Rating:  Summary: highander 2 -the quickening- wish i'd never seen it Review: The worst movie I've ever seen. I am a huge Highlander fan, both the movie and tv series, and this almost killed it for me. It didn't follow the story line, it tried to fill in the holes and failed miserably. This movie should be removed from the trilogy, renamed with no mention of the word Highlander, and they should repackage the series as a two movie set.On the movies defense, it would make an ok movie by itself. If as I said renamed with no mention of the word Highlander, and released as a separate movie. But other than that it is not worth watching and if someone would like to get into the Highlander clan then that person should skip this movie because it will offer them no useful information and only confuse them.
Rating:  Summary: The single worst movie of all time Review: It's almost impossible to top how bad this film is -- and "Highlander 2" is bad in ways too long to list, too painful to remember -- but it's worse if you actually liked the first "Highlander" movie (or the TV show, for those of you who came in late). For some reason, it was decided to take a cult classic film and do a movie that outright contradicts most of it, all in aid of an incredibly lame science fiction movie. How and why don't matter -- all that does matter is that no one involved in this stinkpie of a film, with the exception of Sean Connery after a long and detailed apology, works in the business again. Good lord. Why would you want to throw out everything interesting about the original "Highlander?" The mysterious nature of the Immortals? No, actually, they're all aliens and knew it all along. There can be only one? Well, until the sequel, then we'll bring Sean Connery back to life. The world is changed by the success at the end of the film? No, actually, it's all gone down the crapper despite it. Bad, bad, bad, in so many ways. There are fun bad movies -- "Barb Wire," which is a scene for scene remake of "Casablanca," but with Pamela Anderson in skin-tight vinyl, qualifies -- but this isn't one. The people who made this film should be in prison. Or, at the very least, forced to watch this film repeatedly. Badbadbadbadbad ...
Rating:  Summary: Highlander 2 - The Sickening Review: I saw this in the theater when it came out. The intense pain in my head finally snapped about 20 minutes into the movie and I spent the rest of the film laughing hysterically. It was either that or death by a bad movie. It took me years to recover from this thing. Then earlier this year I saw Battelfield Earth (don't get me started) and it gave me Highlander 2 flashbacks all over again. Doesn't this thing violate the Geneva convention? Somebody pass a law NOW! OH MY GOD IS IT BAD! I will NEVER watch this film again (unless Mystery Science Theater 3000 comes back and rips it to shreds) The pain...The pain...Please make it STOP!
Rating:  Summary: I think everyone else has said it best.... Review: But, does anyone realize that there are two different Highlander 2 movies out there? This particular one made my skin crawl, for it did not fit with the original. The next one I saw was in my mother's extensive video library and it threw me for a loop. I have no idea where this story came from, but since it is not fresh in my mind, I'll have to watch the latter again.
Rating:  Summary: Highlander II: The Quickening Review: I used to blame the producers of Highlander and the mistakes they have made, especially with this movie, for the fact that the Highlander franchise isn't more successful. But I now realize that it isn't more popular because the concept doesn't make sense to a lot of people. The story of a man who goes around cutting people's heads off just doesn't appeal to very many people. I agree completely with those who say that this is one of the worst movies ever made. It contradicts the first movie, the acting is bad, the directing is bad, the camerawork is bad, and the effects are the worst. But neither it nor the producers are the reason that Highlander has a reputation for being a B-movie franchise. Highlander was never meant to be anything more anyway.
Rating:  Summary: Can't I give this movie -10 stars? Review: The people responsible for everything in the Highlander franchise after the first movie deserve to be executed at gunpoint. Congress should pass a law making it illegal for anymore Highlander movies to be made. I mean it's movies like this that are going to make Ray Bradbury's predictions of the future in Farenheit 451 someday come true. This movie is so bad that Amnesty International should be all over those responsible for a Human Rights violation. I'm not saying that everything after the first movie was bad. I thought that the tv series was good. I even liked Endgame. What makes me so mad is the fact that Highlander could be something close to Star Trek if the people who took it away from Gregory Widen hadn't massacred it beyond repair. Highlander would have so many more fans if those responsible for everything after the first movie had ever heard of a little thing called CONTINUITY. I love Highlander so much that I'm willing to overlook the fact that the producers have given us about five different storylines to choose from, but most people aren't. Most people are going to abandon a franchise that is nothing but a bunch of incoherent mess like Highlander is. So if you feel like getting drove moderately crazy then watch the first Highlander movie and the tv series and Endgame, but whatever you do DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. Trust me on this. You'll never recover your sanity if you watch this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Come on!, this is the director original vision. Review: Of course, many people has seen the infamous theatrical relase, it runs about 90 minutes and was not even close to the first film. The Renegade Version is completely different, is also re-edited(Now runs 109 Minutes) in a way almost close to the original. The new vision does clear up the problems of the first picture. Christopher Lambert is good reprising the Conner Macleod. Some way how come did Romirez(Played by Sean Connery) character was still alive for the first film?. The plot is new, now we know where the Highlanders came from, for some immortals like Ramirez, they get a second chance to come back alive. If you call is name. No wonder is one of his scenes, Ramirez was looking at a mirror, touching his neck and said-Am glad the magic still works. Theatrical version never did really satisfied the audiences what is the shield is about. The new version makes a lot of sense, it has a few minutes of additional scenes about the ozone layer is safe hidden from above shield protector. When Macleod and Louise(Played by Virgina Madsen) go above it. They see how clear it is, they can breath normality.Becuase in the future, the world become always dark outside the whole planet. Micheal Ironside is good and most of the time funny as the villian Katana, who want to kill Macleod since he`s the last highlander. Those who`s hate The Treatrical Relase or/and Improve Re-edited Director`s Cut. Is better, if you watch both version and then you can see the real difference between the two films. DVD include an audio commentary the director and the producers. 22 minutes behind the scenes featurette and Digitally Remastered Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Soundtrack also an fine non-anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1) format. Grade:B+. JDC Scope.
Rating:  Summary: A Famously Bad Concept Review: Time has not been kind to my perspective of Highlander 2, not as kind as the 2 stars I'm giving it. I enjoyed Connery's performance, particularly how Ramierez coped with being reincarnated several centuries forward from when he was beheaded. However, the recasting of the original premises (the immortals are aliens, the way McLeod was restored his youth, the shield that guarded Earth, etc. etc.) gave me a lot of "huh, whatwuzzat! " moments that annoy me any time this movie and I cross paths. Not quite a primer on how not to make a sequel, but close; only the presence of Lambert and Connery give this movie any likeability. Most Highlander fans treat this movie as if it never existed. Take the hint.
Rating:  Summary: Feeble Review: I actually saw this film in the theatures when it first came out. This was the absolute worst movie I ever saw in the theature, and I am a big "Highlander fan". I am sure the other reviews will probably persuade anyone from buying it. The only reason I purchased it was for a gag gift. 'Nuff said.
Rating:  Summary: This movie doesn't even deserve one star! Review: The other reviews have already said how bad this movie is, but it is so terrible that I feel the need to say it again. This movie is without a doubt the worst sequel ever made. It adds nothing to the storyline of the first Highlander movie. It only contrtadicts everything that was established in the first movie and ends up being nothing but an incomprehensible mess. So if you haven't seen the abomination that is called "Highlander 2: The Quickening", consider yourself lucky and stay away from it. Watch the first movie, watch the TV series, but have absolutely nothing to do with this sequel.