Rating:  Summary: Jurassic Park and The Lost World Review: The two films in this DVD set are instant Speilberg classics. The first movie: Jurassic Park is a instant classic, the sequel is a more darker moodier film, which is deemed plotless, and ponderous, I think that the special material: The deleted scenes (especially on The Lost World DVD) flesh out The Lost World's plot and give the story more feel, it gives reasons why InGen goes to Isla Sorna in the first place, it also gives Roland and Ajay (the hunters) an establishment in the film, and not introducing them as just popping up on Site B like the film distributed in the theatres made it seem. This is Speilberg's finest set of films since the Indiana Jones Collection and the box office sales explain it. Although I'm not clear on the reflections on Michael Crichton's novels and why they do not appear to follow them is unclear. This is still an extremely entertaining DVD collection, with nail-biting edge of your seat action, and a wonderful flim score by John Williams' (which is also included in the Limited Edition Collector's Edition in a 2CD set). Though, I personally wish that Universal would've also included deleted scenes on the Jurassic Park DVD not just The Lost World's deleted scenes; this is a must for any Jurassic Park Collector or movie guru, I should also add that Jurassic Park won an Oscar for best sound effects (this sounds best when a connection to a Dolby Digital or DTS receiver is made) and special effects. Highly Recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Jurassic Park Returns Review: I have not personally seen the DVD version because it is not released yet but from the video's and theaters, these two movies are first rate thrillers. Jurassic Park is an incredible movie that has great characters and unbelievable special effects. The extra material on the DVD seems very cool. I have seen documentry films about Jurassic Park , which will probly be similar to the ones on the DVD, and each one is very interesting. They focus on the incredible special effects barrier that this movie demolished. Jurassic park the lost world was as equally incredible as far as effects was concerned. Unfortionatley the actual film was pretty far fetched in my opinion. Who believes that a T-Rex will get loose in the city and come back safely without major damage? Up to this particular scene i strongly believe this film is just as good as the original. The extra material on this disc seems just as usefull as that on the original. I can't wait to see the deleted scenes. I have never disliked the deleted scenes on other DVD's. Also, the Dinasour dictionary/directory sounds very cool. I can finally learn the dinasaurs real names! Anyway Jurassic Park and the Lost World on DVD at last will put another great DVD into my collection!
Rating:  Summary: What was there was good Review: Well I can say that The Lost World was good, but that's all I can say, because the Jurassic Park disc was MISSING.
Rating:  Summary: Spielberg Does it Again! Review: Seven years ago, people were amazed by a movie whose stunning effects set a precedent for all future movies. Now, we have yet another chance to experience the magic of "Jurrasic Park," with its release on DVD. Let me tell you now, the transfer is beautiful. The standard universal intro (the one with the globe) is shown this time with the sounds of a jungle in the background to set the mood. The music from the first appearance of dinosaurs sent chills down my spine. The rest of the movie is the same one we know and love, except this time remastered in a 5.1 audio track. The sound is amazingly dynamic, which puts you even further into the action. The extras feature a unique "making of" featurette hosted by James Earl Jones that looks at other movies that inspired Jurassic Park. Other extras include production notes, storyboards, and the trailers from Jurassic Park, the Lost World, and Jurassic Park III. The Lost World utilizes the same amazing sound, but sufferes from a weak storyline. Nevertheless, the set as a whole is well worth the money, and for those of you who loved this movie in theaters, Jurassic Park is a DVD that must be in your collection.
Rating:  Summary: For pure DVD quality--this is actually pretty good Review: I have been a fan of Jurassic Park since before the movie came out and I had read the novel and was literally blown away by how creative and thrilling it was, and when I heard that Spielberg was at the helm of the movie, I had the feeling it was going to raise the bar of special effects to another level entirely--even if it never did capture the true 'essence' of the novel. High marks go to the absolutely stunning effects which literally resurrected extinct animals and made them look 100% REAL. The movie suffers from minor characterization development--but we all know the REAL stars of the film were the dinosaurs themselves. While Spielberg had creative license with the story and totally altered the ending (as well as many other scenes of the novel) I forgave him because it was such an amazing piece of visual filmmaking.Then we move to the sequel, 'The Lost World'. I found the the novel to be quite entertaining and it actually kept the 'feel' of the original 'Jurassic Park' while keeping the storyline fresh as well--not an easy task. It was a virtual certainty that they would turn it into a movie, but I was really hoping that they would keep true to the novel--but unfortunately it was altered a hundred TIMES MORE than the original 'Jurassic Park' had been. So much so that it became almost a cartoonish joke of the original movie. In fact several of the scenes in 'The Lost World' came from the original 'Jurassic Park' novel (the opening scene and the T-Rex sticking its head through the waterfall). As I watched the movie I kept telling myself that it'll redeem itself here pretty soon...only to be disappointed in the ludicrous ending in San Diego with the T-Rex running amok through city streets. Sure it had potential, but had they actually kept to the original novel, it would have been so much more entertaining and more intelligent. I MUST admit though that the scene with Julianne Moore falling in the trailer onto the glass and trying to climb up before the glass fractures too much really HAS to be one of the most hair-raising moments ever caught on film. With all that said, the transfer of these films to the DVD format is exceptional--for the most part. The extra deleted scenes are almost worth the purchase price alone, but its a combination of ALL the extra's that make this particular package a great buy. For those of you with a theater viewing system, you will be the folks who benefit the most, because the sound is absolutely amazing--easily one of the best on DVD that I have heard. So to sum it all up quickly: GREAT effects, so-so plot and virtually NO character development (especially in 'The Lost World') but a guilty pleasure all the same.
