Rating:  Summary: A fitting third chapter in the "JP" book Review: Having just returned from the theaters to view this film, I figured it was my duty to stop by Amazon.com and express my views to my fellow movie fanatics who may stop by here to see what people thought.As I stated in the title, this is a fitting third chapter in the series. It lacks a bit in the acting department and story development, but more than makes up for it with the special effects and excitement. As the titles have gone on, the dinosaurs have gotten more and more realistic, to the point in this one where they are seamlessly integrated into the story. I won't give anything a way here, which makes it a bit tough to tell you about any of these scenes, but suffice to say that this movie will, as the others in this series have done, amaze you with the level of work gone into the detail of the dinosaurs. Again, as I said before, the plot of this movie will not garner it a "Best Picture" nomination, but neither will it severely disappoint you. Just remember, it's a summer blockbuster, a popcorn movie in a series of popcorn movies, and if you go in with that mindset, you'll have a fun time at this movie! Just go out and see it now, and stop reading these cheesy reviews!
Rating:  Summary: Fun, scary and more entertaining than the last Review: What makes Jurassic Park 3 better than the last is that eventhough it's a lot shorter, it's more pleasing. Some of the humor doesn't really work, for example Sam Neil has a dream of a raptor talking to him which is kind of funny but doesn't really fit in the film. Still though for a 90 minute film JP3 does have the most entertaining edge of your seat action of any of them. The dinosaurs are scarier than ever, that Spinesauras is terrifying, plus Joe Johnson knows how to use him. You probably won't care about seeing a T-Rex in the next after seeing him. Although the film just ends and doesn't leave you thinking "WOW", instead you're like "it's over ?", it's funny how it still manages to be satisfying though. Plus it's good to see the underapreciated Sam Neil back because I think he's one of the missing elements that Lost World needed. It was kind of hard to take Jeff Goldbluim serious in Lost World after he was so wacky in the first, plus him having a black kid didn't help much. Speaking of kids, the one in the 3rd is less annoying than the ones in the others, but still in part 4 leave the kids at home!
Rating:  Summary: Jurassic Park 3 Kicks Review: This movie was awesome! I just saw it today. I think it was just as good as the first. I didn't really like The Lost World, but this was soooooo COOL. It could've been better if they made it longer, but Hey! When I get the DVD, I can check out the deleted scenes. I highly reccomend this movie to dinosaur lovers. (Not for Barney Lovers)
Rating:  Summary: No Spielberg...No JP3 Review: I waited patiently for today. Being an avid Jurassic Park fan, I spent my lunch seeing the premiere showing of Jurassic Park 3 here in San Bernardino, CA. I was truly disappointed. It insulted my intelligence with a horrible plot and unbelievably weak script. It is an insult to Spielberg's initial classic and its sequel (The Lost World). Don't get me wrong, it is a visual spectacle and you get the chance to see and hear the dino's munch and crunch everyone in site, but it has no substance. And yes, Spielberg had nothing to do with this one. It shows. the music by John Williams. Dr. Grant is back and Laura Dern, who starred in the first film but passed on the second, has a limited role...it should have been expanded. I heard on the radio this morning that after Spielberg saw this film, he wants to do JP4. He'd better. Or I won't waste my money. Go see it if you just want to be entertained. It never taxes your brain. It may insult your intelligence as I mentioned before. Based on my summer movie experience, even Scary Movie 2 and all of its raunchiness was better. I definitely recommend Spielberg's Artificial Intelligence and the recent Final Fantasy over this one. However, if you've never seen JP1 or 2, you may enjoy this because a standard wouldn't have been set. If I was Spielberg, I'd sue. But he sold the rights to this flop and WE, the viewers, pay the price.
Rating:  Summary: Action packed and suspenseful. Review: I just saw Jurassic Park 3, and it was great! The dinos were great and the addition of the Spinosaurus was cool. I think it should have been longer, but it was still good. Too bad Spielberg didn't direct. Oh well... I think all 3 Jurassic Park movies were great! (That's right, I think The Lost World is great!) If you liked the first two, or just the first, you should see this. Definitely keeps you interested.
Rating:  Summary: Just got back from seeing JP3 Review: I'm the biggest Jurassic Park fan ever. When I was little, I loved dinosaurs, like a lot of other little boys. When I was 7 I saw a preview at the movie theater for Jurassic Park. I caught a glimpse of something beyond pictures of dinosaurs in a book, or claymation on discovery channel. Even though I was 7, I still knew the dinos in this upcoming movie were, of course, not real, but they looked real, and they sounded real, and they were believable. Watching the scene in the first Jurassic Park movie in which Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler are rendered speechless upon seeing a brachiosaurus, a "real" dinosaur, and watching the brachiosaur eat branches off a tree, is what you call "Movie Magic". It still sends shivers down my spine. The movie was beautiful, and it was perfect movie storytelling. What I saw today was merely a commercial for the hordes of Jurassic Park III items onsale. Not only does it not have the spirit of the first movie, it, quite frankly, doesn't have spirit. The very predictable story could have been written on a napkin with a Crayola marker, the dialogue could have been penned by a 6 year old playing with his Jurassic Park action figures, and the acting is pretty bad, especially that annoying little kid. He could have taken a lesson from Joseph Mazzello and Ariana Richards, the Tim and Lex of the first film. Without ruining the movie, let me tell you about it. It starts with a little story, goes into a little action, and let me remark that the action sequences are actually pretty exciting. You start thinking that the dino graphics are amazing, and the action may make up for the lack of story. The thing is, before you can finish that thought, the movie's over! After only 93 minutes (Jurassic Park: 127 minutes; Lost World: 129 minutes)the pathetic ending is well done with, and the credits run. The trilogy is over. Disappointing. Yeah Spielberg wasn't at his best in The Lost World, Joe Johnston just kills it. Forget it, man. The movie is pathetic. The visuals are top notch, but mature people need more. Go to see a few minutes of some new dinos chasing new characters. You won't see more than 30 seconds of the T. Rex that was the king of the first 2 movies. You won't see any movie magic.
