Rating:  Summary: to short and acting was subpar Review: one of my favorite things about JP3 is it's DVD cover. I LOVE IT!!!other than that, the movie has some good moments, good shots, and then there's JP3. for one, i'm a huge fan of the T-Rex and to see it get KO'd in less than 1 minute was flat out a disgrace. two, the acting is very off in this movie. in the original Jurassic Park, the acting was AWSOME and REAL. it felt real, and made you believe like you were actually there with them in the park, and like you were being chased by the T-Rex, yet here, it's like, "oh, here comes a dinosaur, run!" acting was to dry, and then to top it off, to corny. how do we begin this movie? by two parents on the brink of a divorce who let their kids who aren't even 18 yet, go on a vacation that includes parachuting near the island of Jurassic Park? finally, this movie was to short! it runs at about 1 hour 23 minutes!?!? yet in the theater, it felt like 3 hours long. why? cause it wasn't that good. JP 3 was to fast and quick and should have been slowed down like the original film and re-casting wound not have hurt either. still, it's a Jurassic Park movie, so i had to get it. hey, i got it for $5.
Rating:  Summary: 2.8 out of 5 Review: After four years, another JURASSIC PARK sequel was in the making. JURASSIC PARK III returns Sam Neill to the role of Alan Grant, a paleontologist who is tricked into serving as a tour guide above Site B (from THE LOST WORLD) by a husband and wife millionaire team - only to discover that the "millionares" aren't what they seem, and that the island has some hungry new inhabitants. While better than THE LOST WORLD, JURASSIC PARK III is still a weak film at best; Neill is good, and Joe Johnston's directing is fine; the new music by Don Davis is fitting, but can't come near John Williams' scores; the highlight of the film, of course, again, is the dinosaurs. This time around, they're even more real than in JURASSIC PARK or THE LOST WORLD! In fact, they may even be the most realistic special effects I've ever seen. Other than that, really all you can expect is bickering/annoying parents William H. Macy and Tea Leoni, and a sequel that will provide you with nothing more than average thrills.
Rating:  Summary: Better than part 2 Review: This is the 2nd best in the series besides Jurassic Park and Lost World Jurassic Park was terrible,but part 3 has Dr.Alan Grant and his reserach crew going back to Jurassic Park and trying to fight the dinosaurs and who will win.this one is a mildly bloody chapter that's scary,violent,and even entertaining only the plot is the same and the new dinosaurs were not as scary,though a major improvement over the 2nd one.
Rating:  Summary: STOP THE INSANITY! Review: Please note that the only reason I gave this movie above one star is a terrific plane crash sequence that rivals the first two films as far as suspense goes. But aside from that...what a mess. Well, it's very fitting that this movie was released the same year a movie like Gladiator was. Gladiator was the best picture, and this was a top money maker in 2001 - the year of mediocrity. Movies are becoming more and more of the same as every year passes. I write this review in 2003, when seemingly every movie out in theaters either has a number by its title (sequels) or you can go to a video store and rent an earlier version (remakes). JP III isn't the movie that started this trend, but it certainly stepped in line. It's not a movie that can claim to be the first to do this, but it certainly can be an example of when a movie is both a sequel and a remake. Everything you see in JP III has been seen in the first two films. Lost children, adults that trick the experts into going in the first place, the experts being right about nearly everything, except when they always predict their own death...that never happens. The story is nearly identical to The Lost World...in fact, it happens on the same island The Lost World happened! This time, Ian Malcom is replaced by Alan Grant (Sam Neill), but he to is seemingly unable to shake the demons of his experiences of the first time he visited the Park. He says early on that he would never set foot on the islands inhabited by dinosaurs ever agian, until William H. Macy and Tea Leone come along with a checkbook, promising him to fund his dig for several years (didn't John hammond do the same thing eight years ago? Did he ever see that money?). They tell him that they want to explore the island, but really their son is lost on it. I think the real flaw in this movie is that, while embracing some aspects of the first two, it ignores other, more important ones. For instance, despite the fact that it's the same island as The Lost World, the landscape has totally changed. And the big thing - that new Spinosaurus. No mention of how it got there, or why no one wouldn't have seen it in the previous installment. I understand that this was supposed to be a popcorn flick, no heavy thinking, but it even fails there. The characters are flat, and you don't feel sorry at all for Macy and Leoni (I can't even remember their character names). They can stand for minutes without a dinosaur showing up, then they show up and get outrun and outsmarted by bumbling idiots who don't listen to what Grant has to say. This was a movie designed to get money, which it did. Unfortunately, Speilberg (who produced this one after directing the other two) is considering doing JP IV. Is it me or does that make anyone else shudder?
