Rating:  Summary: Get on the right track Review: Guys, girls, young and old, do yourself a favor and get this video! What I liked best was her distinction between being unorganized and being "messy"--there is a difference. I almost turned the video off when she described her turning point from living an unorganized lifestyle, but I'm glad I didn't. It is a great motivational tool!
Rating:  Summary: Video is a great format for the organization-challenged! Review: I bought the book several months ago, flipped through it, and had been meaning to read it since then. My house is so cluttered that I felt I didn't have time to read it, and half the time, I couldn't even find the book. When I saw that Julie had published a video version of her book, I thought that I could set aside that much time one afternoon to watch the video. It actually took 3 segments of time to watch it due to two toddlers and my husband, but I watched it and was inspired. I think I learned everything I need to from the video, although the book includes more details. I think it's easier to get started just with the basics than to be overwhelmed with information, anyway. I actually learned information that I can use this time, and what's more, I'm putting it to use! I highly recommend this video. Also, Julie Morgenstern is really likeable, so it's fun and inspiring to see her on video.
Rating:  Summary: An answer to prayer Review: I have "packrat syndrome". My landlord is threatening eviction. I feel so invalidated by everyone who belittles me and can't understand how vital I feel things are. And when people "Help" me out by throwing my things away I feel violated. I haven't had a chance to use the system yet but I got a library copy I feel I can't give up. I have watched it several times,(more on the how to start part.) I feel that finally somebody understands where I am coming from and is validating my feelings and rights. She has created a system that takes my personhood into account instead of just the culturally expected way of life. She says organizing is about identifying what is important to and getting access to them. To celebrate your abundance if you feel deprived. Get a beautiful trunk and create a pleasant trip down memory lane and take it often so you don't have a need for so much volume. I have recomended it to several friends I am so excited and loaned it one who is right now watching it the 4th time.
Rating:  Summary: An answer to prayer Review: I have "packrat syndrome". My landlord is threatening eviction. I feel so invalidated by everyone who belittles me and can't understand how vital I feel things are. And when people "Help" me out by throwing my things away I feel violated. I haven't had a chance to use the system yet but I got a library copy I feel I can't give up. I have watched it several times,(more on the how to start part.) I feel that finally somebody understands where I am coming from and is validating my feelings and rights. She has created a system that takes my personhood into account instead of just the culturally expected way of life. She says organizing is about identifying what is important to and getting access to them. To celebrate your abundance if you feel deprived. Get a beautiful trunk and create a pleasant trip down memory lane and take it often so you don't have a need for so much volume. I have recomended it to several friends I am so excited and loaned it one who is right now watching it the 4th time.
Rating:  Summary: Very Inspiring! Review: I purchased this video after reading the book. I really liked the book, but I thought the video would provide extra inspiration. It truly does. In fact, I would almost say this is a better first purchase if you really need to get going on your organizing effort. You will learn all the basic techniques that are in the book, but it will only take an hour to learn them, vs. several hours of reading the book. The techniques the author discusses can be applied to anyone and anyplace. They are for the truly messy, the not-too-bads, and people who feel that they just need a little help. Once you have learned and possibly applied the techniques you learn from the video, buy the book for more information and inspiration.
Rating:  Summary: 12th grader's learn organizational skills in Health class Review: I used "Organizing From The Inside Out" in my 12th grade Health class recently to show the students how diorganization is a stressor & can affect your mental, emotional & physcial health. After watching this video, they all agreed that being organized helps create a stress-free environment. They were amazed to find that we spend sooooooo many hours every week just hunting for things we can't find. And we spend lot's of hard earned money to replace items we have misplaced because we are not organized. This is a great video and would recomend that all parents watch it with their children to create happier, healthier individuals, families, homes & workplaces. My class could identify areas they all needed to improve in. They also shared how one persons lack of organization in the home affects all persons in that home. Again, great video ! Great teaching tool also.
Rating:  Summary: Late night wake up call! Review: I was dozing off the other night, the TV was on PBS, when Julie's excited voice filtered into my brain. I thought I was dreaming! What was this about organization? Could it BE possible for me to analyze the clutter in my world and make some changes that will FINALLY clean the place up? Is it REALLY as simple as the model of a Kindergarten Classroom? Organization = Fun??? Suddenly, I was wide awake! YES, YES, YES!!! FINALLY a plan of attack (one that ironically leaves the 'attack' to the last step) that has you discovering WHY that clutter exists, THEN what to do about it! No more diving into that pile of mess only to come up GASPING for air and clarity an hour later! No more moving that pile from the kitchen table to the office then back again because the kitchen table is REALLY the most comfortable place to pay the bills! Julie Morgenstern gives you a clear, sensible, step-by-step way to make your home, office, garage, LIFE! an organized, comfortable place to live. These ideas will not only help clear the physical clutter, they can also be applied to other areas of your life to help get you organized; i.e., your time. Julie's enthusiasm, clear presentation and anecdotal examples had me wishing that I wasn't watching her on PBS - because there are no commercials, I couldn't jump up to grab a pen and paper or I'd miss something! And the PILE of books, tissues and misc. on my bedside table didn't yield anything useful in that regard! *sigh* I wasn't organized enough to jot down how to get organized! So, I cannot WAIT to get this video! December will not arrive soon enough for me! Never mind the holiday hubbub! I'm going to be plunked down in front of my TV/VCR taking notes! THEN watch me go! I'll have these boxes of Christmas ornaments put away instead of piled under the desk until next year! Ditto for the piles in the kitchen, my son's room, my bedside table! Ahhhhh, bliss, thy name is 'Organizing from the Inside Out!'
Rating:  Summary: Organizing from the Inside Out with Julie Morgenstern Review: I would love to bye it but it is not avelible in Australian standard (I think it is) PAL
Rating:  Summary: Well Received Review: I've presented this video to large groups as part of a day full of time-management related activities. It always ranks at the top, being quite practical, helpful and succinct in its advice. Morgenstern's down-to-earth, positive attitude transmits nicely.
Rating:  Summary: Only for the truly motivated! Review: If you are totally commited to organizing your home or office, then I recommend this book. It has alot of preparation involved though, but it is worth it in the long run. This is a very logical process to getting uncluttered & completely organized. She gives alot of ideas that seem so simple & could kick myself for not knowing them. Again, this is NOT for people looking for a quick fix. This is NOT an organizing book that will take you through one weekend of cleaning your entire home. It will get you completely organized right down to the last pair of shoes in your home.