Rating:  Summary: Great Sequel!!! Review: This movie is the best sequel ever. It has everything a movie needs in order to be perfect. Humor, lots of acton, and great costumes, including a sweet plot make this movie a movie that is worth seeing over and over again. Great!
Rating:  Summary: The Crow: City of Angels Review: In a completly isolated and gothic town, people are murdered left and right, including auto mechanic Ashe Corven and his son Danny. But one year later, guided by a mysterious crow and Sarah, Ashe returns to avenge the deaths.Sounds like a rehash of the first film, but it's a completly different film. The gothic look of the film is such a nice touch. Mia Kirshner is provocative as Sarah, who lived through this experience once with Eric Draven in the first film. Iggy Pop is very suprising and does a bang-up job. Richard Brooker is a particularly creative and different villan, one who seeks immortality and is obsessed with death, but is agrophobic and cannot leave his arena, if you will call it that. I really love the music of this one, the script is good, with new characters and setting. However, a lot of people bashed this film. Obviously, one reason is that most people are too blind to see the true creativity and they only see a blatant rehash. Another is that they think this film tried to copy the first one. But most people hate it because it's not Brandon Lee, saying that it's not right for someone else to play his character. But this film doesn't have Eric Draven. It has a completly new and original character with his own history and ways of using the powers bestowed upon him. Now I get on to the one thing that truly made this film what it is: Vincent Perez. I thought he was marvelous and powerful, every bit as good as Brandon Lee. He was excellent and it's fun to notice similarities between Vincent and Brandon. They look about the same age, with a similar height and build. Defintely right up there with THE CROW.
Rating:  Summary: Not good Review: The Crow is one of my favorite movies of all time. I loved Brandon Lee and if it wasn't for his tragic death during the making of movie, he would have become a superstar. I must have seen the Crow at least 30 times, however I always refused to see any of the sequels. I thought it somehow tramples on Lee's legacy. Also I thought the sequels would destroy the franchise much like Robocop. Very few sequels actually live up to the original. Well about a month ago I caught Crow Salvation on the Sci-fi channel and I was pleasantly surprised. Based on many positive reviews here on Amazon, I bought DVD. Very disappointed! Although I thought Mia Kirshner and Vincent Perez were good, the itself just didn't deliver. I thought sexually perverse villains were horrible. Although nobody compares with Michael Wincott, Richard Brooks has to be one of the worst actors ever. To make matters worse he provides audio commentary (along with others) on how he was able to play the Evil Judah. huh?? The guy has no acting talent. The absolute worst part was the ending, very disappointing resolution. Best part of the movie was Thomas Jane (THE PUNISHER) who plays a quite "masterful" role. I actually think Crow Salvation was better, probably because I didn't expect anything, but I actually expected this movie to be good.
Rating:  Summary: not as good as the 1st but yet what is? Review: teh original crow is definately my favorite movie by far this one isnt as good becauase its just not as dark and the acting in some places couldve been fixed especially with teh 1st guy that he kills.besides all of that this isnt that bad of a movie
Rating:  Summary: Dark is dark and angels have black wings Review: This film is a great dark vision of life and it questions our faith and trust in it that has some density only in our illusion of love. Life is nothing but a showcase that hides the real dark world of death that lurks behind the wings of the crow, the wings of the stage on which we strut like peacocks. And in those wings we could find, if we dared to go behind them, death in all its forms, in all its shapes, be it drugs, be it extreme sex, be it violence, be it torture, be it suffering. There is no escape from this unfathomable truth. This vision is a deep dive and high jump into what rots and reeks beneath the surface of our sunny world, of our rich society, of our brilliant culture. Beneath it all there is only the coming doom of the end forecast by some blind visionary, some blinded priestess, some self-blinded witch that will cast her oracle onto us when she wants, when she decides, because it is her fate to do so when her blind vision will cease or become too bright for her eternal night. What can we do against this destiny ? Nothing except maybe become as bad as all this is, and get our vengeance on the puppets who are manipulated by some evil force that they do not even know exists. Evil is eternal and bottomless. Evil is the only future we keep in our heritage from the dark centuries of the past. He who thinks God is dead is right. He who thinks Satan never existed is right. He who thinks that man is the only perpetrator of his own doom is right. The doom of humanity will not come from some transcending force but only from the rule that the supreme predator that man is will eventually destroy the whole species, and man is already at work in that direction, some men being ready to kill everyone and even the planet and life as a whole in the name of the survival of the fitter, that is to say of them who will then destroy themselves when they do not have any more preys to chase after and kill. The survival of the fittest, then, will mean the end of the whole humanity and the return of chaos, which is nature naked and brutal because chaos is a human concept to describe the natural order of the eternal cycle of life and death. And in our malediction we may keep, in the deepest and darkest layers of our mental eye, the image of a child that could not survive this hazardous providence. God bless the child. But since the child is dead who can bless hilm ?
