Rating:  Summary: A Trillion Stars! Review: This movie was absolutely EXCELLENT!!! Just as I imagined it in my vision of the book! It was so true to the story line! Of course, it had a small few variations, but what can one expect! I loved all of it, from the very beginning, to the very end. It is a great visual for the people who have read the book, and a great story for those who haven't! All together, great Entertainment. J.K. Rowling's story is truly wonderful! It's the new Wizard of Oz! GO! See this movie! ************************************************************
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Film Adaptation of a Childrens Story Since "OZ" Review: I am a great fan of the Potter books, so my whole family flocked to see it on opening day. Although only me and my brother had read the books, the whole family loved it! It stays true to the book! That's a rare thing. We all felt that the 2 1/2 hours went by too fast. My only problem with it was that in some scenes, the computer animation is up to par with that of Star Wars 1. But in other scenes, computer animated kids falling off brooms look worse than some graphics that you find in a video game made 3 years ago. The acting was top drawer! Daniel Radcliffe is the best Harry Potter! I hope Warner Bros. has him play Harry for all 7 films. For being enexperienced actors, all 3 leading children did a fantastic job. Out of the 4 books out now, this one isn't my favorite, but it's not the worst. I liked the 3rd on best. Then my order goes number 4, 1, and 2 is my least favorite. In "The Sorcerer's Stone", Harry Potter has grown up with his mean Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin who make him sleap in a closet under the stairs. On his 11th birthday, he finds out that he is a wizard and that he is famous for nearly destroying one of the greatest dark wizards of all time. His journey begins at Hogwarts, a school for witches and Wizards. When he and his 2 friends, Ron and Hermoine, find out that the Sorcerer's stone, wich can revive the dark wizard to full health, is hidden in the school and have reason to believe that a teacher is trying to get it for the wizard, it's up to the 3 to stop him! If you liked the books, you'll love the movie and discover many new surprises along the way. If you have never read a book, I suggest you try this film because it's a wonderful story that anyone of every age can relate to!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful visuals...some terrific scenes Review: I have been waiting for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for over a year, and was thrilled when if finally opened. I wasn't sure what to expect, but hoped for the best. The movie has some really terrific moments. The actors playing the older characters, Dumbledore, McGonagal, Hagrid and Hooch for example, are truly the best of the best. They obviously had been well coached on their characters, and all were wonderful. And I don't think anyone could have played Snape better than Alan Rickman. He really did look like "an overgrown bat"! The children were good, but don't expect the same quality of acting. Many are very definitely new to the acting world, and their performances are a bit stiff. Emma Watson is a bit overwhelming as Hermione Granger, and I hope that in the future she will be able to tone done the "know-it-all" routine. Rupert Grint was a good Ron Weasley, and really seems the most comfortable of the leading trio of Potter, Granger and Weasley. He has some of the better lines and delivers them well. Dan Radcliffe is a good choice for Harry, but sometimes he seems a bit stiff. He doesn't have as many of the naturally funny lines as he has in the book, but he has a wonderful moment in front of the Mirror of Erised. He has a depth of emotion that you don't always see in someone so young, but it didn't always come through to the audience as well as it could. The movie displays some spectacular effects, not the least of which is the Quidditch Match. It very exciting, and really is reminiscent of the the Pod Race in Star Wars I. But it was a lot more violent than expected, and some younger kids may find it overwhelming. The giant chess set was spectacular, but again it may be a bit overwhelming for some. The sets too, were wonderful, and things looked so similar to the book's descriptions. And to tie all of these elements together, a wonderful soundtrack. The music will probably become as familiar as the theme to "Jaws" or "Jurassic Park". The movie was fun, but some people will be disappointed. There are little details that may not be important to the overall feel of the movie, but they will be important to the "Potter Purists" out there. There are some people who will hate this movie because there have been some changes, and it isn't exactly like the book. But, the movie is already 2 and 1/2 hours long, without those changes the film would have lasted for much longer. If there are still people who haven't read the book, and I sometimes feel there aren't many of those left, this will be a wonderful introduction the world of Harry Potter. And hopefully it will spur them on to read the books. In the meantime, go to see the movie and imagine what it would be like to be able to fly on a broomstick.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Review: Where do I begin? HP and Sorcerer's Stone was excellent in its own way, but having read the book, I find that I wanted more. The movie could have been four hours long to do the book justice. Many characters had little or no recognition: the Slytherin students hating on Harry and his friends, Percy, the Weasley twins... And Daniel should sharpen his developing acting skill. [Emma and Rupert were excellent!!!] But the movie had high points, like the visuals, which are eye-candy. And some laughs. Quidditch was absolutely AMAZING!!!
