disc contains nothing but special features that will tickle your Brit fancy! Being, what I thought to be, a self-proclaimed master of all that is Ab Fab, I was surprised at the multitude of scenes, information, and outtakes that I had not seen, but were thankfully included in this amazing set of comedy. If you haven't seen this DVD and think you've run the gamut of Ab Fab, you are wrong. This 4-Disc set is perfect for additional hours of fabulous fun!
Rating:  Summary: Go ahead. Review: I don't think anything produced in the US even comes close to this. Maybe Seinfeld aproaches the quality, but still. For anyone who insists women aren't funny I urge them to avoid this and so sleep pleacefully. I truely wish America could steal Jennifer Saunders, (and Dawn French), they would certainly get paid better. But then, if we did, we'd try to turn them into Doris Day (or Cybil Shepard.) Hmm, Doris Day reminds me of a song:"...it could be Frank or Charles Manson, I would wed a tomato with pants on..." For the source of this reference, I urge you to buy "French and Saunders: The Ingenue Years" I urge you to buy 'em all, you won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Wild and Outrageous Laughter Review: Prepare to lose yourself beneath hysterical fits of wild giggles as you take on AbFab. It's hilarity becomes all encompassing as you meet Eddy, a flower child who's lost a few too many brain cells, as can be drawn from her outrageous choices of clothing. In league with Eddy is Patsy, a leggy blonde with two feet of slick bouffant and an alcohol problem. Eddy's daughter, Saffron, is the sole voice of reason among them, a nerdy scholar obviously more mature in the mother/daughter department. Hang on to your giggle-box, as Eddy and Patsy are undoubtedly the Lucy and Ethel of the DVD generation. Enjoy immensely!
Rating:  Summary: Stands among the greats of comedy Review: I Love Lucy, Mary Tylor Moore, Rosanne. Comedy series that have, and will continue to last throughout the ages. And now we can add Absolutely Fabulous to that list as well. Groundbreaking in every way, this is one show that's after shock will be felt in television for years to come. The outrageous adventures of drug addict/alcholic Patsy Stone and her fad of the moment best friend Edina Monsoon never fail to leave you in stiches. And you won't believe the things you find yourself laughing at. The poor, the crippled, celebrities, countries, nationalities, religons, sex, and body parts all get skewered (no to mention how they lambast friends and family)! How people can be so dispicable in every way and still be endearing is a testament to the exemplary writing and acting. All 24 episodes are inlcuded and although that's not very many shows compared to a US series, the quality more than makes up for it. There are bonuses but the main attraction is the show itself. The outtakes can be very funny once you've grown to love the characters and see the actors slipping in and out of character. On the other hand, the picute gallery wasn't done properly. Too many of the shots are taken directly from the series and the image quality isn't impressive. You get much better stills from just pausing the DVD. After watching the series only on Comedy Central, it's astonishing to see how crisp and bright the image is for this transfer. One other thing I really enjoyed was the menu screens. They fit right in with the theme of the show and are easy to navigate. I have a question though. Is the singing voice on the menus RuPaul? I hope so! It would be a perfect addition to this FABULOUS set. Ok Darling, now buy this DVD set right away to enjoy one of the best comedy series ever. You simply can't be disappointed sweetie!
Rating:  Summary: AB FAB -PUTTING YOU STRAIGHT Review: Hi Folks. Guy from England here. Some of you US folks seem a little confused about what's happening with Ab Fab so let me put you straight. Jennifer Saunders and all of the original cast are currently shooting Season Four of Ab Fab, for a UK Autumn run. Pics from the set have been leaked into all the usual gossip mags over here and according to a statement from the BBC Edina is now a massive media celebrity, Saffron is an acclaimed, serious actress (Darling) and Dear old Patsy's seedier than ever! Mirrorball was a one-off half hour that was shown on Christmas Eve over here and, unfortunately, wasn't much cop. So no chance of a series there. As for this DVD, if you don't already own it best add to your collection ASAP.
Rating:  Summary: Sweetie Darhlings, Even Bubble Can't Fowl this one up Review: Oh hi there, hello! First off, I find it necessary to say the following. Jennifer Saunders IS NOT bringing back AbFab as we traditionally(sp?) know it. Rather, she is writing another series entitled "Mirrorball" (the episode where Patsy burns down the kitchen and they are talking about music in the sitting room, Edina Says' ...Old music, mew music, fashion, music, god, its like a mirrorball spinning around in my head, why won't it just stop!) "Mirrorball" yes, contains the same cast members as AbFab, but as Ms. Sauders put it "Yes, but the show is completely different, we changed out hair color and everything" I am very fortunate to have a this particular britsh from (from Manchester, not Holland Park) who was just over in England and says she caught an episode of Mirrorball. Tres Chic! She said....OOOOH I AM SO EXCITED., Jennifer, if you happen to be reading this "YOU ARE MOST BRILLANT" May all your future endeavors bring you unprecidented(Sp?) success!
Rating:  Summary: Politically Incorrect Review: I recall the first time I saw Ab Fab on BBC2 in Britain. I did not know whether to laugh or be shocked. However its unashamed vitriolic dialogue & outrageously flamboyant nature appealed to the primitive part of the formerly shy University Student. 9 years later I can only aspire to the greatness of depravity that Eddie & Patsy reach, but still laugh out loud at their antics which make schoolkids look possibly innocent:-))) Personal faves are Death with Eddie & Patsy falling into graves & Eddie trying to by 'bollocks' art & The Orgy episode. I don't think anyone else could pull off such unlikely scenarios with comic wit, save Ellen Degeneres perhaps. The true humo(u)r comes from the fact that Jennifer Saunders is unafraid to laugh at herself & sacrifice her dignity for the purpose of art. For that she must be applauded. The consistency of the humour & the scripts of all 18 episodes are unparalleled, and goes to show that altho only 6 episodes per season were created (compared to the standard 24 for US syndicated comedy seasons), quality is indeed of more value than quantity. Classik Comedy which unveils the barbaric side in you. Crack open the Stolly & enjoy. But don't try to emulate, you can never do it with such charm.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Worth It! Review: I loved this show when I first saw it on Comedy Central, Me and all of my friends used to gather in expection of a new series of AbFab. Then Comedy Central seemed to run it 24/7 and into the ground. But, I thought, I hadn't seen it in a while, and I have a gift certificate, sooooo. Everyone should run right out and get this right now; the transfer is great, as usual, the DVD version shows far more detail, (if you have a laptop, look at it on it, the screen is small, but shows far more detail) and the extras are fun. A great show, and I am glad that Ms. Saunders has decided on a new series. That will give Ms. Lumley less time to do her weird travel show shown on Ovation, and give us more of the adventures of Pats and Eddy, who have all of the binges we'd rather not live through, but love to watch.
Rating:  Summary: Every AB FAB Fan's Dream Come True. Review: Absolutely Fabulous has had Many Imitators, ("Cybil" being the Worst, "Sex in the City" being the Best) but it will Never be Beaten, and Neither will this DVD, which features EVERY Episode... Count em, 18... Every Single Episode. Overload, Pleasure Overload. I have seen All of these episode Countless times, and yet they Still manage to Amuse me in Different ways every time, it is So cleverly written that it Requires multiple viewing just to get every joke, I am still just getting some of them. My 3 Absolute Favourites would have to be "Poor", (Eddie's Ex Husband has cut her off and she has to learn to Cut Down on Expenditures) "Sex" (Eddie and Patsy organise an Orgy) and "Death" (Eddie's Father dies and she is having a Hard time Caring). They are so Perfectly performed and Wonderfully written, they really show you why the show has such a Following.