Rating:  Summary: Jayne Storey is a truly EXCELLENT instructor! Review: Jayne Storey is an excellent instructor and this video shows different angles which are a great plus. Storey is graceful and the video is very well done in a beautiful outdoor environment. If you are into learning a graceful tai chi exercise, I would then recommend this volume and volume 2.-A Viewer
Rating:  Summary: This is a great TAI CHI DVD! Review: This is a Superb Tai Chi DVD... Jayne Storey is one of the most respected instructers in the UK... It was photographed by David Tattersall the Cinematographer for the STAR WARS prequals and also Green Mile, Con Air and Tomb Raider II... To all who buy this in the future, please come back and write a review, so that the person who wrote the review before me realizes he is a minority in his opinion... it may even be that he is simply trying to sabotage the sales of this DVD, which has been the #1 Bestselling TAI CHI DVD on AMAZON.com for the last couple of months..... Please share you thoughts, all who buy these DVDs. thankyou.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Tai chi instruction Review: This is without a doubt my favorite Tai Chi instructional DVD. Jayne Storey is really on the money. Must be that british no nonsense thing. The whole thing is filmed on a beach in the Seychelles or some other exotic place. Also of note is the navigation system. Very well laid out. There is also a trailer for an online sci-fi game on this DVD. I downbloaded it off the internet for free, it's cool. but not related to the Tai Chi.. Some kind of Sponsorship i think.. Anyway first rate!... I'm buying Vol 2 now.
Rating:  Summary: Good quality, but dfficult to follow Review: Trying to learn from a video with no background into the principles of Tai Chi didn't work from me. It was a bit like trying to play follow the leader where I had to try and copy movements that meant nothing to me and merely memorize as best I could what she was doing without any rhyme or reason to why I was doing them. If your're someone that needs to see the whole picture first and know the principles and theory in order to assist you in learning the smaller parts, this might not work for you. It's like trying to learn reading from phonics when you don't even know the alphabet. The quality of the product was good, the approach just didn't work for me.
Rating:  Summary: this DVD changed my Life Review: Up until the summer I was feeling very depressed, sluggish, I was working out, but I was only really going through the motions. I bought this DVD on a whim and just tried it once a week to begin with... to my surprise I started really looking forward to my weekly Tai Chi session... I think that Energy Training is the important factor, this isn't about working out, it's about harnessing Energy and because I'm so scattered, because of everything I'm doing this was really what I needed... I have now even started doing a bit of Yoga as a result of being more centered.... Thankyou Jayne Storey, this is a great DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Taichi Dance Review: Yang Style Taichi has been modified several times even within the first three generations of Yang family itself. While Taichi is first and foremost a martial art form, over the years, Yang style has gained more focus on health and spiritual cultivation over combat due to its vast popularity among people who need a morning exercise routine. This DVD will help you sweat and feel good about yourself but the form as taught will not help you correctly align your body, or develop your Chi (Qi,) much less defend yourself. If you treat Taichi as any other body exercise that improves your spirit, endurance, mood, fitness, etc., then this DVD will serve just fine. If you are looking to learn Taichi as a martial art, then you will need to look for a teacher or VHS tapes if you really do not have the resources. Due to low demand, most true masters do not have their teachings on DVDs yet. Masters William CC Chen and Yu Cheng Hsiang both offer their true variations of Yang style on VHS (I don't think Amazon carries them yet. Google for them.) Of course, these 'real' variations are much more difficult to learn (Just in terms of time, Yu Cheng Hsiang's 108-form will require at least 45 minutes to perform from beginning to end.) Though these tapes aren't cheap, they are the next best things to learn from a real life Taichi master.