Rating:  Summary: Angel Season 1 Rocks Review: This box set is way overdue for North America. This show has grown up so much that in my opinion I believe that it has passed Buffy. David Boreanz has matured so into the role as Angel the vampire with a soul.And, Charisma Carpenter keeps the levity of humor on hand as the vally girl Cordelia.Also, Glenn as Doyle the half human half demon Doyle with his visions from the Powers To Be is missed a lot in the future seasons.But,Alexis Densnoff as Wesley Wyndman Pryce definitely made a wortthy replacement. This six disc set has some cool features and commentary from the cast and creators.Buffy,Faith,Spike,Oz,and the introducton of Gunn can also be seen on this set.This was well worth the wait and definitely lookiing forward to season 2.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Gold Review: Two words to describe Season 1 of Angel on DVD: Pure Gold. Any fan of the series should buy the DVD merely to thank the show writers and cast for a job well done. If there is a less predictable show on TV other than sports programming (and even that is frequently more predictable) I'd love to know what it is.
Rating:  Summary: Angel Spreads His Wings Review: I hate to admit it, but I never liked Angel when he was on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". Either he was the goody-goody vamp with a soul, or the "Big Bad" vamp without a soul. I quickly became sick and tired of his romance with Buffy, and I got sick and tired of Angel. However... On his own, Angel works VERY well. His character is way more developed in his own series, and you know what? I like him. A lot. It turns out, without Buffy around, he's still dark and brooding, but he's also got a great sense of humor, and he's just downright cuddly (you know, except for when he's killing the bad guys). I wasn't a huge fan of "Angel" when it first aired. I watched all of the episodes up until the character of Doyle was killed off (in episode 9, for Pete's sake), and after that, I got bored. I loved the character of Doyle, and I was angry that they got rid of him so soon. And now I think it's too bad, as everyone has pointed out, that the DVD does not acknowledge the fact that the actor who played Doyle (Glenn Quinn) actually passed away in December. Maybe it was too late for them to change his biography on the DVD, but it's a shame nonetheless. I thought Glenn Quinn was a great actor, and he was what kept me coming back each week. Now, watching those first 9 episodes all over again, especially "Hero", will sadden all of Doyle's (and Glenn Quinn's) devoted fans even more. However, with the release of the DVD, I thought maybe I should give "Angel" another chance. After all, there were about 13 episodes from that season I hadn't seen. I thought I might regret buying it, but I don't. Not at all. Like I said, Angel is a much more likeable character in his own show, and Cordelia, who was very likeable in "Buffy", does some growing up in the spin-off, and she's not as shallow now. Wesley shows up after Doyle's death as the replacement, and while he is an okay character, he just isn't as interesting as Doyle. I haven't seen the show since, well, episode 9 of the first season, and now I hear Angel has a teenaged son, and there are all of these other people around whom I've never seen before. According to fans, it's not as good as it was. I will have to take their word for it. All I know is that it's pretty hard to measure up to the first season. Buffy makes an appearance a couple of times, as does Oz and Faith, but the best cross-over cameo would have to be Spike in "In the Dark". His opening scene in that episode is worth the DVD alone. If you'd like to go back to the days when "Angel" was a great show, you have to get this DVD. I think Angel's first season was far more superior than Buffy's first season, but I hear it's gone downhill since. That is even more of a reason to own this. Now at least all of us Doyle fans will have something permanent to remember him by.
Rating:  Summary: Angel- Not Disappointed Review: Funny thing was that I was not too interested in Angel when it first came out... I had watched some of Season 1/2 of Buffy but didn't become a fan until later. BTVS seasons 1-3 are great DVD packages and Angel season 1 holds its own. Writing is pretty sharp. There are a few weake episodes that are too Star Trek-esque in their deus ex machine plots BUT the characters are still good. Cordelia rocks in this season with her snarky lines and on the sleeve self interest. Cordy in the current season is a waste of space but back then she was great, not a love interest! The first few episodes with the demon guy are fine but when Wesley shows up the season picks up. The two Faith episodes near the end are top 10 Buffy/Angel episodes.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed Review: I must admit, I've always been a huge fan of the first season of Angel. I haven't even watched any episodes since "To Shanshu..." The show began to go downhill quickly after they left the original office. I love that they finally have the entire first season on DVD. But I was highly disappointed by the fact that the DVD extras lacked any information on Glenn Quinn/Doyle in anything but his bio and even THAT was a bit insulting. "He lives in LA and is single." And it was released two months after Glenn Quinn's tragic passing. If you've never seen Angel, I would highly recommend these DVDs, despite its lack of content. The show is poignant, despite its "out-of-this-world" storylines. Even if you fancy yourself to be a science fiction free viewer, give this show a try. I promise, you won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Son of Buffy Grows Review: The first season of Angel is for the most part a mixed bag. While it does have it's bright spots (The heartbreaking Buffy/Angel episode and the re-emergence of the rogue slayer Faith) It also has it's moments which seem painfully forced. (Glen Quinn's character Doyle for example, and the visions he gets of people in need.) The interesting mythology that will keep you watching episode after episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, not to mention it's wonderful use of metaphor, is mostly lost on the first season of Angel. Which merely serves as a monster of the week anthology. The show has promising elements, such as Buffy's characteristic and crackling wit, but for the most part spend's it's first season searching for it's own identity. Angel has some passing love interests, and the cast gets shuffled around as they try to get the chemistry of the players just right. The show begins to gel once Alexis Denisof (Wesley) becomes apart of the cast, and results in some of the season's most interesting episodes. What carries this show through it's vaguely unself assured beginnings is the characterization of Angel by David Boreanez. While he only got to play the brooding man of mystrey on Buffy, Boreanez gets the chance to show dimension now that he has the spotlight all to himself. It should be sufficient for any Buffy fan to buy this season simply on the promise that Angel dances. What keeps you watching is the promise that this show will soon be capable of overcoming the shadow of it's pop cult-phenom predecessor. As the character Angel grows, so does the show around him. As Angel's mission becomes more clear to him, so does the mission statement of the show. Once the show finds some semblence of identity even obnoxious one dimensional characters like Cordelia are given the chance for growth. Angel offers all the laughter, and action of it's predecessor Buffy, but is still a couple season away from having it's same cohesion.
