Rating:  Summary: Let your hair down. Review: If the fans hve promised to follow Angel to Hell or to Another Network, who are the rest of us to argue? I revolt at the title of "fan" but this series and Buffy, frankly, surprisingly, won me over. While best viewed in sequence (meaning Buffy first people), the writing and acting in both series is so strong as to merit unadulterated admiration regardless of whether your interests run to vampires, superheroes or those who, perhaps, without meaning to, use a tad to much Nancy-boy hair gel.Recommended for all those who love great writing, gifted acting and imagination.
Rating:  Summary: Intro to Angel Review: The first season of Angel gets off to a slow start, explaining back story and introducing characters. This slow, methodical approach to exposition does serve to nicely layer the characters and the plots. The standout episode( if you're a fan of the Buffy/Angel romance) is "I Will Remember You." I will not spoil any plots, but it is a great episode. My only wish for this season was that Doyle didn't have to leave the series. He was a great character, and a nice foil for Angel's personality. Cordelia also grows as a person into someone actually likeable. All in all, this was a good start to a series that just gets better and better with every passing season.
Rating:  Summary: Angel is addictive viewing Review: Unlike Buffy The Vampire Slayer, its spin-off Angel has a rock solid theme. This show is about redemption. It is about second chances. It is about what you do with your life and the choices you make. Angel is a vampire with a soul who has lived centuries and is still tormented by the things that he did as a vampire. As the show begins, Angel is in Los Angeles to get away from the love of his life, Buffy. Like many people in LA, he is not quite sure why he is there and is a bit lost. He runs into the bubbly, sarcastic, snotty Cordelia Chase (from Buffy)at a party where she is an aspiring actress. He also meets Doyle, a swanky half-demon who gets "visions" that let him see people in danger. All three characters find purpose by forming an agency called Angel Investigations and get a chance to make a difference. During Season One, Wesley Wyndham-Price and Charles Gunn are introduced as well who become major characters later on. Wesley is a man who has never really been taken seriously and he joins the organization out of need just like everyone else. Gunn is a street kid who runs a group of vampire-hunting young people who becomes Angel Investigations's sort of hired muscle. The main over-arching villain of this season as with the seasons to follow is an evil law firm called Wolfram & Hart that uses the law to protect evil people with lots of money. This show is one of those shows that can be dark and funny at the same time. The humor really centers around all of the characters. The actors definitely have a chemistry that takes the show beyond just interesting and compelling and makes it down right enjoyable. One can watch Angel without having seen any of Buffy and still enjoy it. I am a fan of the new stuff and had never seen the first season before I got this set and after I bought it, I took every chance I had to watch the whole season. And after that, you'll want season two which I am currently enjoying. Angel - Season One is a great purchase!
Rating:  Summary: Angel is *way* more than just a spin-off Review: Longtime fans of Buffy and Angel need not read this DVD review. People who saw this on their Amazon recommendations, never having watched either show, read on. I was strongly opposed to Angel because it was affiliated with Buffy. I was opposed to Buffy because... well, because it's called "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," and my idiotic roommate with bad taste in everything thought it rocked. Unwilling to give it a chance, I missed out on years of quality Buffy-time, and almost made the same mistake with Angel. If you asked me now why I bought this set, holding that opinion and having never watched the show, I couldn't tell you. But I am officially a gigantic fan who didn't come at Angel by way of Buffy, and there's no reason to believe that you can't be, too. There is everything in the world to love about this show. Amazing dialogue, characters with depth and layers, continuous development, and a premise that allows the writers to explore just about any topic they want. All that, and it looks good, too. Trust me, this is a show you can enjoy even if you didn't get in on the ground floor with Buffy. Heck, you can love it even if you think Buffy's dumb, and have sworn to never watch an episode as long as you live. But after you watch a couple minutes of Angel, you'll run out and buy all the Buffy you can get your hands on, as well as Firefly, the only TV show that's even better than Angel.
