Rating:  Summary: A must own for wrestling fans Review: Thank god they are starting to actually use the WCW library. Now while I agree with the rest by saying it should have been a 2/3 disc edition...but I'm not really going to complain. This is an extremely interesting documentary about the WCW/WWE monday night wars from 96-2001. I thought I knew everything there was to know about the monday night wars but after watching this there are things that I didn't even know. I highly reccomend this, even if you think you know everything there is to know because it's extremely entertaining and you'll walk away with a different outlook at the whole situation. After all the things Bischoff did, you can actually feel the fear in the voice of the announcers of the last Nitro. A great DVD about a great period in sports entertainment!
Rating:  Summary: A MUST HAVE anyone who rememebrs The Monday Night War Review: I agree with a previous reviewer that this DVD could have easily spanned two or even three discs. I would have liked to see the entire final Nito prograsm as one of the "extras." However, this disc brought back so many memories of the war.I rememeber sitting in my easy chair on Monday nights flipping back and forth between Nitro and RAW. I've watched the entire disc three times in the last two days, and pick up something new each time I view it. I'd recommend this video to anyone.....those who lived through the war and those newer fans who've heard rumors about it. The facts are now public record. MARK
Rating:  Summary: A MUST SEE Review: Have you ever wanted to know the tricks and trades of The World Wrestling Federation(WWF)and of World Championship Wrestling(WCW). Well this is it, this is the must see DVD, of the year. From this DVD you'll see how Eric Bishcoff ran over the WWF week after week, 84 to be exact. Vince Machman wasn't going to back down though. He fought and fought and fought until he reign surpreme once again. I guess the rumor is true NEVER TRUST A MACHMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: HUUUUGE OMISSION Review: I fondly remember the glory days of both WCW and the WWF, back when the ratings wars were going on. I was a hardcore WCW fan, but once Stone Cold stole the spotlight and became the icon of the "sport", I converted. However, in its day, WCW killed the WWF in ratings, and it was due in large part to STING. Yeah there are a few references here and there, but none in the time period from '96 to the end of '97 when WCW battled the NWO. All the credit for the WCW's success is giving directly to the NWO, when that is only half correct. However, this DVD did feature the best Nitro match ever, in Goldberg vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan, and part of the best RAW match ever, in The Rock vs. Mankind. The two WWF full matches that were shown were somewhat lackluster, but the Benoit-Booker T match was part of a 4 out of 7 classic. Overall, this DVD is good for the basic fan who never saw the war, but it tended to show a LOT more WWF than WCW, which could be understandable (all things considering). The Sting/NWO battle was the cream of the crop in WCW's heyday, and it was sadly omitted.
Rating:  Summary: Should have been a two DVD set... but 5 stars none the less Review: Done documentary style, through interview clips with Vince McMahon, Eric Bischoff, Jim Ross, Jim Cornette, and other wrestlers and backstage personnel, the saga of WWF/WWE vs. WCW is told. The main documentary is worth it, as it goes in depth into the storylines that were used (Lugar showing up at the first NITRO, the "Outsiders" invasion of WCW and the creation of the nWo, D-X, the sketches with "Nacho Man", "Billionaire Ted" & "The Huckster", among others) to get the high ratings that the shows received. The two things that I noticed which I didn't like were the references to "WWE" during the timeframes when it was "WWF" and the "blurries" over the "F" in the scratch logo era. What's missing, and important in my opinion, was the "return/invasion of the NWA", which brought back the Midnight Express and LOD, and more of Jim Cornette's commentaries, of which only one is included in the extras. It would have been nice to see more of the sketches in their entirety (unless they've got them as easter eggs), and more matches than just the ones listed. A second disc of the full final WCW show and corresponding WWF show would have been a proper conclusion to this "Monday Night War".
