Rating:  Summary: Ku Klux Klan's dream of the perfect future Review: This movie is racist stuff. It looks more like a Ku Klux Klan's dream of the perfect future. Logan's Run shows us only white people. No Asians. No blacks. No hispanics. Why don't they at least include a colored person?Logan's Run is made in seventies where black and Asiain actors will begin to be common in hollywood.
Rating:  Summary: from Fringe Video Fanzine Issue #005 Review: This pre Star Wars (1977) sci-fi thriller was one of the first VHS tapes in my collection and now I'm happy to have this updated onto DVD. Filmed many years before CGI, it was one of the first films to use lasers, and holography, and won an Academy Award for visual effects. The story... Typical for the time, is about changing societies and values. It is a futuristic tale of a utopian society living in the year 2274, under a couple 'Buckminster Fuller type' bubbled domes. The population's of these large cities have anything they could want. Large shopping centres, saloons [look for a cameo by Farrah Fawcett / Charlie's Angels (1976-1981) Saturn 3 (1980)], and free love just for the asking. "...computerized servo-mechanisms provide all needs and everyone can pursue endless hedonism..." However... For every baby born, another has to die to keep the balance of the population in check. Each person wears the corresponding color representing their age, and in their right hand is implanted a crystal which changes color as they age. When the crystal turns red it's time to go to a type of 'Roman Colosuim' Carrousel for reincarnation. Those who resist are chased by Michael York [Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997)] who plays "...a government Sandman authorized to terminate Runners fleeing Carrousel..." The sandman's clock soon turns red, he becomes a runner himself and is the first to flee the dome and discover an outside world [great scenes here played by Peter Ustinov / Spartacus (1960 / Animal Farm (1999)]. He is also the first to discover true love with the very lovely Jenny Agutter [An American Werewolf in London (1981) / Child's Play 2 (1990)]. Commentaries on the disc are well edited, to keep the interest flowing. Some mention of censored scenes perked my interest, yet warner never added scenes from the vault [if they exist?]. My biggest complaint would be no mention, and no scenes from the 14 episodes of the Logan's Run TV Series (1977) which I remember watching as a kid.
Rating:  Summary: Run, Run, Run And Get This! Review: I saw this movie in its original theatrical release. I was 10 years old. I was stunned, amazed, entranced, shocked, excited and thrilled by the colors, lights and sounds. For the next 5 years I was Logan and all my friends were Sandmen.This movie is Michael Anderson (the Director)at his best. An extremely inventive and innovative film for its time. This movie has a great story, great perfomrnaces and great sets and props. Even the model city is stunning. (Built on a 25 foot by 35 foot table top on the stages of MGM. Colorful and almost magical. It was the very first "Special Acadamy Award" for Special Effects and diservedly so! Michael York and Jenny Augutter are wonderful and the late Richard Jorden was the perfect villan. The best performace is the "Old Man" played by Peter Ustinov. Rosce Lee Brown plays the predesor to C-3PO and Lt, Cmdr. Data. The costumes are simple but unique. This is a must to own.. The DVD commentary is fantastic! And for me, it brought back a lot of memories!
Rating:  Summary: The DVD adds a new dimension Review: Logan's Run is a film version of the story of a futuristic environment that Renews (ya ,,, right) or recycles, people after 30 years. Logan (Michael York) is a sandman (similar to police), who enforces the rule and chases down people that run from Renew. He gets charged with finding the location that the runners go to called Sanctuary. Some people who watch this like to be critics. They pick on costumes and actors etc. Well it is evident that they do not have the DVD version. There is a parallel soundtrack. It explains why things were designed the way that they were. It was easier to stick everyone in pantyhose than try to find monotone makeup for everyone like was done in "The Lathe of Heaven" ASIN: B00004U8P6. The buttons on Peter Ustinov's close were pennies. Best of all, the Renew scene was shot upside down.
Rating:  Summary: Mall Rats: The Movie Review: This film predicts that in 2274 the citizens of an un-named English speaking nation, will be obsessed with plastic surgery, sex, working out and staying young. It was off by only 272 years.
Rating:  Summary: This is the time of renewal! Review: I have loved this movie since my older brother made me watch it when I was a kid. Yes, it is dated! No, it is not as good as the book but my god, it is a great film. I believe the DVD is as great as it could have been - unless they had found the deleted scenes. I have not watched it with the commentry on all the way through yet - but it is great to know it is there for ever more waiting for me to get round to watching it. It is great to see the documentry "welcome to the 23rd century" showing all the behind the scenes footage. Now all we need is all 14 episodes of the tv series released on dvd - considering how much the bootleg videos go for on ebay - I would not think it will be long before Warner Bros will be cashing in on that - heres hoping!!