Rating:  Summary: The Crow: City Of Angels.........sucks Review: The Crow: City Of Angels is set years after Eric Draven (Brandon Lee) came back to life and avenged his death. Ashe, Vincent Perez (Queen Of The Damned, Swept From The Sea), and his son are brutally murdered by a gang of thugs, Iggy Pop (Coffee and Cigarettes, Dead Man), Thomas Jane (Under Suspicion, The Punisher 04'), Thuy Tang (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie), Vincent Castallanos (Anaconda, Mulholland Dr.). After he rises back from his watery grave to avenge his and his son's death. Perez paints his face and puts on a long coat and struts around killing them all off till he gets to the end boss, Richard Brooks (tv's Law and Order, Shocker). Vincent Perez fails miserably in an annoying, grating and a headache of a performance. Iggy Pop is also wasted in a role not fit for him. Film has the worst dialouge you can imagine, the characters are so unlikable and the action scences never seem to stop. The chase scene with Pop and Perez on motorcycles is neverending. The final battle goes along the lines as well. Doesn't even surpass the first, doesnt even come close at all. Mia Kirshner (Exotica, Not Another Teen Movie) stars as the grown up version of the little skateboarding girl named Sarah from the first one, though she cant even survive this monstrosaty.
Rating:  Summary: Could have been more Review: Somehow, this Crow just doesn't have the impact I was looking for.
The next movie in the Crow series (Salvation), created a sustained game of cat and mouse between the hero and the bad guys. It really created some tension. This movie, by contrast, seemed like a series of unrelated events. The episodes of revenge didn't build on each other - if they had been edited into any other order, it probably wouldn't have made much difference.
The ending seemed weak. I like some mystery, I don't need to have eveything explained, but I want a movie to follow its own internal rules. This one just seemed to make up new mysterious forces whenever the scriptwriter got confused.
The visual styling is noir grunge, and fairly effective. The majority of the movie has a nearly monochromatic color scheme in one hue or another. The last scene, in the afterlife, was dominated by blues. Cool and calm, it worked. The majority of the movie used tones of orange, though. I found the choice of color odd, and just never developed a strong response to it.
I like The Crow as a series, I like the gritty city images, and I like thoughtful use of color to set a mood. I just didn't like this.
Rating:  Summary: Could have been better Review: I've never seen the original Crow movie, so i can't really have a biased opinion about this movie. And if people really say this sucks compared to the first Crow, than i'd really like to see the first becusae it must be amazing. I did have one major problem with this movie, and that was the fact that the villans were just overly-done. They have such a defined character and everything they do has to reek evil, and it gets to be repetitive the point of nausia. Other than that, this was a pretty good film. The dialouge is sparce, making most of the characters rely on their movements and thier looks to give you a feel of whats going on. Obviously not everyone will like this kind of thing, its rather slow paced, and best for just sitting there and kind of laying around watching it, not really for people into intense action or comedies.
Rating:  Summary: A Stand Alone Piece Review: When watching this, the 2nd installment in The Crow movie series, you would only hurt the viewing experience by trying to compare it to the 1st film because as we all know, Brandon Lee will forever be Eric Draven and perhaps, the finest Crow of them all. But this film is meant to be different; in a different place, different time and with similar circumstances happening to very different people.
Vincent Perez brings his own stylings to this already overly stylish film. The use of reds and yellows to give the city a feeling of dirt, smog and an overcast of despondency works fairly well. The whole film feels much more surreal than even the first film's city did; the people here, more corrupt, violent and perverted but it's the triangle of stories that give the film the boost that pushes it out of the gutter of failed sequels.
Mia Kirshner does a fair job of playing a much older Sarah though her face reamins a bit too blank when there should be more emotion. Ashe, the new Crow and his son are, of course murdered for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and end up at the bottom of the sea. Upon the Crow's return he receives help from Sarah to begin his trail of revenge. The triangle here is that while he tries to carry out said revenge, he falls in love with Sarah at the same time, the main evil doer this time around, Judah, plots to do whatever he can to stop Ashe before he gets to him. Iggy Pop makes a wacky appearance as one of Judah's subordinates, Curve, getting to be his usual out of control self, even after all these years.
In the end it's an interesting concept, decent delivery and at times feels too short, as if parts could've been added or explained in more depth, but if your a fan of the series, you should at least give it a chance.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Bother Review: I loved The Crow but the sequel was so not worth my time. I saw it in the theatres when it was released and expected something entertaining. What I received instead was a movie that was exceptionally LOUD and utterly dull. But that still wasn't enough to keep me awake. I fell asleep for about 2/3rds of the movie and was glad it was over.