Rating:  Summary: Average Monday Night Review: When I heard about this DVD, I thought what the hell, I'll give this a chance. After all, I remember watching most if not all of the moments they talked about. And I thought this would be a great way to relive the best era in pro wrestling, sports entertainment, whatever you want to call it. I think it was okay and shed some new things I didn't know (for instance, I didn't know McMahon once owned the old, old WCW before selling it to Turner many, many years ago and Rude being on Nitro and Raw the same night) but it really seemed like an extended Confidential. The extras are okay, but obviously there are could have been more (perhaps the last Nitro match with Sting and Flair, Shane showing up on Nitro, etc.) It's average at best.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but not great Review: When I first heard of this DVD coming out I was really excited because the greatest era of modern wrestling was going to be relived. I was pleased with the way it was presented, the documentary-style production presented both sides of the story in a very fair way. But many unforgettable moments were either left off of or shown briefly, and for hardcore fans like me it left something missing. About the extras, I have to agree with one review I read, stating that of all the great matches on Raw, they chose a tag match, but was very pleased with the inclusion of the Flair & Horsemen comeback at Nitro, which to this day still gives me goosebumps. I recommend the DVD to anyone new to wrestling because that era layed the groundwork for what wrestling is today, however for us old fans it revives a lot of memories, but leaves some of the best ones out. Hopefully WWE will produce separate documentary-stylye DVD's chronicalling the evolution of both RAW and NITRO.
Rating:  Summary: A great look behind the shows you love. Review: This is a great DVD. It offers a complete different view at the shows you possibly watched and loved for years. The fights that went on in the back, what really made the progrms go tick and the reality behind the business. When you finish watching this DVD you will look at wrestling programs in a whole new perspective. And if the actual movie doesn't satisfy you can always go to the EXTRAS options and watch famous clips from both WCW NITRO and WWF or WWE RAW.
Rating:  Summary: didn't live up to its hype Review: I must say i am very dissapointed after watching this dvd. this dvd doesn't go in-depth into the wwf and wcw. almost half of the dvd is comments made by Bischoff, Mcmahon and a few other superstars like Mick Foley,Jericho, Benoit etc. The 4 extra matches were really dissapointing. The other half of the dvd features Austin. Jim Ross mentions the Undertaker for only about a minute and he is never mentioned any more after that.Which is really sad because the Undertaker basically is the WWE.Another bad thing is that the matches dont have the entrance music.I have been watching WWE for about 15 years so I know a good WWE dvd when I see one and this isn't it.If you really want your money's worth and also want to relive precious memories of the WWF/WCW days then I suggest You buy "NWO: Back in Black". IT is quite possibly the best dvd the WWE came up with.
Rating:  Summary: Shockingly A Very Fair DVD Review: I was actually dreading watching this DVD because I imagined that it was going to become a complete anti-WCW disc. However, I was gladly proven wrong. Eric Bischoff and Gene Okerlund do an excellent job defending WCW and are more so honest than not. The extras are fun to watch and I really think that this is the best DVD that the WWE has ever released. It would have been better if they would have included comments from more of the stars and maybe had an additional disc that was full of extras, but oh well, it's a very good DVD and if you were a fan of WCW or WWF during the Monday Night Wars than you definitely need to see this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Great history lesson! Review: I did not start watching wrestling until 1999, which was when the WWF was taking a ratings lead that they would never give up. THis video gave me a great history lesson on what i missed. This video shows how Nitro and Raw came about. Then shows how Bischoff brought the WCW out of the south. It show how WCW took the lead (Buying old WWF superstar+Bash at the Beach 96+the great cruiserweights). Slowly the WWF came back by making new stars that started to bloom in 1997-98 (HHH, Rock, Austin). This opposite lead to the downfall of the WCW. No one could get past Hogan, Nash, Hall. They also state how the WCW only devolped one wrestler, Goldberg. The part about Ric Flair really touched me. How could such a great person be treated like that. Anyway, i will not give it all away, but it is one of the top 5 WWE/F home videos i have ever seen. My list goes like this 1-From the Vault-Shawn Michaels 2-Mick Foley-Greats Hits and Misses 3-Monday Night War 4-Ultimate Ric Flair 5-TLC The WWE has released great videos lately. Buy this now. PS-The clips sprinkled through out the movie are spot on. PSS-The extras are not great, but they are good enough. I would have still payed for the DVD even if there were not extras.
