Rating:  Summary: I paid to see this! Review: Oh Highlander 2 how do I loath thee? Let me count the ways. First and foremost, Highlander one ended with ALL other immortals dead. End of story. There should never have been a sequel to begin with. The voice of old Conner, which I'm sure you've read about in the other reviews, was very laughable. And what kinda airline is going to show an emergency film that actually shows the cabin depressurizing and the plane crashing and blowing up? There are more plot holes both considering the first Highlander film and in and of itself. If you're thinking all I've seen is the first version, maybe the Renegade Version is better, all I've seen is the Renegade Version. It's bad enough. I don't even want to know about the theatrical release if it's supposed to be worse. The only reason I even gave this one star is because of how well Ironside was able to make something out of Katana that was semi-interesting. Katana's whole attitude, partcularly his one liner of "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if you don't take it out and use it, it's going to rust," was the only thing that could make me laugh instead of cringe the whole movie.
Rating:  Summary: Watching Mold Grow Is More Fun Review: This movie makes me sick to my stomach. The villain isn't creepy or funny, even though he tries to be (the subway scene was just sick, NOT FUNNY!) And if they're aliens, how does the NO FIGHTING ON HOLY GROUND rule apply to them? It shoudln't. The alien thing just didn't work. There is one plus, though: the acting is so horrible that it's funny sometimes (just watch McLeod drive!)
Rating:  Summary: Renegade Version DVD Review: The "Renegade Version" of Highlander 2 is promised as having corrected all the things that made the film as orginally released such an abomination. In particular, they remove all references to the "dreaded planet Zeist." Well, thank heavens for small favors! Yes, the words "planet Zeist" are deleted, but that's about all you can say for it. The scenario they used as a substitute is no more coherent, it still doesn't fit into the rest of the Highlander universe, and it _still_ leaves this a gawdawful film. The only real reason to see the Renegade Version--and this applies only to the DVD--is to hear the commentary track by a number of the movies' makers. This is interesting to Highlander afficianados mainly because it quickly becomes clear that THEY STILL DON'T GET IT. It's truly amazing that these people who engineered a marvelous first film, and a very good tv series, never actually understood what the elements were that appealed to the fans. Don't view this movie as a Highlander experience. View it as an object lesson in filmmaking and the entertainment industry as a business.
Rating:  Summary: Shame! Shame! Lame! Review: You can read the other reviews and tell what kind of film this is. I saw this film nine years ago when it was first released. I didn't know how the film makers could improve on the original story, after all "there can be only one," and I thought that after the first film there was only one. Anyway, after watching the film and leaving the theater the phrase that was on my mind and being spoken by the other viewers was "What the hell!" Nine years later my sentiments are still the same.
Rating:  Summary: Likely to disappoint Review: After Highlander (which I would rate at 5 stars),I went out to buy this sequel. It was shocking. The idea of McLeod portrayed as an old man with a ridiculous, emphysemic voice put me off right at the start and ruined my idea of the original Scottish hero. The plot was virtually purposeless with fight scenes happening for no apparent reason! In my opinion, Mulcahy has directed a MAJOR flop and one can only feel embarrased for Lambert and Connery who I believe were grossly misused in this disappointing movie.
Rating:  Summary: Never again! Review: Unless you are lucky enough to own the director's cut edition of this film, I suggest that you stay away from this version. It is bad, bad, bad. It completely stains the original concept and idea behind the immortals. It is badly casted, badly acted, badly shot, and just bad all over. I sat through the whole thing once and that was it. For some reason, the immortals are aliens in this version, and they come to Earth to find Connor MacLeod and kill him. The rest of the film is just as stupid. Even the fighting sequences are boring. Trust me: You are better off with the original film, or the TV show. It may change a few things, but not as badly as this horrible film version did. Skip it, at all costs.
Rating:  Summary: ahhh, but that Gen. Katana Review: Granted, it gets confusing in this film. But if you like bad guys, Michael Ironside is the baddest and has the best character in the film. It seem s that Sean Connery and MIke Ironside were the only ones having fun ....and they had fun!
Rating:  Summary: Very disappointing! Review: After such a great original Highlander, this sequel was pretty disappointing...My husband gives it zero stars, I think it deserves at least one, but we both thought the movie was pretty sad and couldn't believe that a great actor such as Sean Connery would be involved in such a dud film.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome! As good as the first HIGHLANDER! Review: Thanks to the director's cut to this movie, it makes a lot more sense than that crap that came out back in 1991. 16mins. is fully restored, as well as scenes put back in the order which the movie was originally done. The dialog of the planet Zeist is removed, keeping the mystery of highlanders their, like the first...Michael Ironside makes a good villian for Macleod...If you have'nt seen this movie yet, I suggest you see the director's cut first...you'll appreciate it more!!
Rating:  Summary: Planet Zeist?? Hello??? Review: After Connor MacLeod killed Kurgan in 1985, he took a nap and had a horrible nightmare. He dreamed that he was not really Scottish, but from another planet, and that he could revive his teacher, Ramirez, buy just calling his name during a Quickening. What?! His nightmare became brutally worse when he saw what a mockery the second movie had become. The movie thankfully ended and Connor finally woke up from his nightmare. Connor was in Seacouver WA, in 1992, helping out his former pupil Duncan Macleod, in the best sequel to the first movie- the first episode of Highlander-The Series.