Rating:  Summary: Still Waiting Review: Though the original trilogy would be an excellent addition to any DVD collection, I personally am waiting for the inevitable 6 disk set with Episodes I - VI all in one.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest sci fi epics of all time Review: I will say it right out. I love these movies and I think that they have many things going for them that make them a must own. However, I should point out a few things about this set. A)It's widescreen so if you are looking for the full screen edition dont get fooled buying this set, the full screen has an orange and black cover B) These are the special editions with some tweaks made to them so they will be very similar to the films that came out in 97. Some people enjoyed those films, others thought they were pointless and added nothing, either way, that's what's on these dvd's. Aside from that this is a great set and contains a lot of special interviews and bonuses. And, the audio and video have all been beefed up since 97 meaning this will be the best looking and best sounding Star Wars to date. Also, there is a fourth disc which is said to be the longest documentary on Star Wars ever made. The Star Wars movies are some of the best ever with a wonderful story, incredible music, and wonderful characters. This set is not to be missed by any fan!
Rating:  Summary: currently, the number one selling DVD on Amazon... Review: won't be available until Tuesday, 12:00 am, September 21, 2004and will probably be the number one selling DVD of all time and it won't even be the original theatrical release its going to be the revised 'crappy' Special Edition with the 'inserted' new scenes and special effects (...) I wonder how many nuts are going to wait in line Monday night to buy the DVD. (I wonder how many of you are going to wait in line. Don't deny it. We know who you are.)
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars DVD Box Set (2004) Review: I won't buy this for two reasons: 1) Fox is probably ripping us off again. After two Alien box sets, three versions of X-men, and many other examples where they released two versions; there is no way I'm going to fall for it again. I know that if I buy this box set, in four or five years Fox will release a better seven disc version, with both versions of the films and loaded with extras. Which leads to the other reason I won't buy this. 2) I want the original versions of these movies. I don't want to see Greedo awkwardly shooting the wall before Han fires. I don't want to see Boba Fett looking into the camera as he walks by. I don't want to hear the Storm Trooper say "oomph" as he bumps into the door. I don't want to see Han walk over jaba's tail. I don't want to watch the terrible re-edit of the end of Empire. I don't want to have Luke say "You're lucky to be alive" rather than "You're lucky you don't taste very good." Worst of all, I don't want Luke to make that goofy scream as he's falling at the end of empire. None of these things were in the original versions of the films. They are "special" additions. They wasted time putting in all those lame things, yet didn't fix the red boxes around the tie fighters and asteroids. George Lucas, who fought against the colorization of Black and White movies, ruined his own films by adding unnecessary baggage. I won't buy a Star Wars movie until I can purchase the original theatrical versions.
Rating:  Summary: HELLO?!?! Review: I think Lucas has lost touch with his fan base. There needs to be a choice between "Original" or "Special" included in this release. Like Speilberg did with E.T. - include BOTH versions. DUH!
Rating:  Summary: The 'Farce' is With Us Review: Don't get me wrong. I'm one of the original dyed-in-the-wool Star Wars fanatics. I was eight years old when I saw Star Wars in the theater for the first time, and, like millions of other people, became an overnight lifelong fan. Bought all the action figures and toys-had the posters on my walls-the whole nine yards. Looked at another way, I'm part of the considerable fan base that elevated George Lucas to the lofty position he's in today as the head of Lucasfilm Ltd. A position that affords him complete control over these releases. That said, I won't be buying these DVD's. Yes, Star Wars is one of the greatest trilogies of all time. Yes, it's one of the most important cinematic milestones in the history of the medium in terms of its box office success and its influence. So, why am I calling 'no joy?' I see no need to lay down my money for what are, arguably, remakes of the classic movies I fell in love with as a child. Not that I mind the new special effects additions. I can understand why Lucas might want to pump up the FX to make these films more visually appealing to newer generations of moviegoers who are far more jaded than I was in the late 70's. But these so-called enhanced versions aren't the versions I care about. What adds to the disappointment is the fact that the DVD medium is capable of containing both the 'enhanced' versions and the classic versions, allowing viewers to choose whichever they want. But do we get that luxury? No. Instead, we're asked to placate ourselves with the remade versions now and then spend even more money down the road to buy the classic versions in some Ultimate Edition-the version these DVD's should have contained from the very beginning. (At least I'm assuming the classic versions will be released at a later date. I don't know that for sure.) People-even devout fans-don't like being jerked around that way. Lucas has already made his fans wait a 'long, long time...' for this DVD release. I'm very disappointed to see that the thanks we get for our patience is to be told he expects us to buy this on DVD not once but twice(?). Sorry, but no. I own these movies on VHS, and will continue to watch them in that format for an equally long time to come. Lessons to Lucas and the rest of Hollywood: 1) Don't mess with a cultural icon. 2) If you can't follow lesson 1, at least don't deny true fans the classic version of a film.
Rating:  Summary: I'm sorry... Review: ...but I just will not give Lucas money for these desecrated versions of his films. The new scenes are lame, too PC, and the computer animated jabba the hut loses all his grotesqueness, which is what defined the character. so, I refuse to support this revisionist crap. ok, let the "review not helpful" votes begin...
Rating:  Summary: GET A GRIP! Review: I've just read a comment on these pages suggesting that Star Wars is a complete rip-off of Lord Of The Rings, which is probably the most stupid thing I've ever heard. George Lucas was inspired by myths, legends and fairy tales from centuries before Tolkien ever put pen to paper - the very same things which inspired Tolkien, in fact. They both used the central, defining themes and motifs from these to create their respective works. Some people seem to think Tolkien practically invented the written word ( not to mention the wheel and electricity, probably ) but in fact he was an ultra-conservative and mediocre writer with a fairly impressive imagination, THAT'S ALL. However, there is one thing that's certain - the recent, overrated LOTR films wouldn't EXIST had it not been for the original Star Wars trilogy, which paved the way for every other big-budget blockbuster (both good and bad) that has followed it.
Rating:  Summary: A Fan of the Originals Review: While I jumped at the chance to see episodes 4-6 in the theaters like everyone else, I really disagree with Mr. Lucas' whole philosophy behind 'fixing up' these movies. The added scenes and new effects do not mesh with the feeling of the original movies. I think it to be a grievous mistake to take movies from our past and change them to such a degree as Mr. Lucas has here. He might think he has the right since he made them originally, but they have long since become public property, and we, the fans, want our originals back. Please, Mr. Lucas, let us have them!
Rating:  Summary: Great movies- bad versions Review: I would buy this set if they included the original versions of the films. The versions included here are filled with overly cute crap, had have been sanitized for your protection (like the stupid change in the confrontation between Han and Greedo). Go to e-bay and buy the videodisc and a videodisk player, and enjoy the original films. BTW: I am not opposed to making some changing and cleaning up the effects, but I am opposed to stupid, pointless changes.