Rating:  Summary: Mumbo Jumbo Review: Besides the fact that this movie is incredibly short there are horrible plot holes. Why on Earth is there a new Dinosuar wouldn't we have heard about it in the previous movies? He kills T-rex right when we see them but if he was so superior He would have killed him a long time ago. All of the people get killed in the first few minutes. After that no one dies how is that suspenseful? The Veloceraptors talk too. This movie is very poorly written. It is as if the producers walked in and said "new dinosaur, veloceraptors talk, nobdy important dies; run with it"
Rating:  Summary: JP III Review: The third installment to the JP franchise is full of action and shows the viewer what they truly want to see in a dinosaur movie. The way the Kirby's came together and(even though they had their problems and were divorced) were sacrificing everuthing to save their son is great. Seeing how the Kiby's end up being a family again was wonderful.
Rating:  Summary: Good popcorn movie Review: I know that when I go to see a summer blockbuster movie, I cannot expect deep explorations of philosophical themes... it is just fun, and it eventually just comes down to how much do you like certain stereotypes and hate others. There is no difference whatsoever between this movie and others like The Rock, Armageddon, Batman, Spiderman, ID4 etc,etc,etc. They are all just made to entertain as many people as possible. So I don't really care if they made up a dinosaur for this movie (Spinosaur was actually a dinosaur... the one they made up a little bit for the movie was the Pteranodon, which was not like they showed it in the movie)... I just care enough to get into the movie. I liked its quick pace, I loved the character of Alan Grant, and I enjoyed seeing Tea Leoni hanging from a tree while two raptors try to reach her, as much as I enjoyed William H. Macy's clumsyness. I was so thankful that Ian Malcolm and his annoying daughter were not back almost as much as I was about the T-Rex staying in the island and eventually dying. The one big gap is not if the telephone could be heard from the belly of the dinosaur or if the military answer was too quick... the gap in this movie is simply that it is too short... It lacks one more act, a more entertaining conclusion and a couple of other deaths. What I enjoyed particularly was the crash scene until the T-Rex/Spinosaur fight, the image of the raptors running through the planes (they could have played more with these kind of images and frames) and, above all, the birdcage scene. It was fantastic, very well cut and that's the action I like to see... people running through strange enviroments and moving all around it (they start way up, a bridge, an aereal capture, parasailing, falling to the river, runnning between cliffs, etc). Well, these are the stereotypes I like to see in a blockbuster summer movie (not the world being collapsed by a rock that comes from outer space, nor Will Smith saying I make this look good or Bill Pullman: today we celebrate our independence day, puaghhh!): people being chased by huge digital or mechanical teeth, while falling, burning, exploding, etc. The stars up in the beginning od this review are not the same kind of other of my reviews. I liked this movie, I enjoyed it a lot... but in the end of the day, this is not a movie I'll be thinking much about in other terms than its own plot twists and roars. Just enjoy it... if you like this kind of entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: Makes the American Godzilla remake look like a masterpiece i Review: If you can remember the Godzilla remake by Roland Emmerich & Dean Devlin, then you must have had nightmares on how bad it was. The bad rip offs of much better movies and the extremely corny, sentimental dialogs only written to please slow adults and small children. This movie was so bad in fact that you don't need Mike and the Bots from MST3K to make fun of it, the movie writes it's own punch lines for you to say. Any movie with Matthew Broderick as an action hero should be an indication on how bad it is, and with a monster that looks more like a raptor than the Godzilla who all know and love, the recipe for failure is pretty big. Which brings us to this film which is not only one of the worse sequels ever made but probably one of the worse films made period. Sam Neil is a great actor, but the film itself is so bad that it makes him look like a buffoon. The way they tried to make him into an Indiana Jones wannabe is not only sad but also flat out laughable. He comes more a cross more like Chevy Chase than Harrison Ford. The casts of supporting characters fares no better and in some respect fare much worse. William H Macy is probably one of the best actors around but you really can't tell that by his performance here which is beyond annoying. Tea Leoni is flat out annoying as well as his wife, a woman whose scream could chip years old paint. I think the only actor who fares decent here is the late Michael Jeter, who is barely in the film at all. His performance is funny, and could have benefited the film a lot more if he was in it more. The special effects are not as impressive as they were in the last two films, and the direction is very disjointed compared to what Spielberg was able to do with the first two movies. Spielberg was able to create tension and create action scenes that can blow your socks off. Joe Johnson, who steps in for Mr. Spielberg this time around not only abandons what his predecessor had done before but completely disregards any logic that the other movies had. The first two films where about science and the dangers of tampering with nature. This film is just a strait forward monster movie that does not even have a plot to go by. The characters here are nothing more than Dinosaur food and the setting itself does not even look like the island of the last movie. There are even certain things in this film that even contradicts some of the information that was giving in the last two films, and it tries to bring in a dinosaur that was not even created in those movies. Its really sad to see Joe Johnson demean himself with a bad film like this, because he has done much better work in the past. The Rocketter is a prime example of a good comic book movie, and October Sky is a well-paced family drama that should have had more notice in the theater. With this movie, Joe looks like he just wanted to cash a pay check, and judging by the way every thing in the film was done, it looks like every one involved were doing the same thing. Which is sad in a sense because it's the fans that pay for it in the long run.
