Rating:  Summary: way better than the sequels Review: A classic of Fantasy cinema, it made Arnold's career and spawned a thousand sequels and imitations that could never live up to the original.Widescreen, uncut and wonderfully crisp, the DVD version really brings out the epic proportions of this film, making it that much better. Having not seen the widescreen versions in ages, it was easy to be struck by the great cinematograhy, and just the look of the whole thing. Plus it's got some great behind-the-scenes info on the movie and it's stars that worth it in itself. I highly recommend this one.
Rating:  Summary: Conan the Barbarian - my opinion Review: In my life were not many films that did make me fascinated, but Conan the Barbarian was (except Cameron's Aliens) the only film i can say it's great! This film is really professional-made. I suppose that major factor is excellent soundtrack of Basil Poledouris, very nice camera and good direction of John Millius. I say: who never saw this, he cannot be a good barbarian!
Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable, entertaining and rousing adventure Review: A movie that has a lot to answer for. The film "Conan the Barbarian" is not as good as author Robert E. Howard's best Conan tales (see "Hour of the Dragon," "Black Colossus," or "People of the Black Circle") but it is prettty damn good. Far better than its sequel and imitators, with a great score by Basil Poledouris and some nice turns by co-script writer Oliver Stone. Director John Milius is far better than Hollywood has ever given him credit for (see his excellent "The Wind and the Lion," one of my favorites) or the fine recent (1998) cable movie "Roughriders." Milius gives the film a sweep and a tone that comes closer than any other in capturing Howard's dark vision of Conan. With that great last fade out of the bearded Schwarzenegger as King of Aquilonia. Arnold is also very good, probably the best he's ever been. It would be very interesting to see him as an older, wiser Conan in the later story "Phoenix on the Sword." James Earl Jones is a little goofy as Thulsa Doom, and that giant snake looks a little fake for a big Hollywood production but in the end a satisfying viewing experience with lots of little nice moments: the great opening sequence, the Genghis Khan quote, the attack on Thulsa Doom's pleasure palace. END
Rating:  Summary: Couldnt have picked a better Conan Review: "Conan, what is best in life?" "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!" The first time you see Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie, you realize within an instant, that there could have been no better actor to play Conan. Arnie is Conan. This is one of the best Action/Adventure films of all time, with a great musical score and good directing. The movie, which probably didnt have a huge budget, still comes off with an epic feel to it. There are few good Sword & Sorcery films out there, this is one of the best. Buy this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: The best Epic movie that exists!!! Review: When does a movie become classic? When it tops the box office? When it has thousands of supporting actors, or a great budget? Maybe when it has a dozen of well known actors. The way I understand classic is this: Whenever I watch this movie on the tv I am hooked! Everytime that I see Conan and listen to the glorius soundtrack feels like seeing it for the first time. That is even when I have seen this movie for a hundred times. You never get bored by watching this movie. So when I think of the best movie in epic Conan the Barbarian comes first in my mind. Not poor Troia, not the Gladiator. The lord of the Rings could come in my mind but it doesn't (another masterpiece). Sometimes Braveheart feels like the best classic or even Spartacus. -"Legend" seems even more epic but it leans more to the fantasy side- But I am sure of it. Conan topps them all. Half the value of the movie is the soundtrack. Poleduris is fantastic and I believe that there is no person who will doubt the value of this soundtrack. He respects Howard's creation and pays tribute by making this movie glorius with his music. Many tried to copy him through the years but he was the first who set the standards with his creation from another time. Arnold Swatzeneger could instead be the president of the US at that time than being the governor of California nowadays!! He could have done it with his sword!! If you don't believe me just watch the movie!!! Everybody that worked in this movie actors, and producers knew what they where doing and loved what they where doing. This is how classics are made. This review is not to persuade you to buy the cd or anything. It is just my way to say thanks for such a great movie to exist. A movie that from start to the end makes you one with the character and lets you compare it with other hollow movies that like to call themselves epic movies.
Rating:  Summary: Conan Special Edition Review: I will not bore you with a synopsis of the Conan story. This review refers to the new "special edition" DVD. The film appears to have been remastered as many scenes that were "washed out" in previous versions are robust in vibrant color and display. The main features of this DVD are the amusing commentary track from director John Milius and Arnold Swartzenegger. They provide a scene by scene discussion of the film that is both humorous and informative, the only drawback being that it has obviously been a long time since either has seen the film. Other attractions are an extended ending sequence as well as additional scenes throughout the rest of the film. These scenes are often very short, alternate cuts or truly content altering sequences as in the entire ending on Thulsa Doom's mountain. The DVD also has an extensive pre-production storyboard illustration section that documents the costume and staging presentations. For those of us who have enjoyed and possibly worshipped this film, this is the definitive version. It even comes with an amusing outtake of Arnold being dragged off of the rocks by wolves.
