Rating:  Summary: Billy's best yet! Review: As a huge Tae-bo fan, I couldn't wait to try these Get Ripped tapes. They definitely do not disappoint. They start out strong and end strong, with you sweating all the way through, working each muscle group. I highly recommend these tapes; although for advanced users only. Billy always suggests taking a break throughout the video if you need one and, believe me, you'll always need at least one, for some water replacing. I only wish Billy would make a set of Get Ripped in 30-minute versions (similar to the Advanced Tae-bo workout, with the 30-minute tae-bo plus 30-minute floor exercises). Sometimes I only have time for a 30-minute workout--all in all, as long as Billy keeps making these tapes, I'll definitely keep purchasing them! Can't get enough of his energy and high spirits....
Rating:  Summary: the best Tae Bo Advanced tapes yet! Review: Billy Blanks has done it again - Challenged my body and encouraged my spirit! Billy has never disappointed me and I doubt he ever will. Each release of new tapes gets better and better. I do these tapes everyday. I finish feeling energized and motivated and strong. I would recommend Tae Bo to anybody of any age, size, or fitness level who is looking to get fit, strong, and challenge themselves. I hope you try them, they're worth more than you could ever pay for them. Good luck!!!
Rating:  Summary: Adds More Variety to Your Tae Bo Library Review: Billy Blanks motivates like no other instructor, live or on tape. I have belonged to a health club for over 15 years, and NONE of the instructors come close to Blanks' particular brand of motivation and inspiration. I admit to actually clapping my hands, shouting out responses (to the TV) and throwing up my hands waving clenched fists after finishing one of his 60-minute advanced workouts. I feel invigorated, ready-to-take-on-the-day, just-plain-great after finishing the session. Even though I've heard the same message after the cool-down each time I play the tape, I still listen to Billy pep up the team with some words of advise! Yes, he's that good. If you are new to Tae BO and have never exercised before, I would suggest not starting with the advanced format. Billy is right on when he says that you need to start with the instructional videos and progress through the Basic workouts before you can go on to the Advanced. You need to learn the moves in the correct way---using the abdomen as your center. I found that when I started the advanced program, I was scrambling to get in all the moves and keep up with the Tae Bo gang that works out behind Billy. I just wanted to keep up and felt good enough after completing the workout. As I progressed, I began to listen to what Billy was actually saying. I compressed my stomach, lifted my rib cage, raised my leg before throwing that kick---and I found that I was actually working out my muscles isometrically while maintaining my heart rate. I discover new hints each time I run the tape and feel tighter and more energized. These two tapes combine Billy's usual formula of warm-up and stretch, cardio-vascular training, calesthenics, floor work and cool-down to create two totaly new tapes to add to your Tae Bo collection. The music is wordless, I believe he feels 'dancing along'with the familiar music that you can sing along to distracts from the concentration really necessary to performing these tapes in an optimal way. I agree. I find the lack of top pop helps me to FOCUS on my abs, my butt, my quads, my arms, etc and maintain CONTROL. Have already purchased Tae Bo Total which is the next progression--these tapes add some power moves, lunges and explanations of some of the move combinations--simply great!...
Rating:  Summary: Marketing Appeal Review: Come on! Do you really think you'll end up looking "ripped"? The Tae Bo workouts have a slick marketing campaign to make the consumer think they will get hard bodies after doing these videos. Truth is, these videos are all hype and do not explain the moves safely, especially for those of you who may be beginners. Really, if these videos are as good as they say they are, wouldn't more of us looked "ripped"? Where are all the "ripped" people anyway? Making appointments with plastic surgeons.........
Rating:  Summary: Definitely worth buying. Review: Despite the ever-annoying and spastic presence of "Shelly" as the assistant, these tapes are definitely worth buying. The continuous pace separates these from the other advanced tapes, including the Live Series. There isn't as much babble in between moves, which I found to be a relief! All around great workouts and you will feel the burn!!