Rating:  Summary: 25 years later.....and Logan's Run is still going strong Review: I remember when I wrote an article about the 20th Anniversary of this science fiction classic. Five years later, I still think the movie is a spectacular science fiction, trail blazing adventure. And yet, to this day, it is still my favorite film of all time. People may still stare at me funny when I tell them this, however, it still is my opinion. MGM's 1976 science fiction classic not only won two Academy Awards, it had also created a huge cult following that still keeps going strong to this day. It has not only withstood the test of time, it still a spectacular film to watch. Sir Michael York, the late Richard Jordan, Jenny Agutter, Peter Ustinov, Farrah Fawcett, and Roscoe Lee Brown did a remarkable job in the roles that they were given. Ustinov should have won the Oscar for his role as the Old Man. The film also had set a pre-Star Wars box office record, a year before that film had been released. Not only is it an awe-inspiring post-apocalyptic science fiction adventure...it really taps into some serious social commentary and presents the audience a future that could evolve, if the human race continues to wreak havoc on the world. Even in the 23rd Century. If you are looking for some excitement and entertainment, you need not look any furthur than Logan's Run. It sure beats watching Star Trek, Star Wars, and Babylon 5 any day of the week. *Special note - the fight scene between Logan and Francis in the remains of Washington D.C. as well as the death of Francis, reflected a unique form of symbolism. Francis tries to kill Logan with a torn up American flag. Logan kills Francis with the flag and its pole. The movie was released in June of 1976 and Sir Michael York is British. Food for thought...
Rating:  Summary: Hell have no fury like a Sandman scorned Review: Remember 'Bodies, Rest and Motion' in which Quentin Tarantino plays a film geek speculating about the pilot's sexuality in 'Top Gun'? Now, what would his character have made of Logan's Run? Logan and Francis are best buddies who work together. They also kill together with some funny shaped guns that remind me of something, I just can't quite place it. Our intrepid Sandmen also work out together and seduce women on a couch together. But Logan is getting restless lately. He hangs out in the nursery cooeing at babies and is spending a lot of time with a girl named Jessica. Then, sacrilege! He won't get into the hot tub with Francis when asked. Then he goes on the run with Jessica until Francis catches up with him. "Look, we all go a bit crazy once in a while. I could have turned you in, I didn't. But she's a runner and it's over. Terminate her...NOW!" But Logan shoots at Francis and legs it. Francis's eyes bulge in fury. Logan and Jessica escape the city and have a swim in the buff together. Luckily Francis misses this, he'd have a fit. Eventually Francis catches up with them in an abandoned Washington. He grabs Jessica and snarls "he was fine till he met you. What did you do to him?" He confronts Logan with the girl in his arms. "Is this good, is this what you want?" Wails Francis. "We had good times buddy!" Unfortunately, Francis comes off a little worse for wear and is last seen staring lovingly up into Logan's eyes. "Hey, Logan, you renewed!" But what does Francis think Logan has renewed? Later, sitting around a camp fire, Jessica and Logan discover that men and women used to marry and stay with each other for life out of a sense of love. Logan smiles. He likes the idea. Poor Francis is probably turning in his grave.
Rating:  Summary: 5 stars for cultural impact Review: I've always had a soft spot for this movie, as it was the first film that I saw by myself as a child in 1976. No one has ever argued that it's high art, but after 25 years, it's clear that this movie has more impact on the American collective psyche than most people realize. If you ask someone about the film "Logan's Run", you might get a blank stare. But tell them it's the film with the palm crystals, everyone dies at 30 in a bizarre "carrousel" (sic) ceremony, then nearly everyone (over 30, ironically) knows the movie of which you speak. In reflecting why this is so, for a moment ignore the logic inconsistencies (if the computer is all-powerful, why doesn't it implant a timed poison pill to be released at age 30?) and the numerous continuity problems (there are four crystal age colors, but that doesn't neatly divide into 30, and "red" seems to last for 8 years???). Many have said that it was unusually dark for its period, but a screening of "Soylent Green", "Rollerball", and "Silent Running" puts that theory to bed. On the surface, it's just one more of a long list of early 1970s eschatological nightmares. But why the hell does a city near Washington (Baltimore? Alexandria?) have so many citizens with English accents? So why is this film remembered when so many of its peers fade away? I think the answer lies in its indictment of youth oriented culture...we see that a culture based on the young is glamorous, but things don't work very well and break down (a theme from the William F. Nolan/George Clayton Johnson novel). For example, there is a slum in "Cathedral" and in the undersea city works that the all-powerful computer can't seem to repair. In a deleted scene, Francis off-handedly wishes a former lover luck as she participates in the Carrousel early in the film. We know from that encounter that adult relationships are incredibly shallow, and this is reinforced by the Sandman who "beam in" lovers for the evening. After the initial luster of "Logan's Run" wore off, many remember it for its camp (unintentional) and its scathing spotlight on pop culture and youth worship. So it remains a de rigeur film to see on the eve of one's 30th birthday, and an interesting paragraph in the history of 1970s sci-fi. The presentation of the DVD is fine. Audiophiles and videophiles may take issue with its dated sound and artifacting, but for most it's quite beautiful in DD 5.1 and TODD-AO glory. The director's commentary is interesting, but the great comments come from Michael York. Also included is a "making of" documentary, and the usual subtititles, language tracks, and bios. Very strongly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: All too true . . . Review: Between 2001 and Star Wars, you did have some fascinating sci-fi, such as "Planet of the Apes," or "Soylent Green." "Logan's Run" was one of these. Imagine a utopia where everyone has glitz and glimmer to the lees--until they turn 30. Wasn't that the hippie's motto? In any case, you are pulled into this world with Logan whose mission is to track down the runners. The fascinating thing about this film is that it is so accurate. Look at our superficial MTV age we live in, where old people are either run out, or chewed up into soylent green. This movie was years ahead of its time. By the way, it was parodied on Simpsons episode BABF16 - Kill the Alligator and Run, where the vee-jay is retires and replaced by a younger vee-jay.