Rating:  Summary: The ultimate edition of the ultimate sword & sorcery movie Review: This is the sort of DVD fans dream of. To begin with, there's the crisp, bold visual & audio transfer and the wide-screen format. These stand out even more after years of suffering through the murky, muddy video release with its dull colors and muted, blurred soundtrack --- further disfigured by the indignity of pan & scan presentation. Here Ron Cobb's gorgeous visual design and the epic boldness of the staging & cinematography are given full scope. And in this DVD, the dialogue is never lost, and one can even hear subtle sound effects. Basil Poledouris' magnificent score roars and sings, never distorted and never washing out the actors --- which is refreshing after the disappointing videotape version. But wait, it gets even better. This version features extended scenes integrated into the feature (as well as deleted scenes in the fine Bonus Materials section, which features interviews with Schwarzenegger, Bergman, Jones, Lopez, Milius, Cobb, Von Sydow and others, as well as a marvelous gallery of production art, publicity materials, & production photos). This new footage includes an additional scene before the climactic Battle of the Mounds, and an extended use of the kidnapped Princess during Conan's final confrontation with Thulsa Doom. This footage (including alternate takes never before released) adds a weird note of eerie beauty and pathos to the dramatic final fight and Conan's ritualistic attempted suicide. This is a gorgeous presentation of a powerfully dramatic film that obviously was a labor of love to all concerned in its making. CONAN THE BARBARIAN is what all DVD's should be. Even if you've invested in a previous release of this film, don't pass up this version. Movie fans and Robert E. Howard admirers won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie, but the director's cut isn't an improvement. Review: The additional material in the director's cut left me unimpressed. I wish they had just included those scenes as optional extras, as I'd rather have a nice version of the theatrical release. Although I'm happy to see some fresh material, I think the extra footage actually detracts from the experience when viewed as part of the movie.
Rating:  Summary: And if you do not listen, then to hell with you!! Review: "Know, O Prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars - Hither came Conan the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand,a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth,to tread the jeweled thrones of the earth under his sandled feet."
There are many people out there, who treasure the character created by Robert E.Howard above anything else. Conan the Barbarian is neither an ordinary comic book character nor a character easy to comprehend for the average mainstream guy, but a legend of his own. That's why when the story of Conan is adapted into screenplay there has to be no compromise,because Conan himself would prefer to break instead of to bend. And that's why I don't want anyone to make a new version of Conan because I know that, in order to make it marketable, they are going to soften and ruin everything that he truly represents.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is neither sullen eyed nor black haired, but I can not recall any other names who could have made a better Conan. Having quited bodybuilding in 1975 as the world's best to make a carreer in the movie business, Austrian oak started weight lifting again to get into shape for this movie. Realizing how good he gets, he returns to the competitition stage in 1980 and wins another Mr.Olympia title(equivalent to being world's best)altough claimed to be highly controversial decision by many.
Costumes, effects etc are very good if you consider the technology available at those days. I enjoyed this movie a lot even tough it was not perfect. The acting and the storywriting could have been better. But one has to remember that it is not an easy task to adapt Conan and Robert E.Howard's world into the screen, and what's accomplished here should not be underrated.
One question regarding the movie for a true Conan fanatic like me is, can you see the spirit of Robert E Howard's Conan the Barbarian throughout the movie? The answer is probably not...Seeing a bowing and shamefaced Conan in front of King Osric, or a beaten, exhausted and broken down Conan in front of Thulsa Doom is not a sight that you would see in the Comics or read in the novels, and those scenes seemed very absurd and annoying to me because Conan bows to noone.
However there are a couple of scenes that displays the spirit and thus I really enjoyed. One of them is the opening scene where Conan's father tells him about the riddle of steel.(This you can trust!) But the scene that I enjoyed most is the one in which Conan prays to Crom for revenge, and adds in the end:And if you do not listen, then to hell with you!!
Rating:  Summary: Director's Cut Should Be Cut Review: I own both the 1998 DVD release and the Director's Cut (Collector's Editon). Crom, the 1998 release is by far the better version. The Collector's Edition adds in unnecessary scenes. There is even a scene where Conan is talking philosophy! It just doesn't fit in. The added scenes feel 'forced' into the movie. The film WAS perfect. I can't watch the Collector's Edition without feeling disappointed. If you can get a copy of the 1998 DVD release, go for it. The picture is not as nicely finished as the Collector's Edition, but you really don't notice any flaws as you watch the movie. My dream scenario is for a new release of the original movie with a more finished picture. I would pay a third time for this movie if they were to do that. Love Conan... hate the Director's Cut.