Rating:  Summary: Solomon Review: Question: Why is it that there are always non-Jewish actors playing the title roles in movies about the Bible? Max von Sydow would be more believable playing Raoul Wallenberg or somebody.
Rating:  Summary: Focused on the human element Review: This is another of the Bible series from Trimark Home Video. This one precedes "Jeremiah" and "Esther." King David's naming Solomon his successor, as well as David's death, begins the film, while the death of Solomon and succession of Rehoboam finishes.The focus of the film is more on the human part of the Bible rather than divinity. God is present, but the producers are showing us how we allow our human nature to stray from Him. At first, this was a little off-putting. It seemed the film was more concerned with political intrigue and lust. In retrospect, I see that we are to learn something about our own nature. I would recommend this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Focused on the human element Review: This is another of the Bible series from Trimark Home Video. This one precedes "Jeremiah" and "Esther." King David's naming Solomon his successor, as well as David's death, begins the film, while the death of Solomon and succession of Rehoboam finishes. The focus of the film is more on the human part of the Bible rather than divinity. God is present, but the producers are showing us how we allow our human nature to stray from Him. At first, this was a little off-putting. It seemed the film was more concerned with political intrigue and lust. In retrospect, I see that we are to learn something about our own nature. I would recommend this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Worthy of your personal library. Review: This movie is very similar in style to King David. In fact, it would make a lot of sense to watch them in order. I might be mistaken but the prophet Nathan looked like the same actor in both movies. Nathan took the place of Samuel after his death. Samuel means named of God. Samuel was the high priest, judge and prophet of Israel who annointed Saul and King David. (See 1 Kings 15,16) I've also seen the movie Jeremiah and it too is a wonderful movie to include to your archives. The books of Jeremiah and Lamentations come to life as Israel is carried away captive into Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar. (See Daniel 1) I have read these books from the holy bible many times but these movies do further justice into bringing to life the vision and word of God to futher our understanding of the creator of heaven and earth into our memory. I too reccommend the movie Joseph starring Ben Kingsley and the movie In the Beginning starring Martin Landau as Abraham. Shalom, Peace Agape, Love
Rating:  Summary: Surprising! Review: This was very well acted and written. Well worth your money. It seems strange to me that a person would actually write a review saying Solomon never married the Queen of Sheba. That would change "Song of Solomon" in the bible from the affectionate, loving and passionate words between a husband and wife, into a very adulterous and vulgar affair. Your opinion would cheapen the entire bible if a book was allowed into the bible about an affair with a married king that went into such steamy detail! Do you know how many wives this man had? Why wouldn't he marry this beautiful Queen? Many things in the bible require a little logic to piece together. Isn't it possible this rather sensual book was allowed into the bible because it was about intimacy and passion between a husband and wife not just on a physical level but on an emotional and spiritual level as well?
Rating:  Summary: 3 out of 4 are Excellent; Those 3 are worth the price alone! Review: Three out of these four DVDs are excellent! This is probably the nicest series of Bible stories available. The photography is beautiful, as well as the costumes, props and sets; the acting of the main characters is superb, likeable and believable; and the scripts usually stay very close to the actual Bible verses. Genesis is the only stinker in this set. It is nothing like the other 3. The Genesis DVD has nice photography, but it does NOT act out the Bible scenes like the other three movies do! Genesis just narrates a reading of the book of Genesis, while showing contemporary desert people going about their daily lives. If you are undecided about buying the whole set, then I would suggest buying at least one of these separately. "Jeremiah" is my favorite, and it really captures the attitude of a humble prophet being persecuted by the wayward Israelites. "Esther" is probably the most accurately told of these three good movies. It is a pretty clear storytelling, where the other movies sometimes change the order of events (but still portray the overall message accurately). "Solomon" covers the biggest chunk of Scripture, retelling many scenes of the life of Solomon and what Solomon wrote in the Bible. I would rate the Genesis movie with 1 star, for being so misleading as to its content. But the other 3 films, Esther, Solomon, and Jeremiah are all 5 star movies! Even with the useless Genesis, the price of this DVD set is still a bit cheaper to buy the three good movies here, at one price, than to buy them one at a time.
Rating:  Summary: Nice collection Review: We bought this for our own use as well as for Video Sunday School use. Very good for us but a little to mich for younger ages in Sunday School.