Rating:  Summary: Must We Choose Just One of the Two? Review: The Flatley-vs.-Dunne controversy finds us enjoying both versions of the show greatly. Yes, Flatley is more of an extrovert than Colin Dunne; Flatley is a one-of-a-kind performer/choreographer - but that fact doesn't make Dunne chopped liver, and in fact Dunne dances terrifically in this version of the show. (Rightly considered, it is even to Flatley's credit as the creator and "owner" of the show, that "Riverdance" survived his departure.)Dunne dances brilliantly, and collaborates very well with Jean Butler. Dunne's reserve is a kind of classical manner, and not at all any lack of "gusto." This is particularly obvious in the sequence which begins as a 'duet' between Maria Pagés and a drummer, and which turns into a trio as Dunne appears in a spotlight. Likewise, the call-&-response of the "Trading Taps" sequence is fabulous; if anyone seeing Dunne dance this, finds him an "empty technician," why, perhaps there is something to be said for "empty technique" after all .... Pagés is always a treat, and was always the "third principal" in this show for us. Composer Bill Whelan pulls off some charming sonic feats, by making a small, and mostly Irish-folk-instrument, pit band provide perfectly convincing accompaniments not only for the Irish dance numbers, but for Pagés' brilliant flamenco, and for the (strangely heterogeneous, though this will escape most Western viewers) pan-former-Soviet-Union stuff danced by former members of the Moiseyev Company, a troupe which is internationally renowned for their brilliant folk dancing, folk dancing produced at a level on par with Russian ballet, which of course is one of the great dance traditions on the planet. The "choral" sections are our least favorite part of the show. The "behind-the-scenes footage" is little more than a euphemism for a brief commercial for the show, pleasant to watch, of course, but we felt that there was an opportunity missed for much more material of real interest. Yes, the frantic editing is sometimes a distraction (and there are shots which cut out the dancers' feet, and pans from the back of the hall, which could be done without nicely). None of these minor complaints, though, seriously detracts from the impact of the show.
Rating:  Summary: riverdance spectacle Review: Riverdance the show on DVD is an amazing artistic spectacle. The music and extremely coordinated dance makes people of celtic and other descents appreciate celtic music to the fullest.
Rating:  Summary: Like Nothing You Ever Saw Review: Watching the fast-paced Irish step-dancing that dominates this performance, you wonder how the dancers can keep from falling over their own feet, extensive practice notwithstanding. Though there are a few segments that seem out of place (a flamenco dancer, a sequence featuring a black ensemble), most of the video is made up of dance numbers using traditional instruments and footwork from the Emerald Isle. When I first watched it I was blown away. I still am. If you have only *one* dance performance video in your collection, this should be it.
Rating:  Summary: If you enjoyed "Riverdance", avoid this version at all costs Review: The original "Riverdance - The Show" video is fantastic and is a great example of the correct way to present this incredible union of music and inspired dance. In this second video presentation, only the music is given the treatment it deserves. Sadly, the dancing performances suffer painfully from un-watchable frantic editing and inexcusable camera angles. This show was filmed at the Radio City Music Hall with many different cameras and the post-production editor seemed determined to use footage from each one as often as possible. During a typical single minute of dance footage, the camera angles may switch up to a dizzying ten times! This horrific visual roller coaster will take you from a tight stage view, back to a mid-audience point of view, further back to a balcony point of view, back up to a tight stage view, swing over to a stage left view, position the main dancer's whole body in view, cut to a view of the orchestra playing, come in close for a very annoying view of the dancers from only the waist up, swing back to a stage right view and zoom in on a few seconds of the dancer's feet. Over and over and over again, often in time with the music, like a crazed artistic MTV music video. The seemingly never ending angle changes leave the despondent viewer wishing (screaming!) that the camera would just stop moving so the show can be watched. I can only recommend "Riverdance - Live From New York City" to those who only enjoyed the music from the show and have no interest in the dancing. The hyper-active visuals will only leave a bad taste in the mouths (and a loathing of the editor) of those who wanted to watch the phenomenal dance performance. To this latter group, go buy the original "Riverdance - The Show" and you will be much, much happier.
