Rating:  Summary: DVD transfer is mediocre at best. Review: The movie is good, but the transfer is mediocre. While it is superior to the VHS standard, it is only barely so, and does not live up to the quality we expect in a DVD. This is one that needs a new transfer, with a qualified team, and lots of extras to get us to pay another $10 for a new disk. Mine is about to be a coaster.
Rating:  Summary: Highlander DVD is Awseome, buy it! Review: This review is of the DVD itself not the film. Many on this page say the DVD edition is of poor quality. I greatly disagree. I currently own 193 DVDs. This one is one of the best performing DVDs in picture quality and sound quality. If you dont want to buy this DVD then get the laserdisc. Never settle for VHS unless the film HAS NOT OR WILL NOT BE RELEASED ON DVD IN THE NEAR FUTURE. VHS is of poor quality and costs more that it should cost. As far as I'm concerned all VHS films should be priced under $10. It is a waste to spend money on a VHS edition of this film. Buy this DVD while its cheap and you will enjoy it as I have. The sound is amazing and loud and enjoyable. The picture is astoundingly clear mostly due to the THX digitally remastered transfer. Buy this DVD now or dont buy the film at all if you dont have a laserdisc player.
Rating:  Summary: The worst DVD I have bought Review: FIrst off let me tell you that I love the movie. I bought it when it was just availabl in pan and scan, I then bought the VHS letterbox, and now I bought this one.This is an atrocious transfer. On my dinky 26 inch TV I feel like I can count the Pixels being used. The sound is not much better, I have to remember to turn the sound down after watching it, lest I blast myself out on the next video I watch, or CD I listen to.
Rating:  Summary: The Highlander Review: The poorest image quality I'v yet seen on a DVD. Sound was decent but the video transfer from film to DVD is truly poor. Viewed on a 53" Sony RPTV. Poor image would be much less noticeable on a 27" or so tube TV.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your money on the DVD! Review: I am a huge Highlander fan and this DVD is terrible. I have never seen a DVD with such poor video quality. I have it on VHS which is the only way to go. The producers of Highlander did a diservice to fans by releasing an extremely sub-par version on DVD. Great movie, bad presentation. Save your money!
Rating:  Summary: Worst waste of money i EVER spent on a rental Review: I got into the whole Highlander scene watching the series on USA. I was so hooked i even watched the animated series, but this was absolutely awful. This was just a paycheck for Christopher Lambert, he didn't put any pizazze into this character at all. I found myself wondering what had posessed me to rent this in the first place. The sword fights were even bad, i mean its just sword action, can't go wrong there i would think. I wouldn't watch this again if it was the only thing on at 4am during and insomneia fit.
Rating:  Summary: In the end, there can be only one. Review: Yes. The film, that created the Immortal franshine. The original "Highlander" film, starring Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery, the inspiration of the TV shows that came later, its simply a cult classic, with Christopher Lambert (in his BEST performance -along ith MK, HL:TS:TG and HL:TFD- as the Highlander) playing a murning, depresed, lonely and tragic hero, Connor McLeod, who must fight other Immortals, until the time of the Gathering, and Sean Connery playing McLeod's mentor, Juan Sunchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez (originally Tak-Ne, in the novelization of the film), who learnes to Connor who to defend himself, to hide his special skills, until the time of the Gathering. The Time of the Gathering has come (as The Kurgan, McLeod, Kastagir and others thought, but they were wrong) in 1985, and McLeod must face The Kurgan, to revenge the death of his mentor 450 years ago, and try to get him away from the Prize. I don't have nothing to say. The film is a classic. I will only tell you that the Director's cut was the the original movie, but because Bill Panzer (...producer) thought that the scenes were unusefull, he ordered Malcahy to cut it. What a foolish move..... One word: GREAT...
Rating:  Summary: Don't loose your head. Review: Highlander was my favorite movie for a few years. I am fascinated by immortality themes and that is basically what this film is all about. There is also a lot of great sword fights and a bit of romance as well, which never hurts. Christopher Lambert was born to play this role. His accent and looks are exotic enough for us to truly believe that he has been around as long as he says. And let's not forget Sean Connery. He performs with his usual flair, managing to shine without stealing all of the lime light.
The story is set in the present but has numerous flash backs to times historic. We see Macleod's beginnings, when he discovers he can not die and is cast out of his village accused of being a servant of the devil. The love of his life adds a little depth to his character and then we discover how he learned his amazing sword skills. Another immortal, Ramirez, far older than the young Macleod, takes him under wing as protection from the enemy of all decent immortals, the Khirghan. And what a great bad guy he is. The Khirghan's lust for life, death and horror is boundless. In the end there can be only one. Which makes for a great excuse for every immortal to duke it out, and the only way to win is decapitate of the opponent.
Lastly the score needs a special mention. Queen created a few dedicated pieces for this film and we also get some old favorites. The one song that stands out is Freddie's version of New York, New York, what a ripper. A note of caution though. Do NOT consider watching the sequel to Highlander as it is excrement. The third movie was tolerable but not in the same class as the original. And the TV series was passable but the script is pathetic. If you want to stay pure, only watch the first movie and do not be tempted by these others that seek to ride on the back of their betters.
Rating:  Summary: The DVD quality is like a stuffed hagas Review: This is one of my all time favorite films. This is a film that has inspired many things, among them two mediocre sequals and a epic masterpiece of a series. The camera angles were ahead of their time and the cinematography was outstanding. The soundtrack is a pump you up and leave you crying, suited perfectly for this tale. The reason this classic gets three stars instead of five is the crackly picture and the lack of special features. If you love this movie like I do buy it. If you want a perfect DVD retool your thought process and wait for the next edition.
Rating:  Summary: Poor quality DVD Review: If you really like the movie, can get a good deal on it, and won't be paranoid that your DVD player is on the fritz, then buy it. The picture is worse than a typical new VHS tape, but the sound is 5.1 (though only fair in quality).