Rating:  Summary: The Absolute Worst.... Review: I cannot express my joy at the news that this film is coming to DVD. This is my favourite movie, and I believe one of the best ever made. I will admit that it can be a bit off putting to the untrained eye, but if you take the time, you will see that this is one of the most impressive, symbolism laden films ever made. Keep some very basic themes in mind, and you'll start to see beyond the great acting and stellar cinematography. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Water purifies and cleanses. On the surface, this film is about a robot that goes crazy in an apartment in the future and kills some people. Underneath, it's about the violation and destruction of one of the last bastions of hope and beauty in a messed up world. If you an answer some of these questions, you'll start to see the grander picture: Who covers their eyes when they fight the MARK 13. Compare this to who lives, and who dies. Who is the drifter (hint: he used to be an angel)? What two events happen in the shower, under a deluge of water, and why? Where is the drill on the MARK 13 located, and why is the last shot of Jill attacking it a removal of this drill? The first 4 letters of the MARK 13's serial number are BAAL. Why? Who or what is BAAL? Did you notice that the MARK 13 runs around killing people with an American flag on it's head, with a drug that smells like apple pie? Who is Jill quoting when she refers to the MARK 13 as being "our final solution." As you can see, there is far more to this film than meets the eye. If you'll give it a chance, and watch more than 20 minutes of it (see below), you'll see what an incredible work of art this movie is. And now, we'll have it in beautiful DVD format!
Rating:  Summary: There is a god. Review: I cannot express my joy at the news that this film is coming to DVD. This is my favourite movie, and I believe one of the best ever made. I will admit that it can be a bit off putting to the untrained eye, but if you take the time, you will see that this is one of the most impressive, symbolism laden films ever made. Keep some very basic themes in mind, and you'll start to see beyond the great acting and stellar cinematography. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Water purifies and cleanses. On the surface, this film is about a robot that goes crazy in an apartment in the future and kills some people. Underneath, it's about the violation and destruction of one of the last bastions of hope and beauty in a messed up world. If you an answer some of these questions, you'll start to see the grander picture: Who covers their eyes when they fight the MARK 13. Compare this to who lives, and who dies. Who is the drifter (hint: he used to be an angel)? What two events happen in the shower, under a deluge of water, and why? Where is the drill on the MARK 13 located, and why is the last shot of Jill attacking it a removal of this drill? The first 4 letters of the MARK 13's serial number are BAAL. Why? Who or what is BAAL? Did you notice that the MARK 13 runs around killing people with an American flag on it's head, with a drug that smells like apple pie? Who is Jill quoting when she refers to the MARK 13 as being "our final solution." As you can see, there is far more to this film than meets the eye. If you'll give it a chance, and watch more than 20 minutes of it (see below), you'll see what an incredible work of art this movie is. And now, we'll have it in beautiful DVD format!
Rating:  Summary: Dire movie, way over cooked! Review: I hated this movie! As a 2000 A.D. reader (the comic from which this short story is taken) I was bitterly dissapointed by this film. I am normally a big fan of "cult" movies, but while watching this I was so bored that I was very tempted to just stop the tape. The plot itself is decent enough, but unfortunately the film is just trying too hard to make a statement about nothing! For fans of the original story, you will be almost certainly dissapointed by the cack-handed way the drug induced "religious hallucination" sequence is portrayed. Such a shame!
Rating:  Summary: Thrilling ride into low-budget coolness. Review: I have watched this movie so often in the past 10 years, that I'm afraid my videotape will wear out (why is this independent gem not on DVD!? Why isn't everthing?) I think it's worth it for the Carl McCoy (Fields of the Nephilim) cameo alone...
Rating:  Summary: The greatest movie ever made. Review: I know. Everyone is saying...the greatest movie ever made? Please! But it is. And I'll tell you why. Besides being well written, well acted, and extremely well shot, it is the most symbolism laden movie many of us will ever see. On the surface, the movie is about a Robot that goes berserk in an apartment in the future and kills a bunch of people. What it's really about: The degradation and destruction of one of the last bastions of hope and beauty in a messed up world.