Rating:  Summary: Spielberg Does it Again! Review: Seven years ago, people were amazed by a movie whose stunning effects set a precedent for all future movies. Now, we have yet another chance to experience the magic of "Jurrasic Park," with its release on DVD. Let me tell you now, the transfer is beautiful. The standard universal intro (the one with the globe) is shown this time with the sounds of a jungle in the background to set the mood. The music from the first appearance of dinosaurs sent chills down my spine. The rest of the movie is the same one we know and love, except this time remastered in a 5.1 audio track. The sound is amazingly dynamic, which puts you even further into the action. The extras feature a unique "making of" featurette hosted by James Earl Jones that looks at other movies that inspired Jurassic Park. Other extras include production notes, storyboards, and the trailers from Jurassic Park, the Lost World, and Jurassic Park III. The Lost World utilizes the same amazing sound, but sufferes from a weak storyline. Nevertheless, the set as a whole is well worth the money, and for those of you who loved this movie in theaters, Jurassic Park is a DVD that must be in your collection.
Rating:  Summary: Jurassic Park is the ultimate in theater experience! Review: As shown in all of his movies, Steven Spielberg is the ultimate storyteller. Many people who have read the original book by Michael Crichton love to shout about how much this movie is nothing like the book. I would also nod my head in that direction, but would also like to say that there has never been a perfect book-to-movie translation in Hollywood. The only movie that comes close is Arthur C. Clark's and Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey". This being said, Steven Spielberg does an excellent job of fitting a lot of the key elements from the book into the movie. The way they happend and the order of these elements might be different, but they are there and add to the movie. Casting in this movie is amazing. Sam Neil and Jeff Goldbloom portray Alan Grant and Ian Malcolm exactly as I would see them though I thought that Alan Grant's character could have been stronger. I forget the actor's name, but whoever played John Hammond was also very acurate. Visual and sound effects, well, not much to say that hasn't already been said. The dinosaurs look like, well dinosaurs, probably the best representation of dinosaurs that there will ever be in a documentary or movie. The sound is also amazing. I still get shivers up and down my spine from the T-Rex scream, that is why this movie will be amazing on a Dolby Digital Surround Sound System. John Williams provides the perfect score for the movie with his bombastic fanfares and sweet undertones that are common with many other movies Williams has composed for (a.k.a "Indiana Jones, Jaws, Close Encounters, Star Wars, etc.). Bottom Line: Jurrasic Park is a must own for any true movie fan, if you can look past the book and just sit and enjoy the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Jurassic Park-Lost World Disc Set Review: This 2 pack was an excellent present for Christmas. Both Films are so action packed with whimscal characters and unforgetable moments! These movies rock the house.
Rating:  Summary: Jurassic Park and The Lost World Review: Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park and the blockbuster sequel The Lost World are presented in this impressive collection. Spielberg's dinosaur adventure Jurassic Park is up there with the all-time greats. Taken from Michael Crichton's thrilling novel, Jurassic Park is one of the most entertaining and exciting films ever made. The special effects are from FX maestro Stan Winston, who did the special effects for Aliens (1986) and Terminator 2 (1991). The seamless combination of CGI and robotic creatures creates some truly terrifying action set- pieces. Despite what some critics thought when the film was released, I feel that all the principal actors give good performances, especially Sam Neill as Alan Grant and Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Ian Malcolm. But admittedly, the special effects are the main attraction, and Winston's dinosaurs (which won him another Oscar after Terminator 2) are truly frightening. Great entertainment. The film's transfer onto DVD is first- rate, with superb picture and sound. The special features are exceptional, with a 50 minute 'making of' of the film and trailers for Jurassic Park, the Lost World and the teaser for Jurassic Park 3. Most interesting, however, is the footage of early pre-production meetings with Spielberg and the FX team discussing how certain shots and effects should be done. Also, there's a Phil Tippett animatic "Raptors in the Kitchen", showing how claymation assists the director in visualising the shots and camera angles. Also there are storyboards, production photos and web links. A 5 star film, 5 star extras. Excellent entertainment. The Lost World is an exciting adventure starring Jeff Goldblum, Vince Vaughn, Julianne Moore and Pete Postlethwaite. The film picks up four years after the incident at Jurassic Park, where a corporate businessman Peter Ludlow (Arliss Howard) plans to take dinosaurs off the second island (Isla Sorna, where dinosaurs have been breeding) and bring them to a theme park in San Diego. Spielberg knows what the audience wants; the film has more dinosaurs, even better CGI and impressive animatronic dinosaurs from the maestro Stan Winston. The action throughout the film is exciting and while not as astonishing as Jurassic, the effects are first-rate. John William's music for the film is suitably jungle -driven, with a dark and exhilarating score that fits the film's tone. There are problems, the tagged- on ending with the T. Rex stomping through San Diego is silly, and although the action is good, the story isn't one of Spielberg's best. That said, the principal cast are fine, especially Goldblum as Malcolm ("Ooh, aah, that's how it always starts, and then later the running and screaming") and Postewaite as Roland Tembo, a game hunter intent on shooting one of the Tyrannosaurs. Silly in parts, it's still an exciting adventure movie, with enough action and light humour to satisfy audiences. The DVD extras are great, with a 50 minute 'making of', deleted scenes, trailers for all 3 Jurassic movies, a huge amount of conceptual drawings, storyboards, a featurette 'The world of Jurassic Park', marketing, posters and toys, production notes and web links. Great stuff.
Rating:  Summary: Two-pack of Jurassic Park Review: This is a two-pack of DVD's that include Jurassic Park and The Lost World: Jurassic Park. There are no features present here that aren't in the single releases, but this is cheaper than buying them separately. If you want to see my opinions of the two films, please check out my individual reviews of them. In saummary, I gave Jurassic Park a 4 star rating, and Lost World a 2 star rating.