Rating:  Summary: daft punks Review: 24 Hours In London is one of those sexy, stylized "violence is cool" sagas so prevalent with the so-called in film crowd these days. ...this spoof wasn't meant to be serious. Nor was it intended to be a flat-out satire, slash comedy. ...24 Hours In London is the story of one gang's desire to reign as supreme crime lords over all London. ...it shows just how ludicrous taking the law into your own hands can be. The acting is credible enough. The camera work and production design take advantage of today's digital mastery. The plot is over the edge, but script and dialogue is palpable enough. We get some great scenes of London proper and the Thames River. The costuming and sets all vogue our cosmopolitan actors leaving me with thoughts of a fashion show with armaments. ...The one-liners come fast and furious and demand you pay attention. An open mind and broad perspective pay off. Not to be dismissed as daft. Fair play and you'll be rewarded in equal measure - a bold adventure that works (sort of).
Rating:  Summary: Funny, sexy and clever. Three things this movie isn't. Review: 24 HOURS IN LONDON is set in London (obviously) in 2009, where a sexy female doctor is seducing men and then drugging them to steal their organs (Not THAT one!) for sale on the black market along with (of course) drugs. Her trail is pursued by a pair of corrupt police officers whose idea of fun is blowing things up. Ironic, considering this movie comes within a hair's breadth of being a certified BOMB. Written and directed by Alexander Finbow, 24 HOURS IN LONDON attempts to be flashy; but for half its duration the movie's mis-en-scene looks like it was purposely designed to make viewers feel like they're intoxicated- and if you genuinely ARE while watching this, then lucky you. Finbow's script appears to have been written just to please himself, because not many others will be. Add to this a soundtrack loaded with thumping techno music that amounts to nothing more than a 90 minute assault on the eardrums, and the only real organ stolen is the viewer's brain. It only gets 2 stars because I've seen far worse (Ever seen NAIL GUN MASSACRE or ANDY WARHOL'S TRASH?). The DVD also includes the trailer. Watch that first in order to discern if your really want to subject yourself to the torture of watching this movie. My "funny, sexy, clever" comment comes from some UK reviewer whose comments are on the DVD cover. It's probably safe to assume that Finbow blew a large chunk of the movie's budget paying this critic to say something nice about his movie. If he was paying ME I'd take the money, but I'd still trash his movie. I'm one of those guys who can't give anything other than his honest opinion, sorry to say. There is however, a memorable bit where a guy gets acid thrown in his face, resulting in a gruesome R-rated melting scene even the G-rated Wicked Witch Of The West would be proud of.
Rating:  Summary: Oh...my...God! Review: 24 Hours in London isn't the worst movie ever made, it just feels like it. It started off okay but you can tell right away that it's one of those straight to video B movies-- just bad enough to be good. I almost expected Eric Roberts or Rutger Hauer to show up. But it went from bad to worse to one of THE WORST movies you'll ever see. It was disturbingly bad, not to mention just plain disturbing. Like "Seven," or "Salo" (never seen the latter but from what I hear I never want to),it's one of those movies that makes you feel different for several days after watching it. You know a flick is bad when the villains tell you every detail of their sinister plan before they off you. It's good for a stoned laugh or two...maybe three because the acting and dialogue are deplorable. I wish I could give it a -5 stars. Ridiculous. The good news is it only cost me 1 dollar. I guess you get what you pay for.
Rating:  Summary: Bloody Hell! Review: Don't rent this piece of shere rubbish! This movie jsut wanted to cash in on the success of well made movies such as "Pulp Fiction" and "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrells". It fails... completely!I had to select "1 Star" as I was forbidden to submit this review without seleceting a number. I wanted to submit "0" but that option isn't available. What an utter waste of an evening!
Rating:  Summary: Bloody Hell! Review: Don't rent this piece of shere rubbish! This movie jsut wanted to cash in on the success of well made movies such as "Pulp Fiction" and "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrells". It fails... completely! I had to select "1 Star" as I was forbidden to submit this review without seleceting a number. I wanted to submit "0" but that option isn't available. What an utter waste of an evening!
Rating:  Summary: British "American style" gangster film Review: I am not a fan of the British "American Style" gangster film. However, while "Sexy Beast" was an amazing example of the genre at its best--"24 Hours in London" is an example of the genre at its worst. The plot is familiar--one gang wants to take over "business" from all the other gangs and so methodically wipes out the competition. The complications is this particular case are a witness, body part merchants, and a bad policeman. Apart from the lack of originality ( I think the body part merchants were supposed to provide that), the acting is spotty (the character "Bubbles" is especially poorly acted--so much so that I wondered if he was supposed to be campy!). The violence--well to say it was gratuitous is putting it mildly. The film is a grotesque exercise in excessive violence and gore.
Rating:  Summary: jesus... Review: I only bought this because I was high and it looked like a cool video game thing on the cover. Unfortunitally it was one of the worst movies ever, but what the hell I'll just break it.
Rating:  Summary: jesus... Review: I only bought this because I was high and it looked like a cool video game thing on the cover. Unfortunitally it was one of the worst movies ever, but what the hell I'll just break it.
Rating:  Summary: Made it through 30 minutes. Review: I was expecting "Snatch" or "Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels" style of a movie. I was expecting fast, edge of your seat action where there are 20 varying plots and it takes a genious to figure out how it all works and if you pay attention it all pulls together brilliantly. I enjoyed the two named movies with such enthusiasm that I was expecting the same genre to pay off. It opened well with the whole Kidney stealing gag but then it took off into a music video and then some guy gets his throat cut and before you know it there is a witness that must survive for 24 hours in london. There are two dweebs that think that take on a hallway full of armed police (covered in heavy swat gear might I add) with only BODY armor no head gear. They step out of an elevator that is spins they have already killed three people? in the precint and the cops say "Drop your weapons." are you kidding me? I am sorry but I couldn't take any more especially when the two dweebs started shooting out the light fixtures and some how managed to his a few cops right in the neck - which is the only area that is exposed but only slightly. OH! and did I mention that there is a worm in the police station? - who leaked out that a witness had survived a bloody mid london massacre? See, here is where the other two movies would have taken it beyond the realm of the expected. No one would have known that the lady existed. She would have survived but only after she was discovered at the precint would they have realized she was the witness - or better yet - Christian's brother or family memeber takes revenge on the lady after everyone was killed in a hold up by the cops. OH! and the bad guy is named "Christian" why can't people be just named "Bad guy with religious name" to get it over with?
Rating:  Summary: Terrible Review: If you're willing to buy a story where two badly armored crooks invade a police stattion and take on numerous heavily armed, heavily armored cops, then you might actually enjoy the movie. The plot is terrible, with more holes than the average bullet-filled corpse. Acting is also terrible, with 'Bubbles' being exceptionally poor. The basic storyline is that a London crimeboss is taking out the competition to ensure a merger of his 'company' with a big US crime syndicate. After the killing of a rival in a park, a witness survives, and the hunt is on. On first glance, this sounds like a Guy Ritchy or Tarantino plot, but where those directors manage to create exceptional dialogue and bizarre plot twists, this one just lacks. It starts off rather bad, and goes downhill from there. Stay away from this one, unless you have a serious knack for random violence and gore.