Rating:  Summary: Awesome movie! Review: The Matrix movies are one of my favorites. This movie is rather confusing, but if your over the age of 12 or so, you should be able to get it. "I know Kung Fu..."
Rating:  Summary: Made me a believer. Review: Back when the Matrix came out, everyone I knew was telling me to go see it. Admittedly, I was a bit of a Matrix snob. I never saw it, never cared, and was a bit miffed that it stole the thunder from that star wars movie which I had waited on for so long.But around the time that Matrix: Reloaded was showing up and everyone was hyped up, I decided to see what it was all about. I mean, everyone can't be completely wrong. It must be something special. Well, I rented it, and found that it is more than something special. Gladiator was something special, but the Matrix is deservingly cast as a genre shaping phenomena. Usually when entering a movie that I expect will be a huge cheese fest, I wisecrack my way through it. With the Matrix, I started by cracking the usual Keanu Reeves jokes, but quickly shut up. Something about the story was enthralling in a way that a movie had never seemed before. The story was complex, but not indecipherable, the script was well written and compelling, and the Special effects were stunning. For the first time, Keanu Reeves had done a movie that was thought provoking, exciting, and interesting. Never before had fight scenes been so incredible and the slow motion effects that I thought would get old in a hurry, only made the movie better. Rather than just being a slow moving dance, the fight scenes were fast paced and cut to slomo to showcase the best parts. The buildup to Neo being freed and finding he was "the one" was as intriguing as the buildup of the "Agents." Before Neo ever comes up against one, we as the audience are compelled to fear them as much as those in the movies. Cypher's line of: "I don't care who you are, if you see an agent, you do what the rest of us do. You run. You run your ass off" perfectly set up the climactic battle between Neo and Agent Smith. Who, is officially one of the greatest villains in movie history. His calm, cocky, all knowing presence never falters throughout and gives you the sincere feeling that he is the violent patrolman of the Matrix. Without seeing this movie, I would still have hopes that George Lucas could still make his new trilogy more than just eye candy. But, with the Matrix and Lord of the Rings series in front of me proving that excellent acting can accompany and mesh perfectly with great special effects, I say Star What?
Rating:  Summary: One of the Best Films of th 1990s Review: This film, in my opinion is a fantastic fusion of action and an excellent plot. This movie uses groundbreaking special effects to compliment one of the deepest plots in any recent film. The main character Neo(Keanu Reeves) is a hacker who is contacted by Morpheus and informed that he is "The One" who will save the "Real World" and that the world we live in is a computer program designed to use humans as batteries to use for energy for the robots that have taken over the world. The rest of the movie chronicles Neo's quest to save the human race. The plot in this movie keeps the viewer thinking, wile the action keeps you on the edge of your seat. I would recommend this film to all action film lovers as well as someone just looking for a movie that is a technical masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: follow the white rabbit Review: story and action set this one a masterpiece of sci-fi galore, Neo(played by the suave Keanu Reeves) enters the matrix and learns hes part of a computer program and the real world is controlled by Zion and there are sentinels who find ships and destroy them, all along there is a evil Agent Smith trying to hack out of the system and try to conquer Zion. pure pulasating rock music and fight sequences blend together to make a grand stand of a movie. one of the best of 1999
Rating:  Summary: Morpheus and Neo's Excellent Adventure Review: What's all the ballyhoo about? Genre defining? Maybe if the genre was SUCK. How could 50,000 [MATRIX] fans be wrong? For every reason in the book. I guess you have to be hooked up to a hoover vacuum cleaner to really enjoy this useless, dead-fly-on-the-sill, dust-ball-in-the-corner, two-year-old-christmas-tinsel of a movie. I can just hear one of the ten-thousand copies of THE MATRIX video talking to me as I pass it by in the local rental store, "Why do you hate me? Why don't you just simmer down..." First of all, Keanu Reeves is about as wooden an actor as you can get. Even Mark Hamill had some depth playing an everyman, blank slate of an action hero who takes a similar archetypal journey. I'm just surprised Keanu had brains enough to take the correct pill so this shinola-load of a plot could continue. But I digress? Larry "Laurence" Fishburne plays his part like he's recording a books-on-tape version of SENSE AND SENSIBILITY. I'm surprised, because he worked out so well in SCHOOL DAZE and APOCALYPSE NOW. But I can't fault the actors really, they were handed this shlock of a script to a movie which has every yo-yo thinking they are better off somehow for having experienced this? I guess this flick is about as challenging, mentally, as that other over-rated junkpile GLADIATOR. Does all this cheap philosophy really get the brain tumors worked up? Its like dropping a shiney object in a pond and watching all the fish clamor after it. This movie was actually pretty bland and full of holes if you remove the special effects. I found the references to ALICE IN WONDERLAND heavy-handed and cheesey. I love ALICE IN WONDERLAND and recommend sitting down to read that book as an alternative to viewing this snooze of a movie. I was surprised they didn't use the Jefferson Airplane song WHITE RABBIT - or at least have a techno-monstrosity version of it? Maybe they did and I was too zoned out of boredom to notice. "Wow, we are really in an faux-reality controlled by the very machines we created? Sheesh - you don't say? Better roll out some special effects to put a hurtin' to these roving mongoloid footballs..." THE ORACLE should have tried cooking up some fried eggs, because the cast was certainly wearing it on their faces. I guess the only redeeming ounce of quality in this thing was the certifiably cool robo-villain, AGENT SMITH. I was amazed by him - he was like a DEVO record actualized. Stomping, in his own special Agent Smith way, on the skulls of our thinly drawn heroes. I imagined Agent Smith wearing a huge DELETE