Rating:  Summary: Otra genialidad de Spilberg Review: Nuevamente Spilberg nos sorprende con esta gran película llena de efectos especiales. Su sonido es magnífico sobre todo en la versión con DTS. Esta película no debe faltar en su colección...
Rating:  Summary: Excellent edition Review: Jurassic Park just made me feel Dinosaurs are back. The special effects where just incredible, you couldn't notice the Dinosaurs were not real, and I think that's the point of an special effect. The Lost World by the other hand dissapointed me a lot, they couldn't just follow the feeling of the first one. I think it's great they are including spanish subtitles (I speak spanish! ), let's hope the extras are just as good as they seem to be. I'm sure Steven wouldn't let us down.
Rating:  Summary: You Bet Jurassic.... Review: Jurassic Park & The Lost World have finally come out on DVD. Yes, hooray, finally. With some pretty impressive features to boot. Very nice, very impressive.The features include the Making-of documentary. Special storyboards and concepts and cast interviews. It also features on-set webcams, interviews, and the teaser trailer for Jurassic Park III directed by Joe Johnston(due out in Summer 2001). This is an awesome DVD. When it is released to the public, I highly suggest buying it. Don't just rent it or borrow it. BUY IT! The only complaint is that Spielberg doesn't like doing commentaries. Well, his loss. It's still a great buy... Jurassic Park - 4/5 stars The Lost World - 3.5/5 stars DVD Collection - 5/5 stars OVERALL RATING - 4/5 STARS
Rating:  Summary: A classic on DVD - finally! Review: At last we will be able to see Speilburgs dinos the way they should be seen - on DVD. If Speilburg's past entries into DVD are any indication (see Saving Private Ryan), look for the quality on these two DVDs to be the very highest. The special features also should be very interesting. Especially the deleted scenes from The Lost World. These include a scene shown in the promo but not in the theatrical release that show the InGen board of directors discussing the incident at site B and planning their response. I am anxiously awaiting October 10, the day that I can finally see a T-rex, some Velociraptors, and all the other dinos in high quality digital audio and video.
Rating:  Summary: At long last!... a MUST for any collection. Review: At long last, Steven Spielberg's continuing epic of modern-day dinosaurs and lessons learned in nature has come to DVD -- and in a special 2-Disc set to boot! See again for the first time the magic that captivated the world over and set Jurassic Park as the highest grossing motion picture of the time.
Rating:  Summary: What A Collection! Review: Jurrasic Park and The Lost World, are two of the most successful movies of all time, and the DVD's are amazing as well. I personaly enjoyed The Lost World DVD better than the original. The new one featured deleted scenes, some of which were seen when FOX played the movie last year. Each DVD comes with a 1 hour + making of feature. In this, the producers, stars and director (speilberg) discuss the making of each film. It also goes into detail about the amazing speacial effects, never before seen until these films. Every detail about the filming is answered in this set. My only complaint as of now is that in the copy i recieved, a commentary was lacking. Aspiring filmakers could really benefit from Mr. Speilbergs incite on the direction and production of these history making films. The picture is flawless, and the sound rattles the earth. If youve veiwed those VHS tapes hundreds of times, and are looking to show off your DVD players power, pick this set up when it comes avilable in October, and you will not be dissapointed.
Rating:  Summary: JURASSIC WORLD Review: This 2 disc bundle contains two of Spielberg's recent hits- JURASSIC PARK and THE LOST WORLD. JURASSIC PARK is excellent dumb movie with brilliant direction by mr.Spielberg and rather good special effects.Plus it has Newman from SEINFELD in it. THE LOST WORLD is not so good but is still fun dumb movie.
Rating:  Summary: Jurassic Park/Lost World on DVD...Finally! Review: I saw Jurassic Park for the first time at amidnight screening the night before it opened. I promptly went backto the theatre the following evening. It is one of the best action movies ever made. Spielberg and his crew outdid themselves in a visually dazzling-adrenaline filled roller coaster ride. The first T-Rex attack is one of the best action sequences ever filmed. If you haven't seen it, and are concerned about some of the critical comments don't worry. Plot is this: Millionaire finds way of cloning dinosaurs and plans to open theme park. Calls in scientists to make convince insurance company park is safe...things go bad. Are there plot holes? sure. Does it take a while to get going? yes. Is it worth it. You know it! Sit back, pop the popcorn, turn up the surround sound, and have a great time. The dinos deliver! On a technical note, this is one of the best blends of puppetry and computer animation that is yet to be rivaled (there are only 6 minutes of computer animated dinosaurs in the film, the rest are animatronic puppets. Four years later came 'The Lost World' where we go back to a 'site B' and things go bad yet again. This is a technically great film with some great moments. The cliff side attack is harrowing...yet it just doesn't deliver nearly as much as the first. To be fair, part of the thrill of "Jurassic Park' was seeing those dinos live for the first time. So we already had a been there done that feel. Alas, I feel this is a movie Spielberg felt he 'had' to make, it doesn't seem like his heart is in it. The plot holes are too giant, I could hear the movie suits saying 'who cares about the plot, it's got the dinos' The last hour seems forced, the raptors show up only because they were in the first film, and the San Diego finale never clicks... Still, I'm going to pick up both, 'The Lost World' has enough to be worth it, and I cannot wait for 'Jurassic Park' these are the kind of movies that DVD was meant for. It's about time.
Rating:  Summary: the better and the worst Review: Jurassic park was (and still) one of my favorite movie. I've watch it so many times, I know it by heart. It's full of suspence, great strorylines, amazin specials effects and it's a Stephen Spieilberg film... That movie had cut my braith away. But, the sequel as to much exgeration, like much more death, dinosaurs and others. That make the movie realy not realistic, like the first one. But, it's still Jurrasic Park...