Rating:  Summary: A Great DVD recapturing a Great Era!!!!!! Review: I was looking forward to buying this DVD from the moment it was announced to be released. And believe me, it didn't disappoint!!! The DVD reveals pretty much everything that happened during those exciting times. I was pleasantly surprised by some of the things that they recaptured, for example, when Vince McMahon was stunned those first few times by Austin, or when Shawn Michaels started the DX gimmick. Also, everyone who is interviewed in this presentation does not hesitate to tell exactly what they felt or went through. From the early days, to the NWO, to the Bret Hart "screwjob," to the Attitude era, to the later days, and finally to the abrupt ending, this DVD covers it all. And the extras make this DVD all the more worth it. One of the best extras is the story of how DX went to Nitro on that little tank. That is priceless!!! Plus, there are four matches (2 from Raw and 2 from Nitro), Jim Cornette commentary, the story of how Rick Rude was on both shows the same night, the last Nitro, and much more!! If your deciding on what wrestling DVD to get next, it should be this one. I guarantee you will replay it over and over again!!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Truth is Finally Reavealed,in all its glory!!!!!! Review: I bought this dvd not knowing what i was in for. I have been watching wresting for ten years now and until i bought this dvd i was just in to this for the action,but what was behind the scenes is far more interesting. This dvd all begins with the cold truth,mr. mcmahon was once a turner ally, having a wresting show on TBS. I am not going to spill all the facts beacuse every chapter takes twists and turns in everyway imaginable. It shows storylines heating up the rivalry INCLUDING: DX invading Nitro Rick Rude on Raw AND Nitro the same Broadcasting Day The END of Nitro Bischoff calling out McMahon AND so much more With Raw and Nitro matches,including... Raw:HBK and Stone cold vs. owen hart and british bulldog,D-X VS. Legion of doom Nitro:Benoit vs. booker t, goldberg vs. hogan This is a not-to-miss dvd. the fate of wresting was in the hands of these to companies and now the dvd to show it. PICK UP THE MONDAY NIGHT WAR
Rating:  Summary: I Loved IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: This DVD Rocks!!!! It explains the rivalry between Raw and Nitro, and it took my breath away!!!! I urge everyone to get this DVD!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: A must see Review: If the Monday night battles between Raw and Nitro fascinated you then you need this DVD. They go into great detail regarding contract talks, why stars left for the competition and how WCW rose from a money losing company to a company turning a profit.The story itself is just over 90 minutes. The DVD extras are...-Steve Austin & Shawn Micheals vs Owen Hart abd British Bulldog.-Shawn Micheals & Triple H vs the Legion of Doom (I believe this was the 1st time HHH & HBK teamed up before creating D-X)-Bookert T vs Chris Benoit (Nitro)-Hulk Hogan vs Goldberg (Goldberg wins the WCW title.)-Steve Austin gives Vince Mcmahon a Stunner for the first time.-Jim Cornette commentary regarding supposed icons in wrestling.-Vince Mcmahon's "Bret screwed Bret" interview.-D-X invades Nitro.-nWo in the production truck.-Eric Bischoff challenges Vince McMahon to a match at Slamboree.-Ric Flair returns to WCW to reform the Horsemen.-Ric Rude appears on Raw and Nitro on the same night.A great investment!
Rating:  Summary: you cant handle the truth!!! Review: Before buying this dvd I heard mixed reviews of it. Being the wrestling fan that I am I had to have it anyway. It is truly an awesome disc. You get a brief back story on each company's origins but the meat of the meal is the coverage of the competition. You hear from the people who were there in front & behind the scenes in a very impartial & honest "shoot" about all the events from the beginning to the end. Headlined by Vince McMahon & Eric Bischoff you hear all the tactics & low blows that made you want to watch. You hear about the defections & talent raids. You hear about all the real grudges & hard feelings from the people who were there. Ric Flair, Jericho, Eddie, Rey, Big Show, etc all tell of the ups & downs of the greatest time in pro wrestling history. Footage of some the greatest angle are included. The NWO, DX, Austin vs McMahon, etc All lend to the chronicles of the war. If you are a wrestling fan who love to know it all, this is the dvd for you. The extra's arent much to speak of, but thats not what you're buying this for anyway. You want the dirt, the highs, the lows, & the stories. Buy this dvd. You will now be dissapointed. It's true, it's damn true!!!