Rating:  Summary: Best "popcorn-kick-back-and-relax" sequel of the summer! Review: JURASSIC PARK 3 was definitely the best sequal of the summer. Some people thought the plot wasn't great and the acting wasn't great...but I thought it all worked out well. This movie was meant for entertainment and enjoyment period. It wasn't supposed to be a real "intelligent, Oscar-worthy" film. The graphics and special effects were all totally cool and kicked a**. And I liked the actors that were chosen to be in this film - they are all very talented and deserved way more credit than what they got. Sure, it wasn't as exciting or as original as the first JURASSIC PARK, but it's for the people who wanted to see more dinos and know more about what happened to Jurassic Park after the first movie...for people who wanted to go further into the story. I went opening night and really enjoyed it! The only thing that bugged me was the fact that these two girls were sitting in front of me and they kept jumping at like, every time the dinos appeared on the screen. That really got annoying because they kept getting in the way!Anyways, the whole plot of the movie was that Dr Alan Grant (Sam Neill) is paid to take some tourists (William H. Macy and Tea Leoni), across the island of Jurassic Park for their honeymoon. But once they are on the island, the couple tell the real reason why they are there - the two are divorced and are looking for their son, Eric (Trevor Morgan), who got lost on the island while para sailing. Laura Dern also makes a cameo role as her original character, Ellie, now ex-girlfriend of Alan Grant. I have to say that the truly outstanding actor in this whole movie is Trevor Morgan (THE SIXTH SENSE). He is a very good young actor and was the strongest actor in this film in my own opinion. If you get the chance to go see this film this summer definitely do so because it rocks! Joe Johnston is a very good director, too and lives up to all the exceptations. Whatever you do you must see this movie on the big screen 'cause it's even better on the big screen! It most definitely is worth your $8.00! Go see JURASSIC PARK III!
Rating:  Summary: I cant believe it Review: I am a HUGE fan of jurassic park. But let me point out that the first two Jurassic Park's were both (a) Direced by Steven Speilberg who is an extraordinary and accomplished director, who has won many many awards for outstanding cinematography, plot and directing; and (b) Both movies were based on books by Michael Crichton. I believe he is one of the most distinguished writers of our time. His obsession with detail, and unparalleled ability to create complex plots while still leaving a simple story, and the fact that his books THRILL the reader make him the ideal writer of a book about dinousaurs. Now I dont know who this Joe Bloggs fellow is but he made a mockery of the very idea that is Jurassic Park: Big, scary as hell dinousaurs eating small, frightened humans. The dinousaurs basically [stunk]. I'm not talking about visually -the graphics were impressive. I am critisizing their effect as dinousaurs. What I liked about the dinousaurs in JP I and II was the terrifying intelligence and speed of the raptors, and the awesome power and strenght of the T-rex. However, in JP III a new, and frankly ugly spinosaur was found, which didn't make sense because they didn't engineer this one in JP I or II. This new addition made the T-rex look small, which it is NOT!! It was unsightly and lacked the look of a predator. The velociraptors were especially dissapointing. They didnt eat any of the humans, and their attacks were not very scary. They seemed to have lost their animality and feirce hostility to anything that moves. I was expecting blood and gore and guts and some terrifying escape-from-the-raptors scenes, but I was in vain. After all, we want to see blood and gore - thats what scares us, the fact that these animals are ruthless and terrible - terrible lizards. Not lizards that take so much care of 1 egg and then leave the humans alone. No, we want to see lizards that talk to eachother so they can eat MORE humans. I have no complaints about the Pteradons; they were well done. But again; more people, some characters to dislike, so that when these characters are ripped apart viciously, we are happy. But only 2 people died in this movie. 2! I've never seen such a lack of appetite in any dinousaur movie. Let me just repeat the comment my friend passed about this movie - "A week after I saw JP III, I was still recoiling from how much it [stunk]" Watch it, and let the movie speak for itself.