Rating:  Summary: Lived up to my expectations. Review: Yes, I was not that thrilled with choice of director, but (...) loved the movie. The child actors were fantastic, and the movie remained quite true to the book. Actually, at 2 1/2 hours, it was STILL too short! (...)
Rating:  Summary: a gret movie Review: this is a great movie. go see it!!!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: I have to say this was THE best movie EVER! I saw it about an hour ago and LOVED it! It really brought the books to life. Chris Columbus did an excellent job of directing. The cast was brilliant! I can't wait to see it again even though I just saw it!
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie!!! Review: Not being a big Harry Potter fan UP TILL NOW, I went to see this movie expecting it to be corny and for kids. But I was very wrong. I enjoyed this movie from beginning to end. Don't think your "too cool" for this movie. This movie is a family movie but I also will tell you that you should go by the rating, PG, for violent reasons. I recommend this to EVERYBODY. And I believe this is not an "evil" film as some of you say. I think it is only evil if you take it as reality and believe in it. This is just a fun family film with fairytale wizardy as you parents read in books as children. Just enjoy it and explain to your kids it's not real. It was worth every penny!!!
Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful Surprise !1 Review: I haven't read the books but loved the movie. My husband got me interested in the story. I loved that there were alot of good morals in the movie as well as great actor/actresses.
Rating:  Summary: the movie melted! Review: I have to admit it, I'm absolutely crazy about Harry Potter. I've (obviously) read all the books, gone to the websites, and know the words of the trailers by heart. I worked things out so that I could go to the 12:00 show on Friday. I was almost crying when the movie began-- it's so exciting, sitting there, seeing Privet Drive up on the screen. It's finally happening. It's true that I noticed every single little thing that was added, everything that was changed, everything that was cut. ("He gets a 'pick-me-up' after Gringotts, not Hedwig!" "He clicks the Put-Outer twelve times!" "He doesn't only try two wands before finding the right one!" "Don't the Dursleys take him to Platform 9 3/4?") My sisters and I also poked each other every time a line from the trailers came on!! This movie is definitely more enjoyable if you've read the books, but if you know the basic plot, you can follow along. The movie isn't as good as the books, but are they ever as good as the books? I didn't expect the movie to be as good as the books, but for what it was, it was pretty good. They added in some funny parts (like when Dudley falls into the snake's cage and gets trapped behind the glass; that's not in the book, or when the chocolate frog starts hopping). Emma, Rupert and Daniel are so cute, you just can't help loving them. The Gryffindor common room looks exactly like how I imagined it. Quidditch looks incredible -- they move so fast! The music was great, and I definitely plan on buying the soundtrack. I did have a few problems with the movie. The troll looked strange, I can't place my finger on it, but I didn't like it. I didn't like Diagon Alley either. It was too harsh of a contrast. Diagon Alley looked like it came from the Medieval Ages. It just didn't match what my mind had conceived. Some parts that they had cut I missed. I didn't like it when Harry dissed Draco in public, rather than on the train. ("I think I know what wizards are the right sort, thank you" or something to that extent.) My number one problem with the movie, however, was that I DIDN'T GET TO FINISH IT. The film melted, or something like that, and I missed about an hour of it. :( Still, I wanted to review it. GO SEE THIS MOVIE-- it's definitely worth your money. But know that it IS better if you've read the books.