Rating:  Summary: An amazing season. Review: Angel is a strong balanced show that shows the lives of the characters changing without focusing too much. In season one, there was usually a new bad to fight or demon to kill every week. But that's okay, because the episodes are awesome. In every single episode, we get to see one of the characters if not all of them, go through something & grow as a person. Angel season one is also host to two episodes that were Buffy/Angel crossovers. "I Will Remember You" is one of my favorites of all time. Definetly a true piece of television. Eliza Dushku, however, in my opinion, made "Five By Five" and "Sanctuary" the best episodes of season one. Faith comes to LA from Sunnydale & William and Heart (the villians in season one) hire her to kill Angel, when all along, she wants Angel to kill her. This season is a must have for Buffy fans.
Rating:  Summary: Great way to catch up on a great series! Review: I wanted to catch up on Angel, since I started watching it after season 1. I am glad that I bought this DVD set. It is good to see the characters of Angel and Cordy grow up in LA. I love the stand-alone episodes and the crossovers are cool. I can't wait to get Buffy season 4 to watch the crossovers together. The first scene in the episode, In the Dark, is so great. Spike is watching Angel from at top a building. Using high and low voices, Spike's imagined dialogue is very funny: Women: How can I thank you, you mysterious, black-clad hunk of a night thing? Angel: No need, little lady, your tears of gratitude are enough for me. You see, I was once a badass vampire, but love and a pesky curse defanged me. Now I'm just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth. No, not the hair! Never the hair! Woman: But there must be someway I can show my appreciation. Angel: No, helping those in need's my job, - and working up a load of sexual tension, and prancing away like a magnificent poof is truly thanks enough! Woman: I understand. I have a nephew who is gay, so... Angel: Say no more. Evil's still afoot! And I'm almost out of that Nancy-boy hair-gel that I like so much. Quickly, to the Angel-mobile, away! Spike: Go on with you. Play the big, strapping hero while you can. You have a few surprises coming your way. - The ring of Amara - a visit from your old pal Spike, - and, oh yeah, - your gruesome, horrible death.
Rating:  Summary: A Dark & Stellar Jump Off Review: Angel's first season is all about closure from the Buffyverse and setting a totally unique and darker universe. In a smart move, Angel resides in LA after leaving Sunnydale and Buffy behind. In LA, he continues to seek redemption for his past doings. In doing so, he meets up with Doyle, a demon who receives head splitting visions of danger from the Powers that Be, and becomes Angel's aid. Along for the ride is former Sunnydale resident Cordelia Chase who begins the infamous Angel Investigations. Never has there been such entertaining and involving television such as the first season of Angel. Being a spin-off of Buffy, Angel held its own ground in becoming a completely different show. Joss Whedon, David Greenwalt, and the rest of the show's writers developed the new characters and delved into Angel, Cordelia, and Wesley even more. Some of the more stellar episodes from this season are Will Always Remember You, Heroes, Five by Five, Sanctuary, and the creepy Under Your Skin. Of course, that's based on my opinion for the remaining episodes are all awesome in their own way. David Boreanaz's star quality is lowbrow, and he took this show in his own hands. But not stealing all the screentime for a lot is given to his costars. Charisma Carpenter is wonderful as always, even with her past Cordelia attitude. Charisma showed Cordelia's slow transition to having more heart very well. Her performance in the season one finale was breathtaking. Glenn Quinn's performance made him a loveable fan favorite, and always will be. The return of Alexis Denisof rounding out the main cast for season one was a swell choice. Elisabeth Rohm was a great addition, and J. August Richards as Gunn worked very well. Well enough to make him a regular cast member. The DVD presentation is a swell one. Although the show was shot in the widescreen format, we do get regular full screen. Sound and picture are great, although the picture gets a little grainy sometimes. Nothing to complain about. All of the featurettes are nifty and chock full of interviews from cast & crew. The commentaries range from highly entertaining to subtly interesting, as most do. And the design of the whole set is mood setting. Loved it. Angel's season one set up for the upcoming seasons which become even more darker, sinister, and quirkier. Yes, quirkier.
Rating:  Summary: Angel - Season One - Buffy Season Four Review: This season of Angel was very well done. It lacks the intensity of the latter seasons, but so do all first seasons, really. In watching this season, it was good to be reminded of the origins of the series - the incredible redundancy of Cordelia (she is definitely not needed on the show), the lack of confidence Wesley started out with, the origins of Gun's strength and anger, the incredible suffering Angel endures, and his strength and devotion to making atonement for all that he has done. Each of the pivital characters, Angel, Wesley, and Gun have grown and matured, and become a strong, cohesive group of characters. The bonding that they began in this first season continues throughout the rest of the series, up to this the fourth season. Angel - Season One is a must have for all serious Angel/Buffy fans. The only drawback is the relationship between Angel and Buffy - the producers decided to cut off their love through anger - but with these two it cannot be done - no matter how many others come between them. The producers would have been better served had they played upon the suffering and anguish Angel and Buffy feel at being separated - would have given both series much more of an edge and level of continuity. Again, I highly recommend the purchase of this DVD set, and all subsequent offerings, of this series. It is worth watching again and again.