Rating:  Summary: I didn't expect the spin-off show to be this good Review: At the end of the third season of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" the character Angel (David Boreanaz) leaves Sunnydale to get away from Buffy. He winds up in Los Angeles and since he still has a soul, Angel begins helping and protecting people from the vampires and demons who prey on humans. When I had first heard there was a spin-off series from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and that it was centered on Angel, I wasn't interested. Throughout the first three seasons of "Buffy", I was never a big fan of the character of Angel and did not think much of his chances of actually being the lead for his own series. I did agree with Angel leaving Sunnydale because I thought that everything that could be done with that character in connection with Buffy had already been done. Neither Buffy nor Angel could grow as character if they were still together. After a while (mostly because I was unable to purchase the fifth season of "Buffy"), I decided to give the first season of "Angel" a chance. Season One of "Angel" runs concurrently with Season Four of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". This would be Buffy's first year at U.C. Sunnydale, and while the characters of Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Willow had gone off to college, Cordelia Chase (Charisma Carpenter) also left Sunnydale for L.A., but with the hopes of being a famous actress. Things do not always happen as people might expect, and Angel and Cordelia meet up and together with a half demon named Doyle (Glenn Quinn) form Angel Investigations, a private investigations firm with the purpose of helping people. Like "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", many episodes of "Angel" feature a Monster of the Week, but it also builds the relationships between the characters and reveals the nature of L.A. and it is significantly different than that of Sunnydale. There is no true "Big Bad" this season, but Season One reveals that the scope of the evil is much larger than we had come to see in "Buffy". There is a law firm, Wolfram and Hart, which represents the evil elements of society (including demons) in court and has built up a huge power structure. But, while Wolfram and Hart is a big deal, the true heart of the first season of "Angel" is the build up. We are reintroduced to the fallen Watcher Wesley Wyndam-Price (Alexis Denisof) as he joins Angel Investigations and the most interesting character on the show (besides Cordelia) was a detective with the LAPD, Kake Lockley (Elisabeth Rohm). This is a show that I really did not know what to expect from. I wasn't excited to watch it, but when I started I was sucked in (no pun intended) from the first episode. The strength of "Angel" comes not from the lead, though David Boreanaz does a good job, but from the supporting characters. Cordelia, Doyle, and Wesley add so much to the show that without them, I don't think "Angel" would work quite so well. There were also several crossover episodes where Buffy, Oz (Seth Green), Spike (James Marsters) and Faith (Eliza Dushku) make guest appearances. These guest appearances serve to tie "Angel" into the world of "Buffy", but it also shows how characters like Wesley and Cordelia have grown beyond who they were in years past. I look forward to watching Season Two of "Angel".
Rating:  Summary: Greatest Spinoff Ever : A Vampire Guardian Angel Review: I am NOT a fan usually of Spinoff tv series..Most spinoffs are let downs from the originating series..This tv series which is a spinoff to the GREAT Buffy The Vampire Slayer : Angel is a total exception to the spinoff rule..Angel stands well on its own..Very Entertaining and has the power to hold your interest throughout..I watched the whole set over 4 nights..I will admit though that it takes a few to really get use to this new plot.. Which is Angel is out of Sunnydale and In Los Angeles (why don't they call it "LOS ANGELUS" LoL:) There along with BuFFy character Cordelia and a new character Doyle they start an agency to "help the hopeless"..This show is much darker and at times more scary then Buffy..But there is some that has the Buffy sillyness..I kinda compare Angel more to X Files.. Just a quick rundown of highlights : "In the Dark" is the first apperance of Spike in "Angel" and it is part 2 to the 3rd episode of season 4 Buffy.."BM W/A VU" has Cordelia battling ghosts in her new appartment..You will be suprised at the ending. "I Will Remember You" has the first of 2 apperances of Buffy.In which Angel for a time becomes human which allows them to share their love again.."Parting Gifts" in which Cordelia inherits Doyle's gift for visions of people in dispair and the arrival of Wesley another Buffy character.."Exspecting" Cordelia wakes up after a night of passion 8 & 1/2 months pregnant.."She" is a leather clad female demon on a mission.."I've got you under my skin" is a take off of the "Exorcist" and "Omen" FANTASTIC.."The Ring" a Angel version of "Gladiator".."Eternity" a young SEXY actress wants Angel to make her a vampire for eternal youth..Has Angel becoming evil "Angelus" (note is much funnier and one liners when Angelus)."FivebyFive" & "Sanctuary" has an very evil but SEXY Faith the later has BuFFy..A continuation of the double Faith episode from Buffy season 4..And the character of Kate is clearly a take off on Schully from X Files as they even joke about in one of the episodes herein.. Which leads me to note something very important..That is BE SURE TO WATCH BUFFY SEASON 4 FIRST..Coz many shows here are continuations of shows from season 4 Buffy..If you don't you will be lost within this 1st season of Angel.. This dvd set features great extras on dvd 3 and 6..My favorite was "I Cordelia" all about Cordelia..She may be a brat but she is funny and very sexy..Charisma Carpenter has loads of Charisma..All of this cast like in Buffy has great chemistry..Oh i have to mention keep an eye open for dance scene where Angel and Wesley is dancing..The worst but FUNNIEST dancing you ever seen..And in that episode more of that dance in the credits..With all this said after you seen Buffy 4 check this out for the continuing adventures of our Favorite Vampire Guardian Angel broodingly and funnyly played by fellow PA guy David Boreanaz..As Angel Doyle Cordellia and Wesley take a "BITE" out of crime..