Rating:  Summary: Great memories, but lacking... Review: After the WWE purchased WCW, we knew it was a matter of time before a video was released that chronicles the Monday Night Wars. First off, this is a very entertaining documentary style video complete with clips from both shows, Raw & Nitro, as well as interviews with those involved, allowing Vince, Eric and the wrestlers to tell the story. When I heard about this DVD release, I was worried that the WWE would distort the facts or attempt to re-write history. Fortunately, I was surprised that they kept the presentation of the documentary very balanced. Everyone involved in the interview segments spoke their minds and didn't seem to hold anything back about how they felt during the war. What was done however, was a lack of explantion regarding certain events. For example, they say that Bret Hart decided to leave the WWF and go to WCW... without telling viewers that Bret felt forced into having to accept the WCW deal because the WWF couldn't afford to pay him what they had agreed earlier in a contract negotiation. Plus, there were a few other things like this as well that kept the story from being 100% accurate, yet enough is covered to give fans a fair and balanced look back on wrestling's greatest tv era. My only major complaint with this DVD release is that it's only one DVD and lacking in bonus material. The Monday Night Wars was such an important part of wrestling history, that this could have easily been a 2, even a 3 disc DVD set. The only matches you get to see from start to finish are 2 tag matches from Raw (with all the great singles matches that Austin, Rock and Bret had on Raw they pick 2 tag matches?!) and Benoit vs Booker T and Goldberg vs Hogan from Nitro. Don't get me wrong, the bonus matches are great, but so many are missing: Owen Hart vs Davey Boy Smith for the 1st European Title, Mr. Perfect vs Ric Flair in a career match, Austin regaining the WWF title from Kane, etc..If we could have seen more matches as bonus material this could have been a must buy DVD for wrestling fans. Instead, it turns out to be a very entertaining documentary that leaves the viewer wanting more.
Rating:  Summary: Monday Night War Review: This is a good highlight DVD for the Monday Night War. However, like the previous reviewer, I agree that the matches should not have been cut like they were. If you want a GREAT supplement to this video, order the nWo video, that is a classic one and will give even more detailed history of the Monday Night War. The only part of this video that I did not really like was Jim Ross' mouth being attached to Vince MacMahon's [behind] the entire time he is giving information. If you can cut Ross' comments, this would give this a four star review. But it does lose two stars for those commments and the fact that it seems like it was RUSHED into production, perhaps why they cut out intros and reactions in the 'complete matches' of the EXTRAS. Overall, a good documentary.
Rating:  Summary: ALTHOUGH GOOD, THIS DVD IS LACKING IN SOME AREAS... Review: first of all, i would have to say that the hour and a half documentary take on the monday night wars hit the nail right on the head. it covered the raw vs nitro war as expertly as only the wwe producers can do it. it contained many candid interviews from bischoff, mcmahon, cornette, ross, pritchard, as well as talent such as benoit, mysterio, guerrero, flair, and foley. if u were a big fan of wrestling like i was around the time of 96-2001 this dvd is a must buy with behind the scenes access as to what really happened during some controversial events in wrestling history around this time such as: hall and nash defecting, luger jumping, medusa trashing the wwf belt, bischoff giving away raw results, etc. MY ONLY COMPLAINT ABOUT THE DVD IS THAT THEY COULD HAVE ADDED MORE EXTRAS----and more COMPLETE MATCHES!!!!im talkin about COMPLETE MATCHES here, u know with the WHOLE entrance of both wrestlers and POST MATCH CELEBRATIONS.they start the match at the sound of the bell and literally cut it off like 5 seconds after the finish. I WAS COMPLETELY DISAPPOINTED WHEN THE GOLDBERG VS HOGAN MATCH DID NOT INCLUDE BOTH WRESTLER ENTRANCES AND GOLDBERGS VICTORY CELEBRATION. I MEAN COME ON, THIS WAS NITRO'S BIGGEST EVER MATCH HERE, WHY COULDNT U GUYS GIVE US THE WHOLE, COMPLETE, FRIGGIN MATCH???!!!WHERE ELSE WILL I GET THIS MATCH? THAT'S ONE OF THE REASONS I BOUGHT THIS DVD! THEY COULD HAVE MADE A SECOND DISC FOR EXTRAS ALONE. while the extras included were good i was extremely disappointed still.MATCH CHOICES WERE QUESTIONABLE AS I WILL EXPLAIN LATER, ALSO MATCHES SHOULD HAVE BEEN COMPLETE FROM ENTRANCE TO FINISH TO CELEBRATION. THE EXTRAS WERE A REAL,REAL, DISAPPOINTMENT. HERE IS WHAT ELSE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON THIS DVD: nitro extras: goldberg vs raven-u.s. title (4/98) luger vs hogan-wcw title (8/97) sting coming down from the rafters in 97 steiners vs the outsiders (97 or 98) more benoit vs booker t matches goldberg vs sting-wcw title (9/98) complete flair/horsemen ceremony (9/98) more classic nwo promos rey mysterio vs dean malenko raw extras: austin vs hart-streetfight (4/97) complete tyson/austin confrontation austin vs kane-wwf title (6/98) (this one had massive heat) rock promo on the night following deadly games 98 austin vs rock-wwf title(11/98) (also massive heat) don't get me wrong. some xtras were good like:the vince screwjob interview, austin stunning mcmahon, the rick rude segment. this dvd COULD HAVE been great if the wwe will finally realize that hardcore wrestling fans appreciate complete in ring action included in DVDs. i mean come on, if i made this dvd i would have made sure that this edition was COMPLETE. wwe should have taken advantage of their massive wwf/wcw video library and included more stuff. this SHOULD HAVE been the definitive title to own about the raw/nitro war but like always, it was missing a lot of stuff.
Rating:  Summary: Must Have DVD Review: I just bought this dvd today along with the new "Stone Cold Truth." Both are AWESOME two of the best WWE dvd's in a long time. So hurry and buy RIGHT NOW you'll not regret it.