Rating:  Summary: programs wonderful Review: All of Steve Murray's programs are wonderful. Before I put my review on here I read the most recent dated August 17, and then read the other persons reviews that she wrote. I was amazed at all her negative reviews. I understand a person is entitled to their opinions, but what does the person like? I have looked at other reviews of the products she dislikes and there seems to be happy people. I just would like to know (she being a Reiki Master)what she expected from the attunements? To feel something, what? Instant healing- energy rays? If she is a Reiki Master she should know that Reiki can go to the mental, spiritual and emotional bodies (most of the time where illness starts)and it can take time (depending on the circumstances of the person)to resonate to the physical body. Also people have blockages on some level and they need several attunements. The reviewer also stated she watched the attunement. To do the attunement you have to do it, not just watch it.Anybody that has worked with Reiki knows it is a subtle and powerful energy and yes somtimes you have a physical sensation. And you don't have to feel anything for the Reiki to work and sometimes it takes time. Most people do not get into an illness state overnight. The Reiki attunement that this Master said she felt nothing, could be (i believe it is)working on her other bodies. I know some people have to have a physical confirmation that something has happened for them to believe, but again it sometimes takes time. Apparently this person needs a physical confirmation every time for her to believe in Reiki? Most Masters know this is not true. They trust the Reiki will go where it is needed, feeling or not. Even though she gave this program a bad review, she did let the truth slip out. Her husband did feel something in his hands (that's a first level attunement),but he was suppose to feel something again with other programs? I would guess even if he did he would not tell this reviewer in fear of going against her beleif system. I am also a Reiki Master and teacher and feel their is a need for programs like this. I do understand that some Reiki Masters are against programs like this for various reasons which mostly are personal. And if they embraced a program like this they could lose clients. Attunements somtimes can take time to manifest healing and change, and they are not a magic bullet. Reiki should be used in conjunction with other healing techniques. This Reiki Master in her reviews of all the Reiki products maybe she could also find some positive, because i believe all the Reiki products she reviewed were made with good intent to help people. And of this date August 17, she has not put up anything she has liked. Ok... I have rambled on. Let me say this, these programs are great tools. I also feel in person attunements are good. It all depends on your circumstances. I really don't care how you get your attunements, as long as you do. The more people with Reiki in the world, the better place it will be. peace
Rating:  Summary: Important Info on Program Review: An anonymous review dated 17 title" Is this a joke" has been brought to my attention. I would like to clarify a few issues to help prevent this situation from happening again. That is, a person buying the program and not fully understanding what it is about and its content, and being unhappy. I personally do not believe Reiki is a joke, or did I produce my programs as a joke.My five (1st, 2nd, Master, Psychic, Healing) Reiki Video and DVD programs are for passing the actual Reiki Attunement and that's the main content. All the programs have some Reiki information (what's an attunement, preparation for the attunement, why and how it works etc.) in them and this is fully described in the product detail page. And the 2nd and Master level programs show and explain the Reiki Symbols and give suggestions on using them after taking the Attunement. If you are expecting a video or DVD that gives information on the history of Reiki, basic background on Reiki, personal stories about Reiki etc, and do not want an actual Reiki Attunement, please buy one of the many fine books on Amazon that has information you seek, not the program. Of course the books will not supply the Attunement. I did finally publish a Reiki book for the many, many thousand of people around the world that have taken my Reiki Attunements successfully and for other individuals that seek advanced Reiki information to continue their Reiki Journey. The book is described in the product detail page and can be found on Amazon. A suggestion for some people, get the book first and then decide if you would like an Attunement from one of my programs. Also, after the Reiki Attunement if you are expecting and/or must feel something and/ or heal instantly, again, please do not buy the program. Now, many people do have physical feelings, sensations, healing and changes immediately. And this continues to get stronger with their continued practice and use of Reiki. Healings and miracles can and do happen with Reiki quickly. But, usually Reiki is a process and sometimes you need to use it with other healing modalities for the best results. A simple example, you break a leg. The leg is set and put into a cast by a medical doctor and you use Reiki to help heal it faster. The reviewer reported "didn't do a thing for me" does not really clarify if the attunement was received, but assuming the person did take the time to take the attunement, just because you do not feel a physical sensation, does not mean healing or change is not occurring after receiving the Attunement. It sometimes takes some time and more Attunements. Healing and change can be taking place on the mental, emotional and /or spiritual level and you are not consciously aware of it, and it will take a while to see and feel the change on the physical level, so please have patience. As for the watercolor diagrams, lol art is very subjective and the artist I commissioned for the drawings I feel is talented and he gave me exactly what I was looking for. But, whatever the opinion on the watercolor illustrations, without a doubt they convey the Reiki hand positions, and that is what is important. As always, any questions feel free to contact me Shanti Steve Murray.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! What Controversy Review: Hello, first of all I would like to say I have a great many of Steve Murray's programs and I find them all great and I have felt and received all the attunements. His programs do what they say they will do. They are truely remarkable. Now, It seems that his Reiki Attunement Programs have created a lot of controversy in the Reiki community. I understand that you cannot please all the people all the time. All great people(including healers)and their work has met opposition from different people and organizations throughout history. This is especially true when people are ahead of their time or start something new and maybe go against the system. Steve Murray fits into that category I have read the few letters that disagree with his programs and all of them were from Reiki Masters. When I read the letters I cannot help but feel the resentment in what they write and maybe some anger. And I believe their criticism is self serving (I will explain latter in fees). I am also curious what do they say to the thousands of people who have received the attunements from Steve Murray (read a few of their letters) that they are mistaken or lying? ... be happy with these programs. On the other hand I have spoken to some enlighten Reiki Masters who are happy with the programs and do not feel threaten by them. And it is my belief that these programs are not for Reiki Masters, they are for people like myself who want self healing. It is Karma that the few Reiki Masters that are trying to discourage these Reiki Programs from being used, are actually helping getting these programs to more people. So Controversy is good, everything happens for a reason. These programs seem to be always number one in Reiki sales. I do not care how you get your Reiki Attunements, but please get them. These programs can be an option, but do what you feel is right. Love Stephanie Q
Rating:  Summary: Video Attunement Program s #1 Review: I bought both Steve Murray's attunement programs, the 1st Level and Psychic. I took both attunements and I'm really happy with the results and the programs have changed my life for the positive. I understand there is no magic bullet, but the Reiki has made a difference in my life. I did have a few questions about when I should take the attunements again and I contacted Steve Murray. He did get back with me the next day and answered my questions. I recommend both these programs. I understand Steve Murray has a 30-day subliminal video audio weight loss program, i'm going to give that a try.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing... Review: I bought the first one, tried it on my husband. He said he felt "something" in his hands. I bought the next two for him and....NOTHING! I am a Reiki Master Teacher and a Kundalini yoga nut myself and I thought these tapes may be good to have around as 'boosters' for my students and myself. But honestly, I felt nothing....