Rating:  Summary: A fallen Angel Review: It's hard to say just what point of Angel really started my rather ridiculous obsession with it. Whether it was the really awesome dark story, or the fact that there are really cool characters around every corner, something about this show just drives you crazy!! With every minute of every episode, you get more deeply and deeply involved in the story and the life of the characters. It's a show you could watch all day and never get bored of, and it's so exciting you could practically watch it forever. With the incredibly deep story of the tortured soul that is Angel, it's amazing that other tv shows even exist! Angel is just one unforgetable moment after another as you move closer and closer to the end of the story, a thing that, unfortunatly, is now sooner than ever. Even tho this is only the first season, it is still more that enought to quench your thirst for a good time. And all the extras are really great. From the behind the scenes with David Boreanaz, to the biographies of all the individual characters, these dvds are truly Angel heaven! And who can resist that classic Angel charm?! From Angel diving into the wrong car in the first episode, to seeing evil Spike make fun of him a few episodes later. Angel is one of the few truly funny dramas out there. It's really fun to see how the series and Angel himself have evolved over the years. In the first season, he is this adorable non-sociable hero who will do anything to save someone. And now in this latest season, he gets turned into a bloody puppet!!!! Yea, the series has gone thru a lot of changes over the years, but it's pretty obvious that the main charm of the series is still quite intact. If your a big time fan of this series like me, I think it's safe to say that you were more than a little upset when they announced the early termination of the show. They don't know what they're doing!! Angel was awesome from the very first episode where you find him drowning his sorrows at the local bar. If they think that 5 years is enough Angel for everyone, they have another thing comming!!! All I have to say is that I'm really going to miss it. What started as a spin-off of Buffy the vampire slayer, has really come a long way over the years. But rather than become old in my mind, the series has just dug itself deeper into my heart. It's one of the most fun and intellegent series' out there and there will never be another capable of replacing it. It may not be for everyone, but it sure got me, hook line and sinker!!
Rating:  Summary: Save Angel!!! Review: Angel is on it's last season. If you REALLY wanna help go here: http://www.buffy.nu/article.php3?id_article=3258 This site is by James Marters and he tells ya what to DO NOW to save Angel. Go. Save Angel.
Rating:  Summary: Quick Summary Review: I must say, I was a bit cautious about buying this DVD set at first. I'm a huge Buffy fan, but the Angel spin-off didn't sound too great. I'm not a huge Angel fan; at least, that was, until I watched his series. I took a big chance and coughed up $50 for this set (hey, it's a lot of money for me!!), and I am not sad at all that I did. In fact, next chance I have some money, I'm buying the second season. Angel begins great, and ends great. David Boreanaz (Angel) was amazing; more amazing than I have ever seen him on Buffy in my opinion. He's lonely and vampy, living in LA, still fighting the bad evils of the world. He meets Doyle, and adorable half-demon with an Irish accent played by Glenn Quinn, who sadly passed away at an early age (31 I believe...) in 2001. This character has been my favorite of both Angel and Buffy. Glenn brought an amazing character you came to know and love on screen. May he rest in peace. Charisma Carpenter, Cordelia, as much as I disliked her in Buffy, was absolutely great in Angel. Growing as a person, but still keeping her ridiculous humor, she sums up the perfect group as a wannabe superstar who ends up working for Angel. Doyle dies early in the season, and don't think I didn't get a little emotional ;P He is "replaced" by Wesley, who at first I was disgusted by. Not because the acting was by, but because he didn't fit and I was still sad from Doyle's death. Soon, however, he brings what is needed to the good guy group. This season is full of crossing actors from Buffy: -Oz (The wonderful Seth Green!!) -Buffy (The very talented Sarah Michelle Gellar) -Spike (Excellent James Marsters =D) -Faith (Eliza Dusku, who now has her own show, Tru Calling) So if you're still debating whether to pick this up or not, go get it!! You won't be disappointed... And of course, one final word to the talented and truly missed Glenn Quinn. May he rest forevermore in peace. He will not be forgotten.
Rating:  Summary: Trying to find it's own ground Review: With the character of Angel (David Boreanaz) becoming quite popular on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a spin off was planned and really saw the actor coming into his own. Boreanaz is great as the tortured vampire with a soul (and even better as his devilish evil alter ego Angelus), and he gets to display more range on his own show than he ever did on Buffy. The series begins with Angel, Cordelia (Buffy alum Charisma Carpenter), and Irish demon Doyle (the late Glenn Quinn) fighting evil forces in Los Angeles. The show began pretty shakey, but really picked up momentum towards the mid point of the series when Doyle is dispatched and replaced with former Watcher Wesley (Alexis Denisof), whose character really began to shine. The only real problem with Angel as a whole is that it can't compare to Buffy. It doesn't necessarily have to, but it doesn't have the offbeat dark humor that helped propel Buffy to the heights that that show went to. Despite that, the first season of Angel is still some solid TV that is more than worth watching, and just like Buffy, Angel only got better with each passing season. Featuring guest appearances from Buffy alumni including rogue slayer Faith (Eliza Dushku), vampire Spike (James Marsters whose voice over making fun of Angel is drop dead hilarious), werewolf boy Oz (Seth Green), and Buffy herself (Sarah Michelle Gellar).