Rating:  Summary: A sci-fi story about deception on a life and death level. Review: An inexpensive little sci-fi film that's fun to watch. The plot involves young people living in a society where those over the age of 30 are recycled to be born again. Of course this is nonsense, and Michael York catches on. The viewer becomes caught up not in the sets or acting but in the idea of this society and the unravelling of the truth about it. Particularly entertaining is Peter Ustinov who is discovered "outside" and is, to the amazement of the hero and his beautiful companion, Jenny Agutter, oddly, an old man. Don't expect "Star Wars," just enjoy the story. Sidelight: A short-lived TV series was spun off from the film in the late '70's.
Rating:  Summary: Very Entertaining, isn't that was movies are about. Review: I loved it back then and still love it now.... and am thrilled it's now on DVD. I can still hear the women's voice in the back ground that spoke to the mall people. Wow, what a voice!! Who was that women?
Rating:  Summary: Striking, despite flaws Review: I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Logan's Run fan, if such a thing exists, and was overjoyed to see the film released to DVD. The transfer looks great, and the letterboxed format preserves the lovely cinematography.The acting is, by and large, pretty good. Michael York, Jenny Agutter and Richard Jordan are all in fine form. Peter Ustinov chews scenery in his portions of the film, but isn't that what you put him in a movie for?The visual effects won an Oscar back in '76, pre-Star Wars. I would place their quality somewhere above Marooned, but below 2001:a Space Oddyssey. The Aerial view of the city that opens the film looks really cheesy, but the Carrousel sequence is downright eerie. It is even more remarkable when you learn that the whole sequence was done in-camera, on-set with no compositing aside from the white beam of light that emanates from the ceiling. The compositing and matte paintings are breathtaking.The film takes a lot of flak for its costumes and for looking like it was shot in a shopping mall. I think the costumes are moot--who know what we'll be wearing in the future? These people live in a hedonistic, weather-free society. It stands to reason that they would be very revealing and purely cosmetic for those very reasons. As far as the look of the sets goes--this is a materialistic, consumer-mad, hermetically sealed society that the film portrays--of course its going to look like a shopping mall.The film is not exactly an accurate representsation of the events in the book (something I wouldn't mind seeing someday). Budgetary, time and technological constraints would made doing so impossible at the time. Still, it holds up well on its own merits.One last note: Am I the only one who finds the love story angle of this movie touching? It's interesting to see two people experiencing love for the first time, especially in the world portrayed in Logan's Run, where people don't have lasting emotional ties to one another.What the love story kind of implies is that this is the first time in hundreds of years that people have thought and felt in terms of strong emotions for each other. In an era like our own where the word is bandied about so much as to be meaningless, it's refreshing to see a future where its meaning is rediscovered.
Rating:  Summary: The best 30th Birthday gift on the planet! Review: The gist of this movie is what happens when a society takes youth worship too the extreme. I've bought several copies for friends on their big 3-0, and this movie always provides the needed counter-balance to the "I'm getting old" self pity. Plus this is a fine example of good old fashioned B-movie sci-fi that is funny by trying to be so earnest.
Rating:  Summary: Logan's Run is cool! Review: Hey, I liked the movie! I remember seeing "Logan's Run" when I was a kid and the story moved me so much that last year I invited some friends over for my 30th birthday party and we watched it and had a good time. Granted, it wasn't some of Farah Fawcett's best work, but Michael York and the cast did a great job, the story is good, and it's worth it just to see Washington DC covered with plants. I'm looking forward to seeing it on DVD. It's a great piece of Sci-Fi history, and now that I'm on "the other side" I can say with confidence, "Yes, Virginia...there IS life after 30!" Buy "Logan's Run"!
Rating:  Summary: Total silliness... Review: Logan's Run might be entertaining if you're 10 years old and you're too naive to know any better. But for anyone much older than that, the movie is just embarrassing. Bad acting, bad special effects, you name it. If there are any good movies about people trying to escape from a repressive future society, this isn't one of them.