Rating:  Summary: Sloppy sloppy sloppy Review: You would think with all the people that worked on this film, someone would have been paying attention to what time of day and where this movie takes place. It is esatblshed early on the at the Jurassic Park islands are off the coast of Costa Rica. Now if you look on a map, you will see that Costa Rica is roughly the same latitude in Chicago.\ Now then, halfway through the movie, Alan decides to call Ellie on the "satillite phone" in the middle of the night (while being attacked by the dinosaur I think they just made up for this movie, I mean "Spinosaur?" Give us some credit please). Ellie's toddler picks up the phone, in the United States as her husband works for the State Department, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY! Now why didn't anyone on the production team look at a map? You might be wondering why I'm focusing on this little tidbit-- well I think this represents the quality of the movie. Say what you want about Steven Speilberg, but that man knows how to tell a story and his voice is keenly missed here. Sam Neill plays his part with gusto and the world-weariness and frustrataion one would expect, but without Jeff Goldblum to get on his nerves, it's like a mismatched pair. There is no development in Grant's character-- he's the same on and off the island. The film also pairs the slumming and wonderful William H. Macy and the chronically mediocre Tea Leoni as a couple looking for their lost son. Since you've seen movies before, you know that neither Grant nor the child is going to die. The suspense is gone.
Rating:  Summary: SHORT, SWEET, AND ACTION-PACKED Review: JURASSIC PARK - 1, was larger than life; larger than anything else that had came out of Hollywood, larger than anything that Spielberg had done before. The concept was fresh, the dinosaurs were scary, the backdrop was unimaginably awesome, and the direction, impeccable. Justifiably, it turned out to be one of the best movies ever, with a huge cult following. It was only natural that it had to be followed up by a sequel, which turned out to be a great disappointment, alas! With the high expectations raised by the first part, in an attempt to live upto the high expectations, in THE LOST WORLD, Spielberg, it seems, tried a bit too hard, making a mess of the movie altogether, making it much too long, much too boring. However, JURASSIC PARK - 3, is surprisingly much better than THE LOST WORLD, especially, since, it isn't directed by Spielberg. OK, so it has the same dinosaurs, and has them chasing around and killing the humans, who repeatedly happen to drop themselves by amongst the dinosaurs, for some strange reason or the other. Well, if THE LOST WORLD was solely about dinosaurs chasing around humans, with a very sorry ending giving out the message "don't mess with nature", this one however, has dinosaurs chasing around humans, but with the feel of a fast-paced action movie! In JURASSIC PARK - 3, the director doesn't try to complicate things by trying to bring the dinosaurs to the city and try to make a GODZILLA and a JURASSIC PARK at the same time, but concentrates wholly on the action taking place within the island itself. The movie is incredibly short, and is action-packed, with dinosaurs popping out from every corner of the screen, without a moment of respite; and before you know, the movie ends. Unlike THE LOST WORLD, the straightforwardness of JURASSIC PARK - 3 is what makes it a highly viewable movie. There are however, certain things, which this movie could have carried on from THE LOST WORLD, like JEFF GOLDBLUM, and his sarcasms, reeking with pessimism. The movie is packed with action from the first scene to the last, without trying too hard to be intelligent. Since it doesn't try to achieve much, but only try to entertain, it is short, and makes the viewer want for more.