Rating:  Summary: Excellently produced and World Class! Beautifully Done!! Review: I bought the Level I and II attunements by Video. They are great to use as attunements and as reinforcements to your healing energy. These videos are world class, and like Steve's book, get right to the point. The videos are inspiring and set in beautiful natural settings. The footage and music, the backgrounds and the presentation are extremely well done and professional. It didn't take me but a few moments to get into the mood of things and tune right in to the meditative state. Steve guides the viewer to a relaxed and receptive state of mind. The music in this particular attunement reached deep inside my being and stimulated my energy centers. I experienced some unsual, but pleasant and positive sensations and knew I had been given a real reiki treatment during the attunement. If you are a skeptic and want a quick fix way to get an attunement, it might not do anything for you. But if you are sincere, and your heart and mind are open, and your mind is clear, and you are sensitive and humble, you definitely will feel and receive the Reiki energy that Steve transfers into these videos. I did. I actively began using the Reiki and symbols after my attunements and they worked instantly. I think these videos and DVD's work hand-in-hand with Steve's books and are worth being in the healer's collection to be used over and over again for recharging and strengthening the Reiki healer.
Rating:  Summary: Excellently produced and World Class! Beautifully Done!! Review: I bought the Level I and II attunements by Video. They are great to use as attunements and as reinforcements to your healing energy. These videos are world class, and like Steve's book, get right to the point. The videos are inspiring and set in beautiful natural settings. The footage and music, the backgrounds and the presentation are extremely well done and professional. It didn't take me but a few moments to get into the mood of things and tune right in to the meditative state. Steve guides the viewer to a relaxed and receptive state of mind. The music in this particular attunement reached deep inside my being and stimulated my energy centers. I experienced some unsual, but pleasant and positive sensations and knew I had been given a real reiki treatment during the attunement. If you are a skeptic and want a quick fix way to get an attunement, it might not do anything for you. But if you are sincere, and your heart and mind are open, and your mind is clear, and you are sensitive and humble, you definitely will feel and receive the Reiki energy that Steve transfers into these videos. I did. I actively began using the Reiki and symbols after my attunements and they worked instantly. I think these videos and DVD's work hand-in-hand with Steve's books and are worth being in the healer's collection to be used over and over again for recharging and strengthening the Reiki healer.
Rating:  Summary: Reiki 1st Level Attunement by Steve Murray Review: I feel I have been blessed with healing energy and now after receiving my first attunement I feel like something in me has changed. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I could never afford to pay the thousands of dollars that others are asking for attunement." Again I thank you. Sincerely, Patricia A. Conti
Rating:  Summary: It's Like Finding Hidden Treasure! Review: I find myself lacking the words to describe how Steve Murray's Video's have changed my life. I first purchased Reiki Level One Attunement And the Reiki Psychic Attunement Video from Steve almost two years ago. After the third time I watched Steve's tapes I was on the internet chat room known as yahoo and a young woman that was very distressed over the death of her friend and her mother who died over a year ago was in the chatroom. I felt so sorry for her and wished with all my heart that I could help her. Suddenly these names and faces came to me and started communicating to me for her. I knew her mom and friends name ,how they passed and their was a very long conversation.The young lady was so happy and relieved to here from them and that was the day I began my work as a psychic medium. Since then I have bought every tape of Steve's I could get my hands on. I don't have enough words to describe how wonderful this has been for me and how many people have been helped by my gifts being brought froth and I owe it all to Steve Murray. Thank You Steve!
Rating:  Summary: I received a Powerful Attunement Review: I had taken a 1st level Reiki attunement from a local Reiki Master. I did sense a change and people could feel the Reiki when I worked with them. But, Wow when I took this attunement from Steve Murray, my energy and Reiki went to a higher and stronger level. I have since taken this attunement several times, and each time I feel reinforced. Just like in anything else, some people are more powerful in what they do than others. In my book, Steve Murray is one of the top Reiki Masters in the world. You will be happy with this program.