button around his neck, erasing this movie as he went along. Then, there were so many of him in the sequel MATRIX RELOADED - THE SEARCH FOR MORE MONEY, I felt certain at least one of the Agent Smiths would have a DELETE button stowed away in his breast pocket? That would have been worth the eight bucks. But now I'm obviously getting into SPACEBALLS territory. I couldn't get this far without offering some alternative selections to cure a paying audience of this infection, now could I? For starters: in addition to SPACEBALLS, 2001: A SPACE ODYESSEY, EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, BLADERUNNER, ALIEN(S), TOTAL RECALL, STARSHIP TROOPERS, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND, MARS ATTACKS, 12 MONKEYS, THE THING, THEY LIVE!, TIME BANDITS, THX-1138, ENEMY MINE, PREDATOR and ROBOCOP - I offer the darkly brilliant DARK CITY. Yes, this movie will be observed as slow and boring by the five star gushers here; but in terms of originality, vibrance, and just plain storytelling know-how - well it leaves THE MATRIX slithering in the dust. DARK CITY was like Alfred Hitchcock had returned from his deep carbon freeze, slipped on a pair of nice fitting SCI-FI shoes and went to bat for us one more time. So, to answer the video copy of THE MATRIX sitting on the local store shelf, "why do you hate me so?" Well, I don't hate you. I just think you are a mindless twerp of a movie that champions every idiotic impulse imaginable in the American psyche. This thing is about as sophisticated as a Broadway musical. NEO is a vapid, mindless puke of a character if I ever saw one - and the casting of TED LOGAN in that role was probably the only right move the directors made? CAPTAIN EO - sorry, I meant NEO - wants to rock and roll so badly, that it hurts. Better call Deputy Van Halen in to save the day! This movie deserves half a star - but I gave it two stars only because they represent the two hours of my life I will never get back. This is the only consolation I could find... for now. Good luck boys, I'm sure the series will be a hit.
Rating:  Summary: Marvelous: Descartes¿ Action Thriller Review: When I first saw the Matrix in the theatres I was immediately taken with the central proposition which looked oddly like one of the options in Descartes' Discourse on Method. What if, and how would we know, we are indeed in a sleep/dream world, manipulated by an external controlling force? How would we know if we were awake or still asleep? Neo sleeps and his brain hints at this possibility. Slowly he is tracked by those from the true world, while agents of the external controlling force also monitor him in an effort to capture the others. Neo is eventually awakened into the 'real world' and the Matrix takes off on it's epic ride of slow motion Kung Fu mayhem and beautifully choreographed gunfights. This combination of cerebral back story and excessive destruction made this movie a hit across all strata of viewing demographics. Everytime I watch it now on DVD there is some new bit to marvel at, either in subtle movements of foreshadowing, the amazing fight scenes, or even the pace and placement of music. I enjoyed it then, and now, it's highly recommended. I also enjoyed the sequel but will get to that when it's released on DVD in a few weeks, and like many others I look forward to the completion of the trilogy in a month.
Rating:  Summary: A 5 Star Movie Review: One of the best movies ever!!! this is a mind bending movie thatll blow you away!!! It all starts with Neo waking up in his room and relizing someone is in his computer..... then he meets Trinity at a club and ignores her advice to be careful...next he is in the interrogation room with agent smith and 2 other agents and Smith lays it all down...neo refuses to cooperate with them so they put a tracking bug in him and then he wakes up.....Trinity takes it out and Morpheus tells neo everything....after some training he enters the matrix and Morpheus is taken by smith....neo and trinity have an unbelievebal gun battle in the building and save morpheus.....skipping ahead a few scenes..... neo is trapped with smith with the only choice to fight....he almost dies but kills agent smith....or so he thinks..... smith comes back and neo is shot 6 times in the chest and is killed.....Neo then stands up with the powers of the One and stops the bullets the agents shoot at him is the air.... and he blows agent smith apart from the inside....to be continued......
Rating:  Summary: TOTTALLY AWESOME!!! Review: OK I am a cheerleader for my school, so I don't usually hang out with sci-fi geeks at my school, but a friend of mine was all excited because he wanted to see the Matrix reloaded. I had heard of the matrix before but wasn't sure of what it was. So I went and rented it and wow! It was awesome. It had a really great story line. It is a bout Thomas Anderson a computer hacker who meets a lady named Trinity who tells him that Agent Smith and his henchmen are trying to kill him. Then he meets Morpheus who tells him that the world that he knows is actually a dream world made by evil machines who years ago took over the world and enslaved human beings. The movie blew me away with its special effects. It also had alot of heart to it like when Trinity told Neo that she loved him I could have died crying. I can see why she fell for him. NEO IS HOT! If there is any movie worth seeing the Matrix is one of them.
Rating:  Summary: COOOL MOVIE Review: OMG, I saw this movie it was so awesome and it really made me think about our reality and could we really be controlled by machines. The special effects is awesome!!!!! I mean wow. It blew me away. I'm usually not a sci fi fan. But I was curious but now I am hooked. And I can see why Trinity fell for Neo! Neo or Keanu is hottt!!! I love the kung foo and the action scenes. Even though they r just alittle bit farfetched. But every guy I've talked to said it was awesome. You just have to pay close attention or else you will get lost but other than that is was awesome movie!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Like Nothing Before Review: I really like this movie. When it first came out it was like nothing else. Especially since alot of the movie was set in virtual reality. But even though it was a very technical movie it also had a lot of human elements. It had Neo dealing with becoming The One, Trinity dealing with her love for Neo, and the whole human race dealing with slavery (although most didn't know it). Even my friends who do not like science fiction, like this movie.