Rating:  Summary: The best spinoff ever Review: buffy has always had problems, since the first episode. In the first season Xander and Willow were a little boring, but it still made a 7/10 rating for me, and that's good because i am a hard critic. After the third season Angel was a developed charector, not exactly the type that should carry his own show bassed on Buffy. Buffy was a happy comedy set in a small town, and i think that's why angel is so good: it is the opisite. Angel keeps focus on his dark past, and it is set in a big city. and another great thing about the show is a balence amongst the characters. Angel kept so much darkness his show required comic releaf, Chordelia, but she was too much of an airhead, Doyle privided the perfect balence. Killing him was the biggest mistake in the season. it would have been fine, but he was replaced by Wesly, another ex-buffy charecter. It was like they were pulling back toward Buffy,instead of being an independent show. and wesly also was too funny, making it more like buffy because it was more of a comedy. But overall it was different than buffy, it was the best spinoff ever created.
Rating:  Summary: Great season!!! Can't wait for the next Review: I hadn't started watching "Angel" till last year and fell in love with the show. I am a big "Buffy" fan but didn't get into that show until, unfortunately, Season 6 so I missed alot of history. Thank God for F/X network's reruns because I caught up with "Buffy". I had to wait till I bought "Angel:Season 1" to see the beginning of what is now historic, television cult brilliance. Thank you Joss for allowing late fans the chance to see this show from the beginning. I love the first season. I had heard about Doyle but didn't know who he was. Pity by the time I started to care for the character he was killed off. Not to fear. My goofy fave Wesley returned to fill the void with comic results. Funny to see Wesley then and the solumn, serious more mature warrior Wesley now. It's like watching two different people. I'd like to see Season 2 top Season 1 because I love every episode. "She" being a fave of mine because Angel gets down with the get down at Cordelia's party. "Room With A View" is the intro to Cordy's personal ghost Dennis. That particular ep should me just how strong Cordy is emotioally. With all her whining she's quite heroic. I suppose when you've fought vampires, demons and the Mayor what's a nasty old mother of a ghost gonna do. Man, "Eternity" is great because it marks the short return of Angelus. "Five by Five" and "Santuary" are both intense eps because of everybody's slayer gone bad, Faith. Wish she could have her own show once Buffy ends. In a perfect world this could happen(or maybe more money). The most poignant episode and the one I find hard to watch is "I Will Remember You" where Buffy visits and Angel becomes human for a short time but gives it all up to save her life. Man, major boo-hoos with this one. Probably my least favorite is "The Ring". Not because it's a bad episode because it isn't but because it's been done ad nausea by every hourlong action adventure/fantasy series on television. The old gladiator-fight-till-death bit. The remaining episode are just as high quality, filled with tons of action, humor and high octane share of demon/vampire presence. Highly recommend this boxset for any fan of Buffy/Angel or anyone who loves this genre.
Rating:  Summary: Great Series! Review: I think that this was a great spin-off from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's different enough to keep my interest and yet familar like part of the family. I really hope they continue to release future seasons on DVD since it's a great way to catch up on the current episodes and watch commercial-free.
Rating:  Summary: Great !! Review: I absolutly love the series Angel the first season aka this DVD collection is great I can't wait for the second season to be released! This DVD brings you through all the emotions sad, scared, angery, it makes you laugh it's thrilling, captivating, adventureus; sorry about going on but it's just great I recommened you check this out!
Rating:  Summary: Hip and fun Review: Although there are definitely a few clunkers ("I Fall to Pieces" for instance) in the first season, overall I really enjoyed Season 1 of Angel. I was skeptical that Boreanaz could pull off carrying a show (even though I thought he was quite hunky in Buffy), but I was wrong. Of course he has the nearly flawless Joss Whedon machine behind him as well as a great supporting cast. Elisabeth Rohm (as Kate) and David Boreanaz have great chemistry. She's almost ethereally beautiful and smart. And she has no problem slamming the door on our resident hero. :) Doyle was good, too, but the show started clicking once Wes (Alexis Denisof) showed up in LA. And Cordy (Charisma Carpenter) is a great foil for Angel, the king of understatement. I didn't discover Buffy til 2 years ago, so I'm really enjoying catching up on both shows by buying these "entire season" DVDs. FYI, if you're a Buffy fan, Angel is a bit darker and less glib. And since Angel still has that pesky "true happiness" curse, it's less focused on romance and more focused on action and solving crimes. If you've never watched Buffy, I'm sure you'll have no problem figuring out the essence of each character. I'm sure you'll find that this show stands alone on its own.
Rating:  Summary: FAVORITE SEASON OF ANGEL! Review: Angel is a great show. And though last season (S3) was weak at times, it still makes most of what's on TV bow down in comparison. Season 1 is Angel's greatest achievement. It is the season that was, aside from the trials and tribulations of the supernatural, about living the the big, empty, lonely city, and trying to make a name for yourself in it. Season 1 is when "Angel" was still about LA, and not Pylea, or any other alternative dimension. In this season (aside from the regulars), we, for the first time, meet Lilah, Lindsey, Gunn, and Kate (who I happen to love, and wish was still on the show.) The regular cast was small and precise, and the recurring characters were interesting and purposeful. Nowadays, there are so many characters on Angel that the intamacy is gone, and everyone has to jockey for lines and screen-time, that some characters are hardly seen at all. Also, after I re-watched this season on DVD, I saw how much I missed the "old" Cordelia...her lines and delivery were perfect. In this season, we also get a lot more background on Angel's "becoming" from a human to a vampire, which sets up the season finale fantastically! So buy Angel 1 on DVD! (And pre-order Season 2--available in August--my 2nd favorite season!)