Rating:  Summary: Lost World nothing... This is a better sequel. Review: Sequels often suffer from being either too plotty (Lost World) or too reminiscent (Die Hard 2). Jurassic Park III under the control of "Rocketeer" Director Joe Johnston does neither. With this film he is saying "Look, people want to see dinosaurs" and he does that. He works well in the arena that Steven Spielberg thrust him, mixing appropriate fun with dangerous thrills and spills. The storyline is simple. Heck, there is hardly a storyline at all, just 'crash and escape.' This is something I doubt we would have seen with Spielberg at teh helm. The effects are magical with the 'live-action' dinos as well as the CGI (Its awfully hard to tell the difference thanks to Stan Winston). Based on an 'original' script that borrows from things that were unfilmable in the first 2 books, we are introduced to Flying dinos as well as the spinosaurus. So, sit down, fasten your seat belt. Keep your hands and arms inside the plane... You're in for one heck of a ride.
Rating:  Summary: A truly fun flick! Review: After the horrible "Lost World", the Jurassic Park series redeems itself with JP3 (ironically, without the vaunted directorial power of Steven Spielberg who was the one who dropped the ball with the last film). But let's not kid ourselves...Jurassic Park has never been about revolutionary film making (with the possible exception in the special effects department) or thought provoking plotlines. No, from the very beginning the first Jurassic Park film set a tone of fun, thrilling entertainment done with enough charm and intelligence to pass as respectable moviemaking. In this spirit, JP3 lives up to the original and will not disappoint. "The Lost World" was full of cheap thrills and gore but sorely lacked any real character and style, but JP3 succeeds where the previous film failed. For one thing, the characters have enough personality and liveliness to actually hold a film and make the viewer care when it looks like they're about to be eaten by a pteranodon. The quality cast brings a good amount of substance to a pretty conventional plot (this may have something to do with the fact that the front runner is Sam Neill again this time rather than Jeff Goldblum). The dialogue has some interesting exchanges ad there is a good amount of smart humor that really made me enjoy this film a lot. At times, the movie even pokes fun at itself and the Jurassic Park series at large, which makes for great fun. JP3 is definitely not without flaws though. Director Joe Johnston does a great job stepping in for Spielberg, but Spielberg still cannot be beat in the thrills department. The tension and anticipation of the first film is sorely missing. Although the CGI dinosaurs are the same (if not a bit better), Johnston simply doesn't give them the same intimidation and personality as Spielberg did in the first film. The kills are not nearly as stylish as in JP1, but they are also not as needlessly bloody and graphic as in The Lost World. The body count is actually kind of low this time around which was a bit disappointing to me. There was at least one character who really should have been dino food but for some reason they actually let this person live! I must also say that despite technological advancements in the area of CGI, much of the dino effects didn't really look all that convincing to me. Perhaps there was not enough blending of actual models along with the CGI. The movie is also a little bit on the short side and without giving away too much, I will say that the ending rescue really had a lot more potential than the anti-climactic way it turned out. The ending was a bit disappointing. The bottom line is that this film will not fill you with the same awe and wonder as the first film (yep, the first is still the best) but it is still far better than the second and it will fulfill your wish for a quality dose of cheap matinee entertainment in a summer that has so far been dsappointing.
Rating:  Summary: As Good of A Summer Movie As Your Gonna Get this year. Review: First off let me say that this movie is not about dramatic performances and plot. It's about seeing really big dinosaurs eat people and each other in very entertaining ways. In this area, the movie succeeds like neither of it's predecessors. It brings us bigger, badder dinosaurs, cooler effects sequences, and no jeff goldblum. The most exciting sequence is one in which we see the normal Dino-human beat-down, except this time, it's high in the air over a river full of jagged rocks. I can't even express how good it was to have Sam Niell's Dr. Grant back instead of Goldblum's annoying malcom. When I heard that Stephen Spielberg would not be directing, I thought this would be a bad thing. I was very wrong. Joe Johnston handled the film masterfully, making it just as intense and frightening as either of the first two in the series, if not more so. Another Great addition to this movie is the much needed humor that was missing from "lost world". Goldblum provided the humor in the original, but in "lost world" he was a serious guy with way too many lines. In this film, William H. Macy is very humorous as the father of a child who went missing on Isla Sorna 8 weeks earlier. Him and his ex-wife, played by tea Leoni, convince Grant and his student to come with them to the island, under the false pretences that they are a wealthy couple just wanting Grant to point out the sights on the island as they fly above. They give him a huge amount of money, so he decides to come along. When they get to the island, he learns that they are actually a search party looking for the lost child. The plane crashes and they are left to run from dinosaurs until help arrives. Pure Cinematic Genius. This is, along with "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" the best big budget movie of the summer. Go see it. By the way, expect JP IV sometime in the near future.
Rating:  Summary: JP3 Kicks! Review: In Jurassic Park 3, it starts out where it should. Sam Neill was excellent with Tea Leoni and William Macy. It had some laughs in it which helped sometimes. But, still Steven Speilberg didn't put the red finger in it which is why this movie got one less star.