Rating:  Summary: One of my favourite films Review: I loved this film when it came out and bought the soundtrack which is brilliant beyond comprehension. Simon Boswell did very well with the score. I can't believe the film is being released on DVD! That's just incredible. I remember when it was released initially there were two versions, one with some editing of the more graphic scenes. It will be a privilege to buy this film. And Stacey Travis is akin to the kind of woman I would want to marry!
Rating:  Summary: The Absolute Worst.... Review: I saw this movie IN THE THEATRES 13 years ago and have not seen it since but I will ALWAYS remember it as being THE WORST movie I have ever seen. Boring, boring boring - you kept wondering if she was EVER going to get out of that room. Horribly, painfully boring. ... Would give it 0 out of 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: No flesh shall be spared Review: I'll start this review with the words Your Milage May Vary. That said, Hardware Rocks! Firstly you have your basic unstoppable killing machine -vs- poor, unsuspecting humans. You have the bleak future of a worn out planet. The acting, although not stellar doesn't suck. You get some fun cameos too. Iggy Pop as a DJ, Lemmy (Moterhead) as a cabbie, Carl McCoy (Fields of the Nephilm) as a drifter, and there are couple of others that seem familier. This movie has scenes I've always wanted to see, including the best what not to do when your about to be attacked by a horror moments yet put on film. Very good SF/Horror Not what I'd call Merchant Ivory material though. This film hits you upside the head with a metal claw. It's a great ride! Good soundtrack too.
Rating:  Summary: A Much-Overlooked Rock Solid Classic Review: It's hard for me to understand why more people haven't seen this movie. With the dearth of truly excellent science fiction movies out there, I would think that more people would have been exposed to this very fine, terrifying science fiction thriller. However, if this movie does truly come out on DVD as is rumoured, perhaps more people will get a chance to experience this canonical classic. This film has every factor you would want in a scary science fiction movie -- a killer robot, artistic statements, a kick-rear-end soundtrack, superior acting, political statements, drugs, the snuffing out of humankind, and even good-old weirdness ("wibbly-wobbly walk"). However, what really sets it apart from the slew of mediocre sci-fi thrillers in this genre is the exceptional screenwriting, which develops the tension, suspense, and terror that grips you so effectively when you watch this movie. If you like "Alien" and "Aliens", you'll love this movie. In fact, you will love this movie even if you don't like science fiction in general. The only people who shouldn't watch this movie are those who don't like scary movies, because this one will absolutely *terrify* you.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is really about... Review: Love. The plot is a love triangle between a marine, his girlfriend and his best friend. A soldier returns on service leave to his girlfriends apartment. With him he brings pieces of a derilect droid that was found somewhere in "the zone" as parts for his girlfriend's sculptures. However the droid is far from derilect and begins to run amok in the apartment. For those who might have missed it, the plot is not in the foreground. Watch the subtle hints and who dies when, and this movie reveals itself to be a masterpiece of the low budget. The special effects are good when you consider what they had to work with, and the cinematography is conveys the proper feeling. If you can pick up on subtle body language and actions, then the acting is stupendous. If you have trouble with this sort of thing you will find the acting passable. McDermott is excellent as the classic tough boyfriend without a clue. Travis is great as the arcwelding, apathetic artist girlfriend who just really doesn't care anymore. Lynch excells as the quick talking yet shy psychedelic using buddy. The plot is complex but hides behind the senselessness of the film. The only problems with the film is the fact that the violence often overshaows the relationships, but that is intentional. Nothing is supposed to make sense until you examine it closer. This makes subsequent viewings necessary to really understand the film. While this may appeal to some, it usually does not do for a mass audience. This is a film that is fast becoming a cult classic. Well worth the price.