Rating:  Summary: Angel: Season One: TV's best show now on DVD!! Review: When you think of a vampire, you think of a being that is very sadistically evil and deadly. When you think of a vampire with a soul, you think of a hero. And that is what Angel is. Angel is a vampire, cursed with a soul and with that soul comes the memories of those he terrorized for over 150 years as Angelus. Now, after being brought back for the depths of Hell, he is chosen by the Powers that Be to use his vampire powers for the good of mankind. That is the story of Angel, which begins here. He was Buffy Summer's, the slayer, love interest for 3 seasons on Buffy. Now, away from the temptation of his love, he vows to use his powers for the good of mankind. He is in the City of Angels, LA, and that is where his journey for redemption begins. I loved the show Angel when it came out because it came when the creative juices of Buffy were at it's peak. Angel was a character that seemed interesting to me. He is looking to be redeemed for the evil things he has done, by doing right. We all have been there. We all have sinned ourselves and in a sense we also are looking for that same forgiveness. His however is a bit more complicated. The season opens up with Angel in his new place and a mysterious half breed human/demon named Doyle comes and shakes up Angel's world. He tells him that he can provide Angel with visions of people in need in which Angel can save. Along with Cordelia Chase, the three set out to start Angel Investigations. What made the show so great was not just the awesome action or even the great storyline, but the actors. The connection that the actors had was vivid right from the start. They just worked well together and it shows in the quality of the show. But the thing that makes Angel Angel is the stories and other characters. We meet Kate, a cop who befriends Angel. We see Faith, the rogue slayer, face off Angel in a crucial episode. Spike, Oz, and even our dear Buffy comes to guest on Angel's show. It's these connections that made the first season so good. When I bought this DVD set, I was shocked at the size of the set. 6 discs, each with 3 or 4 episodes. Yes some may say the quality is not so good but hey, it is a TV show and a damn good looking one. The sets, lighting, and atmosphere are something that most shows don't have. So if you are a fan of Buffy and of course the character of Angel, this first season set is a great thing ti own. Not only do you get to explore Angel's first chapter of heroics, but you also get to explore Angel's dark past and look forward to his promising future. Get this with Buffy Season 4 because the two shows have connections.
Rating:  Summary: The Crossover Curse Review: In its first year, Buffy spinoff Angel got a strong start - even if hampered to a certain degree by the "curse of crossover." By this is meant the problem dealt to stand-alone episodes by those requiring (or at least substantially benefiting from) their "other half" from another show - in this case, parent series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Angel's first season had three notable crossover stories: one in which Angel's former helpmeet in crime, Spike, visits L.A. from Sunnydale in quest of empowering a ring that makes vampires invulnerable; another in which Buffy visits Angel once he is (temporarily) freed from the bane of sunlight and made mortal; and a third in which fallen Slayer and Buffy-nemesis Faith becomes a hit-woman hired by sinister-but-sexy Lilah Sinclair (Stephanie Romanov) for the Wolfram and Hart law firm against their thorn-in-the-side, Angel. Each of these episodes can stand alone - and each, like the rest of the season, is pretty good - but is weakened without its "other half" from the fourth season of Buffy. Still, Season One is a strong contender. The fundamentals are nicely established, with demon law firm Wolfram and Hart squaring-off against vampire-turned-good-guy Angel, who - encouraged by the Powers-That-Be - creates his own private-eye firm to help people in need. The chemistry between David Boreanaz as Angel and Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase is notably good, right from the outset. Both grew in their roles as the series progressed, but were strong from the start. Nice comic touches punctuate the generally starker worldview in Angel's Los Angeles from the more youthfully humorous Sunnydale, not the least of which is "Dennis," Cordelia's unexpected roommate - an invisible poltergeist, who gradually becomes a series fixture. The horror stories were best in the first two seasons of Angel, Season One having a couple of especially good ones: the first features a decidedly sinister killer with the unique ability to detach his body parts and send them on assassination missions; the second finds Cordelia impregnated with a demon brood, whose birth is guaranteed to kill her. Ironically, even though missing their other halves, the best episodes of this season are the aforementioned crossovers. Sarah Michelle Gellar guests as Buffy in the season's greatest tear-jerker, regaining her lost love Angel only to lose him again; James Marsters does his usually wonderful comico-sinister turn as the psychopathic Spike, with one of the series' best episode openers in his humorous mocking of Angel's goody-goodness; and Eliza Dushku, who never turns in a poor performance, is at her menacing - and, interestingly, touching - best in her two guest performances as fallen Slayer Faith, making her dramatic turnaround (with Angel's, and reluctantly, Buffy's help) in a bid for redemption. Overall prognosis: hardly perfect, but damned good.
Rating:  Summary: All Together Again Review: At the end of season three Angel says farewell to Buffy Anne Summers;the Vampire Slayer,and moves to the city of L.A..When he trys to scratch together his own life he bumps into old comrads and makes new friends.Finding new strange demons and adventurs.Angel,Cordellia,and Wesely try to save the world .In the City of Angels.
Rating:  Summary: ANGEL SEASON 1 MUST BE SEEN BY EVERYONE!!! Review: This season is the first season of the famous Buffy spin-off Angel. It's a must see by any true buffy fan. The best episodes of the season are City of...(where the show begin), In the dark (with some great guest appearence Seth Green as Oz and James Marsters as Spike), Room with a view(a really great episode where Cordelia, Charisma Carpenter, buy her new house), I will remember you(A fantastic episode with Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy guest star), Hero(A memorable episode and a very touching one), TO Sanshu in LA(The fantastic season's finale) and the two best episodes ever of Angel AND Buffy Five by five(The end of this episode is SOOOO good and well acted by ELiza Dushku) and Sanctuary(Where sarah michelle gellar and eliza dushku guest star). These are the two parts with Eliza Dushku as Faith. You must all see this season. P.S Eliza Dushku rules