Rating:  Summary: how could anyone like this overhyped piece of junk?! Review: the only reason I am writing this review is that the rest of the reviews seem to have been written by studio executives, or people who didn't actually see the movie, for I can see no other reason why this total waste of 90 minutes could get a decent review. Where to start picking apart this terrible movie is a challenge itself, but the story seems the most appropriate place. The problem with the story was there was none. I know people are always saying I could write a better movie than that, and usually their wrong, but I honestly think that any writer could put together a better movie than this on the plane ride from San Fransisco to Los Angeles. From the first scene I was able to accurately predict which characters would live and die, and pretty much every surprise in the whole movie. The story didn't even really have an ending to speak of, it just seemed like the writer got tired of writing, and decidied to cut it off midway through. The sound, cinematography, and action were all excellent the first time you saw them, in Jurassic Park 1. The whole movie was an attempt (unsuccessful might I add) to recreate the dramatic mood and ambiance of the first movie. Unfortunately like a photocopy it came out as a blury imitation of the origional, and something that is stupid even by B movie standards. All of the actors were on complete cruise control, they seemed to realize how horrid the movie they were making was, and had the look of prostitutes just trying to get the ugly job done so they could go home. It's a shame that so much money was wasted making this movie, because it could have gone towards something productive, like paying back all the people who saw it.
Rating:  Summary: Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs Review: Who goes to see a Jurassic Park movie for the thrilling plot lines and stunning performances by human actors? No, we go to see a movie like this for the d-i-n-o-s-a-u-r-s. The very things that made Jurassic Park II so bad are absent in this movie--excessive screen time and plot spent on boring old human characters. Instead there is a nice, simple B-movie plot to this film, and a good number of shots of dinosaurs. I say good number because I would personally rather see a Jurassic Park movie where the humans are mere extras. At any rate, there is an interesting section here revolving around those villians of the first film, Velociraptors. I don't want to give away too much, but one scene in particular where Sam Neill's character tries to fool them with certain sounds was particularly great! There are also (finally) some scenes of flying dinosaurs (Pterosaurs, Pteranadons--how the heck would I know, I was a Soc. major) that go by way too quickly. The movie is very tightly edited, and runs only about an hour and a half. On the minus side, it did not appear to me that the computer-animated dinosaurs where as real looking as they were in the first two films, but they were still pretty darned good. I'll even go out on a limb and say: This is my favorite Jurassic Park movie of all three produced so far! Give us more!
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing ending Review: This film was a vast improvement over "Lost World". It was good to have Sam Neill back again as Dr. Grant. The dinosaur special effects were outstanding as usual and the overall story was fairly good. My main gripe concerns the last minute of the film. So unexpected was the ending that I actually blurted out "You've got to be kidding"! in the theater, much to my embarassment. In hindsight, I should not have been surprised as it was a typical nice, neat, Hollywood ending. In summary, I was entertained, the story and acting were fair and the dinosaur special effects were fantastic, it was just the film's tail ending that really disappointed me.
Rating:  Summary: ... review Review: In this you find it much more interesting than the first one and its more exciting. Its brilliant.
Rating:  Summary: Jarassic Park III Review: I thought this movie was not quite long enough,but I did like it.It had a great plot and characters,and well as some wit and humor.I missed Jeff Goldblum,but liked Sam Neil's return.I did however,not like the fact that the musical score was not entirely composed by John Williams,but the music worked.I think that this movie is almost as good as the others,and as a triolgy,the Jrassic Park movies are great,and the graphics get better and better.
Rating:  Summary: Three stars for this third movie... not bad for a sequel! Review: This was a cute, action-packed movie. A divorced couple, posing as a wealthy husband and wife, tricks the reluctant Dr. Grant into helping them try to find their son who is stranded on the forbidden, dinosaur-infested island. The plot is fairly predictable, as with most sequels of familiar movies, but manages enough action scenes, suspense, a few surprises, and dinosaur humor to earn a thumbs-up. I loved those pterodactyls!
Rating:  Summary: Great Comeback! Review: This movie is awesome, the special effects are out of this world. It is so far better than the second and almost as good as the first. I think you should go see this in the theater, because if you don't, you'll really miss out and I rarely say this because of the high price of a trip to the theater. See it, you'll love it!!!
Rating:  Summary: A MUST SEE!! Review: JPIII is less structured than it's predecesors but a wild ride still. It grasp our attention and doesn't let go. The dinosaurs are much better looking that the first two, and there is a sense of alarm when we see that the velociraptors can communicate with each other to go after the humans. This is a good movie, but I wish they would come up with a secondary plot in the next movies where we could get sucked in so that the dinosaurs could really surprise the adventurers, and us as well... New in this one are the pterodons and the spinosaurus.