Rating:  Summary: There's nothing sadder than a dead fish Review: Michael York is delicious in this odd movie version of a rather frightening book, but with a script full of winner lines like the one above, and an ending that takes the teeth out of the author's meaning , it falls a bit short from its original inception. Additionally, the original age of compulsory death was 21, not the 30's, which ran more ice through the veins of the readers. Still, the concept is fascinating, and the dysutopia presented is alarming in its all-too-possible premise.
Rating:  Summary: This IS Sanctuary! Review: Yes it's bizzare,yes it has cheesy sets and costumes and YES it stars Michael Work and Farrah Fawcett but I DON"T want to see some really untalented modern day hack director come along and turn this classic into a needlessly dark,grungy Generation X sci-fi flick!"Logan's Run" thin veneer of cheese gives it it's charm-the movie IS very well constructed and the plot is brilliant!It's message-that paradise may no be where or what one thinks is something people in this modern age should take to heart.And I actually LIKE the slightly homoerotic feel of the first half of the film.And the special effects were good in their time (unless you call todays already corny computer animation a brilliant move).Not to make a pun but for classic science fiction fans this is a movie to run to but PLEASE MODERN-DAY HOLLYWOOD;DON'T SCREW THIS UP WITH REMAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: A bit excentric, but absolutely worth watching. Review: This is an awsome movie, even by today's standards. Granted the special effects can sometimes look corny or cheesy, but for the time when this movie was produced, the effects were top notch. The story line goes like this. It is the year 2275. Disasters have forced what remains of civilization into a self contained, domed city. No one goes outside the city becuase they all beleive it to be a barren wasteland, incapable of supporting life. This is because it WAS that way when the city was founded, but that was over a hundred years ago. Since the city was founded, there was realised a great need to maintain the population to acceptable levels. So, it is determined that at age 30 you will "terminate". If you do not want to end your life at 30, you can participate on the "Carosel" on your "Last Day" (30 years to the day of your birth). The recorded message basically says that if you have a strong enough desire to renew, you will. Renewing gives you an unstated amount of extra time. If you are ready to end, you don't have to participate on Carosel. However, there exist a few people who don't want to follow the rules. They "run" from their fate. To prevent people from running (as well as for general law enforcement) there are a group of cop like folks. Each is refered to as a SandMan. It is their responsibility to enforce law in the domed city, and to track down anyone who decides to run, and terminate them. Now meet Logan 5. He's a sand man, and he loves his job. But one day when he is doing his job and terminates a runner, he finds an Ankh on the runner. He doesn't think much of it. So he picks it up with the rest of the runner's belongings, and heads back to HQ to be "debriefed". But the central computer DOES recognise the Ankh. It is determined to be a symbol associated with a legenday place called Sanctuary, where runners can go and hide and live out their life normally (as you and I would consider normal). The computer determines that Sanctuary must be either right on the inside of the dome, or outside the city. Logan 5 is assigned to find sanctuary, and destroy it. And so begins his Grand adventure, during the process of which he leaves the city, Falls in love with his "partner in crime, Jenny" (which is strictly forbidden in the city), Finds a man who has more cats than I could count, and returns to the city to try and stop the madness. A very good movie on all counts. It should have been more popular.
Rating:  Summary: "There is no Sanctuary" Review: Now that apocalyptic visions of the future are back in vogue, this movie reassumes its original "resonance" with audiences worried about population pressures and violent conflict between nations. Logan's Run was one of a very few "philosophical" science fiction movies in the pre-Star Wars era, and it has lost very little of its original punch. The setup and surprises are so familiar that they are a part of our modern culture...if life is to be idyllic, it has a dark side, and you die young so that the domed city doesn't become overcrowded. A pre-catastrophe symbol, the "ankh", allows "runners" to signal each other and participate in the underground railroad that leads to "sanctuary" outside the domes. All does not go as planned, and Logan and Jessica find that there is nothing left of the old civilization to assist them following their escape. You know how it ends...is humanity any better off than it was before? Unlike Star Wars, "Logan" leaves something to think about afterwards. The significance of this story is still being decided.