Rating:  Summary: Great Challenge! Review: Having done Billy Blank's first TaeBo video set, I must say this second set is a definite improvement. The TaeBo 2pak is much more challenging, it's a bit tougher than the first set but that's the challenge, right?There's a better variety of moves, it's faster and much more energized. I like that's there's more punching, it really makes you feel empowered. The only downfall of these tapes just like the first, is that the music isn't that great. This "techno" type music isn't my personal choice, more "pop" like Janet Jackson, Jennifer Lopez type sounds would be much more motivational. Again, that's just my "personal" choice. Overall, I do really like the tapes and will continue to punch and kick my way through them!
Rating:  Summary: Best Taebo advanced tape! Review: I bought the original Taebo tapes and used them for about 2 years off and on. The advanced tape had been my favorite because it was an hour long, but I had wished it had more cardio and was more intense. When I saw the "Get ripped" series of tapes I bought the advanced set and popped them in, was I in for a ride! These tapes are tough! Dont underestimate the power of Taebo! Even if you have been doing the original advanced tape these WILL make you sweat! I was practically in tears by the end the first time I did these tapes. They keep you constantly moving for an hour and push you to the limit. The second tape has about 8 minutes of floor work similar to that in the original advanced tape. Ive had these tapes for 9 months and do them about twice a week and they still provide an excellent workout. However the tears in my eyes are gone now! The only problem I have with these tapes are with the speed of some of the excersizes. Some of the segments with side kicks just goes way to quickly to get good form. I like that this tape is more intense and fast paced, but I have a hard time feeling that Im really getting the movements down. I have scoliosis and when I had been doing these tapes 4 times a week it really aggravated my back. Now I either do the segments that I know bother me slower or some days I just fast forward the 3 minutes. Other than that these are awesome tapes and you will not get bored with them in your collection.
Rating:  Summary: Great workout...but the tapes seem very similar... Review: I did the first workout tape 1 and enjoyed the tape immensely, and I began looking forward to using the 2nd tape the following day. When I popped the tape in, I began working out, but the moves and steps seemed very familiar. So I thought, I must've grabbed the wrong one, but Billy Blank's was wearing a different outfit. So I went along with it, and there was some variation but mostly the same moves--albeit no floorwork to speak of in the Workout 2. I was kinda disappointed that they were SO similar. Don't get me wrong--the workout it great. I purchased the tape because so many people really spoke highly about it, but I didn't find the workout as "hard" as others as touted. It was tough, but what Billy Blank's advanced workout isn't? The tapes, on the other hand, were FUN FUN FUN! I truly enjoyed every minute of the workout as it seemed to go faster than the "Live" Videos. I will repeat to beginner/intermediate users, this tape is definitely advanced. The balance segments are particularly difficult if you've never done Tae Bo before, or are just starting to workout. All in all a great workout--I plan on separating the tapes though and using them 4-5 days apart from one another so I don 't feel like I just DID the workout.
Rating:  Summary: Tae Bo with ADD Review: I do not like these workouts. I have the original Tae bo workouts, and find them much easier to follow along to. In Tae Bo II Blanks moves so quickly and doesn't spend enough time on each move. It is like watching a person with ADD do a workout. There are also so many people as back up people that it's hard to follow. Too many faces cause much more confusion. If you're new to Tae Bo I highly recommend the originals.
Rating:  Summary: No Pain, No Gain Review: I had been doing Tae Bo Advanced daily for about 40 straight days. During that time I ordered Tae BO II:Get Ripped Advanced. It arrived on monday and I started with video #2 on tuesday. All I have to say is wow. This workout is so much fun. I like the atmosphere - It feels like you're in the gym working out with the people in the video. The moves are similar to past videos but there are variations that make it interesting and lots of repetitions. The music is exciting. Billy Blanks is his usual pumped up self and is very motivational. I was dripping with sweat at the end and I felt great. On wednesday, I did video #1 and it was just as great but harder. There is no floor work in video #1 but lots of moves that involve balance and squeezing the butt and a really long squat that had me screaming. These moves test you. Today, wednesday, my entire body aches but these are good aches: the kind you get when you push your body to the limit. I expect to lose some inches with this workout. I can't wait for my new and improved body. These workouts are a definite must-buy for Advanced Tae-bo exercisers.