Rating:  Summary: Which is better RD or LOTD? Hmmmm Review: Let me just say this, I am an Irish dancer, have been dancing with some modest success off and on for 15 years or more. I've even performed in a mini Riverdance/LOTD type show. Affectionatly called Puddledance. :-) So here goes: I like both shows, I also like both dancers (i.e. Colin vs. Michael) Yes MF probably has/had more skill than Colin. However Colin is a much less ego-centric person and is IMHO easier and at times more enjoyable to watch. I appreciate what MF has brought to both shows, however I find Riverdance a better overall production and here is why; 1. The costumes do not look like some tacky combination between the worst of Irish dance competition wear and a Vegas showgirl show. They are simple, subtle and work well with the dancing. (Have you seen Feet of Flames and that ridiculous cape they made Dair nolan dance with!! Or the UGLY catsuit they put the Gypsy girl in..oh god the list is endless...)ANY show knows you need to have appropriate costumes to carry off the theme fo the show. I wish someone had told MF that. 2. As much as MF is/was a brilliant dancer and is a pretty good coreographer he spends way too much time in the world of ME ME ME and does not show even half the joy Colin shows when he is dancing. Nor does he let his co-stars shine too brightly, lest they dim his own star. I really do like the man folks but it is so OBVIOUS. And I am sorry just becuase the man has done so well does not give him an excuse to be so arrogant that is not OK in my book at all. Humility will get you more acolades than arrogance. 3. Riverdance is more well rounded it doesn't go over the top, it shows you a good mix of what Irish dancing is, what it can be and shows how it compares and contrasts with other forms of Dance. That in and of itself makes it a bit stronger than all the MF shows combined. 4. Colin vs. Michael is just silly, two different men, two diffent skill levels. And honestly Colin does more actual "Irish" dancing than Michael has done in ALL the shows combined. MF style is more a hybrid of Irish and US Tap dancing with WAY too much posturing and goofing around without as much real dancing going on. So the fact is does Colin make mistakes? Yes, of course he does, Irish dance is VERY difficult dance style in many ways it is as dificult and requires as much training as Ballet. But it is even more complex than ballet and every single Irish dancer in the world has bad days and good days. Unfortunatley sometimes those bad days happen at the wrong moment, i.e. The Grammys. So anyway while I enjoy Mr. Flatley's shows Riverdance is a much stronger show without him and as a whole is a better example of the best of Irish dancing. Regardless of the he said/she said debate over who contributed what, Riverdance had its vision MF had another so they separated. MF was never technically "fired" he refused to go on until the issues was resolved the way he wanted and they couldn't reach a middle ground, it happens all the time folks. And personally I'm glad it did, because we got a whole new group of shows that may never had exisited if MF had stayed with Riverdance. I like both as I said, I just think Riverdance is a bit stronger than the various LOTD shows. Now if we could just re-train camera men to properly film these shows it would be lovely!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Got this one for the wrong reasons but not disappointed. Review: I love Irish music and folklore. It has and energy, passion, and a will to live forever. I bought this DVD on a whim as I knew it would be "artsy". I have little appreciation for such presentations as, I think, commercial success tends to get in the way of conveying the true expression and history of a people. The complex choreography and drama is entertaining and exciting. I saw the Michael Flaherty production of Riverdance on PBS and it was sort of interesting but a departure from, what I understood, was the foundation of traditional music and dancing in Ireland. I must admit that my purchase was mostly with the hope that Jean Butler would be showcased an given a chance to really "show off". This did not happen in this DVD. She is good enough to steal this show with her real abilities but she also works quite well with partner Colin Dunne who seems to have more fun than Michael did. Fun is what it's all about. Still, this production offers enough in it's own right to be worthy of consideration for purchase. It may take several viewings and, perhaps, some research into Irish folk history to gain a full appreciation of this offering.
Rating:  Summary: it's not the original Review: I only watched the first routine of the NYC show so maybe it gets better but I got a headache trying to watch the dance. I don't remember the direction being so bad in the original show. We aren't allowed to see what's going on as the angles and cameras change every 5 seconds, from a zoom of shoes moving in and out of view to little figures moving on a stage and anything and everything inbetween. I found it too painful to watch.
Rating:  Summary: Buy the original, not this one Review: I bought both this one and the Riverdance - The Show, which started it all. Please do not waste your money on the New York show. There is too much choppiness in the camera work. Very little camera work from head to toe, which will give you the full magitude and absolute beauty of the dance movement. I believe the great Fred Astaire had stated that he wanted his dance steps to always be filmed from head to toe, to give the full beauty and grace of his dance steps. This video is ridiculous, to much cutting, head shots, feet shot's and even dumb camera shots from way back in the theatre. If you get Riverdance "The Show" you will see tremendous footwork and coordination that you can fully appreciate. I have seen Riverdance LIVE at the Wang theatre in Boston and at Radio City Music Hall. You have to see the full movement of the Riverdance troup to see the grace and skill involved. This tape does not give you that, does not allow you to focus, on the skillfull dancing to appreciate it, to see the grace of it all. The camera work tries to do too much and in the end completely fails at what it is suppose to pass to viewer, the beauty and grace of Riverdance.
Rating:  Summary: A great show, spoiled by poor editing Review: Wonderful dancing, wonderful Bill Whelan score. Michael Flatley is a great dancer, but I personally prefer Colin Dunne's less flamboyant style to Flatley's "I'm the greatest!" style. And Jean Butler is marvellous. The thing that lets the whole thing down and stops me giving it 5 stars is the editing, jumping from whole ensemble to individual to feet alone and back again. As you are dwelling on an aspect of the performance, the scene changes and you're disappointed, because you feel you've missed something. Lingering longer on particular shots and angles is the best way to enjoy dancing, and this ensemble deserves the best editing that there is. Pity it didn't get it.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Dancing Performance I've Seen Review: I Have Riverdance Live from New York(1996) but did not see the duel in Trading Taps. Can anyone tell me where it is located on this DVD? An excellent performance by everyone.