Rating:  Summary: I feel dumber for watching this movie Review: Ok, so I went out on a limb. I actually took time out of my life to pay money at a theatre and watch this movie.Oops. Yeah, like many other people will say, the movie does have dazzling special effects. Unfortunately, the acting is worse than terrible. It just downright sucks. Also... Hello? Plot? Are you in there? I didn't think so. I know what you all are thinking. And I know, it was my choice to go and see it. But, that doesn't mean that those that haven't should suffer too. Heed my warning! If you haven't seen this movie, you are already one step ahead of the rest of us. Don't stoop down to our level. Move forward in life and onto other, better movies.
Rating:  Summary: so bad it's good Review: this definitely is an example of a movie that is so bad, it's good. It has thinnest plot i've ever seen for a movie. It's like the crew thought of every thing that would happen next on the set. Still, it was kind of fun to watch. I actually realised that there was NO plot whatsoever only at the end. I realised there had been no character development at all, since i didn't give a damn if that girl would get saved by his boyfriend and live happily ever after. I always rooted for Sebastian during the movie. Still (again, still), the effects were certainly worth the ticket.
Rating:  Summary: A good Bad Movie Review: I once read a review of a Stephen King book saying that King used to write 'good bad book'. I thought, and still think, that was b.s. - King writes many horror novels, which isn't the sub genre known as 'mainstream fiction', but a different sub genre, no better or worse for that. And yet, here I am, telling you that HOLLOW MAN is a good Bad Movie. There really is no way to say HOLLOW MAN is a good movie - the plot is cliche, the characters wouldn't, the twists predictable, etc. Expectedly from a Bad movie, the special effects are really impressive, and this IS the point. HOLLOW MAN is a Bad movie, but a good Bad movie. It's stupid, but entertaining. The characters are cliches, but fun. The story is obvious and stolen from a million other places(you got your stock 'scientists in a close enviorment', a McGuiver scene, and an ending in an elevator shaft - ooh, originality), but well directed. The characters are really jokes (The Crazy brilliant scientist, the nerd and less brilliant other, the beautiful action woman tore between them), but they are entertaining. You know what you're in for with HOLLOW MAN - Gracio Marx called TV 'Chewing Gum for the Eyes', and HOLLOW MAN is just that, really fun entertainment for an hour and a half. It's Bad - but in a good way.
Rating:  Summary: Typical Invisible Man Movie. Review: This is a typical 'Invisible Man' movie. Just a summer movie you go to see to have fun. There's nothing really new here from other invisible man movies. The special effects are good, but nothing really new either. It's still fun, and I enjoyed watching it.
Rating:  Summary: This movie sucked Review: One of 2000's worst films follows Kevin Bacon as an egotistical, twinkie eating, workaholic, government scientist, who along with old flame Elisabeth Shue and good guy Josh Brolin, develops an experiment in invisiblity. After experimenting on many animals and then striking the right cord by bringing an animal back to physical form, he decides to test it on himself, with an unaware government. Things appear well till they try bringing him back only to have it backfire, and for some really dumb reason, he starts going psycho on his lab partners. For a movie that cost $85 million, that money was surely wasted by a poorly written story with some cool special effects. I caught this with a buddy and we expected him to escape into the world to wreak havoc. The ending ends with some stupid, good old fashioned Hollywood cliche with the bad guy doing a traditional send off in slow motion. You'd also think he'd start killing more people than the surprisingly small amount here. A strangely billed William Devane appears for literally two scenes that are pretty worthless. Not a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent FX!! Story is OK Review: The special effects in Hollow Man are really great though would have to be used with a story like this. Obviously these new cool special effects came out then they had to write a story to go along with that. That's what usually drives most Sci-Fi, Horror or disaster movies to be made. There isn't a lot to say about the story. A guy goes mad after the effects of a new invisibility drug goes a little haywire. This is pretty much another slasher movie. Not that much different from Scream or I Know What You Did Last Summer. The acting isn't bad for what they're offered. 2 stars for effects, 1 star for decent acting and story, one star for trying. At least rent it.
Rating:  Summary: Good effects. Everything else crap. Review: Hollow Man, the ads promised invisible mayhem and disturbing psychological insights into the human mind. I saw the movie on the strength of thses ads. It was a terrible terrible movie. Kevin Bacon becomes invisible (after a reallllly long build up). He breaks out of the lab and is free to wreak havok. He does nothing. He looks at a woman getting changed, goes back to the lab and stays there. This is the most unexciting movie I've seen in a long time. I've been waiting to savage this crap excuse for entertainment since I left the cinema. Although the half visible monkey was pretty cool.
Rating:  Summary: 1/2 -- Just don't put any thought into it. Review: I work in a high security lab, so this movie was particularly insulting to me. The people really working on the bleeding edge of scientific research are all brilliant and insightful. This movie makes them look like they are completely lacking in the common sense department. There are so many things about the movie props that bothered me, from the unsecured cordless phones they used in the lab, to the impractical use of an environmentally controlled "junk" closet, with a secure locking mechanism that could only be opened from the outside. It's also frustrating to watch. So many times I thought to myself, "why don't you just keep those damned glasses on!" and "just set off the fire alarm/sprinkler system to alert the guard!" and "the network still works, just email for help!" and "just turn off all the lights in the lab, so he can't see you either!". The idiocy of the main characters had me constantly throwing my arms in the air or placing my hands over my eyes while shaking my head in disbelief. It would have been passable as a slasher flick if they had spent even a minimal amount of screen-time at character development, and I've never seen Elizabeth Shue look so ugly in a film. Animal enthuasiasts will not be happy at the way most of the characters treat the animals... especially the fact that the remaining few die in the explosion near the end. The cool special effects were worth the price of admission, but I don't think I could bear to watch this movie a second time. Just like Kevin Bacons' character, I could see no redeeming features.
Rating:  Summary: Hollow Man: The Special F/X Movie of the Year! Review: Hollow Man is a great film I thought. There was a couple of sexual/ nudity and really strong violence but the special f/x are great. there is also a lot of profanity but the movie proves itself to be good. I recomend this film only to adults. May be too intense for children.
Rating:  Summary: Hollow Man Review Review: Hallow Man was a very well written movie of how a top science experiment goes wrong and how a man uses it for evil.I would have to say that the special effects were great and it had good conflict.But i think that it was a very predictable movie that you knew how the movie was going to turn out the first thirty minutes of the movie. I also think that at the end of the movie we all knew that after he was "supposedly" dead he was going to get back up and try to kill the people one last time before the building was gonna blow up. In all though, I did like the scenes and the reality of it all because we all know that we arent to far from those scientific experiments being created and tested right now, and if u really think about it its kind of scary to actually think that there could be somthing like that waiting for you. Hey! he could be there next to you reading this with you and laughing to himself thinking that the science of tomorrow was actually yesterday!